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为在火电机组节能提效改造中选取合理的节能技术,采用了全面热平衡方法对某增容改造电厂机组进行建模,分别对比了采用引风机汽电双驱技术与单设小汽轮机技术后机组的性能。结果表明,两种方法均可大幅度降低厂用电率,单设小汽轮机技术在能耗与收益上更优。  相似文献   

吴志祥  童敏 《节能》2023,(1):59-63
以江苏某电厂1 030 MW机组为研究对象,分析1 000 MW机组引风机汽电双驱改造项目的技术经济性。结果显示:与背压式汽动引风机方案相比,采用汽电双驱引风机方案的投资增加899万,但每年可增加收益768万,银行贷款利率按照5%计算,约6.25年收回投资,投资回收期小于10年,项目可行,汽电双驱引风机方案技术经济性优于背压式汽动引风机方案。  相似文献   

汽轮机驱动是解决火电机组主要辅机大型化的一种有效途径。H电厂1000MW超超临界火力发电机组引风机采用汽轮机驱动,是大型发电厂风机首次采用汽轮机驱动。介绍了汽动引风机的启动调试。  相似文献   

以国内首台套汽电双驱机组为研究对象,分析并解决机组中引风机滚动轴承及离合器中继齿环损坏的问题。依据引风机滚动轴承及离合器中继齿环损坏的现象,类比电火花加工原理,确定了电腐蚀造成了相关设备损坏的结论。通过分析机组布置形式,离合器设备的结构特点,得到了机组电腐蚀形成的过程及原因。通过以上轴系电腐蚀产生机理分析,给出了在电机和离合器之间增加绝缘设备的维修方案。目前,设备累计2年稳定运行,验证了解决方案的有效性。  相似文献   

大型燃煤机组降低供电煤耗的技术探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍国内某大型燃煤发电机组在降低供电煤耗方面所采取的技术措施,总结其中的经验,并分析该电站现存的节煤降耗潜力,提出今后节煤工作的重点和方向.  相似文献   

针对热电联产机组在供热抽汽减压环节普遍存在的火用损大、整体经济性较差问题,提出基于背压汽轮发电机组回收供热蒸汽余压,接带厂用电系统,实现供热蒸汽能量梯级利用的方案,并以一超超临界1000 MW和亚临界300 MW燃煤供热机组为研究对象,采用EBSILON热力建模软件分析了工业供汽和居民采暖余压梯级利用系统的热力学性能及...  相似文献   

为了研究某火电机组风烟系统采用汽电双驱型引风机系统,不同设备故障条件下机组相应的控制策略,依据热力学原理及设备固有属性,并搭建了相应的动力学模型,对发电机跳闸、小汽轮机跳闸、引风机与小汽轮机同时跳闸3种故障下的控制策略进行分析。最后,通过3次实际试验验证了控制策略及模型仿真结论的正确性。研究表明:在发电机跳闸时,可以通过调门快速动作到一定开度来保证机组的安全运行;在小汽轮机跳闸或引风机与小汽轮机同时跳闸时,可以通过保证机组的水煤比、风煤比等参数实现机组的减负荷运行。  相似文献   

柳兆印 《节能》2023,(10):29-31
以国内某大型火力发电机组作为研究对象,采用汽电双驱空压机系统,以汽-气联供方式为电厂周边的工业园区集中供应压缩空气,低压蒸汽进入工业园区供热管网。阐述汽电双驱空压机的结构特点、启停过程和保护逻辑,分析项目的技术方案与经济分析,为基于大型传统火电机组的压缩空气集中供应方式的应用提供参考。  相似文献   

面对节能发电调度、竞价上网、煤价上涨、环保治理等问题,燃煤电厂不仅压力大而且社会责任大。如何减少生产环节中各项损失,对低效高耗的主辅机进行技术改造,挖潜增效是关键。珠江电厂通过对锅炉运行进行优化调整,改造回转式空气预热器,锅炉采用等离子点火节油技术;对汽机运行进行优化调整,对汽轮机通流部分进行技术改造,凝结水泵采用变频调速节能技术。实施节能降耗措施后,电厂机组整体经济性明显提高,供电煤耗下降,取得了较好的经济效益和社会效益。  相似文献   

为研究某火电机组风烟系统采用汽电双驱型引风机时,引风机小汽轮机发电机甩负荷对小汽轮机及炉膛负压的影响,通过机组热力系统模型的搭建及仿真研究,提出在热态工况发生引风机小汽轮机发电机甩负荷的情况下,可通过超驰逻辑对小汽轮机调门进行控制,实现机组不发生辅机故障减负荷(RB)的事故,同时可维持炉膛负压在合理的范围内。仿真结果发现在不同负荷下进行甩负荷,可以得出一个较优调门超驰值,并通过试验验证了此方法的可行性。  相似文献   

