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The growth of short fatigue cracks was investigated in an austempered ductile cast iron (wt% 3.6C, 2.5Si, 0.6Mn, 0.15Mo, 0.3Cu), austenitized at 870 °C and then austempered at 375 °C for 2 h. At stress amplitudes close to the fatigue limit endurance limit of 107 cycles, subcritical crack nuclei initiated at graphite nodules. The crack nucleus decelerated and arrested after propagating a short distance. The position of an arrested crack tip was characterized using an electron backscatter diffraction technique, demonstrating that short fatigue cracks in austempered ductile cast iron (ADI) can be arrested by boundaries such as those between ausferrite sheaves or packets and prior austenite grains. Refinement of the prior austenite grain size decreased the size of subcritical crack nuclei. It is proposed that the arrest and retardation of short crack nuclei are controlled by the austenite grain size and graphite nodule size. This determines the fatigue endurance limit.  相似文献   

Rotating bending fatigue tests were carried out on austempered ductile iron containing 1.5 wt% nickel and 0.3 wt% molybdenum. The ductile iron was austenitized at 900 or 1050 °C and then austempered at 280 or 400 °C for different lengths of time to obtain different microstructures. The fatigue strength was correlated with the amount of retained austenite and its carbon content, which were both determined by X-ray diffraction technique. While the tensile strength decreased with increasing retained austenite content, the fatigue strength was found to increase. Carbide precipitation was found to be detrimental to fatigue strength. Lower austenitizing temperature resulted in better fatigue strength.  相似文献   

Corrosion fatigue (CF) behavior has been investigated for an austempered ductile iron (ADI) by conducting systematic fatigue tests at 20 Hz, including both high-cycle fatigue (HCF, S-N curves) and fatigue crack growth (FCG, da/dN-K curves), in air, lubrication oil and several aqueous environments. Results showed the HCF resistance of ADI was dramatically reduced by the given aqueous media, in particular, to a greater extent with a decrease in pH value. However, the given room-temperature aqueous solutions did not exert significantly detrimental effects on the Stage II crack growth compared with an atmospheric environment but an increase in solution temperature caused enhanced Stage II crack growth. Among the given variables of the bulk environment, pH had the greatest influence on HCF response while temperature had the most influence on the FCG of long cracks. In addition, SAE 10W40 lubrication oil provided an inert environment to remove the corrosive effect and enhance the CF resistance of ADI. The overall comparisons indicated the environmental effects would generate more influence on Stage I cracking than on Stage II cracking for the given ADI.  相似文献   

Fatigue crack growth (FCG) behavior has been investigated for two different grades of austempered ductile irons (ADIs). These ADIs were produced from an alloyed ductile iron (DI) and heat treated respectively at two austempering temperatures, 300 and 360°C, to generate two different ausferrite microstructures. FCG tests using compact tension (CT) specimens were conducted under load control with three load ratios, R = 0.1, 0.5 and 0.7. The fatigue crack growth rates (FCGRs) of the given ADIs were compared with those of the as-cast DI with a bull's eye microstructure to examine the influence of austempering treatment on the FCG behavior of DI. The FCG behavior for the given materials was found to be dependent on the matrix structure with a demonstration that the as-cast DI had a better FCG resistance than did the ADIs at low K regime and vice versa at high K regime. As for the comparison made between the two ADIs, the one austempered at 360°C exhibited a lower FCG rate as a result of its coarse ausferrite microstructure, higher volume fraction of retained austenite, and greater toughness. The ADIs also demonstrated a load ratio dependence of intrinsic FCGR; that is, the enhancement of the FCGR with an increase in R value could not be rationalized by the crack closure effects.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Short fatigue crack nuclei in austempered ductile cast iron have been studied using optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy and X‐ray microtomography and by electron backscatter diffraction analysis. Fatigue cracks nucleate at graphite nodules and shrinkage microporosity. The crack nuclei are arrested and retarded by barriers in the microstructure, by either blocking of slip at boundaries or owing to the requirement for tilt and twist of the stage I crystallographic crack at grain boundaries. These observations indicate that both the size of the defects, such as graphite nodules and microporosity, and the size of the prior austenite grains control the largest crack nucleus that can develop, and hence determine the component fatigue limit.  相似文献   

