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Stress‐strain curves of AAC at high temperatures: a first step toward the performance‐based design according to EN 1996‐1‐2 In this paper, the performance‐based approach for the design of autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC) masonry walls subjected to fire is presented. The problems associated with the calculation methods in the current version of EN 1996‐1‐2 for the assessment of AAC loadbearing walls are explained. The current version of EN 1996‐1‐2 offers only tabulated data as a reliable method for structural fire assessment. The content of current Annex C and D is generally considered as not being reliable for design because of the absence of an adequate validation by experimental tests. For this reason, a proposal is made for the improvement of the input parameters for mechanical models based on experimental tests on AAC masonry. On this basis, new stress‐strain curves as a function of temperature are proposed here and then compared with the stress‐strain curves currently included in the Annex D of EN 1996‐1‐2. The comparison results point out that the current curves do not correspond to the effective behaviour of AAC masonry under fire conditions. The proposed curves can be used as base to be implemented in the new version of EN 1996‐1‐2.  相似文献   

Partial safety factors for resistance applied in the design equation of semi‐probabilistic formats can be obtained from the evaluation of a test database. These partial safety factors are influenced by two factors, the material uncertainty and the model uncertainty. This topic is covered in a former publication [1]. It includes the determination of a partial factor for the model uncertainty of unreinforced masonry shear walls. In this study the authors examine the next step, and calculate the partial factor of resistance applying the same method, as recommended i n EN 1990 – Annex D. In addition to the Coefficient of Variation (COV) for the model uncertainty, the calculation of the resistance partial factor considers deviations in geometry, as well as loading and material properties. The influence of the material uncertainty on structural performance is considered in the calculation by means of a weighted average of all COV values for various types of material properties, based on the number of relevant failure modes in the test database. In the last step, the resistance partial factors for models defined in DIN EN 1996‐1‐1/NA and DIN EN 1996‐1‐1/NA – Annex K are calculated by applying the probabilistic methods recommended in EN 1990 – Annex D and the model bias.  相似文献   

This article investigates the transferability of the Simplified Modified Compression Field Theory (SMCFT) [2], which is known in reinforced concrete design and included in the fib Model Code for Concrete Structures 2010 (Volume 3) [1], to reinforced or prestressed masonry beams (RM beams) with or without an additional layer of concrete. The investigation for this work is the obsolete shear design concept that has been used until now for reinforced masonry under shear loading, which does not adequately reflect the actual load‐bearing behaviour of significant areas of masonry. The fundamentals of the SMCFT are explained and the transferability of the theory to RM beams is examined, taking into account in particular the different material properties of masonry compared to reinforced concrete. A first approach for future application is represented by the equations presented here for the determination of the shear force capacity of RM beams. The verification is performed through a comparison of the shear resistances determined experimentally (exp.) and by calculation (calc.).  相似文献   

The design/verification method in the Eurocodes is based on the partial safety concept. Eurocode 6 suggests a constant partial safety factor for the material γM for all design/verification problems, without consideration of model uncertainty in the design/verification formula. In the following, a model partial safety factor is determined for the problem of unreinforced masonry walls mainly subjected to vertical loading. For that purpose, the newly proposed formula for EC 6, annex G will be considered [1–3]. In order to cover all aspects in tests and to use the results for design purposes, several methods have been included in EN 1990 Annex D for design based on test data. In this study, the recommended methods in Annex D of EN 1990 for resistance of the material are used to extract the partial safety factors. A database including more than 119 experimental tests on unreinforced masonry shear walls is used to compare the model prediction and the test results and to determine the model partial safety factor.  相似文献   

In the national annexes of Eurocode 6, the individual European Member States can define values for nationally determined parameters in various places or add regulations which are not in contradiction to the current European provisions. Consequently – despite a harmonized Eurocode 6 – the normative regulations of the individual Member States differ more or less. However, in the sense of practicability of the standards in Europe, it should be the aim to develop a European standard which is as uniform as possible and which has not to be applied in significantly different ways due to the national regulations. In order to better understand the interests of the other Member States for future generations of standards and to derive potentials of harmonization, the values of the Nationally Determined Parameters (NDPs) of various Member States are compared in this paper. In this context, the extent of the deviations between the different national annexes is examined and on this basis a possible potential of harmonization is identified.  相似文献   

Seismic verification of masonry buildings in German earthquake regions With financial support of the ”Deutsche Gesellschaft für Mauerwerks‐ und Wohnungsbau e.V.“ (DGfM) and the ”Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik“ (DIBt) in Berlin, two consecutive research projects were carried out to improve the seismic verification of masonry buildings in German earthquake regions. First, the seismic behavior of three modern unreinforced masonry buildings in the region of Emilia Romagna in Italy during the earthquake series in 2012 was investigated in detail in cooperation with the University of Pavia. Based on the results of these investigations an improved seismic design concept for unreinforced masonry buildings was developed. The paper presents the main results of the conducted research work and their transfer into standardization and engineering practice.  相似文献   

Dedicated to University Prof. Dr.‐Ing. Carl‐Alexander Graubner for his 60th birthday The simplified calculation methods for unreinforced masonry structures given in DIN EN 1996‐3/NA are an easily applicable design standard for an efficient and fast verification of the resistance of mainly vertically loaded masonry walls. However, the design rules are not based on mechanical models. Instead, they are empirical approaches for a simplified estimation of the load bearing capacity. For this reason, the range of application of DIN EN 1996‐3/NA is limited by several conditions to ensure a sufficient safety of this design procedure. With regard to extending the conditions for application, extensive comparative calculations were carried out. Thereby, considering clearly defined boundary conditions, the load bearing capacity according to DIN EN 1996‐3/NA was compared to that according to DIN EN 1996‐1‐1/NA. It was the aim of this comparison to identify load bearing reserves of the simplified calculation methods to point out potential for an extension regarding the maximum permissible clear wall height and the slab span. As a result, it can be stated, that an increase of the maximum wall height up to 6.0 m and the maximum slab span of 7.0 m is possible in certain cases.  相似文献   

