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The use of ion mobility spectrometry (IMS) for the determination of trace moisture and oxygen in bulk nitrogen has been explored. IMS utilizes atmospheric pressure ionization to ionize trace impurities in the sample gas. Mobility differences between trace impurity ions are exploited to separate these ions. Our results indicate that an IMS can indeed be used to detect < 1 ppb O2 and H2O in bulk nitrogen. Due to the nature of the interaction between trace moisture and oxygen, a multivariate calibration has to be used to obtain quantitative results, even at levels below 2 ppb.  相似文献   

Ion mobility spectrometry (IMS), and particularly differential IMS or field asymmetric waveform IMS (FAIMS), is emerging as a versatile tool for separation and identification of gas-phase ions, especially in conjunction with mass spectrometry. For over two decades since its inception, the utility of FAIMS was constrained by resolving power (R) of less than ~20. Stronger electric fields and optimized gas mixtures have recently raised achievable R to ~200, but further progress with such approaches is impeded by electrical breakdown. However, the resolving power of planar FAIMS devices using any gas and field intensity scales as the square root of separation time (t). Here, we extended t from the previous maximum of 0.2 s up to 4-fold by reducing the carrier gas flow and increased the resolving power by up to 2-fold as predicted, to >300 for multiply charged peptides. The resulting resolution gain has enabled separation of previously "co-eluting" peptide isomers, including folding conformers and localization variants of modified peptides. More broadly, a peak capacity of ~200 has been reached in tryptic digest separations.  相似文献   

Current and future chemical threats to homeland security motivate the need for new chemical detection systems to provide border, transportation, and workplace security. We present the first successful coupling of a commercial direct analysis in real time (DART) ion source to a resistive glass monolithic drift tube ion mobility spectrometer (DTIMS) as the basis for a low maintenance, versatile, and robust chemical monitoring system. in situ ionization within the electric field gradient of the instrument enhances sensitivity and provides a safe sampling strategy. The instrument uses nitrogen as both the DART discharge and DTIMS drift gases, allowing for a high electric field to be used for ion separation while keeping cost-of-use low. With the use of a traditional signal averaging acquisition mode, the 95% probability of detection (POD) for analytes sampled from melting point capillary tubes was 11.81% v/v for DMMP, 1.13% v/v for 2-CEES, and 10.61 mM for methamidophos. Sensitivity was improved via a prototype transmission-mode geometry interface, resulting in an almost 2 orders of magnitude decrease in the POD level for DMMP (0.28% v/v). As an alternative to transmission mode operation, digital multiplexing of the DTIMS ion injection step was also implemented, finding a 3-fold improvement in signal-to-noise ratios for 200 μs gate injections and a 4.5-fold for 400 μs gate injections.  相似文献   

The ion mobility (IMS) spectra of the alkanolamines, monoethanolamine (MEA), 3-amino-1-propanol (PRA), 4-amino-1-butanol (BUA), and 5-amino-1-pentanol (PEA) with acetone and 4-heptanone reagent gases have been measured using a hand-held spectrometer. Monomer and dimer peak patterns were observed for all the alkanolamines with acetone reagent gas. Drift times of monomer and dimer ion clusters for each alkanolamine increased linearly in order of size of alkyl group. Ammonia, Freon 22, and F76 diesel vapors, having similar or coincident mobilities, caused severe interference. Replacement of acetone with 4-heptanone reagent gas resulted in good separation by the altering drift times of product ions. The limit of detection was 0.005 ppm having a linear range of 0.005-0.7 ppm, and signal saturation occurred above 0.88 ppm. Detection was reversible, with a response time of 4 min and a slower recovery time of > 60 min, at vapor levels of 0.7 ppm and ambient nozzle and drift-region temperatures. In contrast to acetone chemistry, single-peak patterns were observed for the alkanolamines with the 4-heptanone reagent. Further, drift times unexpectedly remained stagnant with increasing alkyl-group size. From atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APcI) tandem mass spectral identifications and collision induced studies, dynamic changes in product-ion equilibria in the IMS drift region compensated by differences in collision cross sections were suggested as the governing causes of the unusual mobility effect.  相似文献   

