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本文探讨了水泥磨前预处理方式中的预粉磨技术及其要点,分析了影响水泥磨机产、质量的相关因素,提出了相应的技术措施。  相似文献   

原粉磨系统水泥产量低,细度粗,且强度偏低。磨内选粉技术改造、研磨体级配和填充率的合理调整等措施大大地提高了水泥磨的产量和水泥的质量。  相似文献   

粉磨作业是水泥生产的主要环节之一,辊压机及挤压粉磨技术、立磨技术、高细高产筛分磨技术、高效选粉机技术等,是近年来水泥厂较实用的先进粉磨工艺和装备。根据本厂实际情况,处理好以下平衡关系:预粉碎系统与球磨机系统粉磨能力的平衡;粉磨能力与选粉能力的平衡;粉磨能力、选粉能力与烘干能力的平衡,就能发挥出先进粉磨工艺和装备所具有的效益和作用。1辊压机及挤压粉磨技术1.1工作原理辊压机及挤压粉磨技术利用现代料床粉碎原理,将喂入辊压机两辊间的物料,在高强度压应力的作用下,使其变成密实、扁平、充满裂纹的料饼,这些料饼中含有大量…  相似文献   

柱磨机水泥预粉磨系统的应用效果   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
王勇  底加元 《水泥》2000,(1):44-45
0引言我公司是年产88万t普通硅酸盐水泥的立窑企业,水泥磨为Φ22m×65m(闭路)和Φ15m×57m(开路)球磨机各一台。长期以来,由于入磨物料粒度大,虽然能够满足生产,但其系统电耗高达48kWh/t,占水泥生产电耗的50%。为了降低电耗,我公司根据文献〔1〕提出的预粉磨系统的选择原则,选取ZMJ-650型柱磨机为预粉磨设备,一年多来,取得了良好的经济效益。现将我们的改造经验及应用效果简述如下。1系统工艺流程的改进及配套采用柱磨机预粉磨工艺流程如图1。即在原闭路流程的基础上,增加柱磨机预粉磨系统。图中,Z…  相似文献   

8 德国莱歇公司莱歇立磨 8.1 莱歇磨设计理论 8.1.1 莱歇磨粉磨元件的形状 粉磨元件形状要从运动学和粉磨效率方面加以考虑。进行粉磨物料的粉磨压力包括横杆系统弹性力和磨辊本身自重。首先要讨论横杆系统的运动学。  相似文献   

0前言 @@从球磨机系统发展的历史来看,一直是以开、圈流互为补充,交替发展.开流系统以其系统流程简单,生产可靠而得到了很大的推广和发展.但是开流系统的缺点是粉磨高标号水泥电耗高,产品品种不易调节.  相似文献   

李昌清  毛文  孙宗云 《水泥》2021,(1):18-20
随着水泥粉磨技术的发展,逐步发展到球磨机+辊压机组成的联合粉磨系统,球磨机仍然是当前粉磨系统的主体设备之一,很多水泥企业球磨机细磨仓研磨体主要还是钢段,因为大家普遍认为在同质量下钢段比钢球的表面积大12%,粉磨效率更高.但实际情况并非如此,本文介绍将细磨仓的钢段全部改为钢球后,取得了意想不到的效果.  相似文献   

杨春保  朱春启 《粉煤灰》2007,19(4):42-43
对粉煤灰粉磨的常用管磨机,普遍存在效率低、消耗高等问题的常见原因作了全面分析,并根据实践经验,提出了有效的改进方法与措施.  相似文献   

管磨机粉磨物料适宜水份含量及其影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前管磨机粉磨系统基本上都是干法磨,磨内物料水份含量对磨内工况和粉磨效率都有很大影响。如何正确处理入磨物料的水份问题,是各粉体制造公司经常碰到的难题。我们在实际工作中积累的一些经验,或许对解决该问题有所裨益。  相似文献   

现阶段国内水泥联合粉磨(或半终粉磨)工艺系统中各段常见的几种技术故障,包括辊压机挤压效果差、O-Sepa高效选粉机系统选粉效率低、管磨机研磨体做功能力较差、打散分级效果差(入磨物料粒度大)以及V型选粉机分级效果差等。分析引起这些故障的原因及对粉磨系统所造成的影响,并结合实际案例提出相应的解决办法。  相似文献   

