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An experimental testing campaign on tensile bolted joints between straps is reported. Two dominant failure modes are identified: (1) tilting, bearing and tearing of the sheets (TS) and (2) tilting, bearing and net-section failure (NSF). The analysis in terms of ductility and strength shows that bolted connections are less adequate than screwed connections (reported in Part 1 of this paper) for the seismic design of X-braced shear walls in lightweight structures. NSF joints are more ductile than TS joints in the sense that they undergo larger displacements before failure. However, if washers are not used, both types of connections fail before energy dissipation through yielding of the diagonal straps can occur. Some design recommendations to improve the seismic performance of bolted joints, including the use of washers, are given. The accuracy of Eurocode 3 formulas to predict the ultimate load is also analyzed.  相似文献   

Connections in x-braced shear walls play a crucial role in the seismic performance of lightweight structures: they should be strong enough to allow energy dissipation via plastification of the diagonal straps. An extensive experimental research on tensile screwed joints between straps is reported here. Two dominant failure modes are identified: (1) tilting and net section failure (T+NSF) and (2) tilting, bearing and pull out (T+B+PO). The analysis in terms of strength and ductility shows that T+NSF joints are suitable for seismic design, because the straps yield before the connections fail. T+B+PO joints, on the contrary, are not suited because the connection fails before the straps can yield. The influence of various design parameters (strap thickness, number and diameter of screws, steel grade) in the failure mode is studied, and design criteria to induce a T+NSF response are given.  相似文献   

为了明确门式刚架转角节点的构造设计,对门式刚架转角节点的受力机理进一步探讨是非常必要的.通过在门式刚架转角节点处设置斜向加劲肋和无斜向加劲肋的试件进行对比和有限元分析,得出了一些有益的结论.研究结果表明,在转角节点处设置斜向加劲肋,可以提高试件的承载力.工程中,当外翼缘受拉时,建议在转角节点处设置斜向加劲肋,以防止结构失稳,并能有效地改善结构的延性.  相似文献   

为研究轻质墙板填充墙钢筋混凝土框架与页岩空心砖砌体填充墙钢筋混凝土框架的抗震性能差异,以及填充墙与框架的连接形式对填充墙框架抗震性能的影响,进行了2榀轻质墙板填充墙钢筋混凝土框架试件和1榀页岩空心砖砌体填充墙钢筋混凝土框架试件在水平单向重复推覆力作用下的加载试验,对试验现象、荷载-位移曲线、刚度退化曲线、塑性转角、剪切变形角、层间位移角和位移延性系数进行分析。研究结果表明:与页岩空心砖砌体相比,轻质墙板与框架协同工作的能力更强;当轻质墙板与框架为柔性连接时,初裂荷载最小,但结构的屈服荷载最大,变形能力也最强;页岩空心砖砌体与框架采用刚性连接时,峰值荷载最小,变形能力也最弱,结构的抗震性能最差;轻质墙板与框架为刚性连接时,峰值荷载最大;L形卡件对轻质墙板偏转可起到一定的约束作用;纤维网防裂带对保护轻质墙板填充墙的作用明显。  相似文献   

Performance control (PC) is the important mental task that is or should be the cornerstone of earthquake-resistant structural design. The fundamental notion behind PC is that the seismic structural response is largely a function of design and detailing, rather than conventional analysis. PC is a design strategy in which the strength, stiffness and other characteristics of groups of members are induced in accordance with predetermined objectives rather than investigated with respect to certain design criteria. PC methodology enables engineers to predict and control structural damage at preselected response stages such as at first yield, any fraction of the failure load or allowable drift ratio, etc. PC provides a wealth of important information that may not be readily available through traditional methods of design. The ultimate failure load solutions are “unique” and suitable for plastic design treatment in that they include P-delta and stiffness degradation effects, and satisfy the prescribed yield criteria as well as boundary support and static equilibrium conditions. The proposed procedures for seismic design of moment frames are entirely suitable for manual computations. The paper does not address irregularities in earthquake-resistant moment frames.  相似文献   

完成了4个1/3缩尺比例的不同核心区配箍率的高强轻骨料混凝土框架中节点在不同轴压比下的低周反复荷载试验,系统研究了节点的破坏过程与破坏形态、滞回曲线与骨架曲线、刚度与强度退化、延性耗能、箍筋应变等,深入分析了该类构件破坏时的自身特性、承载力及与普通混凝土节点的区别。研究表明:与普通混凝土节点类似,试件破坏过程均经历了初裂、通裂、极限和破坏四个阶段,滞回曲线形态、节点区变形规律与普通混凝土无异;节点耗能和延性与普通混凝土接近;节点区混凝土的破坏在骨料和骨料与水泥浆界面处均有发生,破坏时混凝土剥落范围较大,部分保护层骨料被切掉,出现整体脱落;适当提高轴压比和配箍率能够改善节点区的抗剪强度,提高节点的延性和耗能,且因骨料强度的提高,节点区纵向钢筋与高强轻骨料混凝土的黏结性能较以往研究结果有所改善;节点区箍筋仅部分屈服,建议采用复合配箍或采用约束混凝土,增强约束效果。同时,通过计算表明:在未对轻骨料混凝土强度进行折减的情况下,各模型计算值与试验结果吻合较好,建议适当提高各个模型对轻骨料混凝土强度的折减系数。  相似文献   

