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The CIF2Cell program generates the geometrical setup for a number of electronic structure programs based on the crystallographic information in a Crystallographic Information Framework (CIF) file. The program will retrieve the space group number, Wyckoff positions and crystallographic parameters, make a sensible choice for Bravais lattice vectors (primitive or principal cell) and generate all atomic positions. Supercells can be generated and alloys are handled gracefully. The code currently has output interfaces to the electronic structure programs ABINIT, CASTEP, CPMD, Crystal, Elk, Exciting, EMTO, Fleur, RSPt, Siesta and VASP.

Program summary

Program title: CIF2CellCatalogue identifier: AEIM_v1_0Program summary URL:http://cpc.cs.qub.ac.uk/summaries/AEIM_v1_0.htmlProgram obtainable from: CPC Program Library, Queen's University, Belfast, N. IrelandLicensing provisions: GNU GPL version 3No. of lines in distributed program, including test data, etc.: 12 691No. of bytes in distributed program, including test data, etc.: 74 933Distribution format: tar.gzProgramming language: Python (versions 2.4–2.7)Computer: Any computer that can run Python (versions 2.4–2.7)Operating system: Any operating system that can run Python (versions 2.4–2.7)Classification: 7.3, 7.8, 8External routines: PyCIFRW [1]Nature of problem: Generate the geometrical setup of a crystallographic cell for a variety of electronic structure programs from data contained in a CIF file.Solution method: The CIF file is parsed using routines contained in the library PyCIFRW [1], and crystallographic as well as bibliographic information is extracted. The program then generates the principal cell from symmetry information, crystal parameters, space group number and Wyckoff sites. Reduction to a primitive cell is then performed, and the resulting cell is output to suitably named files along with documentation of the information source generated from any bibliographic information contained in the CIF file. If the space group symmetries is not present in the CIF file the program will fall back on internal tables, so only the minimal input of space group, crystal parameters and Wyckoff positions are required. Additional key features are handling of alloys and supercell generation.Additional comments: Currently implements support for the following general purpose electronic structure programs: ABINIT [2,3], CASTEP [4], CPMD [5], Crystal [6], Elk [7], exciting [8], EMTO [9], Fleur [10], RSPt [11], Siesta [12] and VASP [13–16].Running time: The examples provided in the distribution take only seconds to run.References:
  • [1] 
    J.R. Hester, A validating CIF parser: PyCIFRW, Journal of Applied Crystallography 39 (4) (2006) 621–625, doi:10.1107/S0021889806015627, URL http://dx.doi.org/10.1107/S0021889806015627
  • [2] 
    X. Gonze, G.-M. Rignanese, M. Verstraete, J.-M. Beuken, Y. Pouillon, R. Caracas, F. Jollet, M. Torrent, G. Zerah, M. Mikami, P. Ghosez, M. Veithen, J.-Y. Raty, V. Olevano, F. Bruneval, L. Reining, R. Godby, G. Onida, D.R. Hamann, D.C. Allan, A brief introduction to the abinit software package, Zeitschrift für Kristallographie 220 (12) (2005) 558–562.
  • [3] 
    X. Gonze, B. Amadon, P.-M. Anglade, J.-M. Beuken, F. Bottin, P. Boulanger, F. Bruneval, D. Caliste, R. Caracas, M. Ct, T. Deutsch, L. Genovese, P. Ghosez, M. Giantomassi, S. Goedecker, D. Hamann, P. Hermet, F. Jollet, G. Jomard, S. Leroux, M. Mancini, S. Mazevet, M. Oliveira, G. Onida, Y. Pouillon, T. Rangel, G.-M. Rignanese, D. Sangalli, R. Shaltaf, M. Torrent, M. Verstraete, G. Zerah, J. Zwanziger, Abinit: First-principles approach to material and nanosystem properties, Computer Physics Communications 180 (12) (2009) 2582–2615 (40 years of CPC: A celebratory issue focused on quality software for high performance, grid and novel computing architectures), doi:10.1016/j.cpc.2009.07.007; http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6TJ5-4WTRSCM-3/2/20edf8da70cd808f10fe352c45d0c0be.
  • [4] 
    S.J. Clark, M.D. Segall, C.J. Pickard, P.J. Hasnip, M.J. Probert, K. Refson, M.C. Payne, First principles methods using CASTEP, Zeitschrift für Kristallographie 220 (12) (2005) 567–570.
  • [5] 
    URL http://www.cpmd.org.
  • [6] 
    R. Dovesi, R. Orlando, B. Civalleri, C. Roetti, V.R. Saunders, C.M. Zicovich-Wilson, Crystal: a computational tool for the ab initio study of the electronic properties of crystals, Zeitschrift für Kristallographie 220 (2005) 571–573. URL http://dx.doi.org/10.1524/zkri.220.5.571.65065.
  • [7] 
    URL http://elk.sourceforge.net.
  • [8] 
    URL http://exciting-code.org.
  • [9] 
    L. Vitos, Computational Quantum Mechanics for Materials Engineers; The EMTO Method and Applications, Springer, London, 2007, doi:10.1007/978-1-84628-951-4.
  • [10] 
    URL http://www.flapw.de.
  • [11] 
    J.M. Wills, O. Eriksson, M. Alouani, D.L. Price, Full-potential LMTO total energy and force calculations, in: H. Dreussé (Ed.), Electronic Structure and Physical Properties of Solids; The Uses of the LMTO Method, Springer, 1996, pp. 148–167.
  • [12] 
    J.M. Soler, E. Artacho, J.D. Gale, A. García, J. Junquera, P. Ordejón, D. Sánchez-Portal, The siesta method for ab initio order-n materials simulation, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 14 (11) (2002) 2745. URL http://stacks.iop.org/0953-8984/14/i=11/a=302
  • [13] 
    G. Kresse, J. Hafner, Ab initio molecular dynamics for liquid metals, Phys. Rev. B 47 (1) (1993) 558–561, doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.47.558.
  • [14] 
    G. Kresse, J. Hafner, Ab initio molecular-dynamics simulation of the liquid–metal amorphous-semiconductor transition in germanium, Phys. Rev. B 49 (20) (1994) 14251–14269, doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.49.14251.
  • [15] 
    G. Kresse, J. Furthmüller, Efficiency of ab-initio total energy calculations for metals and semiconductors using a plane-wave basis set, Computational Materials Science 6 (1) (1996) 15–50, doi:10.1016/0927-0256(96)00008-0. URL http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6TWM-3VRVTBF-3/2/88689b1eacfe2b5fe57f09d37eff3b74.
  • [16] 
    G. Kresse, J. Furthmüller, Efficient iterative schemes for ab initio total-energy calculations using a plane-wave basis set, Phys. Rev. B 54 (16) (1996) 11169–11186, doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.54.11169.