结合某中小型燃煤电厂脱硫改造工程需要,分析了几种常用的烟气脱硫工艺技术,确定半千法为本工程烟气脱硫改造用工艺。同时通过对国内几种常见半干法工艺方案分析、比较,最终确定烟气循环流化床脱硫技术为本工程脱硫改造方案。  相似文献   

The awareness of the increase in greenhouse gas emissions has resulted in the development of new technologies with lower emissions and technologies that can accommodate capture and sequestration of carbon dioxide. For existing coal-fired combustion plants there are two main options for CO2 capture: removal of nitrogen from flue gases or removal of nitrogen from air before combustion to obtain a gas stream ready for geo-sequestration. In oxy-fuel combustion, fuel is combusted in pure oxygen rather than air. This technology recycles flue gas back into the furnace to control temperature and makeup the volume of the missing N2 to ensure there is sufficient gas to maintain the temperature and heat flux profiles in the boiler. A further advantage of the technology revealed in pilot-scale tests is substantially reduced NOx emissions. For coal-fired combustion, the technology was suggested in the eighties, however, recent developments have led to a renewed interest in the technology. This paper provides a comprehensive review of research that has been undertaken, gives the status of the technology development and assessments providing comparisons with other power generation options, and suggests research needs.  相似文献   

燃煤电厂烟气脱硫浆液管道的设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
石灰石-石膏湿法烟气脱硫工艺已经非常成熟,国内涌现了很多脱硫总包公司及专业脱硫设计公司。浆液(石灰石浆液和石膏浆液)管道设计工作量在湿法烟气脱硫工艺设计中至少占60%的比例,浆液管道与火电厂一般汽水管道的设计有很大的区别,浆液管道具有易磨损、易腐蚀及易堵塞等特点,在管道选材及布置设计时既要满足一般流体管道设计的各种规范及通用要求,同时更要考虑到浆液管道在流程设计、布置设计、选材、流速计算、坡度设计、阀门及管件选型、支吊架选型等方面的特殊性。  相似文献   

运煤系统建筑设施是影响火力发电厂卫生、环保状况及水资源利用的关键点之一,而运煤系统的建筑设施清扫最经济简单的做法是水力冲洗。配置一套合理实用的水力冲洗系统和可靠的冲洗水源,是运煤系统正常运行的保障。  相似文献   

The efficiency of coal-fired power plant depends on various operating parameters such as main steam/reheat steam pressures and temperatures, turbine extraction pressures, and excess air ratio for a given fuel. However, simultaneous optimization of all these operating parameters to achieve the maximum plant efficiency is a challenging task. This study deals with the coupled ANN and GA based (neuro-genetic) optimization of a high ash coal-fired supercritical power plant in Indian climatic condition to determine the maximum possible plant efficiency. The power plant simulation data obtained from a flow-sheet program, “Cycle-Tempo” is used to train the artificial neural network (ANN) to predict the energy input through fuel (coal). The optimum set of various operating parameters that result in the minimum energy input to the power plant is then determined by coupling the trained ANN model as a fitness function with the genetic algorithm (GA). A unit size of 800 MWe currently under development in India is considered to carry out the thermodynamic analysis based on energy and exergy. Apart from optimizing the design parameters, the developed model can also be used for on-line optimization when quick response is required. Furthermore, the effect of various coals on the thermodynamic performance of the optimized power plant is also determined.  相似文献   

燃煤电厂管道喷射烟气脱硫工艺的分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
鉴于我国中小型锅炉较多,难以承受高投资高运行费用脱硫工艺的国情,文章介绍了一种投资低,设备简单,改造方便的工艺-管道喷射技术,并对该工艺的优缺点以及脱硫性能作了分析。  相似文献   

系统地分析了电站锅炉燃烧优化技术的现状,针对锅炉燃烧优化存在的问题,提出了电厂实施闭环控制的可行性和必要性,并对燃烧优化闭环控制系统的功能和实施关键点进行了介绍。该技术在电厂的应用具有推广价值。  相似文献   

Superfine pulverized coal technology can effectively reduce NOx emission in coal-fired power plant boilers. It can also economize the cost of the power plant and improve the use of the ash in the flue gas. Superfine pulverized coal technology, which will be widely used in China, includes common superfine pulverized coal technology and superfine pulverized coal reburning technology. The use of superfine pulverized coal instead of common coal in large-scale power plants will not only reduce more than 30% of NOx emission but also improve the thermal efficiency of the boiler.  相似文献   

Superfine pulverized coal technology can effectively reduce NO x emission in coal-fired power plant boilers. It can also economize the cost of the power plant and improve the use of the ash in the flue gas. Superfine pulverized coal technology, which will be widely used in China, includes common superfine pulverized coal technology and superfine pulverized coal reburning technology. The use of superfine pulverized coal instead of common coal in large-scale power plants will not only reduce more than 30% of NO x emission but also improve the thermal efficiency of the boiler. __________ Translated from Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power, 2006, 22(4): 333–337 [译自: 上海电力学院学报]  相似文献   

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