The space charge effect has an important role in instruments dealing with ion packets and charged particles in gas phase such as the mass spectrometer and ion mobility spectrometer (IMS). It has been shown that the space charge is partially responsible for peak broadening in IMS depending on the ion density. Here, we explore the effect of space charge on peak shifting in IMS. We show that the field created by a large peak influences the drift time of a neighboring small peak. An experimental method was introduced to accurately measure the effect of space charge between two peaks. In this method, a double pulse was applied to the shutter grid to create two closed ion packets with a given initial spacing. The final spacing was then measured at the collector through the separation of the two peaks. This study shows that space charge repulsion must be considered for accurate measurements of ion mobilities. The experiments were performed in both normal and inverse modes. A theoretical model was also proposed to describe the repulsion between two ion packets in IMS.  相似文献   

Monosaccharide structural isomers including sixteen methyl-D-glycopyranosides and four methyl-N-acetylhexosamines were subjected to ion mobility measurements by electrospray ion mobility mass spectrometry. Two ion mobility-MS systems were employed: atmospheric pressure drift tube ion mobility time-of-flight mass spectrometry and a Synapt G2 HDMS system which incorporates a low pressure traveling wave ion mobility separator. All the compounds were investigated as [M + Na](+) ions in the positive mode. A majority of the monosaccharide structural isomers exhibited different mobility drift times in either system, depending on differences in their anomeric and stereochemical configurations. In general, drift time patterns (relative drift times of isomers) matched between the two instruments. Higher resolving power was observed using the atmospheric pressure drift tube. Collision cross section values of monosaccharide structural isomers were directly calculated from the atmospheric pressure ion mobility experiments, and a collision cross section calibration curve was made for the traveling wave ion mobility instrument. Overall, it was demonstrated that ion mobility-mass spectrometry using either drift tube or traveling wave ion mobility is a valuable technique for resolving subtle variations in stereochemistry among the sodium adducts of monosaccharide methyl glycosides.  相似文献   

Law enforcement agencies use ion mobility spectrometers for the detection of explosives, drugs of abuse, and chemical warfare agents. Ion mobility spectrometry (IMS) has the advantages of short analysis times, detections in the parts per billion concentrations, and high sensitivity. On-site environmental analysis of explosives or explosive residues in water is possible with ion mobility spectrometers. Unfortunately, the direct analysis of low levels of explosives in water is difficult. Extraction provides a method for pre-concentrating the analytes and removing interferents. Coupling solid-phase extraction (SPE) with IMS is useful for the identification of trace amounts of explosives in water. Commercially available SPE disks were used. After extraction, the sample disk is inserted into the ion mobility spectrometer, where the analytes are thermally desorbed from the disk. Concentrations as low as one part per trillion were detected with a Barringer Ionscan 350. An external computer and acquisition software (LabVIEW, National Instruments) were used to collect data. SIMPLISMA (SIMPLe-to-use-Interactive Self-modeling Mixture Analysis) was applied to the data to resolve features that vary with respect to time.  相似文献   

Recently, we introduced a new approach to chiral separation and analysis of amino acids by chiral complexation and electrospray high-field asymmetric waveform ion mobility spectrometry coupled to mass spectrometry (ESI-FAIMS-MS). In the present work, we extended this approach to the separation of the drug compound terbutaline. Terbutaline enantiomers were complexed with metal ions and an amino acid to form diastereomeric complexes of the type [M(II)(L-Ref)2((+)/(-)-A)-H](+), where M(II) is a divalent metal ion, L-Ref is an amino acid in its L-form, and A is the terbutaline analyte. When metal and reference compound were suitably chosen, these complexes were separable by FAIMS. We also detected and characterized larger clusters that were transmitted at distinct FAIMS compensation voltages (CV), disturbing data analysis by disintegrating after the FAIMS separation and forming complexes of the same composition [M(II)(L-Ref)2((+)/(-)-A)-H](+), thus giving rise to additional peaks in the FAIMS CV spectra. This undesired phenomenon could be largely avoided by adjusting the mass spectrometer skimmer voltages in such a way that said larger clusters remained intact. In the quantitative part of the present work, we achieved a limit of detection of 0.10% (-)-terbutaline in a sample of (+)-terbutaline. The limit of detection and analysis time per sample compared favorably to literature values for chiral terbutaline separation by HPLC and CE.  相似文献   

