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随着塑料工业的发展,塑料已广泛地进入了人们的生活领域。在我们日常生活中常用的杯、瓶、壶、盆、桶、碗筷、汤匙等盛具;盥洗用的牙刷、肥皂盒、牙具袋、梳子;随身携带的圆珠笔、钱包、手提包、提篮、皮夹、腰带;防水用的雨衣、雨伞、雨帽、凉鞋;还有台布、窗帘、窗纱、蚊帐、家具及乒乓球、收音机壳、电视机壳、儿童玩具、电影胶片、照相底片、绳索、渔网、鱼标等,都可以用塑料  相似文献   

正自然界,为人类提供了生存、生活,以及进行创造的物质基础。人们在自然界的劳动实践中,获取了竹、木、柳、藤、草、棉、革、漆、土、玉、石、陶、瓷、金、银、铜、铁、锡等成为生活用品的材料。随着造物活动的扩大,人们也创造了与这些材质相适应的雕、镂、刻、削、染、缝、绘、髹、铸、琢、磨等工艺。但幅员辽阔的神州大地山川各异、物产多样,加上历史进程与民族的不同,风  相似文献   

赵罡 《中华手工》2018,(6):42-49
自然界,为人类提供了生存、生活,以及进行创造的物质基础。人们在自然界的劳动实践中,获取了竹、木、柳、藤、草、棉、革、漆、土、玉、石、陶、瓷、金、银、铜、铁、锡等成为生活用品的材料。随着造物活动的扩大,人们也创造了与这些材质相适应的雕、镂、刻、削、染、缝、绘、髹、铸、琢、磨等工艺。  相似文献   

七十年代以来,国外化妆品采用动植物的添加剂增长的极快。来自动物的有胎盘油、蛋黄油、骨胶原、蜂王浆、骨髓、血浆等。来自植物的有人参、银耳、七叶树、金盏花、白芷、当归、桔梗、麻黄、颠茄、欧芹、飞帘、升麻、甘菊、大麦壳、西门木、指甲花、芦荟、芝麻、旱金莲、杏仁等多种药用植物,以及昆布、胡萝卜、葱、蒜、苹果、杨梅、鳄梨、佛手、黄瓜、甜瓜、西瓜、野生梨等。由昆布、蓝藻、绿藻等萃取物制的洗发剂,可促进头发生长;用芝麻、芦荟、昆布、大麦芽  相似文献   

1994年化工产品行情 1994年化工部实行指令性计划分配和组织产需衔接的53种(类)化工产品中: 1.畅销的有9种:氰化钠、黄磷、甲苯、二甲苯、甲醇、丁醇、辛醇、苯酐、邻甲苯胺,占品种总数的17%。 2.平销的有33种:硫铁矿、磷矿、硼矿、纯碱、烧碱、硼酸、硼砂、氰化钾、氧化锌、钛白粉、氯磺酸、纯苯、粗苯、萘、电石、冰醋酸、丙酮、苯酚、苯胺、硝基苯、硫酸二甲酯、环己酮、己内  相似文献   

文物的种类多种多样,在地面上有古建筑、古遗址、石窟寺……,从地下出土后成为馆藏文物的有金属器、陶瓷器、漆竹木器、织绣品、书画文件……等。按其所构成的材质来讲,可以有金、银、铜、铁、锡、铅、丝、毛、棉、麻、竹、木、纸张、皮革、骨甲、砖石、陶土……等。文物都是历史的遗存物,由于遭到大自然的侵袭与破坏,绝大部分的文物已经腐蚀、风化、脆弱、糟朽,在地下还会继续受到土壤、水分、无机盐、有机物和微生物的侵袭。出土后,受到周围环境的温、湿度变化、氧、二氧化碳、二氧化硫……的影响;尘埃、盐分、虫霉的污染以及阳光的照射,从而大大地加速了它们的腐蚀、风化破坏过程。  相似文献   

“一、二、三、四、五、六、七、八……”,“红、玫红、湖蓝、浅灰……”这是在数什么呢?原来是绢子在清点她的宝贝披肩呢。长的、短的、宽的、窄的、薄的、厚的、格子的、花纹的……,这么多的披肩该如何收纳呢?不用担心,绢子自有自己的方法——  相似文献   

