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波士顿爱默生学院(Emerson College)位于好莱坞的“前哨”——爱默生中心由Morphosis设计。这个12.5万平方英尺的建筑已经获得了规划许可,  相似文献   

W好莱坞由HKS建筑设计公司设计,于2010年1月正式对外开放,这里是世界娱乐之都,充溢着浮华、魔力、世界级文化和前沿时尚。这个多用途项目由Gatehouse Capital Corp and Legacy Partners开发。W Hotel的母公司Starwood负责酒店和住宅管理。项目包括305间客房的W酒店,143套豪华住宅,375套公寓,以及4 645m~2底商。工程位于MTA广场,这里云集了高档餐厅和著名的酒吧、SPA和健身设施,是一  相似文献   

正RivaBelia餐厅位于西好莱坞,其设计灵感源于餐厅行政主厨的家乡——意大利北部小城里米尼。通过餐厅所有者Innovative Dining Group和Collective工作室的通力合作,花费400万美元将餐厅扩建为室外和室内两部分。总面积共743平方米的餐厅能一次性容纳245人同时就餐。由于根据各种风味进行区域的划分及联合,为顾客带来了风格独特的就餐体验。  相似文献   

美国动画历史悠久,经过制作者的创作与探索,蒸蒸日上,发展至今,美国动画已经形成了自身的特质,影片情节、角色塑造、音乐点缀都深受观众喜爱。美国动画创造了很多票房传奇,这是美国动画创作者将自己的情感态度和审美理想倾注于动画作品的产物,也是向观众传递自身文化取向与审美理念的过程。  相似文献   

任晓兵 《安徽建筑》2000,7(6):51-52
中小学校建筑设计中,往往受经济条件的限制或者传统教学空间模式的影响,在考虑建筑的外部空间时只是简单地赋予建筑一个具有学校建筑特性的立面,而对穿越包围建筑的外部空间缺乏深入的研究。致使教学建筑的外部空间单调乏味。按照鲁夫.阿恩海姆的图底学说的说法,建筑物是“阳形”,建筑外部外间是“阴形”,二者呈现出一种互余、互补或互逆的关系;彭一刚在《建筑空间组合论》一书中则把建筑实体和它的外部空间比作铸造业中的砂型(模子)与铸件,两者互为镶嵌,非此即彼。建筑的外部空间与建筑物本身密切联系,外部空间是建筑物实体的…  相似文献   

本文从好莱坞电影入手,运用佛洛依德的理论分析好莱坞电影文本及其营销世界的内在原因,探讨了好莱坞电影所承载的美国精神行销全球的文化殖民意图,揭示美国凭借好莱坞电影在世界市场所达到的经济和政治上的双重目的。  相似文献   

我们对洛杉矶大胆的建筑并不陌生,但由Morphosis建筑公司设计的位于好莱坞的爱默生大学校园,其充满未来感的新奇外观无疑提高了一个档次。这个时髦的钢铝复合板结构将作为一个独立的校园,包括了教室、学生宿舍和办公室。  相似文献   

国际上享誉极高的好莱坞哥伦比亚电影学院(CCH),正通过创建一个传媒研究中心来使其电影制作配备达到一个新的水平。作为一个成立于1925年的电影学院的先导者,哥伦比亚电影学院位于加利福尼亚的Tarzana,距好莱坞和洛杉矶仅几分钟路程。通过扩展现有的除Panavision电影总部之外的4088平方米(44000平方英尺)的建筑至近1400平方米(15000平方英尺),哥伦比亚电影学院(CCH)不久将扩大自身片场的酒吧。  相似文献   

上海浦东星河湾酒店以地中海城堡为蓝本.弥漫着欧洲的宫廷气息。走进酒店挑高近12米的大厅.也彷佛走入一个梦幻花园。高高的穹顶由四根云石柱撑起,柱子上纹理细腻,雕刻着藤蔓.藤蔓攀延天际.代表宇宙无限延伸。  相似文献   

北京公馆作为高档公寓,在设计中采用了钢结构、呼吸式玻璃幕墙、水源热泵系统、地板采暖系统、独立新风系统等多种节能措施。多种节能措施的综合运用,在建筑工程的可持续发展方面具有一定的探索意义。  相似文献   

公馆,君之舍也。——《礼记》。 公馆是具有社会公益性质的私宅,公馆文化是中国近代以来最具代表性的颠峰居住文化,公馆的居住者往往是历史上举足轻重的才智人物,公馆生活作为公馆文化的具象载体,是居者与高尚居住形态的沟通、交互,更是社会精英人士追求至高生活形态的一种深厚情结。  相似文献   

