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A review on the subject of compounds used as standards for biological X-ray microanalysis is presented. The general approach used for standardization has been to use standards which resemble the specimen closely in composition. Thus, standards based on proteins have been used for analysis of quench-frozen cryosectioned specimens, whereas standards based on embedding resins have been used for resin-embedded material. The properties of, and problems associated with, each type of standard are recognized and have been well documented. The choice and analysis of standard should not be a drawback to fully quantitative analysis of biological material. Attention is drawn to the fact that the problems associated with any quantification procedure need to be kept in mind when analysis of standards is undertaken.  相似文献   

Thin foils of the commercial Al alloy 7075 were subjected to X-ray microanalysis in a Jeol 100 CX TEMSCAN using a modified double-tilting stage. The ratio of the Cu Kx and Al Kx peaks, Icu/IAl, was found to decrease rapidly with increasing foil thickness, t, in regions thinner than about 200 nm. This was attributed to the formation of surface layers enriched in Cu during electropolishing, consistent with the findings of other investigators. An equation predicting the variation of IB/IA with t in an A-rich alloy in which B (or additional solute elements) is dilute is derived for a sample with surface layers enriched in B. The derivation predicts that IB/IA should vary linearly with t?1, and that the intercept of such a plot should be positive. It is suggested that consistency with this prediction serves as a criterion for true surface enrichment. Our data on Cu obey these predictions, and further analysis indicates that the layers on both surfaces are enriched by a factor of about 5.6. The ratio of the intensities of the Zn Kx and Al Kx X-ray peaks was found to be nearly independent of foil thickness to t?400 nm. This result, combined with additional analysis, indicates that the apparent enrichment observed by other investigators is most likely due to the influence of instrumental factors.  相似文献   

Calibration standards for quantitative X-ray microanalysis of resin-embedded plant tissue were prepared by adding 6600 mM KC1 to 5% agar. Agar blocks with an edge length of 1–2 mm were rapidly frozen, freeze-dried and embedded in styrene-methacrylate. Dry sections 1 μm thick were mounted on adhesive-coated grids. Apart from fine-scale inhomogeneities caused by ice crystal formation, the KC1 is evenly distributed in the agar blocks. The peak-to-continuum values of K and Cl were highly linearly correlated to the K and Cl contents over the whole concentration range.  相似文献   

Some problems of the quantitative analysis of diffusible elements in cryosections are reviewed. The two prevalent methods for obtaining concentrations from X-ray data, one based on characteristic radiation alone and the other on continuum-normalization, are recapitulated. Both methods seem suitable at cellular level while the latter seems preferable at finer spatial resolution. Recourse to both methods together is desirable in the analysis of frozen-hydrated sections especially when there is no peripheral standard. Selective local contamination is a particular hazard in the analysis of chlorine. In the case of sodium, physical parameters set restrictive limits to the minimum concentration measurable by ‘energy-dispersive’ X-ray spectrometry (about 20 mm kg?1) and to the spatial resolution attainable by diffractive X-ray spectrometry (~0·2 μm). One obvious danger to meaningful quantitative analysis is inadvertent redistribution of diffusible elements during the moments preceding the freeze-quenching of a tiny piece of tissue. Data are presented to show that concentration changes due to simple evaporation are a real hazard prior to the quenching of sub-millimetre size samples.  相似文献   

The genetic disease cystic fibrosis (CF) is due to defective epithelial chloride transport. Different treatments have been proposed that could restore chloride transport in CF patients. A new method is proposed for measuring the chloride secretion in easily accessible epithelial cells.
Fresh nasal epithelial cells were obtained by nasal brushing and made to attach to titanium grids for electron microscopy. Chloride efflux through the cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator channel was stimulated by 20 µ m forskolin and 100 µ m isobutyl-methylxanthine (IBMX), in standard Ringer's solution (SR). Chloride efflux through the calcium-regulated channel was stimulated by 200 µ m adenosine triphosphate (ATP) in SR. The cells were rinsed after the exposure, in order to remove the experimental medium, frozen and freeze-dried. The elemental composition of the cells was determined by X-ray microanalysis.
Rinsing with distilled water or ammonium acetate appeared to cause damage to the cells, whereas rinsing with isotonic mannitol preserved the ionic composition. Stimulation of cells from healthy controls with forskolin and IBMX in a chloride-containing medium caused a significant (28 ± 6%) decrease in chloride concentration, which is indicative of net chloride efflux. In similar conditions, stimulation with ATP induced a 29 ± 5% decrease in the chloride concentration.
Stimulation of cells from CF patients with forskolin and IBMX in a chloride-containing medium caused no significant change in the intracellular chloride concentration, whereas ATP stimulation induced a response similar to that obtained in cells from healthy controls.
It is concluded that X-ray microanalysis of nasal epithelial cells may be used to determine chloride secretion in CF patients in an easily accessible cell type.  相似文献   

