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Cross-linking can be used to identify spatial relationships between amino acids in proteins or protein complexes. A rapid and sensitive method for identifying the site of protein cross-linking using dithiobis(sulfosuccinimidyl propionate) (DTSSP) is presented and illustrated with experiments using murine cortactin, actin and acyl-CoA thioesterase. A characteristic 66 Da doublet, which arises from the asymmetric fragmentation of the disulfide of DTSSP-modified peptides, is observed in the mass spectra obtained under MALDI-TOF/TOF-MS conditions and allows rapid assignment of cross-links in modified proteins. This doublet is observed not only for linear cross-linked peptides but also in the mass spectra of cyclic cross-linked peptides when simultaneous fragmentation of the disulfide and the peptide backbone occurs. We suggest a likely mechanism for this fragmentation. We use guanidinylation of the cross-linked peptides with O-methyl isourea to extend the coverage of cross-linked peptides observed in this MALDI-MS technique. The methodology we report is robust and amenable to automation, and permits the analysis of native cystines along with those introduced by disulfide-containing cross-linkers.  相似文献   

Amphipols (APols) are amphipathic polymers with the ability to substitute detergents to keep membrane proteins (MPs) soluble and functional in aqueous solutions. APols also protect MPs against denaturation. Here, we have examined the ability of APol-trapped MPs to be analyzed by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS). For that purpose, we have used ionic and nonionic APols and as model proteins (i) the transmembrane domain of Escherichia coli outer membrane protein A, a β-barrel, eubacterial MP, (ii) Halobacterium salinarum bacteriorhodopsin, an α-helical archaebacterial MP with a single cofactor, and (iii, iv) two eukaryotic MP complexes comprising multiple subunits and many cofactors, cytochrome b(6)f from the chloroplast of the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and cytochrome bc(1) from beef heart mitochondria. We show that these MP/APol complexes can be readily analyzed by MALDI-TOF-MS; most of the subunits and some lipids and cofactors were identified. APols alone, even ionic ones, had no deleterious effects on MS signals and were not detected in mass spectra. Thus, the combination of MP stabilization by APols and MS analyses provides an interesting new approach to investigating supramolecular interactions in biological membranes.  相似文献   

Surface-induced dissociation by Fourier transform mass spectrometry   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A detailed procedure for performing surface-induced dissociation (SID) of ions in a dual-cell Fourier transform mass spectrometer is described. It is shown that the technique is applicable to both electron ionization and laser desorption measurements. SID spectra of perfluorotri-n-butylamine, anthracene, (5,10,15,20-tetraphenyl-21H,23H-prophinato)-iron(III) chloride, and [5,10,15,20-tetrakis(2,6-dibromo-phenyl)-21H,23H-prophina to]iron(III) chloride are presented. Conversion efficiencies of molecular ions between 1% and 30% are obtained. It is concluded the method holds promise for dissociation of high mass laser-desorbed ions.  相似文献   

Use of stable isotope-labeled full-length proteins as an internal standard prior to multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) analysis enables prefractionation of the target proteins and quantification of those low-abundance proteins, which cannot be reached without biological sample enrichment. In terms of membrane proteins, this benefit can be used if a sample processing workflow allows entire solubilization of membrane proteins. We have developed a universal workflow for sample processing and enrichment by optimizing washing and solubilization conditions and implementing sample fractionation by Whole Gel Eluter. The optimized protocol was applied to various membrane-bound cytochromes P450 (CYPs) and their electron transferring protein partners, cytochrome P450 reductase (CPR), ferredoxin reductase (FdR), and ferredoxin (Fdx), all important proteins for cholesterol elimination from different organs. Both, weakly associated (CPR and FdR) and tightly associated (CYP7B1, CYP11A1, CYP27A1, and CYP46A1) membrane proteins were quantified. Measurements were performed on three human tissues (temporal lobe of the brain, retina, and retinal pigment epithelium) obtained from multiple donors. The biological implications of our quantitative measurements are also discussed.  相似文献   

