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Building information modeling/management (BIM) is an emerging technological and procedural shift in the architecture, engineering, construction and operation industry. In this study, we use an extensive state-of-the-art method to clarify the BIM adoption process and the factors that can influence the success or failure of BIM adoption, particularly during the implementation stage, which are not frequently found in the literature. As an innovation, the lexical field allocated to the spread of innovations is assigned to BIM (diffusion, adoption, and implementation). After recalling the definition of relevant terms and then removing the resulting inconsistencies in vocabularies, we investigate various studies to identify factors that influence BIM adoption and then unify all these studies in one coherent and consistent BIM adoption process model. We focus on factors that play a role in the adoption of BIM in small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) because SMEs constitute the majority of companies in the construction sector. This research highlights and intends to fill in some gaps found in the current BIM adoption literature.  相似文献   

Sustainability in freight transportation demands for a balance among economic, environmental, and social aspects in shipping commodities throughout a supply chain. The performance evaluation of sustainable freight transportation (SFT) systems is of prime importance as it facilitates perpetual and objective assessment for advancements towards sustainability targets. In this study, we propose a comprehensive framework to assess the sustainability performance of freight transportation systems. We pinpoint critical success factors (CSFs) affecting the performance of SFT by carrying out an extensive literature review and conducting a Delphi study to seek experts’ opinions from industry as well as academia. Further, a comprehensive hierarchical framework is developed to establish inter-relationships among these CSFs followed by prioritisation of these CSFs. The application of the proposed framework is illustrated through a case example. This framework would also serve as a reference for decision-makers in selecting the most sustainable freight transportation system.  相似文献   


Electric vehicles must be widely accepted because of environmental concerns and carbon restrictions. Previous research has looked at consumer policy preferences and their influence on electric vehicle adoption. However, none have investigated the impact of policies linked to battery recycling on electric vehicle adoption. This study used a discrete choice model (the panel-data mixed logit model) to evaluate 552 actual consumer choice data from Southwest China collected via an online questionnaire. Our results indicate that (1) 75% of respondents feel that electric vehicles enhance the environment and are eager to embrace them. However, the lack of strong recycling policies may hinder their adoption of electric vehicles. Specifically, the four battery recycling policies significantly impact electric vehicle adoption. (2) Consumers appreciate producer-oriented incentives more than consumer-oriented incentives to a lesser extent, such as mandated battery recycling policies and electric vehicle battery flow tracing policies. (3) Consumers place a larger willingness to pay on charging station density than vehicle attributes. (4) Regarding consumer heterogeneity, the usual young group in higher-rated cities prefers electric vehicles, while customers who own a car are more inclined to buy electric vehicles. Finally, more management insights and policy recommendations are provided based on these findings to help government and producer policymakers.

Graphical abstract

Quality function deployment (QFD) is a product planning management instrument which has been used in a broad range of industries. However, the traditional QFD method has been criticised much for its deficiencies in acquiring experts’ opinions, weighting customer requirements (CRs) and ranking engineering characteristics (ECs). To overcome the limitations, an integrated analytical model is presented in this study for obtaining the importance ratings of ECs in QFD by integrating decision-making trial and evaluation laboratory (DEMATEL) technique and Vlsekriterijumska Optimizacija I Kompromisno Resenje (VIKOR) method under hesitant fuzzy environment. In particular, the hesitant fuzzy DEMATEL is used to analyse the interrelationships among CRs and determine their weights, and the hesitant fuzzy VIKOR is utilised to prioritise ECs. Finally, the feasibility and practicality of the proposed method are verified by an example regarding the product development of electric vehicle.  相似文献   