The revision task on technical specification for application of autoclaved aerated concrete products JGJ/T17 is under way, which was assigned in November 2013.The framework, thoughts and contents of revision on the specification are presented in this paper.  相似文献   

The semi‐probabilistic safety concept of divided safety factors for action and resistance of DIN EN 1990 [1] in combination with the structural design codes DIN EN 1996‐1‐1 [2] and DIN EN 1996‐1‐1/NA [3] include the requirement that acting normal forces NEd may not exceed the normal force resistances NRd for the structural design of masonry under bending compression. According to [3], fully plastic material behaviour can be assumed and the stress block used as the material law for masonry. Building on this, design aids and their theoretical basis were presented in Part 1 of this scientific paper [4], which are comparable with the ω tables (called the ? table here) and the general design diagram for massive construction. The application of the design aids is described in this second part of this scientific paper through calculation examples and the connection with the calculation approaches of [3] is made clear. The relation to the reduction factor ?m, which covers effects of 2nd order theory, is also obtained. With known values of the load eccentricities according to 1st and 2nd order theory, the design task becomes the analysis of the loadbearing capacity of the masonry section at half wall height. Knowing ?m, the load eccentricity e2 and the additional moment according to 2nd order theory can subsequently be determined, which does not ensue from the calculation equations of [3]. With the general design diagram, the values of compression zone height and the assumed load eccentricities of the acting normal forces, which result from the reset rule for masonry sections with high load eccentricities, can be directly read off, greatly improving the clarity of this procedure.  相似文献   

Load‐bearing capacity tables for unreinforced masonry according to DIN EN 1996‐3/NA:2019‐12 Practical design aids are important tools in the day‐to‐day business of structural design. The design of primarily vertically loaded masonry walls in usual building construction can be carried out with the help of so‐called load‐bearing capacity tables. A table value is read off exclusively as a function of the geometric conditions, which – multiplied by the masonry compressive strength – results in the load‐bearing capacity of the wall for cold design and in case of fire. By comparing the acting and resisting force, the verification of structural design can be provided in a simple and yet economical form. The bearing capacity tables based on the simplified calculation methods according to DIN EN 1996‐3/NA:2019‐12 [1], [2] and DIN EN 1996‐1‐2/NA:2013‐06 [3], [4] are presented in this paper. Compared to the previous edition of Part 3 of Eurocode 6, the extended scope of application is taken into account, as well as the normative changes to the construction method with partially supported slabs.  相似文献   

According to the German National Annex to DIN EN 1996‐3, a calculative verification of the bracing system may be omitted if, besides other requirements, an obviously sufficient number of sufficiently long shear walls is in place. If it is questionable whether a building complies with this requirement, a time‐consuming verification of the bracing system according to DIN EN 1996‐1‐1/NA is unavoidable. This article therefore presents a simplified verification method for the bracing system, which will prospectively be included in the next revision of DIN EN 1996‐3. The simplified bracing verification can already be used as a decision‐making aid to omit the calculative bracing verification according to DIN EN 1996‐1‐1/NA.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the design of basement walls subjected to lateral earth pressure. The current simplified calculation method according to DIN EN 1996‐3/NA only covers active earth pressure, which is the lower limiting value of the earth pressure. Designing according to DIN EN 1996‐1‐1/NA, higher coefficients of earth pressure (like earth pressure at rest) can be considered, with an additional verification of the shear resistance being necessary. This paper presents a theoretical model, which forms the basis for an analytical derivation of the loadbearing capacity, and explains the required minimum values of the acting normal force to ensure sufficient resistance to cover bending and shear. Based on these results, a simplified equation is proposed for the determination of the required minimum normal force, based on the design according to DIN EN 1996‐3/NA and providing identical values in case of an earth pressure coefficient of 1/3. The required minimum load resulting from this approach fulfils the described requirement to cover bending and shear. The presented solution is verified and the conditions for application are defined. Finally, the minimum required normal forces are evaluated and tabulated for common cases relevant to building practice.  相似文献   

For the design of unreinforced masonry walls under lateral earth pressure according to DIN EN 1996‐3 [1], the active earth pressure is used, which is less than the earth pressure at rest. For the consideration of active earth pressure, a sufficient deflection of the wall is needed. It is unknown whether the deflections in reality are large enough to justify a reduction of the active earth pressure. Therefore a numerical model has been developed which considers the load‐bearing behaviour of masonry walls, with several boundary conditions being considered to estimate the effective earth pressure.  相似文献   

According to Eurocode 6, unreinforced masonry walls can be designed using different verification methods, whereby the simplified calculation methods are contained in Part 3 of DIN EN 1996 [1]. If the associated application limits and boundary conditions are fulfilled, a large part of the usual problems occurring in masonry construction can be dealt with without great effort. A limiting condition for the application of the simplified calculation methods is a maximum clear wall height of h = 2.75 m or h = 12 ? t. Changes in user requirements for modern buildings with masonry walls nowadays often require greater wall heights, wherefore a verification according to the general rules from DIN EN 1996‐1‐1/NA [2] is necessary. This means a considerably higher effort for the structural engineer. A considerable amount of calculations was done to verify whether the results of the simplified calculation methods are also valid for greater wall heights. The results were transferred into a consistent standardization proposal with regard to extended application limits of DIN EN 1996‐3/NA, which is contained in a new draft Amendment A3 for the National Application Document for Germany.  相似文献   

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