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One of the aims of the EuroFIR project is to establish a quality framework for national food composition databases. This paper discusses quality requirements of the data compilation process. Following the analytical production of food composition data, the compilation process is the next most important step in production of food composition data. The internationally recognised and recommended systematic approach to the identification, evaluation and control of significant hazards, Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP), was used as a starting point. All steps in the compilation process are listed and presented as a generic EuroFIR flowchart describing the overall food data compilation process and identifying hazards and critical control points. The flowchart and standard operating procedures, documenting how to assure hazards at critical control points, are considered mandatory elements of the EuroFIR quality framework.  相似文献   

An increasing number of national food databases have been published on the internet. However, these internet databases can only be searched individually, and the data have been compiled at a national level, resulting in incompatibilities. To resolve these problems, the Network of Excellence EuroFIR develops an internet based platform for online access to various national authoritative sources of food composition data in Europe. Training is essential for its use, and for the development of harmonised procedures of data production, evaluation, compilation, and retrieval. The training program developed within EuroFIR consists of individual training, supported by exchange grants, and a collection of workshops and training courses. Supportive E-learning modules are under construction. Procedures for the evaluation of each training activity have been made to measure its efficacy, and to learn about new training needs. Attention is given to special training needs of compilers in central and eastern European countries.  相似文献   

Facilitating access to European food composition data via a web-based system is a key objective of the European Food Information Resource Network of Excellence (EuroFIR). To better understand the needs of potential users of such a system the Use Case approach – a methodology used in software development – has been adapted to document the requirements of users. Use Cases describe how a system has to perform in order to be fit for the purpose that it is being used/built for. Several examples of how key users of food composition data currently interact with systems that provide such data have been identified and development of Use Cases will help to determine key functional requirements of the EuroFIR systems being developed and highlight further areas of opportunity for EuroFIR. Facilitating access to enhanced datasets on manufactured foods is one opportunity identified and discussed.  相似文献   

Food composition databases provide important data that can be used in a variety of ways to improve the nutritional quality of food and the health of the populations. The multicultural nature of European populations, together with increased travel and the globalisation of the food supply, has led to an increase in the consumption of ethnic foods by both mainstream and ethnic populations. However, the information that is available on the composition of ethnic foods is currently incomplete and fragmentary which both prevents effective health and disease interventions and limits the provision of dietary advice and information. One of the aims of the ethnic foods work package within the European Commission’s FP6 Network of Excellence EuroFIR is the provision of new and reliable data on the nutritional composition of ethnic foods from seven EU Member States and Israel for inclusion in national food composition databases. To achieve this goal, specific standards and mechanisms were developed to sample and analyse foods to harmonise procedures. Given the anticipated usage of the data it was essential that they were representative of the foods consumed in the country or region and that proper sampling procedures of the foods were employed. The most important nutrients were prioritised and analysed by selected accredited laboratories. The analytical methods selected were appropriate to fulfil the requirements of the resulting data. Quality assurance measures (ISO 17025, CRMs, IQC) were in place and the data accurately reflected the composition of chosen foods. This paper describes the procedures for producing validated new data for inclusion in forthcoming publications.  相似文献   

Capacity building in food and nutrition aims to enhance knowledge and support infrastructural development in this field. International Network of Food Data Systems (INFOODS) was established on the basis of the recommendations of an international group convened under the auspices of the United Nations University (UNU). The European Food Information Resource Network (EuroFIR, Network of Excellence) aims to develop and integrate food composition data through Europe including CEE countries. EuroFIR, joined forces with the United Nations University/UN System Standing Committee on Nutrition, in capacity building. Inventories have been initiated by EuroFIR on food composition data base status and on capacity development needs. The inventories showed that many activities are already ongoing, providing a good potential for developments needed. Substantial differences exist between the countries, including lack of understanding about the concepts and what quality implies. Assessing the quality, frequency of the capacity development activities and the number of staff trained is needed. Several countries lacked adequate information; 6 of 8 had established Food Composition Databases, but none had electronic versions of the Food Composition Databases. Most had national databases, but needs for additional equipment seems considerable. Education, training, workshops, networking and sharing of experiences were cross-cutting themes for most countries. It is concluded that capacity development is a long-term, continuing process, with policies, plans, and activities and should have national priority. Special attention should be given to the capacity development dimensions generated by global and European strategies. Capacity development networks would be important tools in addressing present and future needs in various countries. The EuroFIR training and exchange program is a valuable tool in achieving this.  相似文献   

