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We study a simplified model of gene regulatory network evolution in which links (regulatory interactions) are added via various selection rules that are based on the structural and dynamical features of the network nodes (genes). Similar to well-studied models of ‘explosive’ percolation, in our approach, links are selectively added so as to delay the transition to large-scale damage propagation, i.e. to make the network robust to small perturbations of gene states. We find that when selection depends only on structure, evolved networks are resistant to widespread damage propagation, even without knowledge of individual gene propensities for becoming ‘damaged’. We also observe that networks evolved to avoid damage propagation tend towards disassortativity (i.e. directed links preferentially connect high degree ‘source’ genes to low degree ‘target’ genes and vice versa). We compare our simulations to reconstructed gene regulatory networks for several different species, with genes and links added over evolutionary time, and we find a similar bias towards disassortativity in the reconstructed networks.  相似文献   

The large-scale properties of chemical reaction systems, such as metabolism, can be studied with graph-based methods. To do this, one needs to reduce the information, lists of chemical reactions, available in databases. Even for the simplest type of graph representation, this reduction can be done in several ways. We investigate different simple network representations by testing how well they encode information about one biologically important network structure—network modularity (the propensity for edges to be clustered into dense groups that are sparsely connected between each other). To achieve this goal, we design a model of reaction systems where network modularity can be controlled and measure how well the reduction to simple graphs captures the modular structure of the model reaction system. We find that the network types that best capture the modular structure of the reaction system are substrate–product networks (where substrates are linked to products of a reaction) and substance networks (with edges between all substances participating in a reaction). Furthermore, we argue that the proposed model for reaction systems with tunable clustering is a general framework for studies of how reaction systems are affected by modularity. To this end, we investigate statistical properties of the model and find, among other things, that it recreates correlations between degree and mass of the molecules.  相似文献   

In biological systems, individual phenotypes are typically adopted by multiple genotypes. Examples include protein structure phenotypes, where each structure can be adopted by a myriad individual amino acid sequence genotypes. These genotypes form vast connected ‘neutral networks’ in genotype space. The size of such neutral networks endows biological systems not only with robustness to genetic change, but also with the ability to evolve a vast number of novel phenotypes that occur near any one neutral network. Whether technological systems can be designed to have similar properties is poorly understood. Here we ask this question for a class of programmable electronic circuits that compute digital logic functions. The functional flexibility of such circuits is important in many applications, including applications of evolutionary principles to circuit design. The functions they compute are at the heart of all digital computation. We explore a vast space of 1045 logic circuits (‘genotypes’) and 1019 logic functions (‘phenotypes’). We demonstrate that circuits that compute the same logic function are connected in large neutral networks that span circuit space. Their robustness or fault-tolerance varies very widely. The vicinity of each neutral network contains circuits with a broad range of novel functions. Two circuits computing different functions can usually be converted into one another via few changes in their architecture. These observations show that properties important for the evolvability of biological systems exist in a commercially important class of electronic circuitry. They also point to generic ways to generate fault-tolerant, adaptable and evolvable electronic circuitry.  相似文献   

Large sets of genotypes give rise to the same phenotype, because phenotypic expression is highly redundant. Accordingly, a population can accept mutations without altering its phenotype, as long as the genotype mutates into another one on the same set. By linking every pair of genotypes that are mutually accessible through mutation, genotypes organize themselves into neutral networks (NNs). These networks are known to be heterogeneous and assortative, and these properties affect the evolutionary dynamics of the population. By studying the dynamics of populations on NNs with arbitrary topology, we analyse the effect of assortativity, of NN (phenotype) fitness and of network size. We find that the probability that the population leaves the network is smaller the longer the time spent on it. This progressive ‘phenotypic entrapment’ entails a systematic increase in the overdispersion of the process with time and an acceleration in the fixation rate of neutral mutations. We also quantify the variation of these effects with the size of the phenotype and with its fitness relative to that of neighbouring alternatives.  相似文献   