李伟玲 《风景园林》2012,(6):115-117
位于法国卢瓦尔河畔的肖蒙城堡已经连续21年举办了国际园艺节。作为盛名享誉的园林城堡,其举办的园艺节已经成为世界园林设计师的展示舞台也为广大园林爱好者提供了聚会交流的机会。2012年,城堡的花园扩建项目告捷,在新开垦的10hm2瓜卢草地上,首次展示了由中国建筑师王澍和邱治平设计的园林作品"亭云"和"华庐"。两个园林作品分别以现代与传统手法表达了具有诗情画意的中国园林艺术。  相似文献   

Chlorine added to ammonia-free sea-water gives rise to a fast and quantitative oxidation of bromide to hypobromite and hypobromous acid. However as ammonia nitrogen levels commonly found in coastal and estuarine sea-water are sufficiently high and thus not negligible compared to the chlorine dose introduced formation of monochloramine to compete with oxidation of bromine leading to bromamines. The relative importance of these two reactional pathways is estimated considering both bromine determination and study of the electron absorption spectra of chlorinated seawater. In order to avoid substitution reactions taking place in the presence of organic compounds, preliminary experiments have been carried out in artificial and u.v. photo-oxidized sea-water.The nature of the species formed depends on the molar ratio added chlorine vs ammonia-nitrogen concentration of seawater. With Cl/N larger than 1.5, only bromide derivatives are obtained: dibromamine, tribromamine and bromine(I) (HBrO + BrO). Cl/N smaller than 1.5 leads to a mixture of monochloramine, dibromamine and some monobromamine: monochloramine clearly predominates when ammonium concentrations reach higher values. Stoichiometry of ammonia to nitrogen oxidation by chlorine explains this ratio of 1.5 and a strong decrease of the total oxidant concentration is observed under these conditions. Bromamines decompose within the following 30–60 min; only stable compounds remain: either bromine(I) or monochloramine according to Cl/N values. A similar behaviour is observed in natural seawater previously doped with ammonia as to the nature of the products formed for a given Cl/N ratio; however, bromamines decompose more rapidly due to bromination of organic components.  相似文献   

精选理由法院这种建筑应该始终庄重肃穆,并具有象征意义,白色混凝土建筑的单体形式与突出的特性就充分体现了这一点,尤其是坚实的立面向内侧深挖出巨大的凹槽,仿佛悬在广场上方。  相似文献   

Inorganic reactions occurring during ammonia-free sea-water chlorination have been considered. Experiments have been carried out in artificial or UV-photooxidized sea-water in order to avoid slow reactions of chlorine and bromine with organic compounds in sea-water. Results obtained either from bromine determination, using phenol red as a reagent, or from electronic absorption spectra of chlorinated sea-water show a fast and quantitative oxidation of bromide to hypobromite and hypobromous acid. No bromate formation was detected in our experimental conditions.  相似文献   

In France, the creation of a “Ministère de l'Environnement et du Cadre de Vie” and “Agences Financieres de Bassin” has made it possible to obtain information on the water quality of rivers and on the measures necessary to improve water quality. Particularly in the Adour-Garonne Basin, much information is now available. The methodology needed to draw conclusions concerning the quality of the rivers and to show the effectiveness of control measures has been developed.This method has been tested in two catchments (Fig. 1): L'Adour (15,000 km2) and La Dordogne (24,000 km2). The steps that were necessary before this method could be used were: critical assessment of the available data; identification and measurements of pollution sources. This called for the collection of information, annual statistics for each sampling station and information concerning the value and importance of measured parameters.Detailed information is available from 1971 and 1976 and this is shown by maps and graphical representations of the variations in the value of different parameters (Fig. 2).Statistical analysis has also been carried out on the information available for the period 1971–1976.Two methods were used: analysis of the principal components, the method most used being shown by Figs 3 and 4 and the “STATIS” method developed recently which treats the whole data “At 3 indices” (Fig. 5).Research has been carried out on the causal relations between the water quality and the sources of pollution.A simple graphical method is proposed to explain the effect of a strongly preponderant pollutant source. It allows easy visualisation of the change in the relationship between two series of variables (Fig. 8).In general cases of several sources of pollution a simplified method using BOD exclusively has been developed. It consists in comparing the values measured in the river and the estimates obtained from inflows of various sources and those from upstream basins (Fig. 9).The application of this method has made it possible to distinguish local or general tendencies in reference to the intervention realised by the “Agence Financiere de Bassin”.Attention has been given to the variations obtained between laboratories and research information and the necessity to extend application of the statistical method to parameters other than BOD5.Comparable action is being taken for the whole basin of the Rhone (French). The information obtained for “L'Adour and La Dordogne” has led to a study not only of the concentration of pollutants but two types of flow, with flow measurements and concentration being taken into account in order to eliminate hydraulic effects.  相似文献   

Wet air oxidation is a process in which organic materials in the aqueous phase are oxidized by air at temperature between 450 and 600 K. To improve our understanding of the process, its kinetics were studied using a soda black liquor. The aim of the research was to define the regime where the reaction rate is kinetically controlled, to develop a model for the reaction rate. A power rate expression was developed which adequately described the oxidation of soda black liquor.  相似文献   

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