The capacitated clustering problem (CCP) has been studied in a wide range of applications. In this study, we investigate a challenging CCP in computational biology, namely, sibling reconstruction problem (SRP). The goal of SRP is to establish the sibling relationship (i.e., groups of siblings) of a population from genetic data. The SRP has gained more and more interests from computational biologists over the past decade as it is an important and necessary keystone for studies in genetic and population biology. We propose a large-scale mixed-integer formulation of the CCP for SRP that is based on both combinatorial and statistical genetic concepts. The objective is not only to find the minimum number of sibling groups, but also to maximize the degree of similarity of individuals in the same sibling groups while each sibling group is subject to genetic constraints derived from Mendel's laws. We develop a new randomized greedy optimization algorithm to effectively and efficiently solve this SRP. The algorithm consists of two key phases: construction and enhancement. In the construction phase, a greedy approach with randomized perturbation is applied to construct multiple sibling groups iteratively. In the enhancement phase, a two-stage local search with a memory function is used to improve the solution quality with respect to the similarity measure. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm using real biological data sets and compare it with state-of-the-art approaches in the literature. We also test it on larger simulated data sets. The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm provide the best reconstruction solutions.  相似文献   

为提高超3G通信系统切换中网络/小区选择的准确性,提出一种网络/小区智能选择方案.这种方案综合考虑了超3G系统网络无线异构、接入技术不同和业务类型多样的特点,采用模糊多目标决策算法来选择最适合移动主机切换到的小区.实例分析和仿真结果证实,在不同的无线网络环境和业务类型下,此方案均能作出最合理的选择判断,所选小区相对于其他候选小区而言,能提供相对最优的切换后通信服务质量。  相似文献   

