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通过对黑小麦全粉、与对照样特精粉复配混粉的面筋数量与质量测定,对黑小麦全粉占10%、15%、20%、25%、30%、40%、50%复配混粉进行流变学特性指标的测定及制作馒头成品以评价。结果表明:不同复配比例的混粉湿面筋数量表现比例越大含量越高;黑小麦全粉的流变学特性较差;复配混粉也都低于对照样特精粉的流变学指标;黑小麦全粉单独并不适合制作馒头,当复配比例在10%~15%时,馒头评价总分在80以上。  相似文献   

为了探讨热处理高粱粉对高粱小麦混粉品质的影响,该文以高粱粉和小麦粉为原料,高粱粉通过不同的热处理方式添加到小麦粉中制成混粉,分别测定混粉的各种指标变化并得出热处理的最佳温度及时间,并在最佳条件下,比较添加热处理高粱粉的混粉品质与添加未处理高粱粉混粉的差别。实验得出添加热处理高粱粉之后混粉的粗蛋白含量,面筋含量、黏度降低、降落数值、吸水率等呈上升趋势,热处理可以降低馒头的硬度;添加热处理高粱粉对蛋糕的品质影响很大,明显提高蛋糕的食用品质,改善外观和内部结构。  相似文献   

以营养强化面粉为研究对象,概述了国内营养强化面粉生产的现状以及面粉营养强化的相关原则,提出了保护与稳定营养素活性、合理设计面粉强化工艺、控制营养素与面粉的混合均匀度、建立以HACCP体系为核心的安全保障体系等是确保营养强化面粉质量的关键.  相似文献   

苦荞小麦混合粉面团的微观结构和粘弹性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用扫描电子显微镜研究了苦荞小麦混合粉(30∶70)面团的微观结构,并用流变仪测试了加入酶制剂前后的面团粘弹性。结果表明,混合粉和成的面团,其面筋网络几乎不能形成。0.01%葡萄糖氧化酶、0.01%转谷氨酰胺酶能提高天然苦荞小麦混合粉面团的G'和G',降低其tanδ,但是对处理苦荞小麦混合粉面团的作用相反。0.002%戊聚糖淀粉酶能显著降低两种混合粉面团的G'和G',提高其tanδ。葡萄糖氧化酶和戊聚糖淀粉酶合用,处理苦荞小麦混合粉面团的G'和G'高于纯小麦粉面团,tanδ低于纯小麦粉面团。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate chemical, technological, and sensory quality of tef in products made exclusively with tef flour and tef flour associated with other flours. The selection of the studies and the extraction of information were carried out through research in several databases. Tef flour was used in cakes, cookies, breads, cupcakes, muffins, and extruded snacks. Bread was the most evaluated product with tef flour associated with other flours or exclusively. Most of the outcomes were with tef (5–50%) associated with other flours. Increased levels of fibers, minerals, antioxidant capacity, and flavonoids were noted according to the percentage of tef. Technological characteristics demonstrated that these products showed intermediate final quality, due to the characteristics of volume, specific volume, firmness, and luminosity. Regarding sensory quality, studies that used (5–35%) tef flour associated with other flours were well-accepted.  相似文献   

Nada Nikoli?  Marijana Saka? 《LWT》2011,44(3):650-655
In this paper, the rheological properties and lipids composition with an emphasis on acylglycerols and fatty acids composition of dough with various portions of buckwheat flour (BWF) are investigated. The results show lipids from wheat-buckwheat flour mixture has higher ratio of total unsaturated to saturated fatty acids content (3.77-4.78 g/100 g) than those of wheat flour only (3.71 g/100 g). The value of dough water absorption (WA), development time (DT), dough stability (DSt), gelatinization temperature (Tmax) and maximal pasta viscosity (ηmax) increases when content of free fatty (FFA) acids increases, i.e. when buckwheat flour portion in flour mixtures increases, so FFA content has a proper influence on these dough properties. Dough with buckwheat flour has higher WA (54.3-56.0 ml/100 g), Tmax (82.0-84.1 °C) and ηmax (630-860 AU), longer Dst (0.7-4.6 min) and lower Dsf (82-90 FU) than dough with wheat flour only, whose appropriate values are 54.3 ml/100 g, 81.2 °C, 480 AU, 0.3 min and 90 FU, respectively. So, the flour mixture with buckwheat flour of at least 5 g/100 g can be considered good quality flour.  相似文献   

