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NML代数是MV代数和NM(R0)代数的共同基础,因而其系统居于承上启下的地位,在NML代数中引入滤子(理想)这个工具以后,可以证明许多代数系统具有可嵌入性,从而为这些形式系统具有完备性作了准备.讨论了NML代数的性质,并且在NML代数上引入MP-滤子与MP-理想以及布尔MP-滤子和布尔MP-理想的概念,并利用布尔MP-滤子建立了NML代数的结构:若F是布尔滤子,则M/~F是布尔代数,即NML代数的商代数是布尔代数.  相似文献   

乳铁蛋白及其应用研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综述了乳铁蛋白的理化学性质、生物学功能、分离纯化方法及其应用进展,并对乳铁蛋白的应用及开发前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

The thermal denaturation of rabbit skeletal muscle myosin and its subfragments was investigated by differential scanning calorimetry. The thermal denaturation of myosin was shown to occur via three (at least) partly independent cooperative endothermic processes. The temperatures at which these processes occurred (312, 317 and 323 K at pH 6.0 and I=1.0) were shown to vary with pH (5.5–8.0) and I (0.05–1.0). The apparent enthalpy of denaturation of myosin was also shown to be dependent on pH and I. By comparing thermograms of myosin with those of the isolated myosin subfragments, the three major processes associated with the thermal denaturation of rabbit myosin could be tentatively assigned to different regions of the myosin molecule, namely, the helical tail, the ‘hinge-region’ and the globular heads. The ‘hinge-region’ thermal denaturation was shown to be reversible at pH 6.0 and I=1.0. Investigations of the effects of ortho-, pyro-, and tripolyphosphate on the thermal denaturation of myosin showed that added pyrophosphate destabilised the myosin molecule by about 9 K compared to the effects of ortho and tripolyphosphate, even though the latter was probably hydrolysed to ortho and diphosphate.  相似文献   

牛奶蛋白纤维的生态功能性评价及产品开发   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
主要介绍了我国自主研发的牛奶蛋白纤维生态功能性评价指标,包括抗菌性、负离子发射性能、透汽保暖性、抗静电性,简述了纯纺、混纺、交织织物的产品开发。  相似文献   

介绍了米的类别及其营养功能、感觉功能及生理调节等三大基本功能;提出了米食在满足人类赖以生存的生理需要的同时,还具有影响人们精神生活的文化功能。  相似文献   

稀奶油及其应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了稀奶油及其制品的特性、应用、存在的问题和未来的发展趋势。  相似文献   

通过分析花式纱线织物市场现状,文章认为该类织物具有很好的市场前景.花式纱线结构特殊、外形和颜色多变,给织物带来了多样而别具特色的外观效应.文章给出了花式纱线的概念、分类及特征,介绍并列举了使用花式纱线形成织物的不同外观效应,总结了花式纱线在家用纺织产品中的应用,同时提出在使用花式纱线的过程中,需要注意纱线与织物结构的配合、纱线与纹样的关系、纱线的用量以及花式纱线与织物情感因素的表现,最后需要不断的提高设计水平来保持花式线产品的无限前景.  相似文献   

本文综述了茶氨酸的主要生化特性、合成方法、生理功能、鉴别方法及其应用,并对其开发应用前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

随着基因组学、生物信息学等领域的迅猛发展,营养基因组学应运而生,并迅速发展成为营养学研究的热点.营养基因组学主要研究营养素和植物的化学物质对人体基因的转录、翻译表达以及代谢机制,是将高通量组学技术用于食物营养素与基因组的相互作用,及其与健康关系的研究,其应用范围包括营养素作用的分子机制、营养素的人体需求量、个体食谱的制定以及动物生产等.本文重点介绍营养基因组学的研究与应用的现状,并对今后的研究趋势作了进一步的展望.  相似文献   

纳豆激酶是一种由纳豆芽孢杆菌产生的具有强溶纤作用的碱性丝氨酸蛋白酶,具有安全性好、半衰期长、口服有效等优点。本文就纳豆激酶的基因结构、生化特性、生物学功能及酶活性测定等方面进行了综述。  相似文献   

信封是与我们的日常工作和生活密切相关的印刷品,但多年来,人们对于信封似乎不像对待报纸、书刊、包装装潢印品那么重视.一个偶然的机会,记者与几位从事信封机的制造、销售及印制的朋友相识,产生了了解信封印制状况的念头.不久前,记者采访了W+D公司中国总代理、华嘉(香港)有限公司信封制造与商函解决方案部的任民先生,北京普林派克印机公司总经理胡建宏先生,天津信封厂厂长张凤豹先生和北京天工印刷有限公司高级工程师朱月明先生.  相似文献   

