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Anthocyanins are one of the most widespread families of natural pigments in the plant kingdom. Their health beneficial effects have been documented in many in vivo and in vitro studies. This review summarizes the most recent literature regarding the health benefits of anthocyanins and their molecular mechanisms. It appears that several signaling pathways, including mitogen-activated protein kinase, nuclear factor κB, AMP-activated protein kinase, and Wnt/β-catenin, as well as some crucial cellular processes, such as cell cycle, apoptosis, autophagy, and biochemical metabolism, are involved in these beneficial effects and may provide potential therapeutic targets and strategies for the improvement of a wide range of diseases in future. In addition, specific anthocyanin metabolites contributing to the observed in vivo biological activities, structure–activity relationships as well as additive and synergistic efficacy of anthocyanins are also discussed.  相似文献   

食品真空冷冻干燥和装置   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文简介了真空冷冻干燥技术的发展和食品真空冷冻干燥的工艺技术,详述了真空冷冻干燥的设备装置.并指出,结合国内食品冷冻加工厂的现状,开发这一技术,可节省投资,提高产品技术含量,增加企业经济效益.  相似文献   

The last 3 years brought much movement around the migration from recycled paperboard in general and of mineral oil in particular. It has been shown that it is unrealistic to ensure the safety of the many and variable migrants from recycled fibers. The toxicological evaluation of mineral oil remains uncertain, but the strong accumulation of certain saturated mineral hydrocarbons in human tissues might increase the concern. The draft of a German regulation on mineral oil migration from recycled paper and board struggles with the difficult analysis in food, but frequent measurement in food is avoidable if the compliance work can be based on citable systematic studies. In the discussions about potential solutions, the introduction of barriers prevails. Internal bags with barrier layers have been widely introduced. For packings without internal bags, barriers on the internal surface of the recycled paperboard have been developed, but not yet introduced into the market on broad scale. An agreed method for measuring barrier efficiency and a specification of minimum required efficiency are probably a prerequisite. Work for an industry standard on barriers is on-going in Switzerland.  相似文献   

Dynamic electrostatic generation and dissipation on polymer surfaces are of great importance for materials such as yarns and films. To support fundamental research in this area, innovative devices and experimental techniques that can lead to a better understanding of these phenomena are of obvious academic and industrial interest. This paper reports the development of devices for testing the electrostatic generation/dissipation properties of polymer surfaces. These devices include a tester for assessing moving yarns, a high-resistance system to measure the yarn's linear resistance, a tester for evaluating stationary fabrics or films while rubbing against a moving surface and a contact charge tester for investigating charge generated by contacting of two surfaces. These devices enable the study of the influences of relative moving speed, yarn tension, electrostatic charge properties of yarns, as well as contact pressure, rubbing speed, number of rubbings or contacts on the static charge properties of films.  相似文献   

子晴 《数码印刷》2009,(11):32-34
2009年9月的Print'09展会上.数码印刷毫无疑问地成为主角,而与之配套的数码印后设备也顺理成章地成为人们关注的热点。众多数码印后设备的推出,为数码印刷行业提供了更多的选择。  相似文献   

新型脂质体的研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
作为药物传递系统的载体,纳米脂质体、柔性脂质体、多糖包覆脂质体等新型脂质体的研究已取得显著进展,现将最新进展进行综述,关注的焦点是脂质体的稳定性、生物粘附性、耐酶性以及在血循环中的长循环性、隐形性、立体稳定性、控释性、靶向性,以提高药物的生物利用度。同时对作为第二代脂质体的固体脂质纳米粒作了简要的论述。  相似文献   

正在经济视觉下,茶叶涵盖上游种植业、中游加工业、下游服务业全产业链。茶叶经济链的迅猛发展离不开茶学科学技术的创新支持。目前,茶学研究的技术手段已从落后的分析技术向精准化分析转变,主要有激光共聚焦、冷冻电镜、组学联合分析技术(基因组、转录组、蛋白组、代谢组)、生物信息学分析、免疫组织定位、品质通径分析等。整合全体茶产业进行链式发展是实现茶叶科技与经济齐头  相似文献   

<正>食物过敏是指人体摄入某些食物后产生的一种食物不良反应,在医学临床上属变态反应。近年来,食物过敏患者日益增多,过敏症发病率也呈逐年上升趋势,食物过敏已成为重要的食品安全问题,引起了广泛的关注。据国外的一些流行病学调查表明,有2.5%的成年人和6%~8%的儿童对某些食物过敏。过敏食物有160多种,被WHO/FAO认定的是由以下8大类食物所引起的,它们分别为牛乳、鸡蛋、花生、鱼、甲壳类水产动物、大豆、小麦和坚果。目前食物过敏尚无特效治疗方法,严格避免食  相似文献   

盘点印刷机上的安全装置   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘庆华 《印刷杂志》2009,(12):49-51
自动化、智能化的印刷机安全装置是现代印刷机必不可少的组成部分。一台合格的印刷机的设计必须满足保护操作人员的人身安全、印刷设备的安全、印刷品质量安全这三个方面的要求。只有给印刷机设置了合理的安全装置,才能有效地避免各种意外事故的发生,最大限度地确保操作人员、印刷设备和印刷品质量的安全,所以安全装置对于印刷机具有十分重要的作用,  相似文献   

