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The territorial capital of regions is an important determinant of growth, but also of the impact of EU Cohesion Policy. First, because it can act as a filter, enhancing the impact of regional policies. Second, the latter can help building territorial capital which, in turn, will foster regional development. This work analyses the medium and long-run relationship between the territorial capital of EU NUTS 3 regions and Cohesion Policy using data from the programming period 2000–2006. Results point out complementarities between different territorial assets of regions and the impact of EU regional policy: Cohesion Policy effectiveness is higher when investments are focused on the assets complementary to those already abundant in the region.  相似文献   

Traditionally, the effectiveness of European Cohesion Policy has been evaluated in terms of GDP growth rate. In this paper, we consider the effect of the regional policy in terms of its impacts on two specific fields of intervention, namely ‘research, technological development and innovation’, and ‘transport infrastructure’. Our econometric approach involves the use of a non‐parametric regression discontinuity design technique to a uniquely‐disaggregated Cohesion Policy dataset broken down according to the specific objectives of each stream of funding. The analysis considers different time intervals and sub‐samples. Our results demonstrate a positive impact of Cohesion Policy interventions in these two specific fields of intervention.  相似文献   


The paper focuses on the Italian territories affected by regionalization processes and subject to an institutional reform: the enforcement of Metropolitan Cities in 2014. Regionalization processes have occurred in many European countries in recent decades, also assisted by the European Cohesion Policy. In Italy, regionalized territories have place-specific characteristics and new emerging forms of bottom-up cooperation are taking place. The new government system is having to deal with a complex scenario due to the dissemination of these forms of cooperation linked to the regionalization taking place, alongside their potential coherence and/or contrast with the top-down design of the reform.  相似文献   

Policy predictions fail for the very many different kinds of case-by-case local factors described in the Building Research & Information (2015) special issue (vol. 43/4) entitled ‘Closing the Policy Gaps: From Formulation to Outcomes'. Work in philosophy of science shows that beyond the case by case, general systematic problems loom that make the gap between theory and practice hard to close. What is needed in response, it is argued here, are ways to cope with the gap and to build an expectation about it into planning predictions, into planning decisions, into the methods of implementing and monitoring, as well as into fallback and failsafe plans. Tracking implementation and outcomes is not only useful for post hoc evaluation but also a powerful tool for getting the intended outcomes in the first place and making the necessary adjustments.  相似文献   


Studies of urban energy transitions place less attention to governance dynamics in diversified contexts. This paper thus focuses on an ordinary city, Philadelphia, and its place-based policy innovations in commercial energy efficiency. It develops an analytical framework at the intersection of multi-level governance and socio-technical urban energy change, which applies for a set of key policy initiatives in Philadelphia. The analysis demonstrates the importance of local and broader economic conditions, as well as actor political orientations, for the city’s transformative capacity. It also offers a fine-grained view of transition actors, stressing the key role of third-sector entities for systemic change.  相似文献   

The liberalization of European markets in the provision of public services led some utility companies to expand their domain beyond their national borders. However, the effect of internationalization on the governance of public services at the local level in the host countries remains understudied. The opening of public service markets and their internationalization change the circumstances in which local politicians make their decisions. Through the analysis of the interplay between institutional contexts and the strategies local actors, this article maps the processes underpinning the integration of foreign and domestic companies in the delivery of local services in Italy since the late 1990s, with a particular focus on water and transport.  相似文献   

