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Shoot apical meristems (SAMs) of seed plants are small groups of pluripotent cells responsible for making leaves, stems and flowers. While the primary SAM forms during embryogenesis, new SAMs, called axillary SAMs, develop later on the body of the plant and give rise to branches. In Arabidopsis plants, axillary SAMs develop in close association with the adaxial leaf base at the junction of the leaf and stem (the leaf axil). We describe the phenotype caused by the Arabidopsis phabulosa-1d (phb-1d) mutation. phb-1d is a dominant mutation that causes altered leaf polarity such that adaxial characters develop in place of abaxial leaf characters. The adaxialized leaves fail to develop leaf blades. This supports a recently proposed model in which the juxtaposition of ad- and abaxial cell fates is required for blade outgrowth. In addition to the alteration in leaf polarity, phb-1d mutants develop ectopic SAMs on the undersides of their leaves. Also, the phb-1d mutation weakly suppresses the shoot meristemless (stm) mutant phenotype. These observations indicate an important role for adaxial cell fate in promoting the development of axiallary SAMs and suggest a cyclical model for shoot development: SAMs make leaves which in turn are responsible for generating new SAMs.  相似文献   

The shoot apical meristem (SAM) is a small group of dividing cells that generate all of the aerial parts of the plant. With the goal of providing a framework for the analysis of Arabidopsis meristems at the cellular level, we performed a detailed morphometric study of actively growing inflorescence apices of the Landsberg erecta and Wassilewskija ecotypes. For this purpose, cell size, spatial distribution of mitotic cells, and the mitotic index were determined in a series of optical sections made with a confocal laser scanning microscope. The results allowed us to identify zones within the inflorescence SAM with different cell proliferation rates. In particular, we were able to define a central area that was four to six cells wide and had a low mitotic index. We used this technique to compare the meristem of the wild type with the enlarged meristems of two mutants, clavata3-1 (clv3-1) and mgoun2 (mgo2). One of the proposed functions of the CLV genes is to limit cell division rates in the center of the meristem. Our data allowed us to reject this hypothesis, because the mitotic index was reduced in the inflorescence meristem of the clv3-1 mutant. We also observed a large zone of slowly dividing cells in meristems of clv3-1 seedlings. This zone was not detectable in the wild type. These results suggest that the central area is increased in size in the mutant meristem, which is in line with the hypothesis that the CLV3 gene is necessary for the transition of cells from the central to the peripheral zone. Genetic and microscopic analyses suggest that mgo2 is impaired in the production of primordia, and we previously proposed that the increased size of the mgo2 meristem could be due to an accumulation of cells at the periphery. Our morphometric analysis showed that mgo2 meristems, in contrast to those of clv3-1, have an enlarged periphery with high cell proliferation rates. This confirms that clv3-1 and mgo2 lead to meristem overgrowth by affecting different aspects of meristem function.  相似文献   

Understanding organogenesis remains a major challenge in biology. Specification, initiation, pattern formation and cellular morphogenesis, have to be integrated to generate the final three-dimensional architecture of a multicellular organ. To tackle this problem we have chosen the ovules of the flowering plant Arabidopsis thaliana as a model system. In a first step towards a functional analysis of ovule development, we performed a large-scale genetic screen and isolated a number of sterile mutants with aberrant ovule development, We provide indirect genetic evidence for the existence of proximal-distal pattern formation in the Arabidopsis ovule primordium. The analysis of the mutants has identified genes that act at an intermediate regulatory level and control initiation of morphogenesis in response to proximal-distal patterning. A second group of genes functions at a subordinate control level and regulates general cellular processes of morphogenesis. A large group of male and female sterile mutants shows defects restricted to early or late gametogenesis. In addition, we propose that the mature ovule obtains its overall curved shape by at least three different processes that act in only one domain of the ovule.  相似文献   

Determinate growth of floral meristems in Arabidopsis requires the function of the floral regulatory gene AGAMOUS (AG). Expression of AG mRNA in the central region of floral meristems relies on the partially overlapping functions of the LEAFY (LFY) and APETALA1 (AP1) genes, which promote initial floral meristem identity. Here, we provide evidence that AG function is required for the final definition of floral meristem identity and that constitutive AG function can promote, independent of LFY and AP1 functions, the determinate floral state in the center of reproductive meristems. Loss-of-function analysis showed that the indeterminate central region of the ag mutant floral meristem undergoes conversion to an inflorescence meristem when long-day-dependent flowering stimulus is removed. Furthermore, gain-of-function analysis demonstrated that ectopic AG function results in precocious flowering and the formation of terminal flowers at apices of both the primary inflorescence and axillary branches of transgenic Arabidopsis plants in which AG expression is under the control of the 35S promoter from cauliflower mosaic virus. Similar phenotypes were also observed in lfy ap1 double mutants carrying a 35S-AG transgene. Together, these results indicate that AG is a principal developmental switch that controls the transition of meristem activity from indeterminate to determinate.  相似文献   