饲料产品企业标准不仅是饲料生产企业组织生产和经营的依据,还是政府部门对企业的饲料产品进行质量安全监督管理及执法的重要依据。饲料产品企业标准是饲料企业进行生产必须遵守的法律文件。饲料产品企业标准是为了保证饲料产品的科学性、适用性、可操作性及合法性。因此每个饲料企业都应该依据自己的产品类型、配方变化、工艺要求的不同以及市场需求,制定科学、安全、实用及对生产有指导意义的企业标准。高水平的饲料产品企业标准对于提高企业的核心竞争力具有重要的意义。但是由于部分饲料企业负责人对饲料产品企业标准的重视程度不够,企业标准编制人才力量薄弱,编制人员信息掌握不充分,造成了现在仍有一些饲料企业标准存在着许多基础性问题。本文综述了饲料企业标准中经常出现的基础性问题,并对如何做好企业标准制定提出一些合理化的建议和改进措施,从而使饲料产品企业标准的编制更加规范、科学。  相似文献   

Food composition tables have become important tools to estimate and monitor the nutritional composition of foods next to chemical analysis. However, as analytical methods, calculation methods and obtained results differ significantly within various sources of food composition information. Because calculation methods and obtained results differ significantly within various sources of food composition information, it is indeed a challenge to build, harmonise and compile a food composition database from scattered resources and hard copy tables. This situation has been challenged and addressed in Spain with the support of EuroFIR and governmental bodies (Spanish Food Safety and Nutrition Authority, AESAN), and the Spanish Food Composition Database Network (RedBDECA) has been set up. The proposed aims of the initiative are: to identify and evaluate the main sources of food composition data in Spain; to promote communication within national groups and with EuroFIR; to design and develop a web page for the dissemination of its activities; and to create a consortium to ensure the sustainability of the Spanish Food Composition Database.  相似文献   

Food composition databases (FCDBs) are published with such different formats and levels of documentation, that it is often difficult to compare values or import data using standard procedure. Data from four online FCDBs – USA, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand – were downloaded and transformed according to EuroFIR specifications for presenting data and metadata. Despite their different levels of documentation, the data in these 4 FCDBs can be compared and interchanged using the standardized EuroFIR eSearch platform with little loss of information. This demonstrates the benefits of using standardized systems for linking and describing food composition data.  相似文献   

随着经济发展,我国愈发关注食品安全问题,食品安全已被提升到国家战略高度。我国对食品检测实验室的要求也随之逐步提高,加之食品检测过程复杂、技术专业、涉及学科广泛,必然对实验室的能力要求更加严格。本文介绍了我国食品检测机构资质认定的发展路径和适应国际要求开展实验室认可的情况,着重对最新发布的ISO/IEC 17025:2017《检测和校准实验室能力通用要求》中关于结构、资源、过程和管理体系等要求的26个主要要素有关食品检测实验室部分进行了框架分析,关注其更新变化情况,以期对食品检测实验室建立并运行食品安全与质量检测管理体系有所帮助。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the framework of China's food safety standards and provides a brief overview of the problems and developmental characteristics of food safety in China. The composition and characteristics of China's food safety standards are revealed by an analysis of the changes in China's general food standards, an overview of the characteristics of the hygiene requirements in the production and operation process, and an introduction to food product and test method standards. In conclusion, Chinese food safety standards are still being improved, but they must also be effectively implemented and followed up in real time in order to continuously improve the quality of food and reduce food safety incidents. © 2024 Society of Chemical Industry.  相似文献   

目的 梳理分析我国特殊医学用途配方食品(特医食品)产品标准配套的检验方法标准现状。方法 针对特医食品的限量要求,分析研究我国特医食品配套检验方法标准的匹配性和适用性。结果 已发布的相关方法标准基本可以匹配特医食品限量要求,主要涉及GB 5009、GB 5413和GB 4789系列方法标准。个别指标存在方法缺失或不适用的情况。结论 我国基本上建立了较完善的标准方法配套于特医食品的限量要求,可有效服务于特医食品的生产和监管。建议在相关方法标准制定修订中考虑特医食品基质的特殊要求,探索合理的管理模式,以期更好地服务于特医食品产业发展和行业监管。  相似文献   

食品接触材料标准为食品安全国家标准的重要组成部分,通过标准清理整合等工作,我国食品接触材料标准新体系基本建成。本文主要介绍了我国食品接触材料新标准体系的构成,对比分析了新标准体系发生的主要变化,科学梳理了行业面临的挑战以及新标准体系存在的问题,提出了下一步工作建议。  相似文献   

