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One of the characteristics of Colonial architecture was the use of modest construction materials such as unfinished lumber with different types of joint connections, wattle and daub (twigs and clay),thatch and mud, and later with brick etc.(Morrison, 1987; Walker, 1981) . Colonial house forms were distinguished by their high pitched slopes, high and massive chimneys. Roofs were decorated with hand cut wood shingles, thatch or slates. Owing to the diverse cultural and social backgrounds of early  相似文献   

英国发生了两次重大的塔式起重机事故后,美国的纽约市、科罗拉多州和华盛顿州接连发生了数起起重机事故。在后一起事故中,起重机的坍塌造成一过路行人身亡。为此,华盛顿州州长采取了极其严厉的措施,要求所有起重机公司重新检查它们的安全措施。  相似文献   

任天堂旗下的著名ACT作品“《塞尔达传说》系列”最新消息,随着美国举行的E3游戏展同时再度公开。系列一贯的游戏性,独特的故事舞台,加上焕然一新的人物设计。新的《塞尔达传说》正式诞生!  相似文献   

Ⅰ.Natural and Geographicalconditions of Nanjing and Its Re-sourcesThe City of Nanjing is situated in thesouthwest part of Jiangsu Province at the  相似文献   

In the preface of his book The Sacred Five of China written in 1926, William Edgar Geil, the famous American traveler and member of Royal Geographical Society (UK), compares the "sacred five mountains of China" to the Islam Hajj Mecca and the Christian holy land Canterbury and suggests that they are "Mecca" and "Canterbury" to the Chinese. Undoubtedly, the Sacred Five Moutains has a position in the several thousand year history of China comparable to Mecca and Canterbury, but as sacred "mountains", they also have additional natural heritage values the other two do not have.  相似文献   

TheDevelopmentofAffordableHousingLuYoujieChina/surbanhousingreform,whichisoneofthemostimportantpartsofthenation/seconomicrefo?..  相似文献   

market The season of furniture   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
家具的季节 欧洲的设计总是让人感到一种视觉上的艺术享受,家居品的设计更加彰显生活的时尚品位。这些独特的设计,给忙碌的现代生活停下来休息一下的理由!艺术的创作,出乎意料的沙发椅设计……不仅仅是一种视觉享受,在使用上更是一种近乎奢侈的舒适。  相似文献   

The Chartered Society of Designers is once again delighted to salute the HKIA for their continuing pursuit of excellence through this award scheme. The future reputation of Hong Kong is being determined now by the quality and execution of design in all disciplines; every opportunity to bring our achievements to the attention of design professionals across the world must be welcomed. I wish the event continuing success.  相似文献   

I.Main Aspects of Shanghai'sMaster Plan1.GuidelineShanghai is located in the middle partof our country's coastline with the vastYangtze River valley as her inland.Facingthe whole world,facing 21 century and fac-ing the modernization of both our country  相似文献   

This paper tells the historical development of the English word "shall", its morphological features and its grammatical functions with the corresponding linguistic context provided. Some writings in different time are used as evidence of the change to illustrate how the word under discussion is applied by different people.  相似文献   

Regional structure is defined as the spatial integration of the natural,ecological,econom-ic and social structure of a region.It can be divided into a number of sub-systems.Since na-tional planning is usually carried out on the basis of regions,it is therefore important for us tostudy on the structural characteristics,regions;its mechanisms of changes;its degree ofopenness;its stages and rationality of development.Through the study of the relationship incorresponding changes of different structures and their basic characters within different re-gions,we could then have a scientific basis for modifying the pattern of national planning inmacro level,determining the scale and direction of economic development in regional plan-ning,and identifying the industrial structure and urban systems which are in line with themechanism of economic development.  相似文献   

Congratulations to the HKIA and all thirty entrants for the 1994/95 HKIA Annual Awards.The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers is pleased to support its sister institution in its efforts to further improve the high standards of the architectural profession in Hong Kong.We wish it every success in the years to come.  相似文献   

"With a more thorough examination of population changes in the Tokyo region, this article confirms with regard to Japan the reconcentrating trend of urban population observed more clearly elsewhere by Cochrane and Vining (1988). Through an examination of the factors which led to the turnaround in the 1980s in Japan and elsewhere, it is argued that conservative economic policy, as manifested by deregulation and privatization, is the principal cause for reconcentration of urbanization in the 1980s in the economically advanced Western countries."  相似文献   

Any type of organism can be identified by examination of DNA sequences unique to that species. DNA is a substance carrying an organism's genetic information. My definition of DNA is Designing New Architecture. The purpose is to examine the DesignInc entity to look for the specific features that make up the organisation where the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. As human beings we are 99 per cent similar but the one per cent difference is so complex that it allows for us all to be unique. This is the same for design-based practices, where superficially many firms of architects and urban and interior designers look very similar. In fact, the process and opportunities of design initiatives are so complex that vast differences can be detected if a careful investigative analysis is undertaken.  相似文献   

Adopted by the 11th Session of the Stand-ing Committee of the Seventh National Peo-ple's Congress on December 26,1989.Chapter Ⅰ General ProvisionsArticle 1This Act is formulated to define the sizeand development orientation of a city,torealize the goal of economic and social devel-o pment of the city,to map out the city'splanning and to carry out construction tomeet the needs of development for socialistmodernization.  相似文献   

The paper takes as its point of departure the necessity to open a space between the international and the national. That space will be as much political as will be one that allows for a certain architecture. For the sake of argumentation that space has been identified as the cosmopolitan. What characterises the cosmopolitan is the possibility that it is the form of modernity once the modem has been freed from the oscillation between the national and the international. Once modernity is introduced then the question to be addressed is not what is modern architecture but what is the architecture of modernity. Part of the argument developed here is that a beginning can be made once it is understood that modernity has to eschew the symbol. And yet, the symbols that proliferate are either national or international. Consequently, this gives rise to a complex interplay between the cosmopolitan, modernity and the possibility of an architecture that is non-symbolic. The question of how to think this complex set of relations is the project undertaken by the paper.  相似文献   

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