The presence of cellulite is an aesthetically unacceptable cosmetic problem for most post-adolescent women. It is largely observed in the gluteal-fermoral regions with its 'orange-peel' or 'cottage cheese' appearance. It is not specific to overweight women although increased adipogenicity will exacerbate the condition. It is a complex problem involving the microcirculatory system and lymphatics, the extracellular matrix and the presence of excess subcutaneous fat that bulges into the dermis. It has been described as a normal condition that maximizes subcutaneous fat retention to ensure adequate caloric availability for pregnancy and lactation. Differences in the fibrous septae architecture that compartmentalize the adipose tissue have recently been reported in women with cellulite compared with men. Weight loss has been reported to improve the cellulite severity by surface topography measures although in obese subject's skin dimpling does not seem to change appreciably. However, histological analysis suggests that fat globules retract out of the dermis with weight loss. Cellulite has been treated with massage which decreases tissue oedema but it is also likely to have its effects at the cellular level by stimulating fibroblast (and keratinocyte) activity while decreasing adipocyte activity. In addition to massage, effective topical creams with a variety of agents were used to ameliorate the condition. Nevertheless, only a few studies are reported in the scientific literature. Xanthines, botanicals, fragrances and ligands for the retinoid and peroxisomal proliferator-activated receptors appear to be giving some benefit. Reducing adipogenesis and increasing thermogenesis appear to be primary routes and also improving the microcirculation and collagen synthesis. Many agents are being investigated for weight management in the supplement industry [hydroxycitrate, epigallocatechin gallate, conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), etc.] and some of these agents seem to be beneficial for the treatment of cellulite. In fact, CLA was proven to ameliorate the signs of cellulite. One product, Cellasene, containing a variety of botanicals and polyunsaturated fatty acids also appears to provide some relief from these symptoms. Although more work is needed, clearly these treatments do improve the appearance of skin in subjects with cellulite. It is quite possible, however, that synergies between both oral and topical routes may be the best intervention to ameliorate the signs and symptoms of cellulite.  相似文献   

原花青素及其应用   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
花青素(Procyanidins)是自然界中广泛存在的 聚多酚类混合物,主要由儿茶素的单体、二聚体、三聚体、……十聚体等组合而成。低聚原花青素(简称OPC’S),以其高效、低毒、高生物利用率著称。据资料报道,OPC’s拥有强有力的抗氧化能力,在体内其抗氧化、清除自由基的能力是VE的50倍、VC的20倍。国外关于OPC’s的性能研究较多,并广泛用于食品、饮料、化妆品及保健用品等领域。 一、原花青素的植物资源 原花青素在自然界中广泛存在,人们对它的研究已有 30多年历史,特别是自 20世纪 80年代以来,…  相似文献   

木糖醇及其功能   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
介绍了木糖醇在防龋齿、不增加血糖值、改善肝功能、促进双歧杆菌增殖等方面的生理功能。  相似文献   

纳米技术是21世纪的关键技术,它带动激励了许多产业.特别对于纺织行业。纳米颗粒包括各种元素和化合物.以二氧化钛纳米颗粒为例,解释了它们有趣的各种表面性能.给纺织品的创新提供了路线。  相似文献   

激光全息防伪技术在商业上的应用在我国也不过是十几年的时间。在它的发展初期,它确实起到了防伪和美化商品的作用,但随着时间的推移、技术的推广和用户要求日益提高,传统的激光全息技术越来越显示出自身的弱点来。它作为一种大众化的防伪技术,非常容易为人所掌握,其防伪功能正逐渐减弱,再加上个别商家  相似文献   

骨素及其应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了骨素国内外发展现状,营养特点、加工工艺、生产过程中HACCP体系的建立,以及骨素的应用,并预测了骨素产品的开发前景。  相似文献   

壳聚糖及其应用   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
壳聚糖为甲壳素脱乙酰化的产物,其应用研究已取得较大进展,并且已有相当部分进入实用阶段或商品化阶段。壳聚糖的应用面广,它在生物学、医学领域以及食品、化妆品、环保、纺织、印染、造纸等工业上均有较大的应用价值。  相似文献   

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