Social network-based information campaigns can be used for promoting beneficial health behaviours and mitigating polarization (e.g. regarding climate change or vaccines). Network-based intervention strategies typically rely on full knowledge of network structure. It is largely not possible or desirable to obtain population-level social network data due to availability and privacy issues. It is easier to obtain information about individuals’ attributes (e.g. age, income), which are jointly informative of an individual’s opinions and their social network position. We investigate strategies for influencing the system state in a statistical mechanics based model of opinion formation. Using synthetic and data-based examples we illustrate the advantages of implementing coarse-grained influence strategies on Ising models with modular structure in the presence of external fields. Our work provides a scalable methodology for influencing Ising systems on large graphs and the first exploration of the Ising influence problem in the presence of ambient (social) fields. By exploiting the observation that strong ambient fields can simplify control of networked dynamics, our findings open the possibility of efficiently computing and implementing public information campaigns using insights from social network theory without costly or invasive levels of data collection.  相似文献   

This paper explores the applicability of neural networks for analyzing the uncertainty spread of structural responses under the presence of one-dimensional random fields. Specifically, the neural network is intended to be a partial surrogate of the structural model needed in a Monte Carlo simulation, due to its associative memory properties. The network is trained with some pairs of input and output data obtained by some Monte Carlo simulations and then used in substitution of the finite element solver. In order to minimize the size of the networks, and hence the number of training pairs, the Karhunen–Loéve decomposition is applied as an optimal feature extraction tool. The Monte Carlo samples for training and validation are also generated using this decomposition. The Nyström technique is employed for the numerical solution of the Fredholm integral equation. The radial basis function (RBF) network was selected as the neural device for learning the input/output relationship due to its high accuracy and fast training speed. The analysis shows that this approach constitutes a promising method for stochastic finite element analysis inasmuch as the error with respect to the Monte Carlo simulation is negligible.  相似文献   

Boolean networks are widely used to model gene regulatory networks and to design therapeutic intervention strategies to affect the long‐term behavior of systems. Here, the authors investigate the 1 bit perturbation, which falls under the category of structural intervention. The authors’ idea is that, if and only if a perturbed state evolves from a desirable attractor to an undesirable attractor or from an undesirable attractor to a desirable attractor, then the size of basin of attractor of a desirable attractor may decrease or increase. In this case, if the authors obtain the net BOS of the perturbed states, they can quickly obtain the optimal 1 bit perturbation by finding the maximum value of perturbation gain. Results from both synthetic and real biological networks show that the proposed algorithm is not only simpler and but also performs better than the previous basin‐of‐states (BOS)‐based algorithm by Hu et al..Inspec keywords: perturbation theory, genetics, Boolean functionsOther keywords: optimal perturbation, perturbed states, Boolean network, gene regulatory networks, basin‐of‐states‐based algorithm, state‐transition diagram, structural intervention, perturbation gain, synthetic biological networks, real biological networks, 1 bit perturbation  相似文献   

利用Banach不动点理论和Lyapunov函数方法,在较一般条件下研究了具有分布时滞的分流抑制细胞神经网络概周期解的存在性和全局吸引性,给出了新的判据,推广了已知文献的一些结果且易于在实际工程领域中验证。  相似文献   

We propose a methodology for extracting social network structure from spatio-temporal datasets that describe timestamped occurrences of individuals. Our approach identifies temporal regions of dense agent activity and links are drawn between individuals based on their co-occurrences across these ‘gathering events’. The statistical significance of these connections is then tested against an appropriate null model. Such a framework allows us to exploit the wealth of analytical and computational tools of network analysis in settings where the underlying connectivity pattern between interacting agents (commonly termed the adjacency matrix) is not given a priori. We perform experiments on two large-scale datasets (greater than 106 points) of great tit Parus major wild bird foraging records and illustrate the use of this approach by examining the temporal dynamics of pairing behaviour, a process that was previously very hard to observe. We show that established pair bonds are maintained continuously, whereas new pair bonds form at variable times before breeding, but are characterized by a rapid development of network proximity. The method proposed here is general, and can be applied to any system with information about the temporal co-occurrence of interacting agents.  相似文献   

Animal societies rely on interactions between group members to effectively communicate and coordinate their actions. To date, the transmission properties of interaction networks formed by direct physical contacts have been extensively studied for many animal societies and in all cases found to inhibit spreading. Such direct interactions do not, however, represent the only viable pathways. When spreading agents can persist in the environment, indirect transmission via ‘same-place, different-time’ spatial coincidences becomes possible. Previous studies have neglected these indirect pathways and their role in transmission. Here, we use rock ant colonies, a model social species whose flat nest geometry, coupled with individually tagged workers, allowed us to build temporally and spatially explicit interaction networks in which edges represent either direct physical contacts or indirect spatial coincidences. We show how the addition of indirect pathways allows the network to enhance or inhibit the spreading of different types of agent. This dual-functionality arises from an interplay between the interaction-strength distribution generated by the ants'' movement and environmental decay characteristics of the spreading agent. These findings offer a general mechanism for understanding how interaction patterns might be tuned in animal societies to control the simultaneous transmission of harmful and beneficial agents.  相似文献   

