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In this work, by considering four-layered functionally graded material (FGM) specimens of Cu/Ni and PSZ/NiCrAlY, the transient characteristics and homogeneity of heat conduction media have been studied. The thermal diffusivities of the considered specimens have been measured by the laser flash method. As the temperature response curve of a FGM is very similar to that of a homogeneous material, it is difficult to distinguish a FGM from a homogeneous material by the shape of the temperature responses. Therefore, the thermal diffusivity obtained from the half-time method is usually taken as the corresponding value of the thermal diffusivity. The apparent thermal conductivity, obtained from the corresponding value of the thermal diffusivity and the average of the heat capacity of each layer, is different from the effective thermal conductivity, obtained from the sum of the heat resistances of each layer. As the values of the heat capacity of materials exist over a certain range, and the heat capacity distribution can be predicted when the materials in a FGM are known, the amount of error that will be caused when the effective thermal conductivity is replaced by the apparent value can be determined. Also, the heterogeneity of a FGM, based on an evaluation of thermophysical properties, has been discussed.Paper presented at the Seventh Asian Thermophysical Properties Conference, August 23–28, 2004, Hefei and Huangshan, Anhui,P. R. China. 相似文献
Hessameddin Yaghoobi Abdolhossein Fereidoon Mohammad Khaksari Nouri Soraya Mareishi 《先进材料力学与结构力学》2015,22(10):864-875
In this study, the thermal buckling analysis of hybrid laminated plates made of two-layered functionally graded materials (FGMs) that are integrated with surface-bonded piezoelectric actuators referred to as (P/FGM)s are investigated. Material properties for both substrate FGM layers and piezoelectric layers are temperature-dependent. Uniform temperature rise as a thermal load and constant applied actuator voltage are considered for this analysis. By definition of four new analytic functions, the five coupled governing stability equations, which are derived based on the first-order shear deformation plate theory, are converted into fourth-order and second-order decoupled partial differential equations (PDEs). Considering a Levy-type solution, these two PDEs are reduced to two ordinary differential equations. One of these equations is solved using an accurate analytical solution, which is named as power series Frobenius method. The effects of parameters, such as the plate aspect ratio, ratio of piezoelectric layer thickness to thickness of FGM layer, gradient index, actuator voltage, and the temperature dependency on the critical buckling temperature difference, are illustrated and explained. The critical buckling temperatures of (P/FGM)s with six various boundary conditions are reported for the first time and can be served as benchmark results for researchers to validate their numerical and analytical methods in the future. 相似文献
Xue-Qian Fang Shu-Min Duan Shu-Hong Liu Xiao-Hua Wang Wen-Jie Feng 《International Journal of Thermophysics》2009,30(3):1055-1073
In this study, a theoretical method is applied to investigate the multiple scattering of thermal waves and temperature field
resulting from a subsurface cylindrical inclusion in a semi-infinite functionally graded material (FGM). The adiabatic boundary
condition at the semi-infinite surface is considered. The thermal waves are excited at the surface of semi-infinite functionally
graded materials by modulated optical beams. The model includes the multiple scattering effects of the cylindrical thermal
wave generated by the line heat source. According to the wave equation of heat conduction, a general solution of scattered
thermal waves is presented. Numerical calculations illustrate the effect of subsurface inclusion on the temperature and phase
change at the sample surface under different physical and geometrical parameters. It is found that the temperature above the
conducting cylindrical inclusion decreases because of the existence of the inclusion. The effect of the inclusion on the temperature
and phase change at the surface is also related to the non-homogeneous parameter of FGMs, the wave frequency of thermal waves,
and the distance between the inclusion and the semi-infinite surface. Finally, the effect of the relaxation time of buried
inclusion on the temperature and phase change at the surface is examined. 相似文献
In this paper, the non-local theory solution of a Griffith crack in functionally graded piezoelectric materials under the anti-plane shear loading is obtained for the permeable electric boundary conditions, in which the material properties vary exponentially with coordinate parallel to the crack. The present problem can be solved by using the Fourier transform and the technique of dual integral equation, in which the unknown variable is the jump of displacement across the crack surfaces, not the dislocation density function. To solve the dual integral equations, the jump of the displacement across the crack surfaces is directly expanded in a series of Jacobi polynomials. From the solution of the present paper, it is found that no stress and electric displacement singularities are present near the crack tips. The stress fields are finite near the crack tips, thus allows us to use the maximum stress as a fracture criterion. The finite stresses and the electric displacements at the crack tips depend on the crack length, the functionally graded parameter and the lattice parameter of the materials, respectively. On the other hand, the angular variations of the strain energy density function are examined to associate their stationary value with locations of possible fracture initiation. 相似文献
