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本文介绍了一台适合作水洞、水模中流场测量的两维激光多普勒测速装置。它采用氢-氖激光器作光源,用园光栅作分束器和频移器,因此简便、价廉,具有推广应用的价值。  相似文献   

A miniature laser Doppler velocimeter (LDV) using a single-mode solid-state semiconductor laser is described. Current-induced output frequency modulation of the laser output, combined with an unbalanced interferometer, is used to provide direction sensing.  相似文献   

We describe a Ti: LiNbO3 integrated-optic device which incorporates an integration of a high-speed travelling-wave modulator and two switches. Experimental results are reported and system characteristics reviewed.  相似文献   

为了将激光多普勒测速技术应用于野外流体速度测量,设计了一种基于舣光束模式的激光多普勒测速光学系统,采用光纤耦合半导体激光器作为光源,通过保偏光纤耦合器、保偏光纤准直器以及非球面透镜来实现激光的分束、准直与聚焦,形成干涉条纹,并利用接收透镜、针孔光阑以及雪崩光电二极竹检测多普勒信号光.结果表明,所设汁的光学系统的空间分辨...  相似文献   

Schr?der  J.E. 《Electronics letters》1987,23(3):114-116
A dual sinusoidal modulation scheme introducing directional sensing of a laser Doppler velocimeter (LDV) employing a semiconductor laser source is described. With this technique using direct current modulation a single-sideband Doppler shift of 8.5 MHz with an image sideband suppression of 29dB is demonstrated.  相似文献   

遥控脉冲激光多普勒测速仪   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
介绍一台脉冲激光遥控测速仪的结构和实验结果。光源是双脉冲放电激励的染料调Q红宝石激光器,用标准具做光谱分析仪。在250米的距离可测定合作目标瞬刻的飞行速度。  相似文献   

激光多普勒测速仪中的频谱分析技术   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
为了提高激光多普勒测速仪的测速精度,将频谱分析技术应用于多普勒信号的处理中,先对信号进行频谱细化,再对细化后的频谱进行校正。阐述了几种常见的频谱细化和频谱校正算法的基本原理,并对它们的频谱分析精度和运算量进行了比较。在Matlab平台上将它们应用于理想正弦信号进行仿真,比较了各种算法的优缺点,最后将频谱细化和频谱校正技术应用于实测多普勒信号的处理中。仿真和实验结果表明:频谱细化技术可以大大提高激光多普勒信号的频谱分辨率,频谱校正技术可以准确地校正多普勒频率,减小信号处理的误差。将其运用于激光多普勒测速仪中切实可行,为设计高精度的激光多普勒测速仪创造了条件。  相似文献   

为了进行高速及超高速测量,提出了一种基于双纵模He-Ne激光器的多普勒测速结构。阐述了双纵模激光多普勒测速的基本原理,设计了系统的光路结构,并运用数字滤波、数字自相关技术对多普勒信号进行处理。理论分析与实验结果表明:双纵模激光多普勒测速系统利用相邻两个纵模的拍频作为基频大大减小了比例因子,解决了系统进行高速及超高速测量的难题;数字滤波去除直流基底和部分噪声;自相关技术进一步抑制噪声,提高了信噪比,便于精确提取多普勒频率。测量了高速转盘上待测点切向运动的速度,测量结果的重复性精度优于0.8%。  相似文献   

The basic principles of the laser Doppler velocimeter, a new instrument for measurement of localized flow velocities in gases and liquids, are discussed in detail. Velocity measurements are made by detecting the Doppler shift in monochromatic laser light which is scattered from small contaminant particles in the fluid. ACWgas laser serves as the light source, and the Doppler shift is detected by optical heterodyne techniques. The latest fluid flow measurements obtained with the laser Doppler velocimeter are presented.  相似文献   

本文介绍了一台对方向敏感的二维激光多普勒测速装置。它采用普通的氦-氖激光器作光源,以旋转的圆光栅进行分束和产生一个预置的频移。选用衍射光束中的零级、 级和-1级光作为测量光束。在光路中分别插入不同的偏振元件,使三束光分别成为圆偏振光,以及二个偏振面相互垂直的线偏振光,并用位移棱镜使三束光相互正交,最后通过物镜使之汇聚形成测量区,在测量区由正交的偏振光构成二组正交的干涉条纹。当运动的质点穿过测量区时,则  相似文献   

激光多普勒测速仪方向辨别及低速测量的研究   总被引:4,自引:6,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
为了解决激光多普勒测速仪速度方向辨别及低速测量的问题,利用双声光调制技术设计了光路系统测量转台的转速。在参考光模式的基础上,对参考光和信号光分别进行移频并设定一定的偏置频率,使得探测器输出信号的频率在偏置频率左右变化。理论分析和实验结果表明:双声光调制技术可以有效地辨别速度方向,并且可以实现低速测量;所设计的激光多普勒测速仪的测速精度优于0.35%。  相似文献   

设计了一种后向散射激光多普勒测速实验装置并成功地用于风速测量。此装置结构简单,操作方便,既可用于远距离流场测量,叉可用于大型燃烧炉和内燃机中的速度测量。  相似文献   