Jung SY  Li Y  Wang Y  Chen Y  Zhao Y  Qin J 《Analytical chemistry》2008,80(5):1721-1729
Identification of protein methylation sites typically starts with database searching of MS/MS spectra of proteolytic digest of the target protein by allowing addition of 14 and 28 Da in the selected amino acid residues that can be methylated. Despite the progress in our understanding of lysine and arginine methylation, substrates and functions of protein methylation at other amino acid residues remain unknown. Here we report the analysis of protein methylation for p53, SMC3, iNOS, and MeCP2. We found that a large number of peptides can be modified on the lysine, arginine, histidine, and glutamic acid residues with a mass increase of 14 or 28 Da, consistent with methylation. Surprisingly, a majority of which did not demonstrate a corresponding mass shift when cells were cultured with isotope-labeled methionine, a precursor for the synthesis of S-adenosyl-l-methionine (SAM), which is the most commonly used methyl donor for protein methylation. These results suggest the possibility of either exogenous protein methylation during sample handling and processing for mass spectrometry or the existence of SAM-independent pathways for protein methylation. Our study found a high occurrence of protein methylation from SDS-PAGE isolated endogenous proteins and identified complications for assigning such modifications as in vivo methylation. This study provides a cautionary note for solely relying on mass shift for mass spectrometric identification of protein methylation and highlights the importance of in vivo isotope labeling as a necessary validation method.  相似文献   

The extension of quantitation methods for small peptides to ions above 5 kDa, and eventually to global quantitative proteomics of intact proteins, will require extensive refinement of current analytical approaches. Here we evaluate postgrowth Cys-labeling and 14N/15N metabolic labeling strategies for determination of relative protein expression levels and their posttranslational modifications using top-down mass spectrometry (MS). We show that intact proteins that are differentially alkylated with acrylamide (+71 Da) versus iodoacetamide (+57 Da) have substantial chromatographic shifts during reversed-phase liquid chromatography separation (particularly in peak tails), indicating a requirement for stable isotopes in alkylation tags for top-down MS. In the 14N/15N metabolic labeling strategy, we achieve 98% 15N incorporation in yeast grown 10 generations under aerobic conditions and determine 50 expression ratios using Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance MS in comparing these cells to anaerobically grown control (14N) cells. We devise quantitative methods for top-down analyses, including a correction factor for accurate protein ratio determination based upon the signal-to-noise ratio. Using a database of 200 yeast protein forms identified previously by top-down MS, we verify the intact mass tag concept for protein identification without tandem MS. Overall, we find that top-down MS promises work flows capable of large-scale proteome profiling using stable isotope labeling and the determination of >5 protein ratios per spectrum.  相似文献   

A new method for the detection of gas-phase hydroperoxides is described. The clustering chemistry of CF3O- is exploited to produce speciated measurements of several hydroperoxides with high sensitivity and fast time response. Correspondence of airborne observations made with this technique and the established HPLC method is illustrated. CF3O- appears to be a highly versatile reagent ion for measurements of both weak and strong acids in the atmosphere.  相似文献   

A new method of ion injection and trapping is discussed wherein ions are accumulated over several laser shots in the FT-ICR cell prior to detection. This allows accumulation of ion signal without accumulating noise so that the signal/noise ratio is much improved provided that the "space-charge" limit of the total number of ions in the cell is not exceeded. "In-cell" ion accumulation allows selected ion accumulation by simply sweeping unwanted ions out of the cell prior to subsequent ion trapping events and also allows shifted ion accumulations to correct for time-of-flight distortions in the ion abundance distributions.  相似文献   

Interest in on-line measurements of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) is increasing, as sensitive, compact, and affordable direct inlet mass spectrometers are becoming available. Proton-transfer reaction mass spectrometry (PTR-MS) distinguishes itself by its high sensitivity (low ppt range), high time resolution (200 ms), little ionization-induced fragmentation, and ionization efficiency independent of the compound to be analyzed. Yet, PTR-MS has a shortcoming. It is a one-dimensional technique that characterizes compounds only via their mass, which is not sufficient for positive identification. Here, we introduce a technical and analytical extension of PTR-MS, which removes this shortcoming, while preserving its salient and unique features. Combining separation of VOCs by gas chromatography (GC) with simultaneous and parallel detection of the GC effluent by PTR-MS and electron impact MS, an unambiguous interpretation of complex PTR-MS spectra becomes feasible. This novel development is discussed on the basis of characteristic performance parameters, such as resolution, linear range, and detection limit. The recently developed drift tube with a reduced reaction volume is crucial to exploit the full potential of the setup. We illustrate the performance of the novel setup by analyzing a complex food system.  相似文献   

