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Solid solutions in the Gd2(Ti1-yMoy)2O7 pyrochlore system, with y = 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, and 0.7, have been investigated as potential candidates for the anode material of solid-oxide fuel cells. The electrical conductivity, stability range, and optimal synthesis conditions of the pyrochlore phase have been explored by electrical, coulometric titration, and X-ray diffractometry techniques. As the molybdenum content increases, the maximum conductivity increases to a value of 70 S/cm for y = 0.7 at 1000°C, whereas the stability range in the oxygen partial pressure (pO2) decreases to just over two orders of magnitude in pO2 in the temperature range of 600°-1000°C. A decomposition reaction that leads to decreased conductivity in oxidizing atmospheres is proposed.  相似文献   

La2Ti2O7 powders were prepared using three different techniques. Single-phase material was obtained at 1150°C by calcination of mixed oxides, at 1000°C by molten salt synthesis, and at 850°C by evaporative decomposition of solutions. Particle sizes and morphologies of the powders differed substantially, as did the sintered microstructures and dielectric properties. Very dense (99%), translucent, grain-oriented lanthanum titanate was fabricated by hot-forging at 1300°C under a 200-kg load. Anisotropy was demonstrated by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, thermal expansion, and dielectric measurements.  相似文献   

Energies associated with deviations from stoichiometry for an extensive series of A2B2O7 pyrochlores have been predicted. A3+ cations range in size from Lu to La and B4+ cations from Ti to Pb. Results are presented in the form of contour maps as a means of conveying large quantities of data as well as predicting characteristics for pyrochlore compounds not explicitly modeled. These contour maps indicate that the BO2 excess nonstoichiometry in the pyrochlore structure is distinct from solid-solution fluorite. Within the limitations of this methodology, the contour maps provide a means to understand and predict distinct compositional variations. Defect cluster formation is discussed.  相似文献   

The space group of the solid solution phase Ba6-3 x -RE8+2 x Ti18O54(RE = rare-earth cation) has been variously reported as Pba 2 (No. 32), Pbn 21(No. 33), Pbam (No. 55), or Pbnm (No. 62). New results are presented here which indicate that its correct space group assignment may be Pb 21 m (No. 26).  相似文献   

The compounds SrPu2Ti4O12, Pu2Ti3O8.79, and Pu2Ti2O7, where plutonium is in the (III) oxidation state, were prepared and identified via X-ray diffraction (XRD). The solid solubility limit of Pu2Ti2O7 in Ln2Ti2O7 (Ln = Gd, Er, or Lu) was also studied via XRD; it was determined that the solubility of Pu2Ti2O7 increased as the radius of the lanthanide ion in the host compound decreased. Attempts to synthesize Sr2Pu2 Ti5O16 and Sr2Ce2–yPuyTi5O16 solid solutions, where plutonium is in the (IV) oxidation state, were unsuccessful.  相似文献   

The electromechanical properties of PbTiO3 ceramics, modified by substitution of Sm or Gd + Nd (same average atomic radius as Sm) for Pb, were studied in the range of 6% to 14% substitution. The modified PbTiO3 ceramics were stable, and the Curie temperature decreased linearly over this composition range. The 10% Sm composition had a large anisotropy in the coupling factor ratio, k t / k p , and a similar, but weaker, effect developed for 12% (1/2 Gd + 1/2 Nd). This indicates that other than average ion size may influence the electromechanical coupling factor ratio.  相似文献   

Ba6−3 x Nd8+2 x Ti18O54 ceramic powders were synthesized by the modified Pechini method using ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) as a chelating agent. A purplish red, molecular-level, homogeneously mixed gel was prepared, and transferred into a porous resin intermediate through charring. Single-phase and well-crystallized Ba6−3 x Nd8+2 x Ti18O54 powders were obtained from pulverized resin at a temperature of 900°C for 3 h, without formation of any intermediate phases. Meanwhile, the molar ratio of EDTA to total metal cation concentration had a significant influence on the crystallization behavior of Ba6−3 x Nd8+2 x Ti18O54. The Ba6−3 x Nd8+2 x Ti18O54 ( x = 2/3) ceramics prepared via EDTA precursor have excellent microwave dielectric characteristics: ɛ= 87, Qf = 8710 GHz.  相似文献   