The structure of many biological, social and technological systems can usefully be described in terms of complex networks. Although often portrayed as fixed in time, such networks are inherently dynamic, as the edges that join nodes are cut and rewired, and nodes themselves update their states. Understanding the structure of these networks requires us to understand the dynamic processes that create, maintain and modify them. Here, we build upon existing models of coevolving networks to characterize how dynamic behaviour at the level of individual nodes generates stable aggregate behaviours. We focus particularly on the dynamics of groups of nodes formed endogenously by nodes that share similar properties (represented as node state) and demonstrate that, under certain conditions, network modularity based on state compares well with network modularity based on topology. We show that if nodes rewire their edges based on fixed node states, the network modularity reaches a stable equilibrium which we quantify analytically. Furthermore, if node state is not fixed, but can be adopted from neighbouring nodes, the distribution of group sizes reaches a dynamic equilibrium, which remains stable even as the composition and identity of the groups change. These results show that dynamic networks can maintain the stable community structure that has been observed in many social and biological systems.  相似文献   

We present a method for solving partial differential equations using artificial neural networks and an adaptive collocation strategy. In this procedure, a coarse grid of training points is used at the initial training stages, while more points are added at later stages based on the value of the residual at a larger set of evaluation points. This method increases the robustness of the neural network approximation and can result in significant computational savings, particularly when the solution is non-smooth. Numerical results are presented for benchmark problems for scalar-valued PDEs, namely Poisson and Helmholtz equations, as well as for an inverse acoustics problem.  相似文献   

The oxidation behavior of hot pressed nanocrystalline Cr–33Nb alloys was modeled using a feed-forward multilayer Perceptron artificial neural network model. It was found that the artificial neural networks model is an applicable method for prediction of the oxidation behavior of hot pressed nanocrystalline Cr–33Nb alloys. The optimum number of the neurons and hidden layers to do this simulation was 16 and 16, respectively.  相似文献   

In this paper we have compared the abilities of two types of artificial neural networks (ANN): multilayer perceptron (MLP) and wavelet neural network (WNN) — for prediction of three gasoline properties (density, benzene content and ethanol content). Three sets of near infrared (NIR) spectra (285, 285 and 375 gasoline spectra) were used for calibration models building. Cross-validation errors and structures of optimized MLP and WNN were compared for each sample set. Four different transfer functions (Morlet wavelet and Gaussian derivative – for WNN; logistic and hyperbolic tangent – for MLP) were also compared. Wavelet neural network was found to be more effective and robust than multilayer perceptron.  相似文献   

We quantify characteristics of the informational architecture of two representative biological networks: the Boolean network model for the cell-cycle regulatory network of the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe (Davidich et al. 2008 PLoS ONE 3, e1672 (doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0001672)) and that of the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Li et al. 2004 Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 101, 4781–4786 (doi:10.1073/pnas.0305937101)). We compare our results for these biological networks with the same analysis performed on ensembles of two different types of random networks: Erdös–Rényi and scale-free. We show that both biological networks share features in common that are not shared by either random network ensemble. In particular, the biological networks in our study process more information than the random networks on average. Both biological networks also exhibit a scaling relation in information transferred between nodes that distinguishes them from random, where the biological networks stand out as distinct even when compared with random networks that share important topological properties, such as degree distribution, with the biological network. We show that the most biologically distinct regime of this scaling relation is associated with a subset of control nodes that regulate the dynamics and function of each respective biological network. Information processing in biological networks is therefore interpreted as an emergent property of topology (causal structure) and dynamics (function). Our results demonstrate quantitatively how the informational architecture of biologically evolved networks can distinguish them from other classes of network architecture that do not share the same informational properties.  相似文献   