数字相关技术在激光多普勒测速仪中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
周健  龙兴武  魏国  宋锐 《激光杂志》2009,30(3):28-29
激光多普勒测速仪在导航系统中将是一种很好的速度传感器,而多普勒信号的处理在整套系统中起着十分关键的作用。本文提出将数字相关技术运用于激光多普勒测速仪的方法,对多普勒信号进行自相关处理,去除噪声干扰。仿真和实验均表明该技术大大提高多普勒信号的信噪比,降低系统对信号信噪比的要求,提高系统的抗噪能力和灵敏度,为设计高精度的激光多普勒测速仪创造了条件。  相似文献   

We have developed a microlaser Doppler velocimeter in which the laser diode, photodiode, and optical waveguide are monolithically integrated on a GaAs substrate. This integration eliminates the difficult optical alignment and susceptibility to environmental disturbances which are disadvantages of the conventional laser Doppler velocimeter. Our velocimeter showed good linearity between relative velocity and output frequency, and it can detect very low velocities of less than 5 μm/s. It can also measure the flow speed of a liquid containing particles. Moreover, the addition of a step at the end of the waveguide and one more photodiode enables the phase difference to be used for directional discrimination  相似文献   

提出根据前一时刻的多普勒频率来调整带通滤波器上下限截止频率的方法,基于Lab VIEW平台设计了激光多普勒测速仪的跟踪滤波器,对多普勒信号进行跟踪滤波,以适应多普勒信号在很宽的频率范围内动态变化的特点。利用固定通频带的滤波器和跟踪滤波器分别对理想正弦信号和实测的多普勒信号进行研究,仿真及实验结果表明:当信号的频率远离普通滤波器的通带时,普通滤波器通带内的噪声严重影响多普勒信号频谱位置的判别,从而导致得出错误的结论,而跟踪滤波器在滤除基底信号及系统部分噪声的基础上,实时跟踪多普勒信号的频率,信噪比明显提高,所得结果与多普勒频率的真实值相一致。  相似文献   

陈红江  聂晓明  王梦成 《红外与激光工程》2018,47(12):1217008-1217008(7)
为了减小由车式载体上下颠簸而引入的测量误差,设计了二维结构的激光多普勒测速仪2-D LDV(laser Doppler velocimeter),并将其与捷联惯导组合导航。阐述了二维激光多普勒测速技术的基本原理,详细讨论了其与捷联惯导组合的具体结构并进行了车载实验。理论和实验结果表明:2-D LDV减小了由于车辆上下颠簸而引入的测量误差,进一步提高了导航精度。车辆行驶总里程为29.67 km,纯捷联惯导的位置误差为936 m,1-D LDV/SINS组合系统的位置误差17.2 m,而2-D LDV/SINS组合系统的位置误差仅有7.1 m,相对于1-D LDV/SINS,2-D LDV/SINS更适合于车载组合导航系统。  相似文献   

频谱细化及频谱校正技术在激光多普勒测速仪中的应用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
周健  黄华 《激光与红外》2010,40(2):144-151
提出了对多普勒信号先进行频谱细化,再进行频谱校正的方法,阐述了几种常见的离散频谱细化和频谱校正算法的基本原理,并运用它们对不同频率的理想正弦信号和实测的多普勒信号进行谱仿真和实测研究。理论分析和实验结果表明:频谱细化算法中Goertzel细化算法所需的运算量最少,计算速度最快;频谱校正算法中比值校正算法校正公式简单,运算量少,且校正精度较高;频谱细化和频谱校正技术大大提高了频谱分辨率,将其运用于频谱分析型激光多普勒测速仪中切实可行。  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose and demonstrate a new optical integrated circuit (optical IC) pigtailed with a polarization-maintaining fiber for the laser Doppler velocimeter. In this optical IC, a waveguide frequency shifter, a TE/TM mode converter, and a mode splitter are integrated inZ-propagation Ti-diffused LiNbO3as well as a waveguide interferometer. Since the optical IC is as long as 32 mm, the waveguide patterning has been made with<0.2-mum accuracy by a laser-beam lithographic system recently developed. Using the fabricated optical IC, the velocity of a moving object has been successfully heterodyne-detected with the signal-to-noise ratio of 25 dB.  相似文献   

A novel fiber-optic Doppler velocimeter is presented. By suitably controlling the polarization state of the local oscillator, illuminating beam, and signal light, balanced mixing with a noise reduction of 30 dB as compared to unbalanced mixing can be realized. The remaining noise level is predominantly due to shot noise. Allowing for losses in the receiving optics and for nonperfect mixing efficiency, the minimum detectable signal power is estimated to be 10-18 W-Hz-1 . The high sensitivity of the system is demonstrated by the detection of light scattered from a distant moving object  相似文献   

All previously reported laser Doppler velocity measuring devices employ either the local oscillator-heterodyne type of coherent detection or a two-beam differential Doppler technique. A third method employing a passive interferometer is proposed and shown to have significant advantages.  相似文献   

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