With the increasing electric vehicle (EV) penetration, there arises an immediate need for charging infrastructure. In the future, the electrification of transportation will reduce the requirement of existing fuel stations, thereby rendering them obsolete. However, they are best suited to cater to the charging demand of EVs as the drivers are accustomed to the locations and the incremental cost of providing this service will be lower. In this paper, we propose a novel methodology to assess the techno-economic feasibility of retrofitting an existing fuel station with EV charging infrastructure also known as Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE). To further enhance the value proposition, the potential of integrating Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) with EV charging infrastructure, which results in the reduction of grid connection costs, is studied. The sustainability of the proposed system is improved with additional onsite Photovoltaic (PV) generation. The proposed methodology is implemented for the UK as a case study. The configurations in this study are designed based on the technical considerations involved in retrofitting a typical fuel station as a fast charging facility for EVs. From the results, it is observed that the configurations with 4 EVSE, 1 BESS, and 8 h of operation and the configuration with 4 EVSE, 1 BESS, and 1 PV system for 8 h of operation are economically viable. The abovementioned configurations are the most economically feasible configurations in terms of the Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR) and the Discounted Payback Period (DPP) amongst the other configurations considered in this study. The proposed methodology indicates that though the connection cost is the dominant factor affecting the feasibility, the use of BESS with or without PV can reduce the connection cost by almost 90% depending on the capacity of BESS. The methodology acts as a decision support tool to select a techno-economically feasible configuration of EVSE, BESS, and PV.

Graphical abstract

A retrospective population-based case–control study was performed to determine the association between vehicle fires, and vehicle, collision, and driver factors on highways with a posted speed limit of at least 55 mph. Data were obtained from the Kentucky Collision Report Analysis for Safer Highways (CRASH) electronic files for 2000–2009 from the Kentucky State Police Records Sections. The results from the final multiple logistic regression show that large trucks were at a higher risk for a collision involving a fire than passenger vehicles and pickup trucks. When controlling for all other variables in the model, vehicles 6 years old and older, driving straight down the highway, and single vehicle collisions were also identified as factors that increase the risk of motor vehicle collision fires on roadways with a posted speed limit of ≥55 mph. Of the 2096 vehicles that caught fire, there were 632 (30%) non-fatally injured drivers and 224 (11%) fatally injured drivers. The results of this study have the potential to inform public health messages directed to the transportation industry, particularly semi truck drivers, in regard to fire risk.  相似文献   

Environmental consciousness is regarded as a vital concept for survival in the competitive market scenario. The need for infusing environmental consciousness during early stage of product design is important. This article reports a study which is focused on the application of Environmentally Conscious Quality Function Deployment (ECQFD) to an electric vehicle. ECQFD consists of four phases. ECQFD phases I and II are concerned with the identification important parts of electric vehicle that are vital for improving the environmental consciousness. ECQFD phases III and IV are used to analyze which design changes among the formulated design options of electric vehicle are most effective with regard to environmental improvement. The study results indicate that it could be applied in early product design and development stages for ensuring sustainability.  相似文献   

Despite consensus on the mutual dependence of the technology-push and demand-pull factors, their interactions can depend on industry life cycles and domestic market status. Using patent and Google search traffic data, this study brings robust evidence supporting the hypothesis that technology development occurs ahead of market demand in the U.S. electric vehicle sector, while this is not the case in Germany. Market demand does not precede technology development in either country. This shows the importance of the technology-push factor and the role of the lead market in the electric vehicle sector. This study elaborates technology-push and demand-pull hypotheses with a focus on industry life cycles and domestic market status and contributes to the discussion on technology-push, demand-pull and mixed policies in emerging sectors.  相似文献   

Maritime shipping is considered the most efficient, low-cost means for transporting large quantities of freight over significant distances. However, this process also causes negative environmental and societal impacts. Therefore, environmental sustainability is a pressing issue for maritime shipping management, given the interest in addressing important issues that affect the safety, security, and air and water quality as part of the efficient movement of freight throughout the coasts and waterways and associated port facilities worldwide. In-depth studies of maritime transportation systems (MTS) can be used to identify key environmental impact indicators within the transportation system. This paper develops a tool for decision making in complex environments; this tool will quantify and rank preferred environmental impact indicators within a MTS. Such a model will help decision-makers to achieve the goals of improved environmental sustainability. The model will also provide environmental policy-makers in the shipping industry with an analytical tool that can evaluate tradeoffs within the system and identify possible alternatives to mitigate detrimental effects on the environment.  相似文献   

