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詹涛 《中国食品工业》2022,(15):115-117
采用层次分析法和模糊综合评价法,选取新疆TR乳品公司年处理鲜奶3万吨项目的建设成效进行评价,建立乳品加工项目后评价体系。通过专家打分法,确定各层级各评价指标的权重,其中“设计和技术装备”“项目财务效益”“项目经营”“项目可持续性”“项目进展和控制”评价指标权重排名前5位,说明以上指标在乳品加工项目建设中起着很大作用。通过专家调查问卷收集评测结果,并进行模糊评价,评价结果为“成功”。通过科学的评价和研究,建立了乳品加工项目后评价体系,填补了国内乳品加工项目后评价的空白,为提升乳品加工项目科学决策水平提供参考  相似文献   

随着国际交流和科学技术不断发展,“乳品工厂设计”对于乳品工程发展越来越重要。本文介绍从乳品工厂设计实践要求入手,结合世界一流学科的建设目标,进行的一系列改革,进一步提高学生的国际竞争力。  相似文献   

温州郭溪镇上社工业区集中供热中心站项目经过一年来的调研筹备,经过有关部门的充分协调沟通,近日正式启动,该项目现已纳入2007年郭溪镇生态镇建设重点工程,已办理瓯海工商分局营业执照,通过温州市环境保护设计科学研究院的新建项目环境影响评估,瓯海区环保局已发文同意立项建设,温州市安全生产技术服务中心已作出新建项目安全评估报告。位于上社自然村的项目用地现已完成平整,近日将进行项目筹建工作,成立业主委员会,确定设计施工建设方案.采购有关设备,进场施工,预计年内可竣工投产,向周边企业供热供汽。  相似文献   

青海斥资亿元建设液态奶生产线日前,旨在彻底结束青海省无生产高档鲜牛奶产品历史的一项重点工程———青海天露乳业有限责任公司液态奶车间正式破土兴建。近年来,青海省天露乳业公司以原西宁奶牛场为基础,成功实现了企业改制,并成为省内乳品市场份额最大、销售量可与国内同行匹敌的一家企业。该公司经职能部门、专家论证,投资1.088亿元,开始建设的液态奶车间,打下了青海鲜乳品“走出”本省、迈向全国的坚实基础。据悉,该项目占地30余亩,一期工程建成投产后可年销收入5070万元,创利税691万元。项目工期分三年完成后…  相似文献   

石家庄三鹿集团在河南的重大投资项目——三鹿集团新乡乳品生产项目已正式签约。三鹿集团新乡乳品项目总投资1.2亿元,设计能力10万t/年,包括生产各种超高温灭菌乳、乳酸饮料、酸牛乳等,预计2007年年底试车生产。该项目中三鹿集团整体引进了合资方新西兰恒天然集团世界一流的乳品生产及管理技术。  相似文献   

序号获证组织名称轻工证书编号兴轻证书编号体系适用范围认证标准证书有效期1深圳市奇信装饰设计工程有限公司399A0120建筑装饰工程的设计与施工(含建筑幕墙的设计与施工)ISO9001∶19942002-10-272中国装饰(集团)公司301A00141R1M室内装饰设计、施工和配套ISO9001∶19942003-12-143海南嘉恒装饰工程有限公司1601A00370R0M建筑装饰装修工程的设计及施工ISO9001∶19942003-12-144上海宝立建筑装饰工程有限公司1601B00390R0M建筑…  相似文献   

随着我国经济的快速发展,水利水电相关的工程和项目施工建设大范围地兴起,据有效数字统计,我国的水利工程建设从项目施工质量到工程施工管理均存在严重问题。水利工程从工程性质上来说,施工工序繁多,从工程的生产流动到结构设计,从内部材料质量到整个工程的施工方法和管理方法,都是我国水利工程建设需要集中解决的问题。本文将重点针对工程在具体施工过程中存在的管理问题进行细致的分析,研究解决水利工程施工管理的有效对策。  相似文献   

最近几年,市政工程为城市的给排水工程基础设施建设投入了大量的人力和物力建设,但是工程施工质量直接决定着城市居民的生活质量和广大企业工厂的实际利益,由此看来,市政给排水系统工程的基础建设质量的重要性不言而喻,要抓好基础设施建设质量,相应的就要求施工技术水平大幅度提高,并且整个施工过程应该严格地加以控制,文章主要针对在此项目上的施工技术和施工方法做以简要阐述。.  相似文献   

