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M. Ma  O. Hughes 《Thin》1996,26(2):123-145
An energy method is developed for analyzing the lateral buckling behaviour of beams subjected to distributed vertical load, with full allowance for distortion of the web. The paper presents a simple method which uses nonlinear elastic theory to obtain the external work due to buckling, and which obtains a new formulation of total potential energy for a monosymmetric I-beam. The method is validated by comparison with the classical energy methods when distortion of the web is suppressed (rigid web case). For both uniform distributed load and end moments the solution matches the critical lateral load obtained from the classical energy equations. For the case when the web is flexible, a 5th order polynomial shape function is used to describe the web buckling shape. The accuracy of the method is verified by results obtained from ABA QUS. The paper shows that for short beams the classical method seriously overestimates the critical load.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effect of web distortions in a lateral distortional buckling mode on the buckling moments of doubly-symmetric steel I-beams. Analytical buckling moment expressions applicable to both elastic and inelastic lateral distortional buckling were developed. These expressions account for the reductions in the torsional and warping rigidities of I-beams due to web distortions. Numerical results obtained from the finite element analysis showed that the buckling moments of steel I-beams with stocky flanges and slender webs are overestimated by the lateral torsional buckling solutions while the proposed distortional buckling solutions provide estimates in closer agreement with the numerical results. Finally, the lateral torsional buckling solutions in the structural steel standards were found to generally provide conservative buckling moment estimates for doubly-symmetric steel I-beams prone to web distortions.  相似文献   

An Artificial Neural Network (ANN) model is developed as a reliable modeling method for simulating and predicting the ultimate moment capacities for intermediate doubly-symmetric steel I-beams. The training and testing data for neural network are generated using Finite Element Analysis (FEA). In other word, an extensive numerical study was also undertaken to investigate the distortional buckling behavior of simply supported compact steel I-beams. A series of nonlinear elasto-plastic FE analyses have been carried out to simulate the distortional buckling behavior of doubly-symmetric steel I-beams, and the effects of six independent parameters as input in a lateral-distortional buckling mode has been investigated. Moreover, unlike the existing design codes the model considers the effect of web distortions in a lateral-distortional buckling mode. Then a new formula based on the ANNs has been proposed to predict the member moment capacities of steel I-beams subjected to distortional buckling. The attempt was done to evaluate a practical formula considering all parameters which may affect distortional capacity. Then, a comparison has been made between the proposed formula and the predictions from the current design rules in some structural steel codes. The results show that the proposed formula is more accurate and applicable than existing design codes. Finally, a sensitivity analysis using Garson׳s algorithm has been also developed to determine the importance of each input parameters.  相似文献   

A finite strip method of analysis is presented for the inelastic local buckling of I-beams fabricated by welding. Stiffness and stability matrices for the section are developed at a monotonically increasing load factor, and the critical moment is that for which the buckling determinant vanishes. Critical moments determined in this way are shown to agree well with test results. The limiting depth-to-thickness ratios for the web which correspond to compact and semi-compact sections are investigated, and it is shown that the values given in BS 5950: Part I are unconservative for an extensive range of section geometries. Based on a parametric study, alternative and more accurate formulations for the critical web slendernesses are proposed.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new theory for the lateral buckling of web-tapered I-beams. Linear analysis is first conducted by taking account into the tapering effects of web-tapered I-beams, where the deformation compatibilities of the two flanges and web are considered in terms of the basic assumptions of thin-walled members. Subsequently, the total potential for the lateral buckling analysis of web-tapered I-beams is developed, based on the classical variational principle for buckling analysis. The lateral buckling loads of web-tapered cantilevers and simply supported beams of I-sections from the proposed theory are compared with those from the finite element (FE) analyses using two shell element models and two widely used beam element models. The two beam element models respectively represent the equivalent method using prismatic beam elements and the typical tapered beam theory in existing literature. These comparisons show that the results based on the total potential proposed in this paper are more accurate in predicting the lateral buckling loads of web-tapered I-beams than those in existing theories, indicating that the theory proposed in this paper is superior to existing theories. It is also found that the equivalent method using prismatic beam elements may yield unreliable buckling loads of tapered beams.  相似文献   

