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This paper reports on work in progress on using rewriting techniques for the specification and the verification of communication protocols. As in Genet and Klay's approach to formalizing protocols, a rewrite system describes the steps of the protocol and an intruder's ability of decomposing and decrypting messages, and a tree automaton encodes the initial set of communication requests and an intruder's initial knowledge. In a previous work we have defined a rewriting strategy that, given a term t that represents a property of the protocol to be proved, suitably expands and reduces t using the rules in and the transitions in to derive whether or not t is recognized by an intruder. In this paper we present a formalization of the Needham-Schroeder symmetric-key protocol and use the rewriting strategy for deriving two well-known authentication attacks.  相似文献   

We present an approach for analyzing cryptographic protocols that are subject to attack from an active intruder who takes advantage of knowledge of the protocol rules. The approach uses a form of type system in which types are communication steps and typing constraints characterize all the messages available to the intruder. This reduces verification of authentication and secrecy properties to a typing problem in our type system. We present the typing rules, prove soundness of a type inference algorithm, and establish the correctness of the typing rules with respect to the protocol execution and intruder actions. The protocol specifications used in the approach can be automatically extracted from the conventional, informal cryptographic protocol notation commonly found in the literature. To validate the approach, we implement our algorithm in a tool called DYMNA, which is a practical and efficient environment for the specification and analysis of cryptographic protocols.  相似文献   

We present CASRUL, a compiler for cryptographic protocols specifications. Its purpose is to verify the executability of protocols and to translate them into rewrite rules that can be used by several kinds of automatic or semi-automatic tools for finding design flaws. We also present a related complexity results concerning the protocol insecurity problem for a finite number of sessions. We show the problem is in NP without assuming bounds on messages and with non-atomic encryption keys. We also explain that in order to build an attack with a fixed number of sessions the intruder needs only to forge messages of linear size, provided that they are represented as dags.For more information: http://www.loria.fr/equipes/protheo/SOFTWARES/CASRUL/.  相似文献   

基于状态转移系统的安全协议形式模型   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
提出一种基于状态转移系统的安全协议模型,以Dolev-Yao攻击者模型为前提假设,以状态转移系统为框架,用语义编码的方式定义消息和事件,用重写关系定义协议规则,用事件的集合来描述协议的安全属性,并给出安全属性的检验策略。该模型能够对安全协议进行精确的形式化描述,且便于实现自动化分析。  相似文献   

We consider the problem of formal automatic verification of cryptographic protocols when some data, like poorly chosen passwords, can be guessed by dictionary attacks. First, we define a theory of these attacks and propose an inference system modeling the deduction capabilities of an intruder. This system extends a set of well-studied deduction rules for symmetric and public key encryption, often called Dolev–Yao rules, with the introduction of a probabilistic encryption operator and guessing abilities for the intruder. Then, we show that the intruder deduction problem in this extended model is decidable in PTIME. The proof is based on a locality lemma for our inference system. This first result yields to an NP decision procedure for the protocol insecurity problem in the presence of a passive intruder. In the active case, the same problem is proved to be NP-complete: we give a procedure for simultaneously solving symbolic constraints with variables that represent intruder deductions. We illustrate the procedure with examples of published protocols and compare our model to other recent formal definitions of dictionary attacks.  相似文献   

Formal systems for cryptographic protocol analysis typically model cryptosystems in terms of free algebras. Modeling the behavior of a cryptosystem in terms of rewrite rules is more expressive, however, and there are some attacks that can only be discovered when rewrite rules are used. But free algebras are more efficient, and appear to be sound for “most” protocols. In [J. Millen, “On the freedom of decryption”, Information Processing Letters 86 (6) (June 2003) 329–333] Millen formalizes this intuition for shared key cryptography and provides conditions under which it holds; that is, conditions under which security for a free algebra version of the protocol implies security of the version using rewrite rules. Moreover, these conditions fit well with accepted best practice for protocol design. However, he left public key cryptography as an open problem. In this paper, we show how Millen's approach can be extended to public key cryptography, giving conditions under which security for the free algebra model implies security for the rewrite rule model. As in the case for shared key cryptography, our conditions correspond to standard best practice for protocol design.  相似文献   

We give an axiomatic system in first-order predicate logic with equality for proving security protocols correct. Our axioms and inference rules derive the basic inference rules, which are explicitly or implicitly used in the literature of protocol logics, hence we call our axiomatic system Basic Protocol Logic (or BPL, for short). We give a formal semantics for BPL, and show the completeness theorem such that for any given query (which represents a correctness property) the query is provable iff it is true for any model. Moreover, as a corollary of our completeness proof, the decidability of provability in BPL holds for any given query. In our formal semantics we consider a “trace” any kind of sequence of primitive actions, counter-models (which are generated from an unprovable query) cannot be immediately regarded as realizable traces (i.e., attacked processes on the protocol in question). However, with the aid of Comon-Treinen's algorithm for the intruder deduction problem, we can determine whether there exists a realizable trace among formal counter-models, if any, generated by the proof-search method (used in our completeness proof). We also demonstrate that our method is useful for both proof construction and flaw analysis by using a simple example.  相似文献   

