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导向管充气喷动床流体力学性能   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
在内径92mm的有机玻璃床内,对导向管充气喷动床的操作相图、床层压降、最小喷动速度及最大弃气速度进行了研究.实验采用4种颗粒为实验物料并采用空气为 喷动和弃气气体,通过对实验数据的回归得到用于计算或判别导向管弃气喷动床最小喷动速度和最大充气速度的计算式,以便为其设计和操作提供依据.  相似文献   

加压喷动床中细颗粒喷动特性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
在内径分别为 186mm和 80mm的加压喷动床中 ,以空气为喷动介质 ,在 10 1~ 70 0kPa的压力范围内考察了几种不同粒度的细颗粒在加压下的喷动特性 .研究结果表明在不同的Ret 内压力对最小喷动速度的影响不同 .实验还发现 ,随着压力的升高 ,喷动区直径增大 ,稳定操作区域增大 ,加压可明显改善喷动床的操作稳定性  相似文献   

最低喷动速度是喷动床设计的重要参数之一。过去人们习惯采用Mathur-Gisher公式来计算,但由于该公式是建立在小直径床层(D_c=0.076~0.3m)实验的基础上的,故在大直径床层上应用时,产生明显的偏差。本文通过实际数据分析,提出了大直径喷动床层最低喷动速度计算的经验公式。  相似文献   

大尺寸喷动床最低喷动速度的估算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

导向管喷流床的最小喷动速度的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在内径92mm的有机玻璃床内,使用四种没的物料,以空气作为喷动相流气体,综合考虑了床层的几何尺寸,以及气体和固体本身的物性,研究了导向管喷流床的最小喷动速度,得出了导向管喷流床的最小喷动速度的经验公式,以便对其设计和操作提供参考  相似文献   

吴静  张少峰  刘燕 《化工机械》2005,32(6):350-352,366
在双喷嘴矩形喷动床内,以空气为喷动气体,研究了最小喷动速度的变化规律和影响因素。实验表明,双喷嘴矩形喷动床的最小喷动速度与颗粒粒径、床层高度及操作温度有关。并在综合考虑床层高度以及气体和固体颗粒的物性的基础上,得出了双喷嘴矩形喷动床最小喷动时雷诺数的经验关联式。  相似文献   

在截面为矩形有机玻璃喷动床内,使用四种粒径的窄筛分球形玻璃珠,以常温水作为喷动和辅助液体。综合考虑床体的几何尺寸、操作参数以及液体和颗粒的物性特征,系统研究带导流管喷动床的最小喷动速度,得出最小喷动速度的经验公式,为设计和操作提供参考。  相似文献   

狭缝式矩型喷动床中多粒度颗粒体系的最小喷动速度   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
在150 mm×50 mm×1100 mm的矩形喷动床中,采用宽度为2, 4, 6 mm 的3种狭缝式气体分布板,研究了单一粒度组成和多粒度组成玻璃珠的最小喷动速度. 实验证明,矩形喷动床的最小喷动速度与物料的粒度和组成有关. 给出了最小喷动速度与颗粒粒径和粒度组成的关联式,作出了多粒度组成颗粒体系最小喷动速度的相图.  相似文献   

1前言在普通喷动床的环形区底部额外引入一股辅助气体,由于喷动气体和辅助气体各自独立地改变,气固系统将出现下列几种体系或操作状态:①固定床;②充气喷动床;③喷流床;④带射流的流化床。长期以来对充气喷动床与喷流床的区别不是很清楚的[1~5]。张怀清等[6...  相似文献   

Spouted beds have been used in industry for operations such as drying, catalytic reactions, and granulation. Conventional cylindrical spouted beds suffer from the disadvantage of scaleup. Two-dimensional beds have been proposed by other authors as a solution for this problem. Minimum spouting velocity has been studied for such two-dimensional beds. A force balance model has been developed to predict the minimum spouting velocity and the maximum pressure drop. Effect of porosity on minimum spouting velocity and maximum pressure drop has been studied using the model. The predictions are in good agreement with the experiments as well as with the experimental results of other investigators.  相似文献   


The disposal of sludge generated by water treatment plants poses major financial and environmental problems. Drying of the sludge is an essential pan of any disposal process which may include incinerating, landfilling or upgrading. In the present study, experiments were carried out to investigate the drying of sludge in a spouted bed and to characterize the hydrodynamics and mass transfer mechanisms. The effect of bed moisture content on the minimum spouting velocity (Ums) was examined for sludge granules. Ums was found to increase with increasing the moisture content of the sludge particles. The gas phase mass transfer coefficient in the dryer was determined using porous calcined alumina particles and the results were compared with predictions by correlations available in the literature. The existing correlations gave poor predictions for the mass transfer coefficient. A new correlation for the mass transfer coefficient in a spouted bed dryer was developed based on the experimental results.  相似文献   