Traveling wave ion mobility mass spectrometry (TWIM MS) was combined with gradient tandem mass spectrometry (gMS(2)) to deconvolute and characterize superimposed ions with different charges and shapes formed by electrospray ionization (ESI) of self-assembled, hexameric metallomacrocycles composed of terpyridine-based ligands and Cd(II) ions. ESI conditions were optimized to obtain intact hexameric cation assemblies in a low charge state (2+), in order to minimize overlapping fragments of the same mass-to-charge ratio. With TWIM MS, intact hexameric ions could be separated from remaining fragments and aggregates. Collisional activation of these hexameric ions at varying collision energies (gMS(2)), followed by TWIM separation, was then performed to resolve macrocyclic from linear hexameric species. Because of the different stabilities of these architectures, gMS(2) changes their relative amounts, which can be monitored individually after subsequent ion mobility separation. On the basis of this unique strategy, hexameric cyclic and linear isomers have been successfully resolved and identified. Complementary structural information was gained by the gMS(2) fragmentation pattern of the metallosupramolecules, acquired by collisionally activated dissociation after TWIM dispersion. TWIM MS interfaced with gMS(2) should be particularly valuable for the characterization of a variety of supramolecular polymers, which often contain isomeric architectures that yield overlapping fragments and aggregates upon ESI MS analysis.  相似文献   

Measurements of the performance of a miniature, portable 12-mm-diameter, 57-mm-length low-temperature cofired ceramic (LTCC) ion mobility spectrometer drift tube were undertaken to verify models of ion transport and determine the physical shape of the ion "swarms" in the LTCC tube. Simplified two-dimensional Gaussian models of ion swarm shape were fit to measured data to extract geometrical shape parameters. Results indicate that tube-transfer function effects that produce asymmetric ion swarms are minimized in the tube reducing temporal dispersion. Data are presented that illustrate the swarm shape as a function of gate time, electric field magnitude, and total charge in the ion swarm. Characterization and understanding of the ion transport mechanisms and effects that limit the resolution and other performance parameters of miniature IMS drift tubes is essential to the development of practical, robust, portable systems for "first responder" and homeland security missions.  相似文献   

Differential mobility spectrometry (DMS) of nitro-organic explosives and related compounds exhibited the expected product ions of M- or M x NO2- from atmospheric pressure chemical ionization reactions in purified air at 100 degrees C. Peaks in the differential mobility spectra for these ions were confined to a narrow range of compensation voltages between -1 to +3 V which arose through a low dependence of mobility for the ions in electric fields at E/N values between 0 and 120 Td (1 Td = 10(-17) V cm2). The field dependence of ions, described as an alpha parameter, ranged from -0.005 to 0.02 at a separation field of 100 Td. The alpha parameter could be controlled through the addition of organic vapors into the drift gas and was increased to 0.08-0.24 with 1000 ppm of methylene chloride in the drift gas. This modification of the drift gas resulted in compensation voltages of +3 to +21 V for peaks. The improved separation of peaks was consistent with a model of ion characterization by DeltaK or Kl - Kh, where Kl is the mobility coefficient of ions clustered with vapor neutrals during the low-field portion of the separation field waveform and Kh is for the same core ion when heated and declustered during the high-field portion of waveform.  相似文献   