以紫色小麦为原料,主要研究了0、4%、8%的脱皮程度及不同的超微粉碎工艺对全麦粉理化性质、流变学特性、糊化特性及曲奇饼干质构特性的影响。结果表明:随着脱皮率的增加,全麦粉中蛋白质、灰分、面筋含量都有所降低,但面筋指数增加。脱皮工艺显著改善了全麦粉的面团流变学特性、糊化特性及曲奇饼干的质构特性。与传统粉碎工艺相比,超微粉碎对全麦粉蛋白质及灰分含量的影响不大,而随着超微成分的增多,紫麦全麦粉的面筋含量、面筋指数、流变学特性、糊化黏度、曲奇饼干质构特性都有不同程度的提高。   相似文献   

测定8种不同面粉的基本性质、面团流变特性、发酵特性,并用其制备成荞麦馒头预拌粉制作荞麦馒头,通过测定荞麦馒头的比容、质构特性、感官品质等指标,探究面粉特性对荞麦馒头预拌粉品质的影响。试验结果表明:湿面筋含量在33%~34%,蛋白质含量在11%~12%的面粉其蛋白质弱化度较小,面团形成时间和稳定时间较长,面团的持气率较好,面团开始漏气时间较晚;对应编号制作的荞麦馒头比容较大,硬度、弹性、咀嚼性适中,感官评价总分较高;灰分0.4g/100g的面粉制作的荞麦馒头表面颜色光亮、色泽均匀。综上可得:湿面筋含量在33%~34%,蛋白质含量在11%~12%,吸水率在58%~60%,灰分0.4g/100g的面粉制作的荞麦馒头品质较好,比较适合制备荞麦馒头预拌粉。  相似文献   

苦荞超微粉对苦荞小麦混合粉及其挂面品质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将普通苦荞粉,苦荞超微粉A和B按照5%~30%的比例添加到小麦粉中,对苦荞小麦混合粉的面团粉质特性及其挂面的感官品质、蒸煮品质及质构特性进行了研究,结果表明:与普通粉相比,添加苦荞超微粉的混合粉面团的吸水率增加,面团形成时间和稳定时间缩短,弱化度值升高,粉质指数降低;添加苦荞超微粉提高了挂面的感官品质;添加量在15%以下时,添加苦荞普通粉制作的面条煮熟增重率较高,添加量在15%~30%时,添加苦荞超微粉A制作的面条煮熟增重率较高,而添加量在5%~30%时,添加苦荞超微粉A制作的面条煮熟的干物质损失率最低;苦荞粉超微处理增加了苦荞挂面的坚实度和剪切功,面条咀嚼性和韧性增强。小麦粉中添加20%苦荞超微粉A时制作的挂面韧性,口感良好。  相似文献   

在不同温度下对小米粉进行热处理,然后以20%添加到小麦粉中制成混合粉,通过测定混合粉的粉质特性和馒头的感官评价确定热处理小米粉对混合粉品质改善的最佳工艺条件。结果表明,最优条件是加热温度110℃、时间15 min。将不同比例热处理小米粉添加到小麦粉,研究对混合粉品质的影响。结果表明,热处理可以明显提高小米粉的糊粘度,显著降低馒头的硬度,改善馒头的品质。感官评价表明,在添加10%热处理小米粉时,用混合粉制做的馒头品质有显著改善。  相似文献   

我国自古重视农业生产,尤其是进入现代,杂交水稻等一系列富含高新技术的农产品问世,使得我国用世界1/7的土地,养活了世界上1/3的人口,并且一跃成为世界五大产粮大国之一.这些都是我们值得欣喜和骄傲的成绩.然而,在这些成绩的背后,我们同样要清醒的看到,现阶段的主要任务已远不止满足广大人民的粮食需求,而是要更进一步,关注粮食等食品的安全问题.我国目前正在法制化道路上不断前行,与粮食安全相关的各项法律法规还在逐渐地建立健全.  相似文献   