How may ethnic organizations work as mechanisms for political integration in suburban multicultural contexts with participative and network modes of governance? The overall argument of the paper is that a shift from vertical to more horizontal modes of governance affects the prospects for ethnic associations to fulfil different democratic functions. It does so in a complex, multidimensional and somewhat contradictory way. Although network modes of governance are often argued for in terms of openness and inclusion, it should not be taken for granted that such governance structures do promote democratic functions of ethnic associations. Drawing on an in-depth case study of ethnic associations and network politics in Botkyrka, Sweden, the purpose of the article is to provide theoretically informed arguments on how the political integration potential of ethnic organization is affected when they participate in local network-like arrangements and institutions. In brief, the article outlines three arguments: (1) There are different mechanisms of ethnic organization that might contribute to a more politically integrated society. (2) More horizontal network modes of governance generate new conditions for these integrative mechanisms to emerge out of ethnic organization. (3) In such a context of network governance, the different integrative mechanisms of ethnic organizations are not always supplementary, but sometimes contradictory, causing genuine dilemmas to be dealt with by local actors.  相似文献   


Focusing on three of the Central and Eastern European countries Poland, Czech Republic, and Hungary the paper investigates the evolution of spatial planning systems and the introduction of strategic planning practices from the beginning of the post-communist transition in the early 1990s to the present. It sheds new light on this issue by applying the conceptual lens of historical institutionalism to explain this process and elucidate the role of the accession to the European Union (EU) as a catalyst for change. In particular, the paper identifies and analyses the critical junctures at which path dependencies emerged and later constrained the capacity of the regional and local actors to adjust to the EU Cohesion Policy framework and engage in strategic planning as part of it.  相似文献   

从行政区兼并到区域管治--长江三角洲的实证与思考   总被引:37,自引:5,他引:37  
通过2000年以来长江三角洲地区发生的大规模的行政区兼并运动,评估了其影响,认为激烈变动的行政区划会给地方经济带来不稳定,而且在简单的行政区兼并之后,行政区划的壁垒又会以新的形式、在新的地域形成,因此如果将得失进行全面的衡量,则很难肯定长江三角洲的行政区兼并是成功的。文章进而分析了行政区兼并背后深层次的体制原因,认为长江三角洲的行政区经济是一种阶段性的合理存在,在未来相当长一段时间那还会继续强化。最后研究指出长江三角洲的行政区兼并将会推动该地区的行政体制改革,以及这一地区正在走向区域管治的态势。  相似文献   

The paper offers a broad profile, with emphasis on the physical development of Peru's capital in changing economic, social and political contexts over time. Illustrative rather than comprehensive in approach, it attempts in the final sections to outline briefly and to discuss selected programmes and aims and institutional styles of the various levels of governance operating in the city under the current Fujimori regime.  相似文献   

This commentary considers the Building Research &; Information special issue (volume 43/4) entitled ‘Closing the Policy Gaps: From Formulation to Outcomes'. Although the call for papers received an international response, the special issue has a focus on cases of policy-making and outcomes in the UK. A critical review is presented addressing several questions for the international research, consultancy and policy-making communities. What can these international communities learn from the presented examples? How do variations in governance regimes and structures influence policy formulation and outcomes, particularly the reduction in policy ‘gaps’? What future steps could be taken to produce more internationally oriented comparative research on policy-making and implementation regarding the built environment and urban–regional development? How can evidence and analysis be used to build theory? Do the research and consultancy communities need to improve their policy literacy? What lessons can the research community, in particular, learn from this process in advising on policy formation and implementation processes?  相似文献   

The countries belonging to the European Neighborhood Policy (ENP) of the EU are characterized by significant socioeconomic transformations and—more recently—by disconcerting instances of social and political turmoil. This comes to add to social and economic pressures applied to these countries under their process of market liberalization and economic integration, instigated at least in part by the very ENP process. In those conditions, questions of spatial cohesion and thus of regional convergence and divergence become increasingly salient, as the elimination of (social and) spatial imbalances is both a precondition for the legitimacy and successful implementation of the reforms aiming at market liberalization and economic integration and a core objective of such reforms. In this paper, we examine the spatial dynamics of population growth in the ENP countries prior to the recent destabilization in the region, using two complementary approaches—an analysis of the impact of agglomeration on growth and an analysis of club formation in population concentrations (convergence–divergence). We find that, on the whole, the ENPCs South space was characterized in recent years by evidence of regional convergence in the sense that population concentrations were becoming more diffused across regions; while the ENPCs East exhibited stronger and more consistent evidence of regional divergence (increased concentration of population). These findings suggest that agglomeration and cumulative causation forces are more strongly in operation in the more advanced, at least in terms of EU relations, countries of the ENP East, where also the “pull” factor of the EU economy is stronger.  相似文献   