This is the second part of the survey of recent and emerging topics in wireless networking. We provide an overview of the area of wireless networking as that of dealing with problems of resource allocation so that the various connections that utilise the network achieve their desired performance objectives. In Part I we provided a taxonomy of wireless networks as they have been deployed. We then provided a quick survey of the main issues in the wireless ‘physical’ layer. We then discussed some resource allocation formulations in CDMA (code division multiple access) cellular networks and OFDMA (orthogonal frequency division multiple access) networks. In this part we begin with a discussion of random access wireless networks. We first provide an overview of the evolution of random access networks from Aloha to the currently popular 802·11 (Wi-Fi) networks. We then analyse the performance of the 802· 11 random access protocol. We briefly discuss the problem of optimal association of nodes to Wi-Fi access points. Next, we consider topics in ad hoc multihop wireless networks. We first discuss topology and cross layer control. For the latter, we describe the important maximum weight link scheduling algorithm. The connectivity and capacity of randomly deployed networks are then analysed. Finally, we provide an overview of the technical issues in the emerging area of wireless sensor networks.  相似文献   

The results of this paper show that neural networks could be a very promising tool for reliability data analysis. Identifying the underlying distribution of a set of failure data and estimating its distribution parameters are necessary in reliability engineering studies. In general, either a chi-square or a non-parametric goodness-of-fit test is used in the distribution identification process which includes the pattern interpretation of the failure data histograms. However, those procedures can guarantee neither an accurate distribution identification nor a robust parameter estimation when small data samples are available. Basically, the graphical approach of distribution fitting is a pattern recognition problem and parameter estimation is a classification problem where neural networks have been proved to be a suitable tool. This paper presents an exploratory study of a neural network approach, validated by simulated experiments, for analysing small-sample reliability data. A counter-propagation network is used in classifying normal, uniform, exponential and Weibull distributions. A back-propagation network is used in the parameter estimation of a two-parameter Weibull distribution.  相似文献   

为提高超声无损检测的准确性,需要对超声NDE信号中因随机分布于媒质中的大量散射微粒所引起的结构噪声进行降噪。由于信号和噪声的频谱范围基本重叠,传统的线性滤波方法不能提供理想的降噪结果。介绍了几种对超声NDE信号进行降噪的新方法:Wigner-Ville分布法、小波变换法和基于时间延迟的神经网络法,并从信噪比(SNR)、检测概率(PD)和估测深度(ED)等三个重要参数对它们的降噪性能进行计算机仿真实验的比较。结果表明:小波变换法和神经网络法的降噪效果较Wigner-Ville分布法要好。对实际信号的测试还表明,小波变换由于不像神经网络那样需要训练,是一种更为理想的超声NDE信号降噪方法。  相似文献   

Due to their massively parallel structure and ability to learn by example, artificial neural networks can deal with nonlinear problems for which an accurate analytical solution is difficult to obtain. These networks have been used in modeling the mechanical behavior of fiber-reinforced composite materials. Although promising results were obtained using such networks, more investigation on the appropriate choice of their structure and their performance in the presence of limited and noisy data is needed. On the other hand, polynomials networks have been known to have excellent properties as classifiers and are universal approximators to the optimal Bayes classifier. Not being dependant on various user defined parameters, having less computational requirements makes their use over other methods, such as neural networks, an advantage.

In this work, the fatigue behavior of unidirectional glass fiber/epoxy composite laminae under tension–tension and tension–compression loading is predicted using feedforward and recurrent neural networks. These predictions are compared to those obtained using polynomial classifiers. Experimental data obtained for fiber orientation angles of 0°, 19°, 45°, 71° and 90° under stress ratios of 0.5, 0 and –1 is used.

It is shown that, even when a small number of experimental data points is used to train both polynomial classifiers and neural networks, the predictions obtained are comparable to other current fatigue life-prediction methods. Also, polynomial classifiers are shown to provide accurate modeling between the input parameters (maximum stress, R-ratio, fiber orientation angle) and the number of cycles to failure when compared to neural networks.  相似文献   

Failure behavior of Zn coated Fe is simulated through molecular dynamics (MD) and the energy absorbed at the onset of failure along with the corresponding strain of the Zn lattice are computed for different levels of applied shear rate, temperature and thickness. Data-driven models are constructed by feeding the MD results to an evolutionary neural network. The outputs of these neural networks are utilized to carry out a multi-objective optimization through genetic algorithms, where the best possible tradeoffs between two conflicting requirements, minimum deformation and maximum energy absorption at the onset of failure, are determined by constructing a Pareto frontier.  相似文献   

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