The combination of high-field asymmetric waveform ion mobility spectrometry (FAIMS) with Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (FTICR-MS) makes possible lower detection limits, increased sensitivity, and increased dynamic range in the analysis of poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) samples of low molecular weight. The signal gain obtained using FAIMS depends on ion identity, with a range between 1.8x and 14x obtained for various molecular ions of PEG 600. A 1.7-fold reduction in noise is obtained using FAIMS due to the elimination of chemical noise. The improved detection performance is predominantly due to a reduction in adverse Coulomb effects as a result of ions being selectively introduced into the mass spectrometer. The high ion transmission obtained using FAIMS combined with the high sensitivity of FTICR-MS detection make possible separation of multiple gas-phase conformers of PEG molecular cations that have low abundance (less than 0.2% relative abundance) and that have not been detected previously. Mixed dications of PEG that have the same nominal mass but differ by the number polymer subunits (m/Delta m up to 25,000) can be separately introduced into the mass spectrometer using FAIMS. Interactions of the carrier gas with the metal ions that are attached to the PEG molecules appear to be the most significant factor in these FAIMS separations.  相似文献   

Traveling wave ion mobility spectrometers (TW IMS) operate at significantly higher fields than drift tube ion mobility spectrometers. Here we measured the fragmentation of the fragile p-methoxybenzylpyridinium ion inside the TW ion mobility cell of the first-generation SYNAPT HDMS spectrometer. The ion's vibrational internal energy was quantified by a vibrational effective temperature T(eff,vib), which is the mean temperature of the ions inside the cell that would result in the same fragmentation yield as observed experimentally. Significant fragmentation of the probe ion inside the TW IMS cell was detected, indicating that field heating of the ions takes place in TW IMS. For typical small molecule IMS conditions, T(eff,vib) = 555 ± 2 K. The variations of the effective temperature were studied as a function of the IMS parameters, and we found that T(eff,vib) decreases when the wave height decreases, when the pressure increases, or when the wave speed increases. The energy transfer efficiency of argon is higher than for He, N(2), or CO(2). With T(eff,vib) being directly related to the ion speed inside the TW IMS, our results also provide new insight on the ion movement in TW IMS. We also discuss the influence of field heating of ions for calibration and structural studies in TW IMS.  相似文献   

Heparin is a linear sulfated polysaccharide widely used in medicine because of its anticoagulant properties. The various sulfation and/or acetylation patterns on heparin impart different degrees of conformational change around the glycosidic bonds and subsequently alter its function as an anticoagulant, anticancer, or antiviral drug. Characterization of these structures is important for eventual elucidation of its function but presents itself as an analytical challenge due to the inherent heterogeneity of the carbohydrates. Heparin octasaccharide structural isomers of various sulfation patterns were investigated using ion mobility mass spectrometry (IMMS). In addition to distinguishing the isomers, we report the preparation and tandem mass spectrometry analysis for multiple sulfated or acetylated oligosaccharides. Herein, our data indicate that heparin octasaccharide isomers were separated on the basis of their structural conformations in the ion mobility cell. Subsequent to this separation, isomers were further distinguished using product ions resulting from tandem mass spectrometry. Overall, IMMS analysis was used to successfully characterize and separate individual isomers and subsequently measure their conformations.  相似文献   

A linear octopole trap interface for an ion mobility time-of-flight mass spectrometer has been developed for focusing and accumulating continuous beams of ions produced by electrospray ionization. The interface improves experimental efficiencies by factors of approximately 50-200 compared with an analogous configuration that utilizes a three-dimensional Paul geometry trap (Hoaglund-Hyzer, C. S.; Lee, Y. J.; Counterman, A. E.; Clemmer, D. E. Anal. Chem. 2002, 74, 992-1006). With these improvements, it is possible to record nested drift (flight) time distributions for complex mixtures in fractions of a second. We demonstrate the approach for several well-defined peptide mixtures and an assessment of the detection limits is given. Additionally, we demonstrate the utility of the approach in the field of proteomics by an on-line, three-dimensional nano-LC-ion mobility-TOF separation of tryptic peptides from the Drosophila proteome.  相似文献   

