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为了提高蛋白质氧链糖基化位点的预测准确率,提出了把独立成分分析和支持向量机相结合的方法。实验样本(蛋白质序列)用稀疏编码方式编码,窗口长度为w=21,对于训练样本和待测样本,首先用独立成分分析法(ICA)提取了120个独立成分(特征),把这些独立成分作为支持向量机的输入,在特征空间用支持向量机(SVM)进行预测(分类)。实验结果表明,ICA+SVM的方法比PCA+SVM和SVM的好。预测准确率为88%。更进一步,用同一个蛋白质序列在不同窗口长度下的样本做实验,结果表明,窗口长度越长,预测准确率越高。  相似文献   

Contourlet变换是一种新的多尺度几何分析方法,它不仅具有小波变换的多分辨率特性和时频局域特性,还具有很强的方向性和各向异性.提出基于Contourlet变换和核Fisher判别分析的人脸识别方法,研究了Contourlet变换的低频系数、各层高频系数与核Fisher判别分析相结合进行人脸识别的识别率和识别时间.实验表明,Contourlet变换的低频系数与核Fisher判别分析相结合,有优异的识别率,也减少了识别时间;高频成分有一定的识别性能,但识别率较低.将低频成分与高频方向子带相结合能获得最优的识别率.  相似文献   

提出一种非线性分类3-法——基于非线性映射的Fisher判别分析(NM-FDA).首先提取基向量;然后采用Nystrom方法,以基向量为训练样本.将形式未知的非线性映射近似表达为已知形式的非线性映射,这种近似的非线性映射将变量由非线性的输入空间转换到线性的特征子空澡;最后对映射数据进行线性Fisher判别分析.实验采用7组标准数据集,结果显示NM-FDA具有较强的分类能力.  相似文献   

针对线性判别分析只能提取线性特征而不能描述非线性特征的缺点,采用将核函数和 Fisher判别分析方法的可分性结合起来的核 Fisher判别分析的方法对视频中的运动目标进行自动分类,运动目标包含人、汽车和宠物三类。该方法取得了较好的分类效果,且在查全率、查准率和 F1-Measure 获得了满意的性能。  相似文献   

复杂化工过程常被多种类型的故障损坏,正常的训练数据无法建立准确的操作模型。为了提高复杂化工过程中故障的检测和分类能力,传统无监督Fisher判别分析(Fisher Discriminant Analysis,FDA)算法无法在多模态故障数据中的应用,本文提出基于局部Fisher判别分析(Local Fisher Discriminant Analysis,LFDA)的故障诊断方法。首先计算训练数据的局部类内和类间离散度矩阵,寻找LFDA的投影方向;其次把训练数据和测试数据向投影向量上投影,提取特征向量;最后计算特征向量间的欧氏距离,运用KNN分类器进行分类。把提出的LFDA方法应用到Tennessee Eastman(TE)过程,监控结果表明,LFDA的效果好于FDA和核Fisher判别分析(Kernel Fisher Discriminant Analysis,KFDA),说明LFDA方法在分类及检测不同类的故障方面具有高准确性及高灵敏度的优势。  相似文献   

实际应用中,很多分类问题是面向不平衡数据的分类,而不平衡数据集会导致许多分类器的性能下降。文中介绍核Fisher线性判别分析的分类机制,分析不平衡数据导致核Fisher线性判别分析失效的原因,进而提出一种加权核Fisher线性判别分析方法。该方法通过调整两类样本的核协方差矩阵对核类内离散度矩阵的贡献, 可克服不平衡数据对分类性能的影响。为进一步测试该方法, 对UCI数据集进行实验测试,实验结果表明该方法可有效改进分类器的分类性能。  相似文献   

无线传感器网络能量有限、计算能力有限,传统网络中的入侵检测方法不适用于无线传感器网络。提出了一种基于核Fisher判别分析的无线传感器网络入侵检测算法,利用核Fisher判别分析对比传感器节点数据和已建立的入侵行为特征来判断是否存在入侵行为。理论分析和仿真实验表明,该方法能有效的检测入侵行为,并且具有低能耗、计算量小的特点,适用于计算能力有限、能量紧缺的无线传感器网络入侵检测。  相似文献   