Lateral-torsional buckling (LTB) strength of steel I-beams subjected to moment gradient loading is scaled by the moment gradient factor, Cb. The Cb factor depends on the non-uniformity of moment diagram, the height of the applied transverse loads within the unbraced length and end conditions. Generally, the Cb factors given by codes have been derived from elastic LTB analysis theory. However, the same Cb factors are used for beams that buckle inelastically. This paper develops a three dimensional finite element model using ANSYS for the inelastic nonlinear flexural-torsional analysis of I-beams and uses it to investigate the effects of unbraced length and central off-shear center loading (located at center, top flange and bottom flange) on the moment gradient factor in inelastic behavioral zone. It is found that the Cb factors given by AISC-LRFD in Specification for structural steel buildings (AISC 360-05) and Structural Stability Research Council Guidelines are not accurate for the point load cases applied at center and bottom flange in which I-beam buckles inelastically. It is seen also that the AISC-LRFD flexural resistance equations overestimate the actual moment capacity of inelastic I-beams under moment gradient. Therefore, a simple equation is proposed to be used instead of the code equation in inelastic zone for the investigated load cases in this paper.  相似文献   

The LiteSteel beam (LSB) is a new hollow flange channel section developed by OneSteel Australian Tube Mills using their patented dual electric resistance welding and automated continuous roll-forming process. It has a unique geometry consisting of torsionally rigid rectangular hollow flanges and a relatively slender web. The LSBs are commonly used as flexural members in buildings. However, the LSB flexural members are subjected to lateral distortional buckling, which reduces their member moment capacities. Unlike the commonly observed lateral torsional buckling of steel beams, the lateral distortional buckling of LSBs is characterised by simultaneous lateral deflection, twist, and cross sectional change due to web distortion. An experimental study including more than 50 lateral buckling tests was therefore conducted to investigate the behaviour and strength of LSB flexural members. It included the available 13 LSB sections with spans ranging from 1200 to 4000 mm. Lateral buckling tests based on a quarter point loading were conducted using a special test rig designed to simulate the required simply supported and loading conditions accurately. Experimental moment capacities were compared with the predictions from the design rules in the Australian cold-formed steel structures standard. The new design rules in the standard were able to predict the moment capacities more accurately than previous design rules. This paper presents the details of lateral distortional buckling tests, in particular the features of the lateral buckling test rig, the results and the comparisons. It also includes the results of detailed studies into the mechanical properties and residual stresses of LSBs.  相似文献   

The finite element (FE) method is capable of solving the complex interactive buckling of cold-formed steel beams allowing for all important governing features such as geometrical imperfections, material nonlinearity, postbuckling, etc.; this is unlikely to be achieved by analytical methods. In this paper, two series of finite element models for buckling behaviour of laterally-restrained cold-formed steel Z-section beams have been developed with special reference to material and geometrical nonlinearities: one to allow for the possibility of combined local/distortional buckling and the other to allow for local buckling only. Four-point bending tests carried out by previous researchers have been used to verify the FE models. A simplified configuration of the test setup has been modelled in ABAQUS. In the local buckling FE models, distortional buckling has been restricted in the member using translational springs applied to the lip/flange corner of the beam. Predictions of load carrying capacity and deformed shapes exhibit excellent agreement with both the results from the more extensive models and laboratory tests. Further papers will exploit the developed FE models to investigate the different forms of buckling that occur in laterally-restrained cold-formed steel beams i.e. local, distortional and combined local/distortional.  相似文献   

A finite element method which is applicable to studying the distortional buckling of fabricated monosymmetric I-beams is briefly described. The method is used to demonstrate the effects of web slenderness on a monosymmetric I-beam whose smaller flange is in compression. A study is also made of the effects of monosymmetry on the distortional buckling of an I-beam with a slender web in uniform moment and moment gradient. Based on parameter studies using the finite element method, a design equation is developed which may be used to determine the distortional buckling stress of a monosymmetric I-beam under moment gradient.  相似文献   

Avik Samanta  Ashwini Kumar   《Thin》2006,44(1):51-56
This paper deals with distortional buckling of simply supported monosymmetric I-beams under three types of load: a central point load, a uniformly distributed load and a uniform sagging moment. ABAQUS is used for the investigation. Top-flange and bottom-flange load positions are considered for the first two load cases. It is found that for comparatively short beams, buckling may be governed by distortion of the web. Moment modification factors are calculated based on the present analysis, which accounts for the distortion of web and these are compared with those based on SSRC Guidelines, which are based on lateral-torsional buckling analysis only. It is seen that for short beams, provisions in SSRC Guide-1998 seriously overestimate the critical load.  相似文献   