Cryptographic protocols can be divided into (1) protocols where the protocol steps are simple from a computational point of view and can thus be modeled by simple means, for instance, by single rewrite rules—we call these protocols non-looping—and (2) protocols, such as group protocols, where the protocol steps are complex and typically involve an iterative or recursive computation—we call them recursive. While much is known on the decidability of security for non-looping protocols, only little is known for recursive protocols. In this paper, we prove decidability of security (with respect to the standard Dolev–Yao intruder) for a core class of recursive protocols and undecidability for several extensions. The key ingredient of our protocol model is specifically designed tree transducers which work over infinite signatures and have the ability to generate new constants (which allow us to mimic key generation). The decidability result is based on an automata-theoretic construction which involves a new notion of regularity, designed to work well with the infinite signatures we use.  相似文献   

Implementation of a rule-based transformation engine consists of several tasks with various abstraction levels. We present a new tool called mtom for the efficient implementation of rule-based transformations. This engine should help to bridge the gap between rewriting implementations and practical applications. It aims at implementing well-identified parts of complex applications where the use of rewriting is natural or crucial. These parts are specified using rewrite rules and integrated with the rest of the application, which is kept in a classical imperative language such as C, C++ or Java. Our tool, which can be viewed as a Yacc-like pre-processor, does not depend on a given term representation, rather it accepts implementation of terms (or term like data-types) of yet existing applications and it permits to define and execute rewrite rules upon those types. From our experiences, this system is well-suited for industrial use as well as for implementations of rule-based languages. The paper introduces several features supported by mtom.  相似文献   

Formal analysis of cryptographic protocols has concentrated mainly on protocols with closed-ended data structures, i.e., protocols where the messages exchanged between principals have fixed and finite format. In many protocols, however, the data structures used are open-ended, i.e., messages have an unbounded number of data fields. In this paper, decidability issues for such protocols are studied. We propose a protocol model in which principals are described by transducers, i.e., finite automata with output, and show that in this model security is decidable and PSPACE-hard in presence of the standard Dolev-Yao intruder.  相似文献   

We present a framework for reasoning about secrecy in a class of Diffie-Hellman protocols. The technique, which shares a conceptual origin with the idea of a rank function, uses the notion of a message-template to determine whether a given value is generable by an intruder in a protocol model. Traditionally, the rich algebraic structure of Diffie-Hellman messages has made it difficult to reason about such protocols using formal, rather than complexity-theoretic, techniques. We describe the approach in the context of the MTI protocols, and derive conditions under which each protocol in the suite can be considered secure.  相似文献   

Formal and symbolic techniques are extremely useful for modelling and analysing security protocols. They have helped to improve our understanding of such protocols, allowed us to discover flaws, and they also provide support for protocol design. However, such analyses usually consider that the protocol is executed in isolation or assume a bounded number of protocol sessions. Hence, no security guarantee is provided when the protocol is executed in a more complex environment. In this paper, we study whether password protocols can be safely composed, even when a same password is reused. More precisely, we present a transformation which maps a password protocol that is secure for a single protocol session (a decidable problem) to a protocol that is secure for an unbounded number of sessions. Our result provides an effective strategy to design secure password protocols: (i) design a protocol intended to be secure for one protocol session; (ii) apply our transformation and obtain a protocol which is secure for an unbounded number of sessions. Our technique also applies to compose different password protocols allowing us to obtain both inter-protocol and inter-session composition.  相似文献   

Traditionally, a conditional rewrite rule directs replacement of one term by another term that is provably equal to it, perhaps under some hypotheses. This paper generalizes the notion of rewrite rule to permit the connecting relation to be merely an equivalence relation. We then extend the algorithm for applying rewrite rules. Applications of these generalized rewrite rules are only admissible in certain equivalential contexts, so the algorithm tracks which equivalence relations are to be preserved and admissible generalized rewrite rules are selected according to this context. We introduce the notions of congruence rule and refinement rule. We also introduce the idea of generated equivalences, corresponding to a new equivalence relation generated by a set of pre-existing ones. Generated equivalences are used to give the rewriter broad access to admissible generalized rewrite rules. We discuss the implementation of these notions in the ACL2 theorem prover. However, the discussion does not assume familiarity with ACL2, and these ideas can be applied to other reasoning systems as well.  相似文献   

Deduction modulo is a way to combine computation and deduction in proofs, by applying the inference rules of a deductive system (e.g. natural deduction or sequent calculus) modulo some congruence that we assume here to be presented by a set of rewrite rules. Using deduction modulo is equivalent to proving in a theory corresponding to the rewrite rules, and leads to proofs that are often shorter and more readable. However, cuts may be not admissible anymore.We define a new system, the unfolding sequent calculus, and prove its equivalence with the sequent calculus modulo, especially w.r.t. cut-free proofs. It permits to show that it is even undecidable to know if cuts can be eliminated in the sequent calculus modulo a given rewrite system.Then, to recover the cut admissibility, we propose a procedure to complete the rewrite system such that the sequent calculus modulo the resulting system admits cuts. This is done by generalizing the Knuth–Bendix completion in a non-trivial way, using the framework of abstract canonical systems.These results enlighten the entanglement between computation and deduction, and the power of abstract completion procedures. They also provide an effective way to obtain systems admitting cuts, therefore extending the applicability of deduction modulo in automated theorem proving.  相似文献   