行人重识别精度主要取决于特征描述和度量学习两个方面。在特征描述方面,现有特征难以解决行人图像视角变化的问题,因此考虑将颜色标签特征与颜色和纹理特征融合,并通过区域和块划分的方式提取直方图获得图像特征;在度量学习方面,传统的核局部Fisher判别分析度量学习方法对所有查询图像统一映射到相同的特征空间中,忽略了查询图像不同区域的重要性,为此在核局部Fisher判别分析的基础上对特征进行区域分组,采用查询自适应得分融合方法来描述图像不同区域的重要性,由此实现度量学习。在VIPeR和iLIDS数据集上,实验结果表明融合后的特征描述能力明显优于原始特征,同时改进的度量学习方法有效提高了行人重识别精度。  相似文献   

提出了基于特征融合和模糊核判别分析(FKDA)的面部表情识别方法。首先,从每幅人脸图像中手工定位34个基准点,作为面部表情图像的几何特征,同时采用Gabor小波变换方法对每幅表情图像进行变换,并提取基准点处的Gabor小波系数值作为表情图像的Gabor特征;其次,利用典型相关分析技术对几何特征和Gabor特征进行特征融合,作为表情识别的输入特征;然后,利用模糊核判别分析方法进一步提取表情的鉴别特征;最后,采用最近邻分类器完成表情的分类识别。通过在JAFFE国际表情数据库和Ekman“面部表情图片”数据库上的实验,证实了所提方法的有效性。  相似文献   

刘颖  穆志纯  袁立 《微计算机信息》2006,22(22):304-306
针对人耳图像自身的特点,并通过对现有生物识别技术的研究,本文尝试采用了一种基于核函数的Fisher判别分析算法对人耳进行识别。该算法不仅可以有效地提取人耳特征,获得较高的识别率;而且还可以解决因为光照和人耳旋转角度等因素带来的非线性问题。实验表明:采用基于径向基核函数的Fisher判别分析算法对人耳图像进行识别,其识别率最高,为98.701%。  相似文献   

Kernel Fisher discriminant analysis (KFDA) extracts a nonlinear feature from a sample by calculating as many kernel functions as the training samples. Thus, its computational efficiency is inversely proportional to the size of the training sample set. In this paper we propose a more approach to efficient nonlinear feature extraction, FKFDA (fast KFDA). This FKFDA consists of two parts. First, we select a portion of training samples based on two criteria produced by approximating the kernel principal component analysis (AKPCA) in the kernel feature space. Then, referring to the selected training samples as nodes, we formulate FKFDA to improve the efficiency of nonlinear feature extraction. In FKFDA, the discriminant vectors are expressed as linear combinations of nodes in the kernel feature space, and the extraction of a feature from a sample only requires calculating as many kernel functions as the nodes. Therefore, the proposed FKFDA has a much faster feature extraction procedure compared with the naive kernel-based methods. Experimental results on face recognition and benchmark datasets classification suggest that the proposed FKFDA can generate well classified features.  相似文献   

It is pretty significant for fault diagnosis timely and accurately to improve the dependability of industrial processes. In this study, fault diagnosis of nonlinear and large-scale processes by variable-weighted kernel Fisher discriminant analysis (KFDA) based on improved biogeography-based optimisation (IBBO) is proposed, referred to as IBBO-KFDA, where IBBO is used to determine the parameters of variable-weighted KFDA, and variable-weighted KFDA is used to solve the multi-classification overlapping problem. The main contributions of this work are four-fold to further improve the performance of KFDA for fault diagnosis. First, a nonlinear fault diagnosis approach with variable-weighted KFDA is developed for maximising separation between the overlapping fault samples. Second, kernel parameters and features selection of variable-weighted KFDA are simultaneously optimised using IBBO. Finally, a single fitness function that combines erroneous diagnosis rate with feature cost is created, a novel mixed kernel function is introduced to improve the classification capability in the feature space and diagnosis accuracy of the IBBO-KFDA, and serves as the target function in the optimisation problem. Moreover, an IBBO approach is developed to obtain the better quality of solution and faster convergence speed. On the one hand, the proposed IBBO-KFDA method is first used on Tennessee Eastman process benchmark data sets to validate the feasibility and efficiency. On the other hand, IBBO-KFDA is applied to diagnose faults of automation gauge control system. Simulation results demonstrate that IBBO-KFDA can obtain better kernel parameters and feature vectors with a lower computing cost, higher diagnosis accuracy and a better real-time capacity.  相似文献   