Avik Samanta  Ashwini Kumar   《Thin》2008,46(6):637-645
This paper deals with distortional buckling of braced-cantilever monosymmetric I-beams under three types of load: a tip point load, a uniformly distributed load and a moment at the end. Top-flange and bottom-flange load positions are considered for the first two load cases. ABAQUS is used for the investigation. The effect of different types of bracing on buckling load is investigated. Results are compared with results from previous experimental investigations. It is also found that top lateral bracings are very effective for beam sections having larger bottom-flanges when a point load or a uniformly distributed load acts at the top-flange, and for the uniform moment case, except for the T-section or the inverted T-section cantilever beams. On the other hand, bottom lateral bracings are very effective for beam sections having larger top-flanges. When loads are placed at the bottom-flange, position of any kind of lateral bracing has practically no effect on the buckling capacity of a monosymmetric cantilever beam, except for the inverted T-section cantilever beams.  相似文献   

P. Nandini  V. Kalyanaraman 《Thin》2010,48(10-11):872-877
Cold-formed thin-walled lipped channel steel beams may undergo buckling modes such as short half-wavelength local buckling, intermediate half-wavelength distortional buckling and long half-wavelength lateral-torsional buckling or a combination of these before failure. ABAQUS software based on finite element analysis is used to analyse the interaction behaviour of these buckling modes in this study. The finite element model, after calibration with experimental results available in the literature, is used to perform parametric studies, to evaluate the behaviour and strength of such beams under different types of interactions due to variation of material and member properties. The large volume of synthetic data thus generated over a range of failure modes along with the available test results are used to evaluate different equations for calculating the strength of such cold-formed lipped channel beams. Based on the comparison, a method for the design of lipped channel beams failing under the interaction of local, distortional and overall lateral torsional buckling is recommended.  相似文献   

M. A. Bradford 《Thin》1999,33(1):873
The paper presents the results of a finite element study of the elastic distortional buckling of tee-section cantilevers, which can be thought of as beams fully braced at one end and unbraced at the other. The finite element procedure is described briefly, and then three loading cases, viz., a tip moment, a tip load and a uniformly distributed load are considered. All of these loading cases place the unstiffened or free edge of the stem or web into compression. The effects of distortion are quantified for the three loading cases, as are the effects of fully restraining the top flange against lateral deflection and twist by a discrete brace positioned anywhere along the cantilever. It is shown that the effects of distortion during buckling cannot be ignored in a tee-section cantilever with even a moderately slender web.  相似文献   

Various extrapolation techniques are utilized for predicting the critical buckling load of structural members undergoing lateral buckling. For the application of these methods it is only necessary to have data relating load to a deformation characteristic. In order to obtain an experimental comparison of the Southwell, Modified, and Massey Plot methods, these have been applied on lateral deflections and web transverse strains of four full-scale simply supported I-beams subjected to a central concentrated load with an effective lateral brace at the midspan of the top flange, undergoing inelastic lateral-distortional buckling. Although there is some scatter due to the application of various deformation variables and extrapolation techniques, the agreement between the extrapolated and the maximum test loads is generally good. The smallest discrepancy is found in the case of the Modified Plot. Moreover, in addition to demonstrating direct coupling between the lateral deflections and the web transverse strains representing web distortion, it is also shown that good predictions are provided by applying the Meck Plot on these deformation variables.  相似文献   

Design of thin-walled purlins for distortional buckling   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
C. Jiang  J. M. Davies 《Thin》1997,29(1-4):189-202
Roof purlins and sheeting rails are generally loaded through the cladding members that they support and this provides both rotational and translational restraint. This restraint reduces the tendency to lateral torsional buckling and thus increases the importance of distortional buckling in the design procedure. This paper shows that the fundamental behaviour of restrained purlins under both downward and uplift load can be best understood with the aid of ‘Generalized Beam Theory’ (GBT). GBT also provides a yardstick by which approximate design methods can be assessed. The existing approximate methods are evaluated and an improvement is proposed. The proposed design approach is then validated by comparison with test results.  相似文献   