Policy scientists have long recognized that economic institutions located far from cities can manipulate resources to affect local policies and politics. Too often, however, these same students have failed to consider the implications of these same actors' control over the production and manipulation of information used to affect economic and political issues. This article assesses the current balance of control over information between cities and the economic and political institutions city officials must deal with to plan for the future of their communities. After detailing the declining ability of cities to control their own information environment and the factors leading to this state of affairs, a series of recommendations is proposed to help local decision makers regain control over their local economic space.  相似文献   

World Heritage (WH) sites are areas for international conservation of nature and culture with outstanding universal values. The Nordic countries possess two large landscapes with WH recognition that serve as a base for this study, the WH Laponia and the WH High Coast/Kvarken Archipelago. The WH Laponia in Sweden combines both cultural and natural value; the Norwegian area of Laponia is not designated WH, but represents an area with governmental ambitions to become an UNESCO WH site. The WH High Coast/Kvarken Archipelago (Sweden/Finland) is a serial-nominated, transnational WH site designated purely on nature merits. Within these WH sites, there are local communities and indigenous peoples with democratic rights who participate in the management of the areas and use the local resources of their natural environment.

This article analyses the processes of WH nomination and implementation of the WH Convention (1972) in the Nordic countries. It also depicts a strong Nordic tradition of transnational learning (TNL) which is also used within WH governance. The article uses comparative methods and theories of governance, co-management, transnational governance and TNL in the analysis of the transboundary WH sites. The empirical results illustrate the challenges of local democratic participation in the national and transnational decision-making regarding nomination and implementation of the WH Convention. It suggests that deficiency of democratic participation during early stages in pre-WH designation processes may be compensated by TNL. Learning between and within WH-related networks and groups, show in the Nordic perspective examples of incorporating WH stakeholders in cooperation across national borders. TNL may be restricted by cultural and legal limitations.  相似文献   

This paper aims to study the political incentives of government officials to cooperate with one another to achieve a common goal through game theory. Game theory is often used to analyze and explain regional cooperation by regarding it as a type of institutional collective action in which the actions of its participants (local governments or nations) greatly depend on those of the other participants. However, considering China’s political structure, the political relationship among local government key officials may also influence regional cooperation. This study used the Pan-Pearl River Delta (Pan-PRD) Cooperation, the largest regional cooperation bloc in China formed in 2004. The Pan-PRD covered nine provinces in Mainland China and two special administrative regions as a case study for this research; three models were constructed using game theory to analyze the political incentives of the provincial officials in cooperating with one another under the assumption of relative gains. Results showed that the cooperation incentives are sensitive to the variations of political rankings among the leading provincial officials. Driven by promotion incentives, cooperation is more feasible between jurisdictions with different political rankings and less feasible between jurisdictions with the same political rankings.  相似文献   