利用形式化方法或工具自动化分析实用安全协议十分必要,定理证明技术因其可解决无限状态系统的验证备受关注,但扩展其验证规模和自动化实现时仍然存在一些局限性。以定理证明和重写逼近理论为基础,以项重写形式化定义协议模型,以树自动机模拟协议攻击者知识集,给出攻击者知识集可达项逼近求解的算法,并根据上述模型讨论秘密性和认证性的验证方法,最后以Needham-Schroeder公钥认证协议为例验证模型的有效性,并指出下一步研究方向。  相似文献   

We consider symbolic on-the-fly verification methods for systems of finite-state machines that communicate by exchanging messages via unbounded and lossy FIFO queues. We propose a novel representation formalism, called simple regular expressions (SREs), for representing sets of states of protocols with lossy FIFO channels. We show that the class of languages representable by SREs is exactly the class of downward closed languages that arise in the analysis of such protocols. We give methods for computing (i) inclusion between SREs, (ii) an SRE representing the set of states reachable by executing a single transition in a system, and (iii) an SRE representing the set of states reachable by an arbitrary number of executions of a control loop. All these operations are rather simple and can be carried out in polynomial time.With these techniques, one can straightforwardly construct an algorithm which explores the set of reachable states of a protocol, in order to check various safety properties. We also show how one can perform model-checking of LTL properties, using a standard automata-theoretic construction. It should be noted that all these methods are by necessity incomplete, even for the class of protocols with lossy channels.To illustrate the applicability of our methods, we have developed a tool prototype and used the tool for automatic verification of (a parameterized version of) the Bounded Retransmission Protocol.  相似文献   

一种安全协议的形式化设计方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以协议分析器为辅助工具,结合定理证明方法,给出一个安全协议形式化设计方法。该方法首先根据协议规范构造全信息项及冗余协议,使用定理证明保证冗余协议的安全性。对冗余协议利用安全性保持约简规则和随机约简规则进行约简,从而得到最优约简协议。该方法实现了安全协议的自动设计,具有良好的扩展性,可以根据需求和协议的发展增加设计规则和约简规则。  相似文献   

We prove a strong lower bound on the number of rounds of message exchange required to achieve simultaneity (i.e., action in the same round) in certain synchronous fault-tolerant distributed systems. Specifically, our bound holds for any randomized protocol which solves either the simultaneous agreement problem or the distributed firing squad problem. It is known that any protocol that solves either of these problems and that is resilient to t processor faults has at least one execution that lasts at least t + 1 rounds. We strengthen that bound by showing that all normal executions of such a protocol last at least t + 1 rounds. The restriction to normal executions is a technical one that excludes certain executions in which a fortuitous pattern of processor faults enables early termination. The lower bounds proved in this paper contrast with known protocols that achieve agreement on a value (without simultaneity) in fewer than t + 1 rounds in some normal executions. Our results are proved for randomized protocols, for a benign failure model (crash faults), and for a weak adversary. They apply a fortiori to deterministic protocols, more malicious failure models, and stronger adversaries.  相似文献   

基于协议分析的网络入侵检测技术   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
网络协议分析是网络入侵检测中的一种关键技术,当前主要方法是对网络层和传输层协议进行分析。文章基于状态转换进行协议分析和检测,以充分利用协议的状态信息检测入侵,有效地完成包括应用层协议在内的网络各层协议的分析,更加精确地定位了检测域,提高了检测的全面性、准确性和检测效率;这种方法综合了异常检测和误用检测技术,可以更有效地检测协议执行时的异常和针对协议的攻击,并且可检测变体攻击、拒绝服务攻击等较难检测的攻击。  相似文献   

This paper describes the modelling of a two multicast group key management protocols in a firstorder inductive model, and the discovery of previously unknown attacks on them by the automated inductive counterexample finder Coral. These kinds of protocols had not been analysed in a scenario with an active intruder before. Coral proved to be a suitable tool for a job because, unlike most automated tools for discovering attacks, it deals directly with an open-ended model where the number of agents and the roles they play are unbounded. Additionally, Coral's model allows us to reason explicitly about lists of terms in a message, which proved to be essential for modelling the second protocol. In the course of the case studies, we also discuss other issues surrounding multicast protocol analysis, including identifying the goals of the protocol with respect to the intended trust model, modelling of the control conditions, which are considerably more complex than for standard two and three party protocols, and effective searching of the state space generated by the model, which has a much larger branching rate than for standard protocols.  相似文献   

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