In granulation, coating or drying of slurries on inert particles a liquid phase is added to a gas-spouted bed. The effect of liquid injection on spouting velocity, fountain height, bed pressure drop and stability of the spouting regime is examined in a 0.15 m diameter bed with four types of inert particles 2 to 5 mm in size, 1140 to 2880 kg/m3 in true density, and 1.3 and 1400 mPa·s in liquid viscosity. Key factors are the liquid content and the presence of cohesive forces due to liquid bonds between particles. In a spoutability chart the maximum spoutable liquid content is related to the ratio of inertial force of a particle to the viscous or cohesive force exerted onto the particle by the liquid film. The spoutability chart serves to define regions of stable spouting.  相似文献   

Tests were carried out with rectangular spouted bed columns of different thickness, i.e., front-to-back dimension, while holding the column width and air-entry slot width constant, to investigate the effects on spoul stability and bed hydrodynamics. For the three sizes of glass beads and one size of polyethylene beads examined, increasing the column thickness led to three-dimensional effects, such as formation of multiple spouts, and affected such hydrodynamics variables as the minimum spouting velocity, maximum spoutable bed depth and maximum pressure drop.  相似文献   

Tests were carried out with rectangular spouted bed columns of different thickness, i.e., front-to-back dimension, while holding the column width and air-entry slot width constant, to investigate the effects on spoul stability and bed hydrodynamics. For the three sizes of glass beads and one size of polyethylene beads examined, increasing the column thickness led to three-dimensional effects, such as formation of multiple spouts, and affected such hydrodynamics variables as the minimum spouting velocity, maximum spoutable bed depth and maximum pressure drop.  相似文献   

In order to properly design and scale up spouted beds, one needs to predict the minimum spouting velocity of specific systems having different bed dimensions, and properties of particle and spouting gas. Because of inherent complexity of predicting minimum spouting velocity, the prevailing approach has been to use empirical correlations, a number of which are available in the literature. Central jet distributors are commonly used in the experimental studies reported in the literature. Circular slit distributor is a new concept in which air is supplied to the bed of particles through a circular slit. This paper presents results of an experimental study on the hydrodynamics of central jet and circular slit distributors. In this paper a fully connected feed-forward neural network model was used to predict the minimum spouting velocity of central jet and circular slit spouted beds. A neural network model was also developed to predict minimum fluidization velocity. The actual experimental data obtained from published literature and from the experiments carried out in this study were used for training and validating the models. The minimum spouting and fluidization velocities predicted using the neural network models developed in this study show a better approximation to the actual experimental values than those obtained from correlations available in the open literature. The position of flow regime of circular slit spouted bed was also established relative to the flow regimes of central jet spouted bed and fluidized bed.  相似文献   

在φ300mm的喷流床中,用砂作流化颗粒,以空气作为流化和喷动气、考察了流化气速、喷动气速、静床高、大颗粒深度及锥形气体分布器开孔率等对大颗业在喷动气入口管出料的影响,从而提出大颗粒下料速率的经验关联式为vp=1.953×10^-9cb(Us/ut)^-14.35exp(-1.32Ut/Umf)维持喷动流化床不出料的最小喷动气速计算式为Usmin/ut=0.231Ut/Umf+0.771。  相似文献   

Studies on drying of pulps of several tropical fruits in spouted beds had shown advantages in relation to the quality of the products. However, most of the processed pulps presented serious problems of accumulation in the bed and consequently, instability of the spouted bed dynamic. The objective of this work is to analyze the influence of the chemical composition on the spouted bed performance in drying pulps of tropical fruits. Mango pulp “in natura” was used as a standard pulp. Modified pulps were obtained increasing the concentrations of reducer sugars, lipids, fibers, starch and pectin. The effect of these compositions on the fluid-dynamic and efficiency of the powder production was investigated using a factorial design. The operational conditions were maintained fixed in all experiments. The efficiency of powder production, the stable spout pressure drop and the minimum spouting flow rate were the responses analyzed. The statistical analysis of the results showed that the concentration of fibers is not a significant variable for the process. The concentrations of reducer sugars and starch showed significant influence on the fluid dynamic and these concentrations together with the lipids and pectin concentrations showed significant influences on the efficiency of powder production.  相似文献   

A small-size spouted bed with a porous draft tube was employed to obtain hydrodynamic data of binary mixtures of glass beads for a range of operating conditions and design factors. In this case, a small amount of finer particles was added mostly to the large majority of coarser particles. Under this condition, minimum spouting velocity, bed pressure drop, hold-up of solid particles within a draft tube, gas flow rate through the annulus and solids circulation rate were determined by changing the total gas flow rate and the mass fraction of finer particles as operating parameters, and by changing the height of the entrainment zone and the draft tube diameter as geometric parameters. The results show that the gas flow rate through the annulus increases by increasing the distance between the gas inlet nozzle and the bottom of the draft tube, that is, the height of the entrainment zone, but decreases with increasing draft tube diameter and mass fraction of finer particles. The porous draft tube shows a higher gas flow rate through the annulus than the non-porous draft tube, particularly in the case of the low height of the entrainment zone. The solids circulation rate increases with increasing gas velocity, the height of the entrainment zone and the porous draft tube diameter. Moreover, the porous draft tube leads to a higher solids circulation rate than the non-porous draft tube.  相似文献   

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