In Los Angeles (LA), food waste is at record levels. This has negative outcomes for food insecurity, land use, and methane production associated with climate change. To overcome these challenges, a range of government, private, and civil society organizations (CSOs) have developed programs to reduce food waste. With the decentralization, privatization, and devolution of food waste policies to local actors, CSOs have emerged as key institutions in the governance of food waste in many contexts. However, it is unclear whether CSOs have the capacity to reduce food waste and food insecurity, empower communities, or promote social change. To this end, this paper critically analyzes a local food rescue CSO as a case study in order to understand the challenges associated with food waste governance in LA and the roles that CSOs play in food waste reduction. Through an analysis of interview and participant observation data in LA’s food system, this paper examines the ways that food waste is produced, regulated, and reused by institutions in LA. Findings illustrate that although local CSOs have expanded their food waste reduction programs, the impact of their operations may be limited. In addition, while CSOs rescue some food, they operate in conjunction with food waste surpluses and the overabundance of food, and do little to reduce the root cause of food waste or food insecurity. Although the structural causes of food waste are arguably beyond the scope of some CSOs to change, data in this paper suggest that some CSOs may contribute indirectly to neoliberal governance when they romanticize the power of local communities, depoliticize food issues, and focus on individual personal responsibility. For these reasons, this research suggests that food waste may only be reduced significantly with more government regulation of the institutions which produce food waste, namely food businesses and households.  相似文献   

This review examines two new socio-ecological imperatives that have the potential to reshape planning practice and policy: urban climate governance and governance for resilience. The roots of the new imperatives lie in international city collaborative networks funded by philanthropy organisations that operate at city scale. City networks operating at the metropolitan scale raise issues for Australian cities with distributed governance. This practice review considers the early manifestation of both imperatives in what might be termed ‘policy experiments’ in Australia’s two largest cities: the new climate governance framework emerging through the City of Sydney’s collaboration with the C40 network and the resilience regime being shaped by the City of Melbourne’s partnership with Rockefeller Foundation’s Resilient 100 program. Whilst our early analysis has accentuated the positive to some degree, pointing to different, if preliminary, forms of success in both Sydney and Melbourne, the limits and frustrations that present in both contexts cannot be discounted. Urban planners in many world cities and regions will need to consider and possibly absorb these new agendas of urban climate governance and governing for resilience driven by international city collaborative networks.  相似文献   

This contribution discusses the theoretical and conceptual implications of asking about the legitimacy of local democracy and the relevance of discussing ‘performance legitimacy’. The role of local government in generating or undermining democratic legitimacy is ambivalent. It is questionable whether there can be something like a genuine legitimacy of local government at all, considering its subordinate and functionalised role in the modern (welfare) state. In the first part of the article, the complexity and controversial status of political legitimacy in general and local government in particular is exposed. It is argued that the effective interplay of justification (giving acceptable reasons for policies) and demonstration (performing successfully by fulfilling promises), which is at the core of generating legitimacy, cannot be deduced from general concepts and fixed in a general model. Generating a self-reinforcing dynamic of public support and linking different dimensions of legitimacy (input, throughput, output) is a matter of reflexive institutionalisation. Being part of a democratic welfare state has provided local governments in Western democracies with a stabilised focus of legitimacy. At the same time, local governments are particularly under pressure to adapt, to innovate and to modernise. Four broader narratives of changing democratic legitimacy sources with respect to local government are discussed. The shift to ‘performance legitimacy’ has to be seen in a wider context of redefining the meaning of (local) democracy as mapped out by the four narratives.  相似文献   


This study investigates whether housing movements can produce significant outcomes. In particular, I examine the case of the Platform for People Affected by Mortgages (PAH), the main organization in the Spanish housing movement between 2009 and 2017. First, I discuss how their demands were framed according to specific contexts of legitimation. Second, I distinguish the nature and scope of the outcomes produced by this movement. My analysis uniquely combines a critical assessment of the PAH’s achievements with its unintended consequences and the significant social, political and economic contexts that help to explain its major outcomes. The global financial crisis, the convergence of the PAH with other anti-neoliberal movements and shifts among the dominant political parties determine the opportunities and constraints of the PAH’s development. Within this environment, the housing movement strategically operates by framing the culprits of the economic crisis in a new manner and by appealing to a broad social base beyond the impoverished mortgage holders. I also include the capacity of the movement’s organization to last, expand and increase its legitimacy as a relevant socio-political outcome. This is explained here through the articulation of the PAH’s agency (organizational form and protest repertoire) within the aforementioned contexts.  相似文献   

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