2003~2004年国外塑料工业进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
收集了2003年7月~2004年6月国外塑料工业的相关资料,介绍了2003年~2004年国外塑料工业的发展情况,提供了世界几大区域塑料的产量、增长率及所占份额,美国、德国、日本、韩国、法国、比利时、中国台湾、加拿大、巴西、西班牙等国家和地区的不同树脂的产量及消费量,各国、各地区塑料原料的产量、进出口量、国内消费量和人均消费量,日本塑料原料的生产情况。按通用热塑性树脂(聚乙烯、聚丙烯、聚苯乙烯、聚氯乙烯、ABS树脂)、工程塑料(聚酰胺、聚碳酸酯、聚甲醛、热塑性聚酯、聚苯醚)、通用热固性树脂(酚醛、聚氨酯、不饱和树脂、环氧树脂)、特种工程塑料(聚苯硫醚、液晶聚合物、聚醚醚酮)的品种顺序,对树脂的产量、消费量、供需状况及合成工艺、产品开发、树脂品种的延伸及应用的扩展作了详细的介绍。  相似文献   

表面活性剂是一类具有特殊性能的物质,它有去污、乳化、渗透、扩散、起泡、杀菌以及抗静电的能力。作为去污剂、乳化剂、渗透剂,匀染剂、柔软剂、抗静电剂、起泡剂、防锈剂、杀菌剂,广泛地用于地质、石油、冶金、机械、化工、建材、纺织、印染、皮革、造纸、农药、食品、化妆品和洗涤剂等部门。合成表面活性剂是一门新兴的工业。  相似文献   

<正> 化工辞典第二版于1979年12月出版。本辞典是一部综合性的化工工具书。收集的词目包括化学矿物、金属、非金属、无机化学品、有机化学品、基本有机原料、化肥、农药、树脂、塑料、橡胶、化学纤维、粘合剂、医药、染料、涂料、颜料、助剂、燃料、感光材料、炸药、硅酸盐材料、纸、油脂、表面活性剂、皮革、香料等专业名词,以及无机化学、有机化学、分析化学、物理化学、高分子化学、化学工程、化工机械、化工自动化、环境保护等基本名词,共计约一万零五百条。为了达到普及的  相似文献   

王彦  左宁  姜媛媛  陈芳媛 《化工进展》2020,39(4):1539-1549
污泥生物炭中氮硫元素含量高,其氮硫行为和环境效应对全球气候变化的影响不容忽视。以往的研究中,研究者往往以富碳生物炭作为主要研究对象,关注碳对全球气候变化的行为和功效,而对氮硫元素的作用关注不够。本文从原始污泥基本性质到其热解过程,再到生物炭的老化,逐步对污泥生物炭整个生命周期内氮硫的行为及其环境效应研究进行综述,并对未来应注重开展的研究方向进行展望,为生物炭中氮硫元素固定、释放及与之关联的环境效应和温室气体排放控制研究提供理论基础。分析表明,污泥中氮元素含量普遍高于硫元素,且热解过程中氮比硫更容易转移至气相产物。氮硫元素随热解温度的增加,在三相产物中的分配都是炭中持续减少,油中先增后减,气中一直增加。高温(>800℃)条件下,气相中的氮含量高于固相,而硫元素则仍然主要存在于固相中。污泥生物炭老化及其环境效应研究表明,污泥生物炭氮硫元素与土壤的相互作用及其温室效应问题在今后的研究中应引起重视。  相似文献   

The dentate gyrus (DG), an important part of the hippocampus, plays a significant role in learning, memory, and emotional behavior. Factors potentially influencing normal development of neurons and glial cells in the DG during its maturation can exert long-lasting effects on brain functions. Early life stress may modify maturation of the DG and induce lifelong alterations in its structure and functioning, underlying brain pathologies in adults. In this paper, maturation of neurons and glial cells (microglia and astrocytes) and the effects of early life events on maturation processes in the DG have been comprehensively reviewed. Early postnatal interventions affecting the DG eventually result in an altered number of granule neurons in the DG, ectopic location of neurons and changes in adult neurogenesis. Adverse events in early life provoke proinflammatory changes in hippocampal glia at cellular and molecular levels immediately after stress exposure. Later, the cellular changes may disappear, though alterations in gene expression pattern persist. Additional stressful events later in life contribute to manifestation of glial changes and behavioral deficits. Alterations in the maturation of neuronal and glial cells induced by early life stress are interdependent and influence the development of neural nets, thus predisposing the brain to the development of cognitive and psychiatric disorders.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted. In the first, male rats were immersed for 25 min in fresh water or water previously swum in by another rat. Control rats were not immersed in water. Rats tested in water previously swum in by another rat were significantly less immobile than rats tested in fresh water. Water immersion resulted in significant increases in serum corticosterone, glucose, and phosphorus levels, a decrease in potassium levels, and a higher phosphorus/potassium ratio, compared to nonimmersed controls regardless of water condition. When the two water-immersed groups were compared, rats tested in previously swum water had significantly higher glucose and significantly lower potassium levels and a higher phosphorus/potassium ratio than rats tested in fresh water. Immobility times were significantly correlated with the phosphorus/potassium ratio. In the second experiment, blood gases were measured prior to testing and at 25 min after immersion in rats tested in fresh and previously swum water. Rats in soiled water hypoventilated to a significantly greater extent than rats in fresh water but did not differ significantly in blood oxygenation. These two studies demonstrate that alarm chemosignals can produce physiological effects in conspecifics.  相似文献   