In recent years, there has been an increase in the use of time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (TOF-SIMS) for characterizing material surfaces. A great advantage of SIMS is that the analysis is direct and has excellent spatial resolution approaching a few hundred nanometers. However, the lack of the usual separation methods in mass spectrometry such as chromatography or ion mobility combined with the complexity of the heavily fragmented ions in the spectra means that the interpretation of multicomponent spectra in SIMS is very challenging indeed. The requirements for high-definition imaging, with say 256 × 256 pixels, in around 10 min analysis time places significant constraints on the instrument design so that separation using methods such as ion mobility with flight times of milliseconds are incompatible. Clearly, traditional liquid and gas chromatographies are not at all possible. Previously, we developed a method known as Gentle-SIMS (G-SIMS) that simplifies SIMS spectra so that the dominant ions are simply related to the structure of the substances analyzed. The method uses a measurement of the fragmentation behavior under two different primary ion source conditions and a control parameter known as the g-index. Here, we show that this method may be used "chromatographically" to separate the mass spectra of a drug molecule from the matrix polymer. The method may be used in real-time and is directly compatible with the majority of TOF-SIMS instruments. The applicability to other imaging mass spectrometeries is discussed.  相似文献   

We have developed a novel instrument that combines ion mobility spectrometry, mass spectro-metry, and photoelectron spectroscopy. The instrument couples an electrospray ion source, a high-transmission ion mobility cell based on ion funnels, a quadrupole mass filter, and a time-of-flight (magnetic bottle) photoelectron spectrometer operated with a pulsed detachment laser. We show that the instrument can resolve highly structured anion arrival time distributions and at the same time provide corresponding photoelectron spectra-using the DNA oligonucleotide ion [dC(6) - 5H](5-) as a test case. For this multianion we find at least four different, noninterconverting isomers (conformers) simultaneously present in the gas phase at room temperature. For each of these we record well-resolved and remarkably different photoelectron spectra at each of three different detachment laser wavelengths. Two-dimensional ion mobility/electron binding energy plots can be acquired with an automated data collection procedure. We expect that this kind of instrument will significantly improve the capabilities for structure determination of (bio)molecular anions in the gas phase.  相似文献   

New analytical characteristics are proposed to describe the performance of an ion mobility increment spectrometer (IMIS). The dispersion describes the ability of such a spectrometer to separate ions with close values of the variable component of mobility. The necessary resolution limit with respect to this component characterizes the ability to separately detect different ion species. In accordance with the principle of ion separation in this instrument, it is suggested to redefine the resolving power of IMIS as the inverse of the necessary resolution limit with respect to the variable component of mobility.  相似文献   

Hardware from a commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) ion mobility spectrometry (IMS) based explosive trace detector (ETD) has been interfaced to an AB/SCIEX API 2000 triple quadrupole mass spectrometer. To interface the COTS IMS based ETD to the API 2000, the faraday plate of the IMS instrument and the curtain plate of the mass spectrometer were removed from their respective systems and replaced by a custom faraday plate, which was fabricated with a hole for passing the ion beam to the mass spectrometer, and a custom interface flange, which was designed to attach the IMS instrument onto the mass spectrometer. Additionally, the mass spectrometer was modified to increase the electric field strength and decrease the pressure in the differentially pumped interface, causing a decrease in the effect of collisional focusing and permitting a mobility spectrum to be measured using the mass spectrometer. The utility of the COTS-ETD/API 2000 configuration for the characterization of the gas phase ion chemistry of COTS-ETD equipment was established by obtaining mass and tandem mass spectra in the continuous ion flow and selected mobility monitoring operating modes and by obtaining mass-selected ion mobility spectra for the explosive standard 2,4,6 trinitrotoluene (TNT). This analysis confirmed that the product ion for TNT is [TNT - H](-), the predominant collision-induced dissociation pathway for [TNT- H](-) is the loss of NO and NO(2), and the reduced mobility value for [TNT - H](-) is 1.54 cm(2)V(-1) s(-1). Moreover, this analysis was attained for sample amounts of 1 ng and with a resolving power of 37. The objective of the research is to advance the operational effectiveness of COTS IMS based ETD equipment by developing a platform that can facilitate the understanding of the ion chemistry intrinsic to the equipment.  相似文献   

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