A reformative kernel Fisher discriminant method is proposed, which is directly derived from the naive kernel Fisher discriminant analysis with superiority in classification efficiency. In the novel method only a part of training patterns, called “significant nodes”, are necessary to be adopted in classifying one test pattern. A recursive algorithm for selecting “significant nodes”, which is the key of the novel method, is presented in detail. The experiment on benchmarks shows that the novel method is effective and much efficient in classifying.  相似文献   

提出了一种核Fisher鉴别分析方法优化方案,并分别给出了解决两类分类和解决多于两类的分类问题的算法,该方案具有明显的分类效率上的优势。在这种方案的实现中,首先从总体训练样本中选择出“显著”训练样本,对测试样本的分类只依赖于测试样本与“显著”训练样本之间的核函数。还设计出了一种选择“显著”训练样本的递归算法,以降低算法的计算复杂度。将该算法应用于人脸图象数据库与“基准”数据集,得到了很好的实验效果。  相似文献   

核Fisher判别分析在多聚焦图像融合中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
提出一种基于核Fisher判别分析与图像块分割的多聚焦图像融合方法。该方法首先将源图像进行块分割,计算反映图像块聚焦程度的清晰度特征;再将源图像的部分区域作为训练样本,获得训练后的核Fisher判别分析参数;然后利用已知的核Fisher判别分析获得初步融合图像;最后对位于源图像清晰与模糊区域交界处的源图像块利用冗余小波变换进行处理后,得到最终融合图像。实验结果表明,该方法的图像融合效果优于常用图像融合方法,可在有效提高图像融合质量与减少计算量之间获得较好的折衷。  相似文献   

针对基于传统的多向主元分析(Multiway Principal Component Analysis,MPCA)方法用于间歇过程在线监控时需要对新批次未反应完的数据进行预估,从而易导致误诊断,且统计量控制限的确定是以主元得分呈正态分布为假设前提的缺陷,结合Fisher判别分析(Fisher Discriminant Analysis,FDA)在数据分类及非参数统计方法核密度估计(Kernel Density Estimation,KDE)在计算概率密度函数方面的优势,提出了一种FDA-KDE的间歇过程监控方法。该方法首先利用FDA求取正常工况数据和故障数据的Fisher特征向量和判别向量,获得Fisher特征向量的相似度:然后在提出偏平均集成平方误差(Biased Mean Integrated Squared Error,BMISE)交叉验证法确定KDE的带宽从而获得相似度统计量控制限的基础上,利用已获得的数据测量值对过程进行监控,避免了基于MPCA方法对未来测量值的预估;最后采用基于Fisher判别向量权重的贡献图方法来进行故障诊断。通过对青霉素发酵间歇过程应用表明,所提出的方法比传统的MPCA方法能更及时地监测出过程异常情况,更准确地判断异常发生的原因。  相似文献   

Variable selection serves a dual purpose in statistical classification problems: it enables one to identify the input variables which separate the groups well, and a classification rule based on these variables frequently has a lower error rate than the rule based on all the input variables. Kernel Fisher discriminant analysis (KFDA) is a recently proposed powerful classification procedure, frequently applied in cases characterised by large numbers of input variables. The important problem of eliminating redundant input variables before implementing KFDA is addressed in this paper. A backward elimination approach is recommended, and two criteria which can be used for recursive elimination of input variables are proposed and investigated. Their performance is evaluated on several data sets and in a simulation study.  相似文献   

A new manifold learning method, called improved semi-supervised local fisher discriminant analysis (iSELF), for gene expression data classification is proposed. Motivated by the fact that semi-supervised and parameter-free are two desirable and promising characteristics for dimension reduction, a new difference-based optimization objective function with unlabeled samples has been designed. The proposed method preserves the global structure of unlabeled samples in addition to separating labeled samples in different classes from each other. The semi-supervised method has an analytic form of the globally optimal solution and it can be computed based on Eigen decompositions. Experiments on synthetic data and SRBCT, DLBCL and brain tumor gene expression datasets are performed to test and evaluate the proposed method. The experimental results and comparisons demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

A novel model for Fisher discriminant analysis is developed in this paper. In the new model, maximal Fisher criterion values of discriminant vectors and minimal statistical correlation between feature components extracted by discriminant vectors are simultaneously required. Then the model is transformed into an extreme value problem, in the form of an evaluation function. Based on the evaluation function, optimal discriminant vectors are worked out. Experiments show that the method presented in this paper is comparative to the winner between FSLDA and ULDA.  相似文献   

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