由中国轻工业南宁设计院设计的广西驮卢东亚糖业有限公司5000吨/日甘蔗糖厂扩建工程今年获得全国第八届优秀工程设计铜奖。  该项目是我院承接的第一个中外合资糖厂项目。  我院近年来推行全面质量管理制度,不断健全和强化管理系统,形成了比较完整的质保体系,为该项目的设计质量起到了保证作用。  由于该项工程自始至终重视设计及施工质量,因而该工程的建设速度快,从1994年4月5日破土动工,至1994年11月10日投料生产,一次试车成功,历时仅219天,比原计划提前20天完成工程建设任务。扩建概算建设投资7…  相似文献   

随着国民经济的增长,基建投资项目的不断增加,市政基础设施项目的建设如火如茶,合肥进入了大建设的热潮。由于部分工程质量管理和控制不严,工程质量事故时有发生,甚至出现了粗制滥造的“豆腐渣”工程,不仅给社会造成了很大的影响,而且给人民和国家的生命利益带来了重大损失。现从重视施工全过程跟踪检查等方面较详细地阐述了市政施工中的质量管理和控制。  相似文献   

The genetically programmed reduction in lactase activity during adulthood affects 70% of the world adult population and can cause severe digestive disorders, which are the sign of lactose intolerance. Lactose intolerance symptoms vary depending on the residual lactase activity, the small bowel transit time, and especially the amount of ingested lactose. To formulate dairy products suitable for the vast majority of lactose intolerants, it is essential to define lactose intolerance threshold. A recent meta-analysis permitted to show that almost all lactose intolerants tolerate 12 g of lactose in one intake and approximately 18 g of lactose spread over the day. The prevalence and severity of lactose intolerance are probably overestimated by the general public. This misconception usually leads to an unnecessary reduction of dairy foodstuff consumption. Nevertheless, dairy products are essential for health mainly due to their calcium content and the positive influence of probiotic bacteria. The formulation of dairy products suitable for most intolerant and suspicious subjects seems necessary. The use of exogenous enzyme preparations, as well as the consumption of lactose-free products or products rich in probiotic bacteria are proposed as symptom-reducing strategies.  相似文献   

One important task of the Fair CT96-1028 project (Demonstration of Nutritional Functionality of Probiotic Foods) has been to demonstrate the possibility of producing, on a pilot scale, probiotic dairy foods acceptable to European consumers. In the project, different Lactobacillus spp. and Bifidobacterium spp. strains were shown to be suitable for probiotic organisms. Culture concentrates were produced by standard methods, and showed high cell concentrations and good survival during storage at low temperatures. The starter cultures were used in producing several different probiotic dairy foods. Under certain conditions probiotic strains may be used as the sole fermenting agent in milk. However, in many cases use of a support culture is preferable. Probiotic dairy products were shown to have good organoleptic properties, and the survival of the probiotic organisms was excellent during the shelf life of the products.  相似文献   

发酵剂因在乳品工业中扮演着重要角色而被广泛关注.为了更加科学、高效、经济的使用乳品发酵剂,需要对其有更深的认知.因此本文对乳品发酵剂的常见类型(乳杆菌属、链球菌属、双歧杆菌属、明串珠菌属及乳球菌属)及益生作用,影响发酵的因素(菌种的选择、噬菌体及抗生素)及协同发酵(共生、偏利)进行了概述,以期对其在乳品中的应用提供一定...  相似文献   

The world's population will reach 10.4 billion in 2067, with 81% residing in Africa or Asia. Arable land available for food production will decrease to 0.15 ha per person. Temperature will increase in tropical and temperate zones, especially in the Northern Hemisphere, and this will push growing seasons and dairy farming away from arid areas and into more northern latitudes. Dairy consumption will increase because it provides essential nutrients more efficiently than many other agricultural systems. Dairy farming will become modernized in developing countries and milk production per cow will increase, doubling in countries with advanced dairying systems. Profitability of dairy farms will be the key to their sustainability. Genetic improvements will include emphasis on the coding genome and associated noncoding epigenome of cattle, and on microbiomes of dairy cattle and farmsteads. Farm sizes will increase and there will be greater lateral integration of housing and management of dairy cattle of different ages and production stages. Integrated sensors, robotics, and automation will replace much of the manual labor on farms. Managing the epigenome and microbiome will become part of routine herd management. Innovations in dairy facilities will improve the health of cows and permit expression of natural behaviors. Herds will be viewed as superorganisms, and studies of herds as observational units will lead to improvements in productivity, health, and well-being of dairy cattle, and improve the agroecology and sustainability of dairy farms. Dairy farmers in 2067 will meet the world's needs for essential nutrients by adopting technologies and practices that provide improved cow health and longevity, profitable dairy farms, and sustainable agriculture.  相似文献   