将陶瓷和耐火材料生产中使用的球磨机改为圈流粉磨系统,通过采用调整各仓装球容积,调整研磨体级配,增大物料流速等措施,选取适当的循环负荷,使粉磨效率及选粉效率同时提高,球磨机产量成倍增加,单位细粉电耗可降低50%-80%。  相似文献   

以石英砂为主要原料,研制了一种硅质钢包内村脱除层。该脱除层用于铝镁浇注料整体浇注钢包内村时,可使包役期满的工作层顺利脱除;使永久层耐火材料得到保护;可节约耐火材料1.62kg/t钢。  相似文献   

A hydrocyclone is a particle separation device widely used in chemical and allied process industries in which a particle-fluid mixture is injected tangentially creating a strong swirling, recirculation flow. The particle separation efficiency increases by suppressing the air core, so online prediction of air core formation has significant importance in the industrial operations. Performance of hydrocyclone is greatly influenced by shape and size of air core. A novel type of senor technique has been developed to identify and predict the air core diameter from online live data using data acquisition card. The true signal amplitudes change as a function of the time was used with noise interruption for random changes in amplitude. Noises are eliminated by using moving average technique. The slope of the curve is continuously tracked to determine sudden or abrupt change and indicates the formation of air core. It has been observed that a strong air core of diameter 0.95 cm to 1.2 cm was formed during experimentation and matched with predicted values over an entire flow regime. The experimental and finally an alarm is designed which gives alerts once air core is formed and calculates air core diameter. For calculating air core diameter a polynomial equation is fitted between pressure difference and the pressure transmitter reading. A simple moving average with a smooth width of 10 was used for prediction of air core. Experimental results indicate that the digital signal sensor techniques identify the air core and measure air core diameter very accurately and can be used in many mining and mineral based chemical and allied process industries.  相似文献   

In the pulp and paper mill membrane filtration applications the volumes of processed water are huge. Due to this high and stable capacity of the membrane is required. Since the membrane capacity is a result of many different factors, finding the most suitable membrane for a certain application usually needs a considerable number of experiments, which produces huge amounts of experimental results. Traditionally experimental filtration results are examined with univariable methods. The univariable examination is time-consuming and, due to the multivariate nature of the filtration phenomena, univariable examination cannot show effectively the correlation structure between the variables in the filtration system. Thus, multivariate examination methods are needed for obtaining well-defined information about membrane performance in a certain application. In this study the experimental results from a pilot-scale paper mill filtration application were examined with multivariate methods principal component analysis (PCA) and parallel factor analysis (PARAFAC). Both methods revealed crucial information about the membrane, which was not obtained when univariable examination was used. The methods tested were evaluated to be very effective tools in the examination of membrane filtration results.  相似文献   

立磨对于不同物料具有较高的适应性并且换料调节方便、迅速,不少企业采用了单台立磨分时段生产矿粉及矿渣水泥的生产方式.天津某水泥公司利用国产MLK2650立式矿渣磨分时段生产矿粉及矿渣水泥,产品质量高,成分稳定,节能效果显著.  相似文献   

热管换热器的发展和应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
钱伯章 《化工机械》1996,23(5):47-54
阐述了热管换热器的结构特征、材质和工质选择、应用进展以及在化工行业的应用实例  相似文献   

电吸附除盐技术的发展及应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
电吸附技术(EST)作为一项新型的水处理技术,具有很高的性价比,且处理效果好。介绍了EST的特点及适用范围,并通过对比指出EST作为一种有效的除盐技术在污水回用上具有很大的优势。其推广应用将成为水处理领域的新亮点。  相似文献   

助磨剂原理及应用(一)   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
介绍了助磨剂的助磨原理,发展状况,应用情况,为企业提供了选择助磨剂的基本原则。综述了国内水泥厂近期应用复合助磨剂的效果。  相似文献   

气力输送设计技术的发展和应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
程群 《水泥》2000,(5):15-19
介绍了分级管道、可靠性和气力输送计算机辅助设计软件三项设计技术的发展和应用情况 ,从而为用户设计选型提供一些有益的帮助。  相似文献   

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