Protein-protein interactions are key to function and regulation of many biological pathways. To facilitate characterization of protein-protein interactions using mass spectrometry, a new data acquisition/analysis pipeline was designed. The goal for this pipeline was to provide a generic strategy for identifying cross-linked peptides from single LC/MS/MS data sets, without using specialized cross-linkers or custom-written software. To achieve this, each peptide in the pair of cross-linked peptides was considered to be "post-translationally" modified with an unknown mass at an unknown amino acid. This allowed use of an open-modification search engine, Popitam, to interpret the tandem mass spectra of cross-linked peptides. False positives were reduced and database selectivity increased by acquiring precursors and fragments at high mass accuracy. Additionally, a high-charge-state-driven data acquisition scheme was utilized to enrich data sets for cross-linked peptides. This open-modification search based pipeline was shown to be useful for characterizing both chemical as well as native cross-links in proteins. The pipeline was validated by characterizing the known interactions in the chemically cross-linked CYP2E1-b5 complex. Utility of this method in identifying native cross-links was demonstrated by mapping disulfide bridges in RcsF, an outer membrane lipoprotein involved in Rcs phosphorelay.  相似文献   

Tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) is a powerful tool for characterization of post-translationally modified proteins, including epsilon-N-acetyllysine-containing species. Previous reports indicate that epsilon-N-acetyllysine immonium ions are useful marker ions for peptides containing epsilon-N-acetyllysine, but the specificity and sensitivity of these ions for assignment of lysine acetylation by MS/MS have not been studied in detail. We investigated MS/MS data sets of 172 epsilon-N-acetyllysine tryptic peptides and 268 nonacetylated tryptic peptides to establish the utility and reliability of epsilon-N-acetyllysine immonium ions for identification and validation of acetylated peptides. Our analysis shows that the immonium ion at m/z 143 lacks specificity for lysine-acetylated peptides, whereas the derivative at m/z 126 is highly specific (98.1%). We also studied the positional effect of the epsilon-N-acetyllysine on the intensity of observed acetyllysine immonium ions. We observed an increase in acetyllysine immonium ion intensities when the acetylated lysine was N-terminally positioned in the peptide as compared to internal positions. Based on these observations we propose a validation scheme for unambiguous assignment of acetyllysine-containing peptides by MS/MS. Our analysis of epsilon-N-acetyllysine immonium ions provide a framework for investigation of MS/MS marker ion specificity and sensitivity that can be applied in studies of other types of post-translational modifications.  相似文献   

Syage JA  Cai SS  Li J  Evans MD 《Analytical chemistry》2006,78(9):2967-2976
The vulnerability of water supplies to toxic contamination calls for fast and effective means for screening water samples for multiple threats. We describe the use of photoionization (PI) mass spectrometry (MS) for high-speed, high-throughput screening and molecular identification of chemical weapons (CW) threats and other hazardous compounds. The screening technology can detect a wide range of compounds at subacute concentrations with no sample preparation and a sampling cycle time of approximately 45 s. The technology was tested with CW agents VX, GA, GB, GD, GF, HD, HN1, and HN3, in addition to riot agents and precursors. All are sensitively detected and give simple PI mass spectra dominated by the parent ion. The target application of the PI MS method is as a routine, real-time early warning system for CW agents and other hazardous compounds in air and in water. In this work, we also present comprehensive measurements for water analysis and report on the system detection limits, linearity, quantitation accuracy, and false positive (FP) and false negative rates for concentrations at subacute levels. The latter data are presented in the form of receiver operating characteristic curves of the form of detection probability P(D) versus FP probability P(FP). These measurements were made using the CW surrogate compounds, DMMP, DEMP, DEEP, and DIMP. Method detection limits (3sigma) obtained using a capillary injection method yielded 1, 6, 3, and 2 ng/mL, respectively. These results were obtained using 1-microL injections of water samples without any preparation, corresponding to mass detection limits of 1, 6, 3, and 2 pg, respectively. The linear range was about 3-4 decades and the dynamic range about 4-5 decades. The relative standard deviations were generally <10% at CW subacute concentrations levels.  相似文献   

A new method for isolating ions for tandem mass spectrometry analyses in Fourier transform mass spectrometry is illustrated. The method employs an infrared laser to dissociate completely the undesired ions. The selected ions are excited to an orbit away from the degradative portion of the laser beam. Ion isolation was accomplished and tandem mass spectrometry experiments were performed on model oligosaccharides and compounds from biological samples.  相似文献   

Here we show that fragment ion abundances from dissociation of ions created from mixtures of multiply modified histone H4 (11 kDa) or of N-terminal synthetic peptides (2 kDa) correspond to their respective intact ion abundances measured by Fourier transform mass spectrometry. Isomeric mixtures of modified forms of the same protein are resolved and quantitated with a precision of 相似文献   

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