The Li2O-TiO2 pseudobinary phase diagram was determined from 50 to 100 mol% TiO2 by DTA, microscopy, and X-ray analysis; Li2Ti3O7 effectively melts congruently at 1300° and decomposes eutectoidally at 940°C. A solid solution based on Li2TlO3 from 50 to ∼65 mol% TiO3 was observed to exist at >930°C. A new metastable phase was discovered with a composition of ∼75 mol% TiO2 and with a hexagonal unit cell (8.78 by 69.86 × 10−1nm). Discrepancies in the literature regarding some of these phase equilibria are reconciled.  相似文献   

Studies of the oxidation of Gd and Dy at P O2's from 10−0.3 to 10−14.5 atm and temperatures from 727° to 1327°C indicate both semiconducting and ionic-conducting domains in the sesquioxides formed. At higher temperatures, where dense coarsegrained oxide layers developed, the rate of oxidation in the high- P 02 semiconducting domain yielded oxygen diffusion coefficients in Dy2O3 in excellent agreement with literature values derived from oxidation of partially reduced oxide single crystals. Under the same conditions, the oxidation of Gd yielded oxygen diffusion coefficients in cubic Gd2O3 which are considerably below literature values for monoclinic single-crystal Gd2O3. At lower temperatures, porous scales were formed, and apparent diffusion coefficients derived from oxidation rates show a smaller temperature dependence than the high-temperature data. At low P O2, the oxides behave as ionic conductors, and metal oxidation rates result in estimates of the electronic contribution to the electrical conductivity of the order of 10−6 to 10−7Ω−1 cm−1.  相似文献   

The elastic properties of polycrystalline monoclinic Gd2O3 were determined by the sonic-resonance method. Volume-fraction porosity varied from 0.025 to 0.367 and temperature from room temperature to 1400°C. The Young's and shear moduli are linear functions of volume-fraction porosity, but the rate of their decrease with increasing porosity is less than that expected. The moduli decreased more rapidly than expected with increasing temperature. The Debye temperature is 362°K. With increasing temperature, the first Grueneisen constant, γ, decreases, whereas the second Grueneisen constant, δ, increases.  相似文献   

Modification of the microwave dielectric properties in Ba6−3 x Nd8+2 x Ti18O54 ( x = 0.5) solid solutions by Bi/Sm cosubstitution for Nd was investigated. A large increase in the dielectric constant and near-zero temperature coefficient combined with high Qf values were obtained in modified Ba6−3 x Nd8+2 x Ti18O54 solid solutions where an enlarged solid solution limit of Bi in Ba6−3 x Nd8+2 x Ti18O54 was observed. Excellent microwave dielectric characteristics (ɛ= 105, Qf = 4110 GHz, and very low τf) were achieved in the composition Ba6−3 x (Nd0.7Bi0.18Sm0.12)8+2 x Ti18O54.  相似文献   

The phase equilibrium relations in the systems Y2O3-Al2O3 and Gd2O3-Fe2O3 were examined. Each system has two stable binary compounds. A 3:s molar ratio garnet-type compound exists in both systems. The 1:1 distorted perovskite structure is stable in the system Gd2O3-Fe2O3 but only metastable in the system Y2O3-AI2O3. This interesting example of metastable formation and persistence of a compound with ions of high Z/r values explains the discrepancies in the literature on the structure of the composition YA1O3. A new 2:1 molar ratio cubic phase has been found in the system Y2O3-A12O3. Since silicon can be completely substituted for aluminum in this compound, the aluminum ions are presumably in fourfold coordination.  相似文献   

Tin (Sn) substitution for titanium (Ti) was investigated in Ba6−3 x Nd8+2 x Ti18O54 ( x =1/2, 2/3, and 3/4) ceramics. A small amount ( z <0.1) of Sn substitution resulted in Ba6−3 x Nd8+2 x (Ti1− z Sn z )18O54 solid solutions, and some secondary phases were observed with increasing Sn content. A small amount of Sn substitution improved the Q f value significantly, while, due to the formation of secondary phases, the Q f value degraded sharply for larger Sn content. The relative dielectric constant (ɛr) decreased with increasing Sn-content, while the temperature coefficient of resonant frequency (τf) generally decreased, although an obvious fluctuation was observed for x =3/4.  相似文献   