The preliminary Slovenian food composition database was created in 2003, through the application of the Data management and Alimenta nutritional software. In the subsequent projects, data on the composition of meat and meat products of Slovenian origin were gathered from analyses, and low-quality data of the preliminary database were discarded. The first volume of the Slovenian food composition database was published in 2006, in both electronic and paper versions. When Slovenia joined the EuroFIR NoE, the LanguaL indexing system was adopted. The Optijed nutritional software was developed, and later upgraded to the OPEN platform. This platform serves as an electronic database that currently comprises 620 foods, and as the Slovenian node in the EuroFIR virtual information platform. With the assimilation of the data on the compositions of foods of plant origin obtained within the latest project, the Slovenian database provides a good source for food compositional values of consistent and compatible quality.  相似文献   

2012年启动的食品标准清理工作对1 240项理化检验方法类标准进行了分析整理,最终形成了248项食品安全国家标准目录。本文对清理工作的原则和目标、具体工作方式、最终产出和存在的问题等进行了概述,旨在使标准使用者对清理工作有更清晰的认识,利于标准的实施与应用,并为下一阶段的标准整合工作奠定工作基础。  相似文献   

为进一步完善食品安全标准管理制度,对目前我国食品安全标准管理和制修订工作的现状及存在的问题做了深入分析。文章提出了食品安全标准管理中存在问题,包括食品安全国家标准的内容和效力、承担标准制修订的责任主体、临时管理限量值的制定程序、标准的发布形式、食品添加剂、食品相关产品和保健食品的管理模式、食品安全地方标准和企业标准的管理问题、参与国际标准存在的问题等等。在此基础上,提出了通过修改现行《食品安全法》,进一步完善食品安全标准管理制度的建议。  相似文献   

BackgroundEdible insects have been proposed as a more environmentally sustainable and nutritious alternative to conventional livestock. In response to the promotion of insects as food and feed by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, insect agriculture is now a growing industry across the world. Yet information regarding the nutritional composition of commercially available insect species is disparate in terms of data quality, the location of published sources, and the form in which data is presented.Scope and approachWe conducted a systematic review of all published nutrient composition data for twelve selected species of commercially available edible insect. Our objective was to create a nutrient composition table in line with INFOODS/EuroFIR guidelines, and to present the results in a standardised form that is easily comprehensible for nutritionists and policy-makers.Key findings and conclusionsOur results expose the low quality of data describing edible insect nutritional composition, when compared to INFOODS/EuroFIR recommendations. This calls attention to the need for greater adherence to international guidelines in this field. The data that were included in our final table show clear within-species variation in the proportion of both macro- and micronutrients. This highlights the importance of external factors such as feed and ecology in determining nutrient composition.  相似文献   

Demands are growing for information on the quality of food composition data. It is generally acknowledged today that the traditional measures of data quality (e.g. standard deviations) do not adequately address the complex issues affecting the quality of food composition data. Current efforts to address this problem centre on using multiple-choice questions to create “objective” quality scores for component values, allowing numeric scores to be set for a wide range of important factors. This paper discusses some of the significant challenges facing us as we begin to implement the process of creating the standards for, and assigning quality values to food composition data. Specific strategic approaches are suggested that can reduce both the complexity and the cost of overcoming each of these challenges.  相似文献   

本文通过对欧盟食品标签标准的主要法规、立法程序和立法原则进行介绍、将其与国际食品法典和中国食品标签标准比较,得出欧盟食品标签标准比国际食品法典(Codex)和中国的标准复杂、完备的结论。进而结合国际贸易中技术性贸易壁垒的背景,指出在欧盟等国家复杂详尽的食品标签标准背后是这些国家的标准对本国消费者的更好保护和对中国出口食品产业的技术优势。  相似文献   

欧盟、国际食品法典和中国食品标签标准比较研究(Ⅰ)   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文通过对欧盟食品标签标准的主要法规、立法程序和立法原则进行介绍、将其与国际食品法典和中国食品标签标准比较,得出欧盟食品标签标准比国际食品法典(Codex)和中国的标准复杂、完备的结论。进而结合国际贸易中技术性贸易壁垒的背景,指出在欧盟等国家复杂详尽的食品标签标准背后是这些国家的标准对本国消费者的更好保护和对中国出口食品产业的技术优势。  相似文献   

目的分析国内外蜂蜜标准,完善我国蜂蜜安全标准。方法采取资料分析法与数据分析法,通过对比国内外蜂蜜标准,并结合样品检测数据,对我国现行蜂蜜安全标准中的重点指标进行分析研究。结果我国蜂蜜安全标准在主要内容和指标设定上与国外标准基本一致,个别指标和要求应根据实际情况进一步完善。结论建议我国蜂蜜安全标准根据实际检测数据进一步完善水分和指示菌等部分指标。  相似文献   

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