Meristems are distinctive regions of plants that have capacity for continuous growth. Their developmental activity generates the majority of plant organs. It is currently unknown how cell division and cell differentiation are orchestrated in meristems, although genetic studies have demonstrated the relevance of a proper balance between the two processes. Root meristems contain a distinct central region of mitotically inactive cells, the quiescent centre, the function of which has remained elusive until now. Here we present laser ablation and genetic data that show that in Arabidopsis thaliana the quiescent centre inhibits differentiation of surrounding cells. Differentiation regulation occurs within the range of a single cell, in a manner strikingly similar to examples in animal development, such as during delamination of Drosophila neuroblasts. Our data indicate that pattern formation in the root meristem is controlled by a balance between short-range signals inhibiting differentiation and signals that reinforce cell fate decisions.  相似文献   

In Arabidopsis, the timing and spatial arrangement of trichome initiation is tightly regulated and requires the activity of the GLABROUS1 (GL1) gene. The COTYLEDON TRICHOME 1 (COT1) gene affects trichome initiation during late stages of leaf development and is described in this article. In the wild-type background, cot1 has no observable effect on trichome initiation. GL1 overexpression in wild-type plants leads to a modest number of ectopic trichomes and to a decrease in trichome number on the adaxial leaf surface. The cot1 mutation enhances GL1-overexpression-dependent ectopic trichome formation and also induces increased leaf trichome initiation. The expressivity of the cot1 phenotype is sensitive to cot1 and 35S::GL1 gene dosage, and the most severe phenotypes are observed when cot1 and 35S::GL1 are homozygous. The COT1 locus is located on chromosome 2 15.3 cM north of er. Analysis of the interaction between cot1, try, and 35S::GL1 suggests that COT1 is part of a complex signal transduction pathway that regulates GL1-dependent adoption of the trichome cell fate.  相似文献   

A new mutant of Arabidopsis thaliana that initiates flowering early and terminates the inflorescence with floral structures has been identified and named terminal flower2 (tfl2). While these phenotypes are similar to that of the terminal flower1 (tfl1) mutant, tfl2 mutant plants are also dwarfed in appearance, have reduced photoperiod sensitivity and have a more variable terminal flower structure. Under long-day and short-day growth conditions tfl1 tfl2 double mutants terminate the inflorescence without development of lateral flowers; thus, unlike tfl1 single mutants the double mutant inflorescence morphology is not affected by day length. The enhanced phenotype of the double mutant suggests that TFL2 acts in a developmental pathway distinct from TFL1. The complex nature of the tfl2 single mutant phenotype suggests that TFL2 has a regulatory role more global than that of TFL1. Double mutant analysis of tfl2 in combination with mutant alleles of the floral meristem identity genes LEAFY and APETALA1 demonstrates that TFL2 function influences developmental processes controlled by APETALA1, but not those regulated by LEAFY. Thus, the TFL2 gene product appears to have a dual role in regulating meristem activity, one being to regulate the meristem response to light signals affecting the development of the plant and the other being the maintenance of inflorescence meristem identity.  相似文献   

Continuous growth and development in plants are accomplished by meristems, groups of undifferentiated cells that persist as stem cells and initiate organs. While the structures of the apical and floral meristems in dicotyledonous plants have been well described, little is known about the underlying molecular mechanisms controlling cell proliferation and differentiation in these structures. We have shown previously that the CLAVATA1 (CLV1) gene in Arabidopsis encodes a receptor kinase-like protein that controls the size of the apical and floral meristems. Here, we show that KAPP, a gene encoding a kinase-associated protein phosphatase, is expressed in apical and young floral meristems, along with CLV1. Overexpression of KAPP mimics the clv1 mutant phenotype. Furthermore, CLV1 has kinase activity: it phosphorylates both itself and KAPP. Finally, KAPP binds and dephosphorylates CLV1. We present a model where KAPP functions as a negative regulator of the CLAVATA1 signal transduction pathway.  相似文献   

The form of seed plants is determined by the growth of a number of meristems including apical meristems, leaf meristems and cambium layers. We investigated five recessive mutant alleles of a gene REVOLUTA that is required to promote the growth of apical meristems and to limit cell division in leaves and stems of Arabidopsis thaliana. REVOLUTA maps to the bottom of the fifth chromosome. Apical meristems of both paraclades (axillary shoots) and flowers of revoluta mutants frequently fail to complete normal development and form incomplete or abortive structures. The primary shoot apical meristem sometimes also arrests development early. Leaves, stems and floral organs, in contrast, grow abnormally large. We show that in the leaf epidermis this extra growth is due to extra cell divisions in the leaf basal meristem. The extent of leaf growth is negatively correlated with the development of a paraclade in the leaf axil. The thickened stems contain extra cell layers, arranged in rings, indicating that they may result from a cambium-like meristem. These results suggest that the REVOLUTA gene has a role in regulating the relative growth of apical and non-apical meristems in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