This paper assesses the applicability of Eurocode 3 (EC3) to the prediction of the compression capacity of short fixed-ended columns with different cross-sections. This compression capacity is determined by combining the effective width of plane elements due to local buckling and the effective stiffener thickness due to distortional buckling. Numerical calculations have been carried out in order to compare alternative methods for determining the minimum elastic distortional buckling stress in compression. The method given in EC3 does not correlate as well as Lau and Hancock's method with the results given by Generalized Beam Theory (GBT). The end boundary conditions have a significant influence on the distortional buckling strength, and thus also on the compression capacity of short columns. Selected experimental results from compression tests on C-, Hat- and rack upright-sections are compared with the predictions given by EC3. The procedure in EC3 was modified by determining the distortional buckling stress using GBT, taking into account the actual column length and the end boundary conditions. This lead to better agreement between the experimental results and the theoretical predictions.  相似文献   

G.J. Hancock 《Thin》1997,27(1):3-12
For thin-walled flexural members composed of high-strength steel and/or slender elements in the section, a mode of buckling at half-wavelengths intermediate between local buckling and flexural—torsional or flexural buckling can occur. The mode is most common for edge-stiffened sections such as C- and Z-purlins, and involves rotation of the flange and lip about the flange—web junction. The mode is commonly called distortional buckling. This paper presents a design method for distortional buckling of flexural members recently drafted for use in the Australian/New Zealand Standard for Cold formed Steel Structures. Methods for computing the elastic buckling stress, and design curves for determining the distortional buckling strength are presented. Comparisons of different methods for computing the elastic distortional buckling stress are made with accurate solutions based on the finite strip method of structural analysis.  相似文献   

M.A. Bradford 《Thin》1990,9(1-4):339-350
An inelastic method of analysis of the distortional buckling of monosymmetric I-beams is augmented to include the effects of elastic restraints against translation, minor axis rotation, torsion and warping. The method is validated for problems for which inelastic, distortional and restraint solutions are known. A study is made of a monosymmetric beam with separate translational, rotational and torsional restraints, and conclusions are made regarding the strength of the beam when the cross-section is free to distort.  相似文献   

工字钢-混凝土组合梁弹性约束畸变屈曲研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
约束畸变屈曲是不同于侧向屈曲和畸变屈曲的一类特殊的屈曲形式,通常发生在组合梁负弯矩区。基于弹性地基压杆方法对组合梁弹性约束畸变屈曲进行了研究。将Svensson压杆模型进行改进,考虑了腹板参与部分,并推导了两种基于改进压杆模型的变轴力稳定计算表达式。借助于有限元方法,分析了现有变轴力弹性地基压杆方法用于组合梁约束畸变屈曲的求解精度,研究结果表明:弹性地基压杆方法对组合梁作用纯弯矩及三角形负弯矩情况符合良好,但对非线性弯矩分布情况精度较差。对约束畸变屈曲引入等效弯矩假设,并对其适用性进行了分析,提出了约束畸变屈曲等效弯矩假设临界长度简化公式,进而通过三步简化实现了连续组合梁弹性约束畸变屈曲计算。图16表7参17  相似文献   

Inelastic restrained distortional buckling of continuous composite T-beams   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper develops a method of inelastic buckling analysis of thin-walled sections to study buckling characteristics of single span and two-span composite T-section beams in the inelastic range of structural response. The method is based on a bubble-augmented spline finite strip method, developed elsewhere by the authors, and confirmed as both accurate and efficient for the elastic buckling analysis of thin-walled structural members and plates. The method admits both flexural and membrane buckling deformations and it allows for consideration of structures with intermediate supports and a variety of boundary conditions that may be prescribed at the ends of plate assembly. The analysis includes the so-called Tendon Force Concept developed at Cambridge University for residual stresses caused by the process of fabrication, and the non-linear stress-strain properties of the structural steel from which the joist section is made. The inelastic restrained distortional buckling (RDB) of continuous composite T-section beams under transverse loading and moment gradient is investigated, and conclusions are drawn that address the influence of geometry, residual stresses, member length, the rigid restraint provided by the concrete and the degree of reinforcement in the concrete element.  相似文献   

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