The thin layer of liquid that lines the conducting airway epithelium, the airway surface liquid (ASL), is important for mucociliary clearance. Altered ionic composition and/ or volume of the ASL play a major role in the pathology of airway diseases such as cystic fibrosis. Since the ASL is a thin layer, it has been difficult to exactly determine its composition. The present paper describes two techniques that have been developed and used to study ASL composition: X-ray microanalysis of frozen hydrated rat trachea, and an ion-exchange (dextran) bead method, where dextran beads were placed on the airway epithelium to equilibrate with the ASL; the beads were then collected under silicone oil, dried and analyzed by X-ray microanalysis. The results from both frozen-hydrated specimens and from the dextran beads showed that ASL from rat trachea is hypotonic. Concentrations of Na, P, S, and K were higher in the frozen-hydrated ASL, in which mainly the mucus layer is analyzed, compared with the dextran bead method, in which mainly the periciliary liquid is sampled. Also the composition of rat nasal fluid was investigated by the dextran bead method. This fluid was somewhat hypertonic because of a high K concentration. The ionic composition of the nasal and tracheal fluid can be manipulated by cholinergic or alpha- or beta-adrenergic stimulation. Collecting ASL with dextran beads did not disturb the integrity of the airway epithelium. The ionic composition of the collected beads remained stable for several days during storage in silicone oil. It is concluded that X-ray microanalysis is a suitable method to determine the ionic composition of ASL.  相似文献   

The standardisation of frozen hydrated bulk biological specimens using gelatin standards is described. The relationship between corrected elemental X-ray counts and ionic concentration was found to be linear, and minimum detectable limits for each element are stated. Variations in uncorrected standard curves were found to be due to changes in aluminium coating thickness. There was an inverse relationship between coating thickness and elemental X-ray counts. The factors causing this are discussed. To avoid errors arising from inconsistent aluminium thickness, experimental material should only be compared with standards of similar aluminium net counts. This can be achieved most easily by mounting and analysing specimen and standard together.  相似文献   

The lymphocyte in Fig. 1 was incubated with a 1/10 dilution of a murine monoclonal antibody (Leu-1) directed against a surface antigen expressed on circulating human T-cells. It was labelled with a colloidal gold/immunoglobulin conjugate and examined with the scanning electron microscope (SEM) in the backscattered electron imaging (BEI) mode. It was easy to count the number of gold particles seen on this cell; actually, we counted 471 of them. For biologists, is this number relevant? We will discuss the principal factors involved in answering this question.  相似文献   

When a microregion in a thin section of frozen-dried and embedded tissue is analysed by the conventional electron-probe X-ray continuum-normalization method, the measured quantity is in mmol of element per kg of embedded specimen. As each microregion contains an unknown amount of embedding medium, this quantity generally lies indeterminately somewhere within the wide range between mmol of element per kg of hydrated tissue and mmol of element per kg of dehydrated tissue. However, if a ‘tag’ element is incorporated in the embedding medium, the contribution of the medium to the local continuum count in each probed field should be measurable, and the X-ray data may then unambiguously yield mmol of element per kg of dehydrated tissue. This result should not be affected by shrinkage on freeze-drying or by incomplete replacement of water by embedding medium. The same X-ray data can additionally provide estimates of mmol of element per unit volume, mmol of element per kg of hydrated tissue and local dry-mass fraction. However, these estimates are subject to errors due to tissue shrinkage, incomplete replacement of water and beam damage.  相似文献   