小麦生芽不仅会造成不完善粒比例偏高、等级下降,还可能会影响食品加工品质。研究了不同萌发阶段的生芽粒对小麦馒头和面条加工品质的影响。结果表明:以胚芽或胚根是否突破表皮为划分依据的"发芽粒"和"萌动粒"对小麦粉和食品的影响各不同;一定程度的萌动会提高制粉品质,生芽对面筋品质影响相对较小,对淀粉品质影响较大,表现为生芽率高则降落数值和RVA黏度显著降低;明显出芽的小麦对馒头品质影响显著,对面条品质影响较小;萌动小麦对馒头和面条品质的影响均较小;通过测定小麦籽粒降落数值可以初步判断生芽对蒸煮食品加工品质的影响,降落数值不低于131 s或不低于175 s时,对面条或馒头品质不会有太大影响。  相似文献   

在小麦中添加不同比例的发芽小麦,研究对小麦、小麦粉品质特性及食用品质的影响。选择发芽小麦按照不同比例(1%、5%、10%、15%、20%、25%、30%)与正常小麦进行混合,研究发芽小麦不同添加比例对小麦及小麦粉品质特性产生的影响,并对不同添加比例发芽小麦粉制作的馒头和面条食用品质进行评价。结果表明:随着发芽小麦比例含量的增加,混合小麦及小麦粉品质特性指标中除降落数值逐渐减少,其他特性指标与正常小麦相比较无明显变化。对馒头和面条进行蒸煮实验评价,可以看出当发芽小麦含量不超过15%时,对其食用品质无明显影响,但当发芽小麦含量超过20%时,馒头出现粘牙,当发芽小麦含量超过15%时,面条韧性下降,食用品质受到影响,评分值均在80分以下。  相似文献   

改善荞麦—小麦混合粉流变学特性的研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
本课题主要是以荞麦—小麦混合粉为研究对象,借助于粉质仪、拉伸仪和糊化粘度仪等现代分析仪器,研究复合改良剂谷朊粉和SSL-CSL对荞麦-小麦混合粉的流变学特性的影响,并进行改良实验。从中选出改良荞麦-小麦混合粉品质的复合改良剂Ⅰ配方。结果表明:复合改良剂Ⅰ的适宜配方为,以混合粉计,谷朊粉为4%,SSL-CSL为0.5%。  相似文献   

0前言随着人们生活节奏加快和生活水平的提高 ,方便面等快餐食品已广泛被广大消费者所接受。据统计资料显示 ,目前我国方便面年总销量达150亿份 ,消费者对产品的选择也日趋成熟 ,除了要有一份鲜美的调味料 ,面条本身的品质也越来越被生产厂家和消费者重视。这里面条品质主要指复水时间、口感爽滑、有筋道、不浑汤、不断条等感观指标 ,而感观指标的好坏将给普通消费者最直接的印象。面粉是方便面中最基本、用量最多的原料 ,由于方便面对面粉的要求 ,既要有较好的韧性、弹性即通常说的筋道 ,又需要有较好的延伸性使面条复水后爽滑 ,面粉品…  相似文献   

To study the effect of heat treatment on rye flour quality, rye flour was treated by steaming, high temperature and high pressure (HTHP) and extrusion and then the pasting properties of rye flour and rye‐wheat blend, the dough rheological and steamed bread (respectively, fermented by yeast and Chinese traditional starter – Laomian) making properties of rye‐wheat blend were investigated. All three kinds of heat treatment increased the viscosity of rye flour, with the peak viscosity value followed the order 1744 cP (by steaming) >823.5 cP (by HTHP) >669 cP (by extrusion) > 626.5 cP (untreated). Dough and gluten made from mRFh (HTHP‐treated rye flour and wheat flour blend) had higher storage modulus (G′) and loss modulus (G″), which contributed to better extensibility and deformation capability. Steamed bread fermented by Laomian (LSB) made by mRFh had larger specific volume (2.26 mL g?1), lower hardness (3510.93 g) and higher sensory scores (82.63), comparable to the quality of control samples, indicating the feasibility of adding rye flour into wheat flour for healthy product development without compromising the taste and texture.  相似文献   