This paper reports on directional response properties of saccular afferents of the sleeper goby, Dormitator latifrons, to 100-Hz acoustic particle motions with a focus on testing the hypothesis that the response directionality of a fish's auditory afferents derives from the morphological polarity of sensory hair cells in the otolithic organs. Spontaneous rates (SR) and best sensitivities (BS) of saccular afferents ranged from 0 to 162 spikes/sec and from 0.2-to 100-nm RMS displacement. SR did not vary with BS. Most saccular afferents were phase-locked to sinusoidal stimulation and had sustained temporal response patterns with some adaptation. All saccular afferents were directionally sensitive to the stimulus, and the sharpness of directional response curves was determined by a directionality index (DI). The DI ranged from 0.64 to 1.50 (mean = 1.02, SE = 0.02, n = 100) and gradually decreased with stimulus level throughout afferents' response dynamic range. Many afferents had approximately symmetric directional response curves relative to their best response axes (BRA). BRA of most afferents remained constant with stimulus level. The BRA distribution had a peak along an axis that correlates closely with the morphological polarity of saccular hair cells. Therefore, our results strongly support the hypothesis.  相似文献   

Arabidopsis AUX1 gene: a permease-like regulator of root gravitropism   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The plant hormone auxin regulates various developmental processes including root formation, vascular development, and gravitropism. Mutations within the AUX1 gene confer an auxin-resistant root growth phenotype and abolish root gravitropic curvature. Polypeptide sequence similarity to amino acid permeases suggests that AUX1 mediates the transport of an amino acid-like signaling molecule. Indole-3-acetic acid, the major form of auxin in higher plants, is structurally similar to tryptophan and is a likely substrate for the AUX1 gene product. The cloned AUX1 gene can restore the auxin-responsiveness of transgenic aux1 roots. Spatially, AUX1 is expressed in root apical tissues that regulate root gravitropic curvature.  相似文献   

Postgenital organ fusion occurs most commonly during reproductive development and is important in many angiosperms during genesis of the carpel. Although a number of mutants have been described that manifest ectopic organ fusion, little is known about the genes involved in regulating this process. In this article we describe the characterization of a collection of 29 Arabidopsis mutants showing an organ fusion phenotype. Mapping and complementation analyses revealed that the mutant alleles define nine different loci distributed throughout the Arabidopsis genome. Multiple alleles were isolated for the four complementation groups showing the strongest organ fusion phenotype while the remaining five complementation groups, all of which show only weak floral organ fusion, have a single representative allele. In addition to fusion events between aerial parts of the shoot, some mutants also show abnormal ovule morphology with adjacent ovules joined together at maturity. Many of the fusion mutants isolated have detectable differences in the rate at which chlorophyll can be extracted; however, in one case no difference could be detected between mutant and wild-type plants. In three mutant lines pollen remained unresponsive to contact with the mutant epidermis, demonstrating that organ fusion and pollen growth responses can be genetically separated from one another.  相似文献   

The tumour-necrosis-factor-family molecule osteoprotegerin ligand (OPGL; also known as TRANCE, RANKL and ODF) has been identified as a potential osteoclast differentiation factor and regulator of interactions between T cells and dendritic cells in vitro. Mice with a disrupted opgl gene show severe osteopetrosis and a defect in tooth eruption, and completely lack osteoclasts as a result of an inability of osteoblasts to support osteoclastogenesis. Although dendritic cells appear normal, opgl-deficient mice exhibit defects in early differentiation of T and B lymphocytes. Surprisingly, opgl-deficient mice lack all lymph nodes but have normal splenic structure and Peyer's patches. Thus OPGL is a new regulator of lymph-node organogenesis and lymphocyte development and is an essential osteoclast differentiation factor in vivo.  相似文献   

Postembryonic development in higher plants is marked by repetitive organ formation via a self-perpetuating stem cell system, the shoot meristem. Organs are initiated at the shoot meristem periphery, while a central zone harbors the stem cells. Here we show by genetic and molecular analyses that the ZWILLE (ZLL) gene is specifically required to establish the central-peripheral organization of the embryo apex and that this step is critical for shoot meristem self-perpetuation. zll mutants correctly initiate expression of the shoot meristem-specific gene SHOOT MERISTEMLESS in early embryos, but fail to regulate its spatial expression pattern at later embryo stages and initiate differentiated structures in place of stem cells. We isolated the ZLL gene by map-based cloning. It encodes a novel protein, and related sequences are highly conserved in multicellular plants and animals but are absent from bacteria and yeast. We propose that ZLL relays positional information required to maintain stem cells of the developing shoot meristem in an undifferentiated state during the transition from embryonic development to repetitive postembryonic organ formation.  相似文献   