The nasal fluid is an easily accessible form of airway surface liquid. The objective of this study was to find a technically easy and reproducible method for sampling and analysis of this fluid. In a pilot study, several methods to carry out X-ray microanalysis of sub-microliter droplets were compared. Acceptable results were obtained with several of these methods (pipeting on filter paper or analysis of frozen-hydrated droplets at low temperature). Nasal fluid was collected from the inferior turbinate with a micropipette after occlusion of a nostril for 5-10 minutes. Ion concentrations in nasal fluid from six control subjects were (in mM, mean +/- standard error): sodium (Na) 127 +/- 6, chloride (Cl) 140 +/- 7, potassium (K) 27 +/- 3, and calcium (Ca) 5 +/- 1. This sampling method proved difficult to apply to cystic fibrosis (CF) patients because of the viscous quality of their nasal secretion. Therefore, an alternative method was devised. Sephadex G-25, ion exchange beads were mounted on double-sided tape, which was stuck on a filter paper as support. The filter paper was applied for 10 minutes to the nostril of a subject, and kept loosely in place. During the exposure period, the nasal fluid equilibrates with the beads. After removal of the filter paper with the beads from the nostril, the beads were rinsed with a hydrophobic volatile silicone oil to remove excess nasal fluid, dried, and analyzed. This method of collection is not cumbersome for the subject and gives results similar to those obtained by the direct collection method: Na 142 +/- 28 mM, Cl 150 +/- 36 mM, K 43 +/- 10 mM (mean and standard error of four determinations). Small differences between the filter method and the bead method can be explained by the fact that the filter method measured total nasal fluid, whereas the bead method measures predominantly the fluid component. Subjects suffering from mild respiratory illness or rhinitis had higher values for Na, K, and Cl in their nasal fluid.  相似文献   

The importance of chloride channels for the cell is demonstrated by a number of serious human diseases that are due to mutations in chloride channels. The most well-known of these diseases is cystic fibrosis. Investigations into the mechanisms of the disease and possible treatments require the study of chloride fluxes at the level of individual cells. The present study compares two methods for studies of chloride transport: X-ray microanalysis and MQAE fluorescence with image analysis. As an experimental system, the cAMP-activated chloride channel in cultured respiratory epithelial cells was chosen. Both methods showed that stimulation with the cAMP-elevating agents forskolin and IBMX decreased the chloride content of the cells by about 20-27%. Inducing a driving force for chloride by replacing extracellular chloride by nitrate resulted in a chloride efflux that was significantly increased in the presence of forskolin and IBMX. This study shows that X-ray microanalysis and MQAE fluorescence are adequate and comparable methods for measuring cAMP-dependent chloride transport in individual cells.  相似文献   

A system based on a personal computer has been developed which provides a relatively inexpensive way to equip an electron microscopy laboratory for quantitative elemental analyses of cryosectioned biological samples. This system demonstrates the feasibility of making an X-ray analyser from a personal computer, together with commercially available hardware and software components. Hardware and software have been assembled to drive the beam in a scanning electron microscope, collect and analyse X-ray spectra, and save, retrieve, and analyse data. Our software provides a menu-controlled user interface to direct spectra acquisition and analysis. Spot analyses, video images, and quantitative elemental images may be obtained and results transferred in ASCII format to other computers. Wet weight, as well as dry weight, concentrations are calculated, if measurements were made of areas of the hydrated sample before it was freeze-dried. Grey-level copies of video and quantitative elemental images may be made on a laser printer.  相似文献   

Modern collimator design for energy-dispersive X-ray detectors requires very accurate positioning of the crystal/collimator assembly in order to achieve the maximum solid angle of collection for the irradiated volume on the specimen. Thus it is important to have a method of checking the alignment of the detector when mounted on the microscope and under vacuum. This paper describes a number of techniques, principally X-ray mapping, for performing such an alignment check. These techniques are applicable to windowless detectors as well as to those with integral windows which will support atmospheric pressure. Methods of obtaining the non-standard modes of microscope operation suitable for this task are described, and some suggestions are made for ways of moving the crystal/collimator assembly and monitoring this movement while it is in progress.  相似文献   

The thin self-supporting biological specimens used for quantitative X-ray microanalysis are problematical because the sections are most unlikely to be uniform in thickness or density, so the intensities of the characteristic lines alone are not a good measure of composition. The method developed to overcome these problems was introduced by T. A. Hall in 1971 and uses the bremsstrahlung or continuum intensity recorded in the X-ray spectrum to normalize each characteristic line, and hence is frequently referred to as the continuum normalization (CN) procedure.
  Reformulating the CN method of quantification in terms of generalized cross-sections and calculating more accurate values of bremsstrahlung production using a formula allows us a better understanding of the options open to the analyst of biological thin sections by which the errors in the measurement may be reduced. If one chooses to use the original Hall (1971 ) method using Kramers cross-sections, the window measuring the continuum for normalization should be set in the 4–7 keV region for typical scanning electron microscope and microprobe beam energies, 20–40 kV, and above 10 keV for transmission electron microscope energies of 80 kV and above. Although it is clear that peak counts must not contribute to the white count, the window should be as wide as possible to reduce statistical errors.  相似文献   