A significant proportion of worker fatalities within Australia result from truck-related incidents. Truck drivers face a number of health and safety concerns. Safety culture, viewed here as the beliefs, attitudes and values shared by an organisation’s workers, which interact with their surrounding context to influence behaviour, may provide a valuable lens for exploring safety-related behaviours in heavy vehicle operations. To date no major research has examined safety culture within heavy vehicle industries. As safety culture provides a means to interpret experiences and generate behaviour, safety culture research should be conducted with an awareness of the context surrounding safety. The current research sought to examine previous health and safety research regarding heavy vehicle operations to profile contextual factors which influence health and safety. A review of 104 peer-reviewed papers was conducted. Findings of these papers were then thematically analysed. A number of behaviours and scenarios linked with crashes and non-crash injuries were identified, along with a selection of health outcomes. Contextual factors which were found to influence these outcomes were explored. These factors were found to originate from government departments, transport organisations, customers and the road and work environment. The identified factors may provide points of interaction, whereby culture may influence health and safety outcomes.  相似文献   

针对声压级不能完全反映人耳对声音感受的问题,文章选择多种工况对电动汽车驱动电机高频边带噪声进行客观心理学参量评价。首先,进行驱动电机噪声数据采集实验并建立样本库。其次,计算样本的客观心理学参量并运用主成分分析法进行贡献量分析,并将客观心理学参量的六个维度降低至两个维度。最后,研究多种工况下两种客观心理学参量的变化规律,尤其对随机载波频率脉宽调制(Random Carrier Frequency Pulse Width Modulation, RCFPWM)策略下电机高频边带噪声进行客观评价对比分析。结果表明,主成分分析法(Principal Component Analysis,PCA)实现了多维客观心理学参量的降维,高频边带噪声中客观心理参量的主要贡献量为尖锐度和响度;不同工况条件对尖锐度和响度存在不同程度的影响,尤其是受转速变化影响较为明显;RCFPWM在降低高频边带噪声声压级的同时实现了对尖锐度幅值的抑制。文章所研究的内容不仅能够简化电机高频边带噪声客观评价流程,而且可以为电驱动总成声品质优化设计提供实验依据。  相似文献   

Significant advances in battery technology are creating a viable marketspace for battery powered passenger vehicles. Climate change and concerns over reliable supplies of hydrocarbons are aiding in the focus on electric vehicles. Consumers can be influenced by marketing and emotion resulting in behaviors that may not be in line with their stated objectives. Although sales of electric vehicles are accelerating, it may not be clear that purchasing an electric vehicle is advantageous from an economic or environmental perspective. A techno- economic analysis of electric vehicles comparing them against hybrids, gasoline and diesel vehicles is presented. The results show that the complexity of electrical power supply, infrastructure requirements and full life cycle concerns show that electric vehicles have a place in the future but that ongoing improvements will be required for them to be clearly the best choice for a given situation.  相似文献   

陈江艳  杨诚 《声学技术》2023,42(1):68-74
某电动物流车空调系统存在间歇性轰鸣异响,严重影响驾乘舒适性。文章首先采用分别运行、试错排除等工程方法并结合频谱分析快速定位噪声源(电动压缩机)及主要传递路径(安装支架);接着运用模态测试、CAE仿真等手段,确认该轰鸣异响源于电动压缩机振动激励经支架总成共振放大并传递至车身致使地板薄壁钣金局部共振产生的结构噪声;然后对源、路径和响应3个方面逐一分析,提出2种改进方案进行单品及实车验证;最后,运用客观参量和烦恼度综合指标对改进前后的车内声品质进行评价分析。结果表明,改进传递路径可快速有效处置该空调系统轰鸣异响问题,噪声峰值降低了19 dB(A),烦恼度降低72.1%,车内声品质得到显著改善。  相似文献   