Total count and differential count of leukocytes or white blood cells (WBC) in blood samples are very important pathological factors for diagnosing a disease. There are not enough pathological infrastructures in the remote places of India and other developing countries. The objective of this work is to design a system, compatible with telemedicine, for automatic calculation of the total count and differential count of WBC from the blood smear slides. Hemocytometer based WBC counting provides more accurate result than manual counting, but hemocytometer preparation process needs expertise. As this device is targeted for remote places, blood smear technique is adopted to reduce the overhead of the operator. In the proposed system, microscopic images of blood smear sample are processed to highlight the WBC for segmentation. Region segmentation procedure involves background scaling and redundant region elimination from the region set. After segmentation, the more accurate region boundary is restored by using gradient based region growing with neighbourhood influence. Individual regions are separately classified on the basis of shape, size, color and texture features independently using different fuzzy and non-fuzzy techniques. A final decision is taken by combining these classification results, which is a kind of hybridization. A set of rules has been generated for making final classification decision based on outputs from various classifiers. The sensitivity and specificity of the system are found to be 96.4% and 79.6%, respectively on a database of 150 blood smear slides collected from different health centres of Kolkata Municipal Corporation, Kolkata, India.  相似文献   

The recently introduced Finite Cell Method combines the fictitious domain idea with the benefits of high-order finite elements. Although previous publications demonstrated the method’s excellent applicability in various contexts, the implementation of a three-dimensional Finite Cell code is challenging. To lower the entry barrier, this work introduces the object-oriented MATLAB toolbox FCMLab allowing for an easy start into this research field and for rapid prototyping of new algorithmic ideas. The paper reviews the essentials of the methods applied and explains in detail the class structure of the framework. Furthermore, the usage of the toolbox is discussed by means of different two- and three-dimensional examples demonstrating all important features of FCMLab (http://fcmlab.cie.bgu.tum.de/).  相似文献   

An interactive program for the statistical analysis of cell survival curves by a linear regression approach is described. It allows for the computational determination of the linear part of a cell survival curve and the determination of a common slope estimate in the presence of repeated experiments for a particular cell strain with the appropriate variance estimates and confidence intervals.  相似文献   

A windows-based, object-oriented, feature identification system for electron magnetic resonance imaging (EMRI) is presented. Identification of region of interest (ROI) is achieved by fusing the standard principal component transform (PCT) and a color quantization method. The performance of the system is evaluated using renal and a series of murine RIF tumor data imaged on different days after the implantation of the tumor. The integrated ROI identification system clearly brings out the capability of EMRI to detect changes in the tumor redox status when thiol levels are lowered. Prior application of PCT reduces the computation load on the color quantization process, enabling the system to be twice faster than an earlier technique reported by the authors. The system is implemented in Visual C++ using Micro Soft Foundation Classes (MFC). Both visual evaluation as well as quantitative metrics shows the performance of the system to be optimal for 8-color quantization.  相似文献   

高性能计算系统需要一个可靠高效的并行文件系统.Lustre集群文件系统是典型的基于对象存储的集群文件系统,它适合大数据量聚合I/O操作.大文件I/O操作能够达到很高的带宽,但是小文件I/O性能低下.针对导致Lustre的设计中不利于小文件I/O操作的两个方面,提出了Filter Cache方法.在Lustre的OST组件中设计一个存放小文件I/O数据的Cache,让OST端的小文件I/O操作异步进行,以此来减少用户感知的小文件I/O操作完成的时间,提高小文件I/O操作的性能.  相似文献   

一种集群计算系统中并行I/O文件存储分配策略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
现代计算机系统性能已经由受限于CPU转变为受限于I/O,近年来研究人员对高性能计算中的并行I/O问题进行了深入研究.本论文的主要工作是对集群计算中的并行I/O子系统进行研究,提出一种文件拆分与存储分配的新策略,即:已知知识的文件拆分与分配方法(KKFDA),该方法保证文件存储方式与访问方式的一致性,达到了提高文件访问时的本地命中率、缩短访盘响应时间的目的.算法设计与实验证明了方法的有效性.  相似文献   

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