为解决全麦粉加工品质和储藏稳定性的不足,采用微波处理全麦粉,用粉质仪和动态流变仪研究微波处理对全麦面团流变学特性的影响;用快速黏度分析仪(RVA)、X射线衍射仪、SDS-聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(SDS-PAGE)等分析全麦粉中淀粉和蛋白组分结构和理化性质的变化;并验证了微波处理对全麦粉中微生物和多酚氧化酶的抑制效果和对全麦鲜湿面品质及褐变程度的影响。结果表明,微波处理可以显著提高全麦面团的稳定时间,增加面团的弹性和类固体性质,同时可改善全麦粉的黏度特性,使淀粉结晶特性略有提高;SDS-PAGE图谱显示,微波处理可引起全麦粉中蛋白组分发生有限聚合,这种聚合作用主要由二硫键引起。微波处理能够显著降低全麦粉中的菌落总数和PPO活性,抑制全麦鲜湿面褐变,提高面条煮后拉断力。  相似文献   

Mixolab, as the rheological instrument, was utilized to create gluten-free products. According to obtained Mixolab profiles, mixtures of rice flour and husked buckwheat and rice flour and unhusked buckwheat flour expressed rheological properties similar to wheat flour. In both types of mixtures the ratio of rice flour to buckwheat flour was 90:10, 80:20 and 70:30. According to the Mixolab profiles of the investigated systems, gluten-free products containing unhusked buckwheat flour had higher water absorption values, lower stability and weaker protein network structure, as well as lower peak viscosity than those consisted of husked buckwheat flour.Increasing the amount of husked buckwheat flour from 10% to 20% resulted in both G′ and yield stress value increase, but further increase of the husked buckwheat flour on 30% resulted in both G′ and yield stress value decrease. However, increasing the amount of unhusked buckwheat flour from 10% to 20% resulted in significant decrease of G′ and yield stress value having no significant impact with the addition of 30% of unhusked buckwheat flour.Hardness, expressed as a work of compression of the final product, increased with the amount of both types of buckwheat flour. Samples containing UBF expressed not significantly higher values of hardness than those prepared with HBF. According to obtained results of sensory evaluation of the final products it can be concluded that all six combinations of tested gluten-free breads were sensory acceptable.  相似文献   

For the development of healthful gluten-free soy bread acceptable to consumers, we evaluated the effects of various processing procedures for soy flour on bread quality, in terms of beany flavour and texture. We pretreated soy flour by both non-heating (raw:NS and germinated:GS) and heating (steamed:SS and roasted:RS) methods. In addition, to improve the loaf volume, we added 1% hydroxypropyl-methylcellulose (HPMC) to RS flour. Lipoxygenase activity was retained in the non-heat-treated flours (279 U/g for NS and 255 U/g for GS), but was significantly reduced in the heat-treated flours (106 U/g for SS and 69 U/g for RS). Moreover, heat-treated flour had higher isoflavone and ferric reducing antioxidant power than had non-heat-treated flour. However, RS flour had the lowest moisture content and lowest L value. The GS bread had the highest specific loaf volume (3.53 cm3/g), followed by NS (2.96 cm3/g), RS (2.25 cm3/g), and SS (1.81 cm3/g) bread. GS bread had the lowest hardness (1.53 N), followed by NS (1.65 N), RS (2.00 N), and SS (3.75 N) bread. The addition of 1% HPMC to RS increased the loaf volume (2.44 cm3/g), but decreased the bread’s hardness (1.80 N). As to the sensory properties, the bread with heat-treated flour was perceived to have a less beany odour and taste than was the bread with non-heat-treated flour. However, the latter had a better appearance than the former. These results indicated that soy flour pretreatment could enhance the loaf volume and reduce the beany flavour of whole soy bread.  相似文献   

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