We report mutants in Arabidopsis thaliana (fertilization-independent seed:fis) in which certain processes of seed development are uncoupled from the double fertilization event that occurs after pollination. These mutants were isolated as ethyl methanesulfonate-induced pseudo-revertants of the pistillata phenotype. Although the pistillata (pi) mutant has short siliques devoid of seed, the fis mutants in the pi background have long siliques containing developing seeds, even though the flowers remain free of pollen. The three fis mutations map to loci on three different chromosomes. In fis1 and fis2 seeds, the autonomous endosperm nuclei are diploid and the endosperm develops to the point of cellularization; the partially developed seeds then atrophy. In these two mutants, proembryos are formed in a low proportion of seeds and do not develop beyond the globular stage. When FIS/fis plants are pollinated by pollen from FIS/FIS plants, approximately 50% of the resulting seeds contain fully developed embryos; these seeds germinate and form viable seedlings (FIS/FIS). The other 50% of seeds shrivel and do not germinate; they contain embryos arrested at the torpedo stage (FIS/fis). In normal sexual reproduction, the products of the FIS genes are likely to play important regulatory roles in the development of seed after fertilization.  相似文献   

The Arabidopsis floral homeotic gene AGAMOUS (AG) is a regulator of early flower development. The ag mutant phenotypes suggest that AG has two functions in flower development: (1) specifying the identity of stamens and carpels, and (2) controlling floral meristem determinacy. To dissect these two AG functions, we have generated transgenic Arabidopsis plants carrying an antisense AG construct. We found that all of the transgenic plants produced abnormal flowers, which can be classified into three types. Type I transgenic flowers are phenocopies of the ag-1 mutant flowers, with both floral meristem indeterminacy and floral organ conversion; type II flowers are indeterminate and have partial conversion of the reproductive organs; and type III flowers have normal stamens and carpels, but still have an indeterminate floral meristem inside the fourth whorl of fused carpels. The existence of type III flowers indicates that AG function can be perturbed to affect only floral meristem determinacy, but not floral organ identity. Furthermore, the fact that floral meristem determinacy is affected in all transformants, but floral organ identity only in a subset of them, suggests that the former may required a higher level of AG activity than the latter. This hypothesis is supported by the levels of AG mRNA detected in different transformants with different frequencies of distinct types of abnormal antisense AG transgenic flowers. Finally, since AG inhibits the expression of another floral regulatory gene AP1, we examined AP1 expression in antisense AG flowers, and found that AP1 is expressed at a relatively high level in the center of type II flowers, but very little or below detectable levels in the inner whorls of type III flowers. These results provide further insights into the interaction of AG and AP1 and how such an interaction may control both organ identity and floral meristem determinacy.  相似文献   

Imaging of chlorophyll autofluorescence by confocal microscopy in intact whole petals of Arabidopsis thaliana has been used to analyze chloroplast development and redifferentiation during petal development. Young petals dissected from unopened buds contained green chloroplasts throughout their structure, but as the upper part of the petal lamina developed and expanded, plastids lost their chlorophyll and redifferentiated into leukoplasts, resulting in a white petal blade. Normal green chloroplasts remained in the stalk of the mature petal. In epidermal cells the chloroplasts were normal and green, in stark contrast with leaf epidermal cell plastids. In addition, the majority of these chloroplasts had dumbbell shapes, typical of dividing chloroplasts, and we suggest that the rapid expansion of petal epidermal cells may be a trigger for the initiation of chloroplast division. In petals of the Arabidopsis plastid division mutant arc6, the conversion of chloroplasts into leukoplasts was unaffected in spite of the greatly enlarged size and reduced number of arc6 chloroplasts in cells in the petal base, resulting in few enlarged leukoplasts in cells from the white lamina of arc6 petals.  相似文献   

All metazoan cells are able to make decisions about cell division or cellular differentiation based, in part, on environmental cues. Accordingly, cells express receptor systems that allow them to detect the presence of hormones, growth factors and other signals that manipulate the regulatory processes of the cell. In plants, an unusual signal-light-is required for the induction and regulation of many developmental processes. Past physiological and molecular studies have revealed the variety and complexity of plant responses to light but until recently very little was known about the mechanisms of those responses. Two major breakthroughs have allowed the identification of some photoreceptor signalling intermediates: the identification of photoreceptor and signal transduction mutants in Arabidopsis, and the development of single-cell microinjection assays in which outcomes of photoreceptor signalling can be visualized. Here, we review recent genetic advances which support the notion that light responses are not simply endpoints of linear signal transduction pathways, but are the result of the integration of a variety of input signals through a complex network of interacting signalling components.  相似文献   

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