The latest developments regarding autonomous vehicles (AVs) have drawn the attention of tech-savvy individuals and marketers. AVs are expected to cause a major change in the markets of vehicle selling, transportation and logistics. Therefore, it is crucial to understand consumer acceptance so that the companies in these markets can develop their penetration strategies accordingly and technology companies can shape their technology development strategies. This study aims to examine individuals' adoption attitudes toward AVs by considering trust and sustainability concerns. This was achieved by expanding the technology acceptance model (TAM). A survey of 391 participants was conducted and the data were analyzed using structural equation modeling (SEM). The results confirmed previous technology acceptance models by showing the relationships between perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and behavioral intention. Moreover, the direct and indirect effects of trust on behavioral intention were also shown. This study provides evidence to extend the TAM to the adoption of AVs by uncovering individuals’ sustainability concerns.  相似文献   

Porous liquids(PLs)offer the potential to combine the ready handling and mature industry status of liquid absorbents,with the high permanent porosity of metal o...  相似文献   

张宁  姜英 《中国工程科学》2009,11(11):37-44
“中国汽车整车企业产品开发能力研究”课题研究内容包括两个方面:第一,运用当前国际同类研究通行方法,结合我国国情,建立我国汽车整车产品开发能力评价体系,并借此分析影响整车企业产品开发能力形成的关键因素究竟是什么;第二,摸清我国整车企业技术能力的底数,了解企业整车开发技术的掌握情况,为此课题组沿着整车开发流程提炼出了具备整车开发能力的企业必须掌握的190项关键技术,并希望借此在产品开发能力建设方向上对企业给予必要的引导。课题组历时一年多的研究工作中,共对102家国内整车生产企业进行了问卷调查。  相似文献   

电动汽车关键技术发展综述   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
介绍了电动汽车关键技术发展状况,分别从电动汽车用驱动电机、动力电池及电池管理系统、电机控制及能量回收系统等方面进行了概述,并对电动汽车技术发展趋势进行了展望。在政府的支持下,随着电机、电池及电控等电动汽车关键技术逐步完善,电动汽车必将成为"零污染"的清洁交通工具。  相似文献   

With a steep increase in the demand for consumer electronics products, the contemporary manufacturers are committed toward sustainable development of such products. There exists a scope for developing a methodology for enabling sustainable development of consumer electronics products. In this context, fuzzy quality function deployment (QFD) approach has been presented in this article in order to prioritize relevant customer requirements, sustainability parameters and sustainability initiatives. Key influential parameters for sustainable development of consumer electronics products have been identified from the literature. In the first phase of fuzzy QFD, parameters influencing sustainable development have been prioritized in accordance with customer requirements. In the second phase, environmental design initiatives have been prioritized based on critical sustainability parameters. From phase I of fuzzy QFD, ‘reduction in environmental release’ has been found as the most significant sustainability parameter with a crisp value of 22.83, and from phase II, environmental impact assessment is proved to be the significant design method with a crisp value of 20.40. The methodology would provide a comprehensive understanding to practitioners on the interrelationships among customer requirements, sustainability parameters and environmentally benign initiatives for development of consumer electronic products. The generic model developed can be applied to most of the consumer electronics product  相似文献   

依据GB/T22068—2018《汽车空调用电动压缩机总成》中压缩机测试工况以及GB/T5773—2016《容积式制冷剂压缩机性能试验方法》,搭建R134a压缩机测试系统。分别对涡旋式压缩机和滚动活塞式压缩机的性能进行测试,结果表明:不同转速下涡旋式压缩机的平顺性高于滚动活塞式压缩机,随着转速的提高,制冷量和功率增加趋势一致;在高转速下运行时,滚动活塞式压缩机功率的增长更为稳定,相对涡旋式压缩机波动较小,在转速3 000~4 500 r/min范围内的增长率仅为12.8%;低转速下涡旋式压缩机具有较高的COP,高转速下滚动活塞式压缩机的COP高于涡旋式压缩机。  相似文献   

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