World trends in milk products and the present increase in milk yield with the availability of food supplies and nutrition in both developed and developing countries are evaluated. The problems of price setting, and price fluctuation in a world market are shown and the need for stable prices recognized. The necessity for technological expertise in dairy processing and quality standards for dairy products shows an essential aspect of future development.  相似文献   

Critical to changing biosecurity practices on the farm is an individual assessment of those practices contributing to disease transmission. The purpose of this project was to assess, implement, and refine a biological risk management survey for use on large western United States dairy farms. Assessment tools developed by Iowa State University Center for Food Security and Public Health (Ames, IA) were refined using a focus group process and by testing them on 40 dairy herds in California. Each question was evaluated using standard criteria and producer responses. Some survey questions required refinement for clarity and others were considered unnecessary. New questions were added based on a biosecurity literature review, resulting in a new set of questions that can be used by extension educators and food animal veterinarians to help identify disease risk areas and educate dairy producers.  相似文献   

The use of sexed semen to produce purebred replacement heifers allows a large proportion of dairy cows to be mated to beef sires, and quantitative and qualitative improvements to be made to beef production from dairy herds. The major dairy and beef breeds are undergoing rapid genetic improvement as a result of more efficient selection methods, prompting a need to evaluate the meat production of crossbred beef × dairy cattle produced using current genetics. As part of a large project involving 125 commercial dairy farms, we evaluated the combined use of purebreeding with sexed semen and crossbreeding with semen from beef sires, particularly double-muscled breeds. A survey of 1,530 crossbred calves revealed that, whereas purebred dairy calves are destined almost exclusively for veal production, beef × dairy crossbred calves are also destined for beef production after fattening on either the dairy farm of birth or by specialized fatteners. In veal production, compared with Belgian Blue–sired calves (taken as the reference), double-muscled INRA 95–sired calves had a lighter slaughter weight (303 vs. 346 kg), but a greater dressing percent (62.3 vs. 58.4%). Limousin (also known as Limousine)–sired calves had a smaller average daily gain (1.26 vs. 1.34 kg/d), and lighter slaughter (314 vs. 346 kg) and carcass weights (182 vs. 201 kg). Last, Simmental-sired calves had a similar growth rate, but lighter carcass weight (177 vs. 201 kg), smaller dressing percentage (55.3 vs. 58.4%), and smaller muscularity scores (3.25 vs. 3.72). In the case of young bulls and heifers fattened on the dairy farm of birth, Belgian Blue–, Piemontese (also known as Piedmontese)-, and Limousin-sired calves performed similarly; the only exception was that Piemontese-sired calves had a greater dressing percentage. Belgian Blue– and Limousin-sired calves performed similarly when fattened by specialized beef producers. In both veal and beef production, the effects of dam breed were less important than sire breed. Considering the entire project, we can conclude that the combined use of sexed semen for purebreeding and conventional beef semen for terminal crossbreeding improves meat production from dairy herds, especially when the sires are double-muscled beef breeds.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》1986,69(5):1470-1475
In the past decade, there has been significant involvement of dairy farmers in the marketing of their milk and the products derived from it.Although there have been continual advances on the production or supply side of dairying, dairy farmers and their cooperatives have increasingly accepted the challenge of taking a major role on the demand side of the equation–promoting their products to consumers. Increasing numbers of dairy farmers and cooperatives have become convinced that promotion is as essential to their success as is their commitment to increasing production efficiency.Dairy farmers promote their products in a variety of ways through different channels of the dairy marketing system. I will concentrate on dairy product advertising on a nonbrand basis, but first let me outline the total scope of dairy product promotion.Most dairy farmers belong to dairy cooperatives, and many cooperatives market some or all of the major dairy products under their own brand names.  相似文献   

阐明了乳品生产企业员工培训的重要作用及对企业发展的影响,并介绍了乳品生产企业员工基本的培训方法和必要的培训内容,并以质检部门人员培训为例制定了考核标准。  相似文献   

乳制品是人体健康必需营养的重要来源之一,因此保证乳制品的质量和安全至关重要。作为一种新型的激光烧蚀原子发射光谱技术,激光诱导击穿光谱已经在乳制品的定性和定量分析方面展现出了巨大的应用潜力。本文简要介绍了激光诱导击穿光谱的检测原理,综述了激光诱导击穿光谱在乳制品中矿物质元素、重金属元素、脂肪和蛋白质含量,以及牛奶掺假物检测方面的最新研究进展。最后,探讨了激光诱导击穿光谱在乳制品质量检测方面存在的问题并对其发展趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

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