The relationship of lacunocanalicular network structure and mechanoresponse has not been well studied. The lacunocanalicular structures differed in the compression and tension sides, in the regions, and in genders in wild-type femoral cortical bone. The overexpression of Sp7 in osteoblasts resulted in thin and porous cortical bone with increased osteoclasts and apoptotic osteocytes, and the number of canaliculi was half of that in the wild-type mice, leading to a markedly impaired lacunocanalicular network. To investigate the response to unloading, we performed tail suspension. Unloading reduced trabecular and cortical bone in the Sp7 transgenic mice due to reduced bone formation. Sost-positive osteocytes increased by unloading on the compression side, but not on the tension side of cortical bone in the wild-type femurs. However, these differential responses were lost in the Sp7 transgenic femurs. Serum Sost increased in the Sp7 transgenic mice, but not in the wild-type mice. Unloading reduced the Col1a1 and Bglap/Bglap2 expression in the Sp7 transgenic mice but not the wild-type mice. Thus, Sp7 transgenic mice with the impaired lacunocanalicular network induced Sost expression by unloading but lost the differential regulation in the compression and tension sides, and the mice failed to restore bone formation during unloading, implicating the relationship of lacunocanalicular network structure and the regulation of bone formation in mechanoresponse.  相似文献   

The Trk family of receptors play a wide variety of roles in physiological and disease processes in both neuronal and non-neuronal tissues. Amongst these the TrkB receptor in particular has attracted major attention due to its critical role in signalling for brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), neurotrophin-3 (NT3) and neurotrophin-4 (NT4). TrkB signalling is indispensable for the survival, development and synaptic plasticity of several subtypes of neurons in the nervous system. Substantial evidence has emerged over the last decade about the involvement of aberrant TrkB signalling and its compromise in various neuropsychiatric and degenerative conditions. Unusual changes in TrkB signalling pathway have also been observed and implicated in a range of cancers. Variations in TrkB pathway have been observed in obesity and hyperphagia related disorders as well. Both BDNF and TrkB have been shown to play critical roles in the survival of retinal ganglion cells in the retina. The ability to specifically modulate TrkB signalling can be critical in various pathological scenarios associated with this pathway. In this review, we discuss the mechanisms underlying TrkB signalling, disease implications and explore plausible ameliorative or preventive approaches.  相似文献   

Sporadic amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (sALS) is a fatal progressive neurodegenerative disease affecting upper and lower motor neurons. Biomarkers are useful to facilitate the diagnosis and/or prognosis of patients and to reveal possible mechanistic clues about the disease. This study aimed to identify and validate selected putative biomarkers in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of sALS patients at early disease stages compared with age-matched controls and with other neurodegenerative diseases including Alzheimer disease (AD), spinal muscular atrophy type III (SMA), frontotemporal dementia behavioral variant (FTD), and multiple sclerosis (MS). SWATH acquisition on liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC–MS/MS) for protein quantitation, and ELISA for validation, were used in CSF samples of sALS cases at early stages of the disease. Analysis of mRNA and protein expression was carried out in the anterior horn of the lumbar spinal cord in post-mortem tissue of sALS cases (terminal stage) and controls using RTq-PCR, and Western blotting, and immunohistochemistry, respectively. SWATH acquisition on liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC–MS/MS) revealed 51 differentially expressed proteins in the CSF in sALS. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves showed CXCL12 to be the most valuable candidate biomarker. We validated the values of CXCL12 in CSF with ELISA in two different cohorts. Besides sALS, increased CXCL12 levels were found in MS but were not altered in AD, SMA, and FTD. Therefore, increased CXCL12 levels in the CSF can be useful in the diagnoses of MS and sALS in the context of the clinical settings. CXCL12 immunoreactivity was localized in motor neurons in control and sALS, and in a few glial cells in sALS at the terminal stage; CXCR4 was in a subset of oligodendroglial-like cells and axonal ballooning of motor neurons in sALS; and CXCR7 in motor neurons in control and sALS, and reactive astrocytes in the pyramidal tracts in terminal sALS. CXCL12/CXCR4/CXCR7 axis in the spinal cord probably plays a complex role in inflammation, oligodendroglial and astrocyte signaling, and neuronal and axonal preservation in sALS.  相似文献   