Quantitatively evaluating the fatigue strength of ductile iron (DI) with casting surfaces involves several complicated factors such as surface roughness, transition of microstructures from surface to interior, several types of defects and residual stresses. Tension–compression fatigue tests have been performed using DI having casting surfaces composed of a ferritic structure, a ferrite‐pearlitic structure and a pearlitic structure. Residual stresses were relieved by annealing in order to separately evaluate each factor. The parameter model was applied for quantitative evaluation of fatigue strength. Surface roughness was considered to be mechanically equivalent to a defect, and the effective defect size due to the interaction between the surface roughness and a defect was defined. The present study proposes a method of evaluating the maximum defect size using statistics of extremes and the lower bound of the scatter of fatigue strength, for practical design.  相似文献   

Rotating bending fatigue measurements are reported for an austempered ductile iron containing 3.5 wt% C, 2.6 wt% Si, 0.48 wt% Cu, 0.96 wt% Ni, 0.27 wt% Mo, and 0.25 wt% Mn. The iron was austenitized at 870, 900 and 950°C and then austempered at 370 and 400°C for times between 30 and 240 min to obtain various austempered microstructures. The correlation between fatigue strength and austempered microstructure represented by the parameter XγCγ, where Xγ is the amount of high C austenite and Cγ its C content is examined. It is shown that fatigue strength increases as XγCγ increases. The highest fatigue strength is obtained with an ausferrite structure; the presence of martensite and/or carbide in the structure reduces the fatigue strength. Lower austenitizing temperatures increase the fatigue strength. This revised version was published online in November 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The fracture behavior of copper-alloyed austempered ductile iron (ADI) was studied using metallography and fractography of selected samples. Three different grades of ADI were developed by austenitization at 900 °C for 60 min, followed by austempering for 60 min at either 270, 330, or 380 °C. The variation in austempered microstructure was determined by scanning electron microscopy of metallographically prepared samples, and structural parameters such as volume fraction of austenite, carbon content, and bainitic needle width were determined from the X-ray diffraction of powdered samples. The effect of austempering temperature on these structural parameters and on hardness, 0.2% proof stress, ultimate tensile strength (UTS), percent elongation, and impact strength was also studied. The fracture behavior under tensile and impact loading was determined by examination of the fractured surfaces and transverse cross sections near the fracture surface. The hardness, 0.2% proof stress, and UTS decrease and the impact energy increases as the austempering temperature is increased, and the morphology of the bainitic structure changes from lower to upper.  相似文献   

The effect of austempering temperature on the microstructure of ausferrite in austempered ductile iron was investigated. The results show that the grain sizes of retained austenite and acicular bainitic ferrite both become larger with the increase of austempering temperature. As the austempering temperature is 240°C, the crystallographic relationship between ferrite and austenite in ausferrite follows Greninger-Troiano relation. However, Nishiyama–Wassermann relation and Greninger-Troiano relation both appear in ausferrite austempered at 300°C. At this temperature, the point-to-point misorientations of individual ferrite needle austempered at 300°C are less than 1°, being less than those at 240°C. This means the ferrite needles at 300°C contain fewer defects. However, some poles of ferrite needles obviously deviate from their ideal positions, which mainly comes from some ends of ferrite needles.  相似文献   

The effects of austempering temperature and isothermal transformation time on the low-cycle fatigue (LCF) behaviour in ductile irons have been studied. The fracture surfaces were observed by a scanning electron microscope in order to understand the fracture mechanism of LCF. From the results, it can be concluded that the best LCF behaviour is for the irons austenitized at 950 °C and there is very good cyclic stability at the lower strain amplitude irrespective of the austempering condition. However, there is a little cyclic softening at higher strain amplitudes for all the austempering conditions. Under a larger strain amplitude, the best LCF behaviour is for the specimen that has undergone austempering at a higher temperature, but under a smaller strain amplitude, the best LCF behaviour is for the specimen austempered at 350 °C.  相似文献   