介绍了钢管柱-H形梁连接内加劲铸钢模块节点的概念设计方法,对该节点进行了循环往复加载试验研究,考虑了不同轴压比对节点抗震性能的影响。试验结果表明:提出的铸钢模块节点具有良好的延性、较好的耗能能力、较高的承载力,可充分发挥节点域的剪切塑性耗能;铸钢模块节点的延性和耗能能力随着轴压比的增大略有降低。现行美国钢结构规范中的节点受剪承载力公式经修正后可适用于铸钢模块节点,且偏于安全;通过控制梁与节点域的相对强弱,可实现对节点屈服顺序的控制。  相似文献   

A methodology is presented for optimization of the dynamic response of concentrically braced steel frames subjected to seismic excitation, based on the concept of uniform distribution of deformation. In order to obtain the optimum distribution of structural properties, an iterative optimization procedure has been adopted. In this approach, the structural properties are modified so that inefficient material is gradually shifted from strong to weak areas of a structure. This process is continued until a state of uniform deformation is achieved. It is shown that the seismic performance of such a structure is optimal, and behaves generally better than those designed by conventional methods. In order to avoid onerous analysis of the frame models, an equivalent procedure is introduced for performing the optimization procedure on the modified reduced shear-building model of the frames, which is shown to be accurate enough for design purposes.  相似文献   

以川西传统民居穿斗式木结构中的栓榫节点为研究对象,参照当地典型工程,制作了4个缩尺比为1∶1.33的榫卯节点,并对其进行低周反复加载试验,得到了栓榫节点的破坏形态、弯矩-转角滞回曲线、骨架曲线、强度和刚度退化规律以及耗能能力等抗震性能指标;利用ABAQUS软件建立有限元模型,分析梁截面高度和栓子截面尺寸对榫卯节点承载力的影响。结果表明:节点的破坏形态主要为半榫节点榫头拔出、采用方形栓子节点榫头发生剪切破坏、采用圆形栓子节点榫头发生折断破坏;柱子基本完好,榫头破坏较为严重;所有节点的弯矩-转角滞回曲线均呈Z形,滞回环的捏拢效应较为明显;采用方形栓子节点的受弯承载力、转动刚度和耗能能力均大于半榫节点,且随着方形栓子截面尺寸的增大而逐渐增大;栓榫试件破坏时节点转角均大于半榫试件,说明栓子的存在能够提高榫卯节点的变形能力;枋截面高度对榫卯节点承载力影响较大,方形栓子边长和圆形栓子直径分别为10~30mm和10~20mm时较为合理。研究结果可为传统民居穿斗式木结构的定量参数化设计和抗震性能分析提供参考。  相似文献   

大型火电主厂房钢结构异型节点抗震性能试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过6个1/4比例钢结构异型节点的拟静力试验,研究了节点两侧梁的截面高度比和轴压比对异型节点抗震性能的影响,获得了异型节点的破坏模式、滞回性能、变形和承载能力.为了研究节点核心区的受剪承载力,试件按强构件弱节点进行设计.试验结果表明:异型节点的破坏模式主要是箱型梁下翼缘周围的焊缝开裂;滞回曲线饱满,刚度退化小,承载力高...  相似文献   

对矩形钢管柱-H形梁连接外加劲铸钢模块节点进行概念设计,并对该新型节点实施了循环往复加载的足尺试验,考虑了不同柱轴压比对节点抗震性能的影响。研究表明,提出的外加劲铸钢模块节点具有优良的延性、稳定高效的耗能能力、较大的承载力、合适的刚度,能充分利用节点域稳定剪切塑性耗能。经分析验证,现行节点域极限承载力公式经修正后可适用于外加劲铸钢模块节点;通过控制梁与节点域的相对强弱,可实现对节点屈服时序的控制。  相似文献   

Vertical additions can be made to existing buildings to provide more residences while avoiding the need to fully dismantle and reconstruct the buildings. Super‐structural frames consisting of shallow composite beams and steel columns can be prefabricated as modular units, replacing the wall frames that are conventionally constructed in existing bearing wall buildings. A lightweight modular construction introduced in this study minimizes the needed structural reinforcement of frames below, enabling quicker and safer assembly of frames relative to traditional wall frame construction. This paper introduces joint details between added steel columns and existing slabs. Extensive experimental investigations were performed to study the structural behavior of the suggested joints. Eight full‐scale specimens were loaded to failure to evaluate the structural applicability and reliability of the connecting methods introduced in this study, and to identify any problems with the vertical additions. The present work was also intended to find effective design procedures to those issues, and to provide test data for use in detailed analytical investigation of the structural behavior. Regardless of the connection method and the failure mode, all specimens demonstrated stable structural performance within the range of loadings that are expected during the service life of vertically extended buildings.  相似文献   