Structural evolution in the X-ray amorphous precursors to La2Sn2O7 and La2Ti2O7 is examined using IR and Raman spectroscopy. These precursors are prepared by rapid coprecipitation from mixed aqueous solutions of the corresponding metal chlorides. Rapid coprecipitation from an SnCl2−6 and La3+-containing aqueous solution yields microcrystalline particles of SnO2· n H2O and La(OH)3, which instantaneously interconnect to form an ultimate, complex colloid particle. The Ti(OH)2+2 and La3+ in the other solution system coprecipitate into a different, complex colloid (an unidentified phase), which is definitely not a mixed dispersion of single-component colloids. A comparative examination of the vibrational spectra of the coprecipitates heated to various temperatures indicates that the SnO2 and anatase phases develop in the respective precursors before crystallization of the desired double oxides. Crystallization itself can be attributed to a solid-state reaction among the various microcrystallites of each single-metal oxide in a gel particle of the precursor.  相似文献   

The Phase relations of the system Gd2O3-Ta2O5 in the composition range 50 to100 mol% Gd2O3 was studied by solidstate reactions at 1350°, 1500°, or 1700°C and by thermal analyses up to the melting temperatures. Weberite-type orthorhombic phase (W2 phase, space group C2221) with the composition of Gd3 TaO7 seems to melt incongruently; at about 2040°C, although this Gd3TaO7 Phase was previously reported to melt congruently. A new fluorite-type cubic phase (F phase, space group Fm3m ) was found for the first time above 1500°C in the system. It melts congruently with the composition of about 80mol% Gd2O3at 2318° 3°C. A phase diagram was proposed for the system Gd2O3–Ta2O5 in the Gd2O3–rich portion  相似文献   

In the binary system PbO–LazO3 only one compound, 4PbO.La2O3, exists; it is flanked by two eutectics. The structure of the compound, although of lower symmetry, is intimately related to the C modification of the rare earths. Below 800° to 1000°C, metastable solid solutions are formed from oxide mixtures coprecipitated from mixed solutions of the nitrates, the cubic parameter a = 5.66 A, if extrapolated to pure La2O3, corresponding to half the a parameter of the C form of La2O3. The solid solutions existing between the compositions La2O3–2Pb0 and pure La2O3 have a cubic face–centered lattice and obey Vegard's rule. The systems of PbO with Sm2O3 and Gd2O8 are quite similar to that with La2O3. The compound Sm2O3.4Pb0 decomposes at 1000°C with evaporation of PbO; Sm2O3 remains in the B modification.  相似文献   

The phase relationships in the CaHfTi2O7-Gd2Ti2O7 (zirconolite-pyrochlore) pseudobinary system were investigated, after heating at 1500°C, because of their importance in the design of pyrochlore-rich titanate ceramics for immobilization of impure surplus plutonium. Up to 15 mol% of MgTi2O5 and Al2TiO5 were added to CaHfTi2O7-Gd2Ti2O7 compositions to elucidate the effects of divalent and trivalent impurities on the phase stability within these systems. From X-ray diffractometry analysis, scanning electron microscopy, and energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry, phase formation and compositional stability limits were evaluated. The main phases observed in these systems were pyrochlore, perovskite, and polytypes of zirconolite. The formation of the 2 M -, 4 M -, and 3 O -zirconolite polytypes was dependent on the amount of aluminum or magnesium present. In the magnesium system, a large area of pyrochlore-only was observed, which indicated that divalent impurities of appropriate ionic size could be readily incorporated in the eightfold site of the pyrochlore. The locations of the tentative phase boundaries are discussed with respect to the chemical composition.  相似文献   

Gd2O3-doped Bi2O3 polycrystalline ceramics containing between 2 and 7 mol% Gd2O3 were fabricated by pressureless sintering powder compacts. The as-sintered samples were tetragonal at room temperature. Hightemperature X-ray diffraction (XRD) traces showed that the samples were cubic at elevated temperatures and transformed into the tetragonal polymorph during cooling. On the basis of conductivity measurements as a function of temperature and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), the cubic → tetragonal as well as tetragonal → cubic → teansition temperatures were determined as a function of Gd2O3 concentration. The cubic → tetragonal transformation appears to be a displacive transformation. It was observed that additions of ZrO2 as a dopant, which is known to suppress cation interdiffusion in rare-earth oxide–Bi2O3 systems, did not suppress the transition, consistent with it being a displacive transition. Annealing of samples at temperatures 660°C for several hundred hours led to decomposition into a mixture of monoclinic and rhombohedral phases. This shows that the tetragonal polymorph is a metastable phase.  相似文献   

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