Frick F  Hume R  Robinson IC  Edén S  Oscarsson J 《Lipids》2008,43(4):313-324
Transgenic Late-onset OBesity (LOB) rats slowly develop a male-specific, autosomal dominant, obesity phenotype with a specific increase in peri-renal white adipose tissue (WAT) depot and preserved insulin sensitivity (Bains et al. in Endocrinology 145:2666–2679, 2004). To better understand the remarkable phenotype of these rats, the lipid metabolism was investigated in male LOB and non-transgenic (NT) littermates. Total plasma cholesterol (C) levels were normal but total plasma triacylglycerol (TAG) (2.8-fold) and hepatic TAG content (25%) was elevated in LOB males. Plasma VLDL-C and VLDL-TAG levels were higher while plasma apoB levels were 60% lower in LOB males. Increased hepatic TAG secretion explained the increased VLDL levels in LOB males. The hepatic gene expression of FAS, SCD-1, mitochondrial (mt)GPAT, and DGAT2 was up-regulated in both old obese and young non-obese LOB rats. Lipoprotein lipase (LPL) activity in heart and epididymal white adipose tissue (WAT) was unchanged, while LPL activity was increased in peri-renal WAT (30%) and decreased in soleus muscle (40%). Moreover, FAS, SCD-1 and DGAT2 gene expression was increased in peri-renal, but not in epididymal WAT. Basal lipolysis was reduced or unchanged and β-adrenergic stimulated lipolysis was reduced in WAT from both old obese and young non-obese LOB rats. To summarize, the obese phenotype of LOB male rats is associated with increased hepatic TAG production and secretion, a shift in LPL activity from skeletal muscle to WAT, reduced lipolytic response in WAT depots and a specific increase in expression of genes responsible for fatty acid and TAG synthesis in the peri-renal depot. F. Frick and R. Hume contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

Sepsis increases glucocorticoid and decreases IGF-1, leading to skeletal muscle wasting and cachexia. Muscle atrophy mainly takes place in locomotor muscles rather than in respiratory ones. Our study aimed to elucidate the mechanism responsible for this difference in muscle proteolysis, focusing on local inflammation and IGF-1 as well as on their glucocorticoid response and HDAC4-myogenin activation. Sepsis was induced in adult male rats by lipopolysaccharide (LPS) injection (10 mg/kg), and 24 h afterwards, rats were euthanized. LPS increased TNFα and IL-10 expression in both muscles studied, the diaphragm and gastrocnemius, whereas IL-6 and SOCS3 mRNA increased only in diaphragm. In comparison with gastrocnemius, diaphragm showed a lower increase in proteolytic marker expression (atrogin-1 and LC3b) and in LC3b protein lipidation after LPS administration. LPS increased the expression of glucocorticoid induced factors, KLF15 and REDD1, and decreased that of IGF-1 in gastrocnemius but not in the diaphragm. In addition, an increase in HDAC4 and myogenin expression was induced by LPS in gastrocnemius, but not in the diaphragm. In conclusion, the lower activation of both glucocorticoid signaling and HDAC4-myogenin pathways by sepsis can be one of the causes of lower sepsis-induced proteolysis in the diaphragm compared to gastrocnemius.  相似文献   

Soil pH and Eh play an important role in reducing heavy metal solubility in paddy soils. To assess the effects of flooding and organic matter application on changes in Eh, pH and solubility of Cd, Ni and Zn in contaminated soils, a growth chamber experiment with rice plants(Oryza sativa L.) was conducted. Eh values decreased with flooding time in all three soils. The changes of Eh values were more negative in the tannery and alum shale contaminated soils and stabilized after 30 days of submergence. The Eh changes were not so large in the city sewage contaminated soil as in the other two soils. Soil pH increased with flooding time. During the 65 days of submergence, pH increase was about 2, 1 and 0.6units in the tannery, city sewage and alum shale soils, respectively. In all three soils, organic matter treated soil showed lower Eh and higher pH values compared to untreated soil. Concentration of Cd, Ni and Zn in soil solution decreased with flooding time. The solution concentration of Cd and Zn in the city sewage soil and of Ni in the tannery soil was higher than in the alum shale soil. The soluble metal concentration in all three soils was lower inorganic matter treated soils. Reduced solubility of metals in the organic matter treated soils was related to larger changes of Eh and pH values in these soils. Correlation coefficient calculations also showed that metal solubility decreased with decreased Eh and increased pH in the soil solution. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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