The Dual Boundary Element Method (DBEM) is used in this work to model the micro mechanics of fatigue crack propagation in austempered ductile iron (ADI). Emphasis is put in devising accurate procedures for the evaluation of the interaction effects between very close crack–microcrack arrays. Fracture parameters are computed via the so-called one-point displacement formula using special crack-tip elements. Crack propagation is modelled using an incremental crack extension analysis; with crack extensions calculated using a propagation law that accounts for the near-threshold regime. Obtained results are in agreement with experimental observations, providing evidence to fracture mechanics models proposed in the literature.  相似文献   

This investigation involves a systematic study of the fracture surfaces of two grades of austempered ductile iron (ADI) broken under quasi‐static, dynamic and cyclic loading conditions. The study used electron microscopy, optical microscopy and image post‐processing. The results show that the predominating fracture mechanism in ADI upon impact loading changes from quasi‐cleavage to ductile (with little areas of cleavage facets) as the testing temperature increases. Noticeably, even at the lower temperatures tested, the fracture surface of ADI shows clear signs of ductile fracture mechanisms. In particular, graphite nodule cavities suffer marked plastic deformation. Fracture after bending tests at room temperature was characterized by a mix of quasi‐cleavage facets, deformation of the contour of nodular cavities and microvoid coalescence. In the case of fatigue fracture at room temperature, the fracture surfaces show a flat appearance which has notorious differences with those reported for other loading conditions, but the typical fatigue striations were not found. The particular features identified on the fatigue fracture surfaces can be used to identify fatigue failures. It was also shown that the determination of the direction of main crack propagation by using the experimental methodology proposed earlier by the authors is applicable to ADI fractured by impact and quasi‐static loads. The results provide information potentially useful to fractographic analyses of ADI, particularly in samples that fail in service under unknown conditions.  相似文献   

The effect of microcracking on the mechanics of fatigue crack growth in austempered ductile iron is studied in this paper. The mechanism of fatigue crack growth is modelled using the boundary element method, customized for the accurate evaluation of the interaction effects between cracks and microcracks emanating from graphite nodules. The effects of nodule size and distribution and crack closure are considered, with deviation bounds of computed results estimated through weight-function analyses. A continuum approach is employed as a means of quantifying the shielding effect of microcracking on the dominant propagating crack, due to the reduction of stiffness of the material in the neighbourhood of the crack tip. Although the results obtained may not yield actual numbers for real cases, they are in accordance with experimental observations and demonstrate how the main factors affect the crack growth of the macrocrack.  相似文献   


It was found by optical and electron microscopic examination of the microstructure of as-weld austempered ductile iron that the weld matrix is composed of austenite and bainite, the volume fractions of which were determined. In addition, the carbon content of austenite was measured and therefore the average carbon content of the matrix was calculated. In the matrix of the weld metal two types of bainite, bainite ferrite and lower bainite, were found. According to the morphology and distribution of the bainite plates, the nucleation and growth modes of bainite was inferred.  相似文献   

为获得兼具较高强度和良好低温冲击韧性的球墨铸铁铸件,向球墨铸铁中加入质量分数约0.5%的Ni进行合金化,并对其进行中温奥氏体化(880℃+3 h)和低温退火(720℃+4 h)处理.采用光学显微镜(OM)、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)对铸态和热处理态试样的显微组织和冲击断口形貌进行分析;利用万能试验机、布氏硬度计和摆锤式冲击试验机等对铸态和热处理态试样进行了室温拉伸、硬度检测、低温冲击等力学性能测试.结果表明:铸态球墨铸铁的微观组织由珠光体、铁素体和球状石墨及少量的渗碳体组成,其强度、硬度偏高,塑性、韧性较差;热处理态试样中的珠光体向铁素体转变后为铁素体和球状石墨,试样强度、硬度有所降低,塑性、韧性得到明显的改善;铸态试样呈现典型的脆性断裂特征,热处理态试样冲击断口处存在少量韧窝,断裂模式以解理断裂为主,伴有少量塑性变形的韧脆混合断裂,且在-40℃冲击功达到12.4 J;比较铸态与热处理态的冲击断口形貌可知,试样断裂方式由脆性断裂转变为韧脆混合断裂.  相似文献   