The Laboratory of Elasticity and Strength of Materials, in the School of Engineering of Barcelona (UPC), has gained a wide experience in pallet-rack testing in recent years. We have gathered a comprehensive set of experimental results from upright cross-sections subject to compression. Twenty different pallet-rack steel profiles have been tested. This information is valuable and allows us to evaluate different methods alternative to testing as a design option. In this paper, two alternative methods are considered: the analytical, by applying the European Standard EN 1993-1-3:2006/AC:2009; a traditional method, which involves the effective width determination for each part of the section subject to compression; and the numerical, by applying finite element analysis, including non-linear material and geometrical behaviour. The results of both methods are compared to the experimental ones. This research reveals that even though the European Standard EN 15512:2009 does only accept the experimental method for perforated sections, theses other two methods can give good accuracy, and be good tools in the stage of design and optimization.  相似文献   

防屈曲支撑混凝土框架结构抗震性能试验研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
设计制作了三榀侧移刚度相同但防屈曲支撑及框架截面形式不同的混凝土框架,分别为普通梁单斜撑、宽扁梁单斜撑、普通梁人字撑,对其进行拟静力试验,研究了防屈曲支撑混凝土框架的抗震性能,包括混凝土结构的开裂及其发展状况、荷载-侧移滞回曲线、刚度退化、骨架曲线、防屈曲支撑水平荷载-轴向变形曲线等。研究结果表明:设计的防屈曲支撑及混凝土框架具有优异的协同工作性能,水平荷载-侧移滞回曲线饱满,防屈曲支撑可在较小层间位移角时进入屈服消能状态,在大位移下不失效,耗能稳定,能显著增加结构阻尼,有效降低地震反应,改善结构性态。所设计的框架节点、预埋件及连接构造受力可靠。图17表6参13  相似文献   

针对胶合木框架侧向位移不易满足抗震要求这一问题,研究了增设人字形胶合木支撑和铝合金屈曲约束支撑的带支撑胶合木框架的抗震性能。对纯胶合木梁柱框架和3个增设支撑胶合木框架进行了低周反复加载试验,分析了4个胶合木框架试件的水平承载力、耗能能力、刚度退化、转角变形和木支撑应变。结果表明:增设人字形木支撑和铝合金屈曲约束支撑均可以显著提高胶合木框架的承载力、耗能能力和刚度;支撑端部连接形式对胶合木框架的抗震性能有一定影响;增设支撑的3个胶合木框架试件均在支撑或支撑连接处发生破坏,胶合木框架主体并未发生明显损伤,两类支撑均很好地起到了第一道抗震防线的作用,保证了主体框架的安全。胶合木框架数值模拟和木支撑截面尺寸参数分析结果表明,经柱截面尺寸修正后的有限元模型针对框架抗侧刚度和承载力具有较好的预测精度。  相似文献   

对我国先后颁布的三部抗震设计规范(TJ 11-78,GBJ 11-89和GB50011-2001)进行了比较,分别按三部规范对一个具体的钢筋混凝土框架进行了设计,并选取多条地震波,进行了倒塌模拟以及安全性评价。结果表明:在罕遇地震作用下,按照规范(TJ 11-78)设计的框架的构件发生脆性破坏并导致倒塌的情况严重,其抗震安全性明显不足;现行规范(GB50011-2001)中的一些规定增大了框架截面、加强了结构侧向刚度,但是从倒塌模拟的结果来看,按(GBJ11-89)设计的结构的侧向刚度更加合理。为此,本文认为,在对老旧钢筋混凝土框架结构加固时,应着重提高构件的抗剪和抗压承载力,防止脆性破坏;在设计新的钢筋混凝土框架结构时,应适当放松现行设计规范中弹性层间位移角的要求。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to propose a new efficient semi-analytical generator of initial stiffness designs for a moment-resisting steel building frame under seismic loading. Requirements on interstory drift under seismic loading are often active constraints in the usual structural design practice for steel building frames and simple methods of design and analysis are needed especially in the preliminary design stage. Interstory drifts and ratios of the angles of nodal rotation to the angles of column member rotation are selected as key parameters and specified based upon the designer's intention. A practical design formula for a frame with design variable grouping is proposed as well as one for a basic frame without design variable grouping. A recursive technique is introduced to evaluate the design story shear forces under a set of design-spectrum-compatible earthquakes. Numerical examples are presented to disclose the characteristics of member stiffness distributions and the response characteristics of frames designed by the present method. In the present paper (Part 1), a fundamental design formula is proposed for a simple frame without column elongation. A more practical design formula for a slender frame with column elongation will be presented in the companion paper. (Part 2). © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

直接基于位移的钢框架结构抗震设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合我国建筑结构抗震设计实际,将钢框架结构性能划分为正常使用、生命安全和防止倒塌三个水平,并用层间位移角限值予以量化;以框架侧移曲线为基础,将多自由度体系转化为等效单自由度体系,导出了相应等效参数,并根据其性能水平确定出结构的目标位移。在此基础上,对五层两跨平面钢框架进行了基于位移的抗震设计,分析表明:本文指出的直接基于位移的抗震设计方法简便高效、结果精确,能够控制结构在不同性能水准下地震作用的性能。  相似文献   

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