Sections cut dry for the X-ray microanalysis of diffusible elements were fixed to adhesive-coated single fine-bar grids. The drawbacks of folding grids normally used for this purpose can thus largely be avoided.  相似文献   

Irritant substances have been shown to induce elemental changes in human and animal epidermal cells in situ . However, skin biopsies are a complicated experimental system and artefacts can be introduced by the anaesthesia necessary to take the biopsy. We therefore attempted to set up an experimental system for X-ray microanalysis (XRMA) consisting of cultured human keratinocytes. A number of methodological aspects were studied: different cell types, washing methods and different culture periods for the keratinocytes. It was also investigated whether the keratinocytes responded to exposure to sodium lauryl sulphate (SLS) with changes in their elemental composition. The concentrations of biologically important elements such as Na, Mg, P and K were different in HaCaT cells (a spontaneously immortalized non-tumorigenic cell line derived from adult human keratinocytes) compared to natural human epidermal keratinocytes. The washing procedure and time of culture influenced the intracellular elemental content, and rinsing with distilled water was preferred for further experiments. Changes in the elemental content in the HaCaT cells compatible with a pattern of cell injury followed by repair by cell proliferation were seen after treatment with 3.33 µ m and 33 µ m SLS. We conclude that XRMA is a useful tool for the study of functional changes in cultured keratinocytes, even though the preparation methods have to be strictly controlled. The method can conceivably be used for predicting effects of different chemicals on human skin.  相似文献   

A series of computer programs have been written for use in a multi-user resource center for biological microanalysis. They are tied together by a “Main Menu” program which acts as a traffic director and guides the investigator into whatever option is desired. These programs have been written with very clear instructions and interaction points. As a result, a complex handbook of options and responses is not required. Consquently, almost no training is required to use these programs as they are essentially self-explanatory. Extensive error checking has been included so that most errors are identified and corrections are requested without causing a program halt. Options available to the user provide for selected “region” analyses, elementally quantitative image analysis, and sorting of the resulting data files. A complete computer code printout is included in this report.  相似文献   

The question of the best type of standard to use for X-ray microanalysis of thin biological specimens remains unanswered. Standards embedded in an organic matrix have the advantage that they resemble biological specimens, but their composition is generally not known exactly. We compared several standards and, surprisingly, inorganic binary salts sprayed onto a supporting film were the most suitable: they corresponded closely with several other methods using organic matrices; they were easily produced; and their composition is known. Glutaraldehydeurea aminoplastic resin thin sections and thin films containing dissolved salts were problematic. The composition of the polymer appears to be variable, and the thin films did not correspond with any other standard tested. Chelex100 bio-standard beads and flakes loaded with accurately determined concentrations of ions, embedded in epoxy resin and thin sectioned, tended to correspond to the results obtained with the binary salts. However, the results from some bio-standards were inexplicably aberrant. An epoxy resin standard was used for bromine, and was found to agree closely with the binary standards.  相似文献   

A method for obtaining a semi-quantitative estimation of the amount of colloidal gold label attached to a cell surface is described. The X-ray emission, in a scanning electron microscope, from an even metal coating applied by diode sputter coating is used as an internal standard. The emission from the standard is used to correct for errors which would have arisen due to factors such as variable specimen surface topography. Examples of the semiquantitative estimation of 10-nm gold-labelled wheat-germ agglutinin to L929 murine fibroblast cells are given.  相似文献   

We report a simple method to study the elemental content in cultured human adherent cells by electron probe X-ray microanalysis with scanning electron microscopy. Cells were adapted to grow on polycarbonate tissue culture cell inserts, washed with distilled water, plunge-frozen with liquid nitrogen and freeze-dried. Unstained, freeze-dried cultured cells were visualized in the secondary and backscattered electron imaging modes of scanning electron microscopy. With backscattered electron imaging it was possible to identify unequivocally major subcellular compartments, i.e. the nucleus, nucleoli and cytoplasm. X-ray microanalysis was used simultaneously to determine the elemental content in cultured cells at the cellular level. In addition, we propose some improvements to optimize backscattered electron and X-ray signal collection. Our findings demonstrate that backscattered electron imaging offers a powerful method to examine whole, freeze-dried cultured cells for scanning electron probe X-ray microanalysis.  相似文献   

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