A new class of hybrid/mixed finite elements, denoted "HMFEM-C", has been developed for modeling magneto-electro-elastic (MEE) materials. These elements are based on assuming independent strain-fields, electric and magnetic fields, and collocating them with the strain-fields, electric and magnetic fields derived from the primal variables (mechanical displacements, electric and magnetic potentials) at some cleverly chosen points inside each element. The newly developed elements show significantly higher accuracy than the primal elements for the electric, magnetic as well as the mechanical variables. HMFEM-C is invariant through the use of the element-fixed local orthogonal base vectors, and is stable since it is not derived from a multi-field variational principle; hence it completely avoids LBB conditions that govern the stability of hybrid/mixed elements. In this paper, node-wise material properties are used in order to better simulate the spatial material grading of the functionally graded materials (FGM). A computer code was developed, validated and used to calculate the three magnetoelectric (ME) voltage coefficients for piezoelectric-piezomagnetic (PE-PM) composites, namely, the out-of-plane, transverse and in-plane ME voltage coefficients. The effects of the piezoelectric phase volume fraction as well as the mechanical boundary conditions and loadings on the ME voltage coefficients are investigated. Also, the effects of grading functions in PE-PM composites with functionally graded layers, as well as single-layered functionally graded magneto-electro-elastic materials, on the three ME voltage coefficients are presented. 相似文献
In Wang et al. (2002), the mode I crack problem has been analyzed for a functionally graded material strip with arbitrarily
distributed properties. For the completeness of the research, this paper provides an analysis method for the mode II in plane
and mode III anti-plane elastic crack problems for a functionally graded material (FGM) strip containing a crack along the
gradient direction. In the analysis, the gradient region is treated as a number of homogeneous layers stacked along the gradient
direction. The analytical models developed in this paper for the modes II and III problems, together with the model developed
in Wang et al. (2002) for the mode I crack problem complete the analysis of the mixed-mode crack problem for functionally
graded materials with a crack parallel the gradient direction. Those analytical models allow the material properties be any
continuous functions along the thickness direction of the strip. 相似文献
本文采用电场激活压力辅助燃烧合成工艺(FAPAS),以Ti-Al和Ni-Ti-C体系的放热反应,实现了TiC陶瓷颗粒增强的Ni基复合材料的原位合成以及Ti-TiAl-(TiC)pNi功能梯度材料的同步连接制备。借助SEM和XRD等手段分析了各层界面的相组成和微观结构以及界面元素扩散特征,探讨了电场对功能梯度材料制备过程中各层间界面的冶金特征及连接结构的影响,揭示了电场作用下,利用放热体系进行原位合成和扩散连接的机制。研究结果表明,外加电场条件下,钛粉和铝粉反应形成TiAl相产生的化学热促进了钛基板与TiAl层界面原子的扩散溶解,是两者形成连接的关键;钛-碳反应热促进TiC/Ni细晶复合结构形成,提高了TiC颗粒与基体之间的润湿性和复合材料层的致密度。 相似文献
A meshless method based on the local Petrov–Galerkin approach is proposed for plate bending analysis with material containing functionally graded magnetoelectroelastic properties. Material properties are considered to be continuously varying along the plate thickness. Axial symmetry of geometry and boundary conditions for a circular plate reduces the original 3D boundary value problem into a 2D problem in axial cross section. Both stationary and transient dynamic conditions for a pure mechanical load are considered in this article. The local weak formulation is employed on circular subdomains in the axial cross section. Subdomains surrounding nodes are randomly spread over the analyzed domain. The test functions are taken as unit step functions in derivation of the local integral equations (LIEs). The moving least-squares (MLS) method is adopted for the approximation of the physical quantities in the LIEs. After performing the spatial integrations, one obtains a system of ordinary differential equations for certain nodal unknowns. That system is solved numerically by the Houbolt finite-difference scheme as a time-stepping method. 相似文献
采用(Sr1-xPbx)TiO3系列纳米粉末烧结制备了(Sr,Pb)TiO3系均质与梯度介电功能陶瓷材料,考察了其组成分布、显微结构及介电性能.结果表明,烧结后陶瓷基本致密化,晶粒有所长大(平均粒径约为6.3μm),其中存在少量圆形封闭气孔;均质陶瓷中Sr和Ph元素分布均匀,梯度陶瓷中则呈阶梯状梯度变化;烧结前后陶瓷相结构明显改变,由原来的立方顺电相为主转变为四方铁电相为主,并存在铁电畴亚结构;梯度化组成有效地优化了(Sr,Pb)TiO3陶瓷的介电性能,工作温度区间及介温稳定性明显改善. 相似文献
An analysis on the nonlinear dynamics of an FGM plate in hypersonic flow subjected to an external excitation and uniform temperature change is presented in this article. Material properties of the constituents are assumed to be temperature-dependent and the effective properties of FGM plate are graded in thickness direction according to a simple power law function in terms of the volume fractions. Based on von Karman type nonlinear strain–displacement relationship, the nonlinear governing equations of motion are derived by using Hamilton's principle. Galerkin's method is then utilized to discretize the governing partial equations to a two-degree-of-freedom nonlinear system, including the quadratic and cubic nonlinear terms. A third-order piston theory is applied for the hypersonic aerodynamic load. The Mach number and in-plane loading are used as bifurcation parameters. Numerical results including the bifurcations, waveform, phase plots, and Poincare maps are presented, for an FGM plate to show the influences of material gradient index, Mach number, and in-plane load on the nonlinear dynamics. 相似文献
Axi‐symmetric component like cylinder etc. has to operate under severe thermo‐mechanical loads, which cause significant creep. It, thus, reduces its service life. The present study investigates the steady‐state creep in a functionally graded rotating cylinder at constant angular speed. The cylinder is made up of aluminium matrix and reinforced with silicon carbide particles. The thermal gradient in the functionally graded rotating cylinder is estimated by performing finite element analysis on ANSYS software (ANSYS Inc., Canonsburg, USA). The creep behaviour of the cylinder has been described by threshold stress‐based creep law. The creep parameters are obtained by conducting regression analysis. The mathematical models have been developed to describe steady‐state creep in the cylinder. The study reveals that the radial, tangential, axial and effective stresses in the cylinder are significantly affected by the presence of particle gradient alone as well as with the presence of particle & thermal gradient both. It has been found that the creep rates have been reduced significantly by imposition of particle and thermal gradients together and thus increases the service life of cylinder. 相似文献