The structure and properties of ductile iron are highly dependent on the solidification mechanism and chills are used to promote directional solidification to get sound castings. A series of fracture toughness experiments were carried out involving austempered chilled ductile iron containing 3.42% C, 1.8% Si and other alloying elements. By using copper chills of different thickness, the fracture toughness of varying the chill rate was also examined. The fracture toughness tests were carried out using three-point bend specimens, each with a chevron notch, as per ASTM E 399 1990 standards. It was found that austempered chilled ductile iron is highly dependent on the location on the casting from where the test samples are taken and also on the Ni and Mo content of the material. Chill thickness, however, also affects the fracture toughness of the material.  相似文献   


The structure and properties of ductile iron are highly dependent on the solidification mechanism, and chills are used to promote directional solidification to obtain sound castings. A series of fracture toughness experiments was carried out, involving austempered chilled ductile iron containing 3·42%C, 1·8%Si, and other alloying elements. By using copper chills of different thicknesses, the fracture toughness with varying chill rate was examined. Fracture toughness tests were carried out using three point bend specimens, each with a chevron notch, according to ASTM Standard E399 : 1990. It was found that the fracture toughness of austempered chilled ductile iron is highly dependent on the location in the casting from where the test specimens are taken and also on the nickel and molybdenum contents of the material. Chill thickness, however, also affects the fracture toughness of the material.  相似文献   

《Materials Letters》2004,58(22-23):2707-2711
The effect of austempering on the microstructure and toughness of nodular cast iron (designated as CuNiMoSG) alloyed with molybdenum, copper, nickel, and manganese has been studied. Light microscopy (LM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and X-ray diffraction technique were performed for microstructural characterization, whereas impact energy test was applied for toughness measurement. Specimens were austenitised at 860 °C, then austempered for various times at 320 and 400 °C, followed by ice-water quenching. Austempering at 320 °C produces a microstructure consisting of a mixture of acicular bainitic ferrite and the stable carbon-enriched austenite. In this microstructure ε-carbides are also identified after austempering up to 5 h. Fracture mode is changed from ductile to brittle with the prolonged time of austempering at 320 °C. The highest impact energy (115 kJ) corresponds not only to ductile fracture, but also to the maximum value of the volume fraction of retained austenite. Only martensitic structure was observed during austempering at 400 °C, inducing brittle fracture and significantly low-impact energy (10–12 kJ).  相似文献   

Study of wear behaviour of austempered ductile iron   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
An investigation was carried out to examine the influence of austempering temperature on microstructural parameters and the wear behaviour of austempered ductile iron. Ductile iron was austenitised at 900 °C for 30 min and austempered for 2 h at 260, 280, 300, 320, 350, 380 and 400 °C. Resulting microstructures were characterised through optical microscopy and X-ray diffraction. Wear test was carried out using a pin-on-disc machine with sliding speed of 289 m min−1. Coarse ausferrite microstructure exhibited higher wear rate than fine ausferrite microstructure. At high austempering temperature large amounts of austenite was instrumental in improving the wear resistance through formation of deformation induced martensite. Study of the wear surface under scanning electron microscope showed that, under dry sliding condition, wear occurred mainly due to adhesion and delamination. Wear rate was found to be dependent on the yield strength, austenite content and its carbon content.  相似文献   

A multiple phase structure characterised by a mixture of lenticular prior martensite (PM), fine needle bainitic ferrite and film retained austenite (RA) of an unalloyed ductile iron is developed. The designed austempering consists of initial rapid quenching to 210, 200 and 180°C respectively and finally austempering at 220°C for 240 min. The optimum mechanical properties, with a tensile strength of 1330?MPa, an elongation of 3.1% and 422HB, can be achieved by controlling the volume fraction of PM to 12.3% and the RA content to 18.1%. This is mainly attributed to PM that can accelerate the subsequent bainitic transformation and promote refinement of multiphase colonies.  相似文献   

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