The rhizomes of Zingiber officinale Roscoe (Zingiberaceae), commonly known as ginger, is one of the most widely used spice and condiment. It is also an integral part of many traditional medicines and has been extensively used in Chinese, Ayurvedic, Tibb-Unani, Srilankan, Arabic, and African traditional medicines, since antiquity, for many unrelated human ailments including common colds, fever, sore throats, vomiting, motion sickness, gastrointestinal complications, indigestion, constipation, arthritis, rheumatism, sprains, muscular aches, pains, cramps, hypertension, dementia, fever, infectious diseases, and helminthiasis. The putative active compounds are nonvolatile pungent principles, namely gingerols, shogaols, paradols, and zingerone. These compounds are some of the extensively studied phytochemicals and account for the antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antiemetic, and gastroprotective activities. A number of preclinical investigations with a wide variety of assay systems and carcinogens have shown that ginger and its compounds possess chemopreventive and antineoplastic effects. A number of mechanisms have been observed to be involved in the chemopreventive effects of ginger. The cancer preventive activities of ginger are supposed to be mainly due to free radical scavenging, antioxidant pathways, alteration of gene expressions, and induction of apoptosis, all of which contribute towards decrease in tumor initiation, promotion, and progression. This review provides concise information from preclinical studies with both cell culture models and relevant animal studies by focusing on the mechanisms responsible for the chemopreventive action. The conclusion describes directions for future research to establish its activity and utility as a human cancer preventive and therapeutic drug. The above-mentioned mechanisms of ginger seem to be promising for cancer prevention; however, further clinical studies are warranted to assess the efficacy and safety of ginger.  相似文献   

分析集体就餐学生群体能量摄入量和各种营养素摄入水平。方便抽样集体就餐学生共40名作为调查对象,通过称重法与24h膳食回顾法分别估算能量和营养素水平。在3d时间内,男生的平均能量摄入量为2 260±588kcal/d;女生为2 022±461kcal/d,低于我国目前现行的轻体力活动成年男女能量推荐量。男女生各餐供能比分别为早餐14.2%、23.0%;午餐31.5%、24.4%;晚餐39.6%、27.6%;三餐外进食分别为14.7%和25.0%。3大营养素供能比(碳水化合物、脂肪、蛋白质)男生分别为51.4%、35.2%、13.4%;女生分别为50.7%、36.1%、13.2%。膳食中矿物质和维生素摄入量普遍不足。膳食结构中脂肪提供的能量比例增加,早餐供能比过低,蔬菜水果和乳制品摄入量不足,矿物质维生素未达到推荐量是目前该群体普遍现象,应增加在校集体就餐学生食物品种的多样性,对大学生集体就餐群体制定相应干预策略。  相似文献   

茶叶科学研究动态   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
正茶是世界上仅次于水的第二大饮料。我国是茶树的原产地,也是世界最早开发利用茶叶的国家。2016年,我国茶园面积达到293万公顷、占全球的63%,茶叶产量达243万吨、接近全球50%,产量和面积均居全球第一;我国茶叶出口数量32.9万吨,出口金额14.8亿美元,占全球茶叶贸易量的18%。同时,随着我国经济快速发展,人们的生活水平得到大幅度提高,茶的消费群体达到4.7亿,人均消费量在逐年增长。因此,我国也是世界第一大茶叶  相似文献   

<正>食物过敏是某些食物在部分人群中产生的食物不良反应,在医学临床上属变态反应。据流行病学调查表明,在近10~15年内,IgE介导的食物过敏在人群中的发生率为2%~4%,在婴幼儿中为5%~8%,而且呈明显上升趋势。食物过敏不再单纯是某个人的健康问题,WHO已认定它是一个严重的公共卫生问题。食物过敏尚无特殊治疗方法,避免接触过敏食物是最有效的途径。尽管在许多发达国家,  相似文献   

采用自然抽样的调查方法,获取珠宝系606名学生的脚印图以及脚部各部位尺寸。结果显示:受试者中女生脚型跖围集中在一型区域,适合的中号鞋码在36~37码之间;男生脚型跖围集中在一型半和两型之间,适合的中号鞋码在40码左右;扁平足占8.17%,正常脚占70.26%,高弓脚占21.57%。由此得出结论:南方青少年的脚型在各个部位尺寸均与北方存在较大差异,在标样楦设计与制作、中号码确定等方面应考虑到地域差异。  相似文献   

正现代食品工业离不开包装,可以说包装已成为食品的一部分。食品包装不仅保护了食品,提供了食品生产和成分等相关信息,同时可以通过包装材料优化和结构设计延长食品货架期,保证食品的品质与安全。食品包装材料的发展和合理应用是良好食品包装的重要保障,而食品包装可能带来的食品安全隐患也不能忽视,我国2015-2017年颁布的食品接触材料(包括食品包装材料)新版国家标准初步建立了一整套标准体系,包括GB 4806.X系列的产品  相似文献   

电气与仪表相关理论的分析。电气与仪表专业之间的分工及带来的负面影响。结合盐化工生产和管理上的需要,电气与仪表的分工随着今后自动化的发展将会顺应时代的发展要求,最终走向统一的方向。  相似文献   

<正>中粮营养健康研究院(下称研究院)是中粮集团深入贯彻落实中央建设创新型国家战略部署,加快引进海外高层次人才,加大科技创新力度,打造具有国际水准的全产业链粮油食品企业而在北京未来科技城建设的人才创新创业基地。研究院作为中粮集团核心研发机构,是国内首家以企业为主体的、针对中国人的营养需求和代谢机制进行系统性研究以实现国人健康诉求的研发中心。研究院确立了"立足生命科学、致力营养健康,  相似文献   

在纸张灰分测定的国家标准(GB/T 742—2008造纸原料、纸浆、纸和纸板灰分的测定)方法中,纸张灰分的测定时间过长,无法满足生产和科研方面的灰分快速检测要求。本文介绍了一些快速测定纸张灰分的装置和方法,包括陶瓷纤维马弗炉、微波快速灰化马弗炉、添加灰化辅助剂、X射线定量分析、纸条燃烧法、炭化系数法、滴定法等,为纸张灰分的快速测定提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

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