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Measurements have been performed of the carrier concentrations in vacancy-doped Hg1−xCdxTe with x=0.22, 0.29, 0.45, and 0.5. Anneals to establish the carrier concentrations were performed on both the mercury- and tellurium-rich sides of the phase field. When these results were added to earlier data for x=0.2 and 0.4, and assuming that all vacancies are doubly ionized, then vacancy concentrations for all values of x and anneal temperature can be represented by simple equations. On the mercury side of the phase field, the vacancy concentrations varied as 2.50×1023(1−x) exp[−1.00/kT] for low concentrations, and as 3.97×107(1−x)1/3n i 2/3 exp[−0.33/kT] for high concentrations, where ni is the intrinsic carrier concentration. On the tellurium rich side, the vacancy concentrations varied as 2.81 × 1022(1−x) exp[−0.65/kT] for low concentrations and as 1.92×107(1−x)1/3n i 2/3 exp[−0.22/kT] for high concentrations.  相似文献   

Long wavelength infrared molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) grown p-on-n Hg1−xCdxTe double layer planar heterostructure (DLPH) detectors have been characterized to determine the dominant mechanisms limiting their performance. Material defects have been identified as critical factors that limit 40K performance operability. This effort has concentrated on identifying microscopic defects, etch pit density (EPD) and relating these defects to the device performance. Visual inspection indicates defect densities as high as 105 per cm2 with a spatial extent as observed by atomic force microscope in the range of micrometers extending several micrometers beneath the surface. At high EPD values (greater than low 106 cm−2) zero bias resistance (R0) at 40K decreases as roughly as the square of the EPD. At 78K, however, measured R0 is not affected by the EPD up to densities as high as mid-106 cm−2. Visual defects greater than 2–3 μm than ∼2 μm in size (micro-void defects) result in either a single etch pit or a cluster of etch pits. Large variations in a cross-wafer etch pit distribution are most likely a major contributor to the observed large spreads in 40K R0. This study gives some insight to the present limitation to achieve higher performance and high operability for low temperature infrared applications on MBE grown HgCdTe material.  相似文献   

In this paper, we analyze and discuss the roles of nine different scattering mechanisms—ionized impurity, polar and nonpolar optical, acoustic, dislocation, strain field, alloy disorder, neutral impurity, and piezoelectric—in limiting the hole mobilities in p-type Hg1−xCdxTe crystals. The analysis is based on obtaining a good fit between theory and experiment for the light and heavy hole drift mobilities by optimizing certain unknown (or at the most vaguely known) material parameters such as the heavy hole mobility effective mass, degree of compensation, and the dislocation and strain field scattering strengths. For theoretical calculations, we have adopted the relaxation time approach, keeping in view its inadequacy for the polar scattering. The energy dispersive hole relaxation times have been drawn from the published literature that take into account the p-symmetry of valence band wave functions. The temperature dependencies of multiple charge states of impurities and of Debye screening length have been taken into account through a numerical calculation for the Fermi energy. Mobility data for the present analysis have been selected from the HgCdTe literature to represent a wide range of material characteristics (x=0.2–0.4, p=3×1015–1×1017 cm−3 at 77K, μpeak≅200-1000cm2V−1s−1). While analyzing the light hole mobility, the acoustic deformation and neutral impurity potentials were also treated as adjustable. We conclude that
–  • the heavy hole mobility is largely governed by the ionized impurity scattering, unless the strain field or dislocation scattering below 50K, or the polar scattering above 200K, become dominant;
–  • the light hole mobility is mainly governed by the acoustic phonon scattering, except at temperatures below 30K where the neutral impurity, strain field and dislocation scattering also become significant;
–  • the intervalence scattering transitions make negligible impact on the heavy hole mobility, but virtually limit the light hole mobility;
–  • the alloy disorder scattering does not dominate in any temperature region, although it exercises some influence at intermediate temperatures;
–  • the heavy hole mobility effective mass ratio mhh/mo∼-0.28–0.33 for crystals with x<0.4; and
–  • the light hole band deformation potential constant is ∼12 eV.

As liquid phase epitaxial (LPE) growth and array fabrication processes have matured to give excellent wafer average performance, the yield limiter for infrared focal plane arrays (IRFPAs), especially large ones, have become outages. In this work, significant progress has been made in identifying the source and eliminating outages from LPE grown Hg1−xCdxTe P-on-n structures. Historically, studies of the sources of outages have employed defect etches to look for dislocations and other crystalline defects, and secondary ion mass spectroscopy (SIMS), imaging SIMS, and sputter initiated resonance ion spectrometry (SIRIS) to look for impurities at critical interfaces. Using these techniques, trends were established, but direct correlation with outages have been observed. In LPE grown materials, where the dislocation densities are always below 5×105 cm−2, and often below 1×105 cm−2 on CdZnTe substrates, dislocations only account for a few outages. In order to understand the source(s) of outages, a failure analysis was performed on several long wavelength IRFPAs. Using a dilute etchant, the metals and then cap layers of some 64×64 pixel IRFPAs which had excellent average performance, but suffered from a high density of pixels with excessive leakage current, were removed. Using a scanning electron microscope with energy dispersive spectroscopy capability, the presence of carbon particles was correlated with excessive leakage current on a 1:1 pixel basis. A series of experiments was then conducted which isolated the source of the particles to the cap layer growth process, which was consequently changed to eliminate them. The process improvements have reduced the particle density to below the measurement limit of the optical measurement technique implemented to monitor the density of particles on witness wafers. These improvements are resulting in IRFPAs with significantly improved operability.  相似文献   

Excess low frequency noise is investigated for the first time in infrared MBE grown LWIR Hg1−xCdxTe double layer planar heterostructure (DLPH) detectors grown on lattice matched substrates. LWIR detectors having R0Aopt values at 40K in the 101–107 Θ-cm2 range have been characterized as a function of temperature between 120 and 20K. Detectors with R0Aopt≥103Θ-cm2 at 40K have theoretical diffusion limited performance down to 78K and detectors with R0Aopt ≥105 Θ-cm2 at 40K are within a factor of two of theoretical diffusion limited performance for T>65K. Activation energies extracted from noise (Vd=−100 mV) and dark current (Vd=−100 mV) vs temperature measurements were detector dependent. The activation energy for detectors with R0Aopt≈106 Θ-cm2 at 40K is ∼0.90*Eg to 0.99*Eg. The noise measured between 78 and 105K in the intermediate performance (R0Aopt∼103–104 Θ-cm2 at 40K) detectors are higher than the noise measured in the higher performance (R0Aopt∼105–107 Θ-cm2) detectors. In addition, the excess low frequency noise and the dark current at −100 mV in the intermediate and poor (R0Aopt∼101 Θ-cm2) performance detectors are temperature independent. For each detector measured, the activation energy extracted from noise (Vd=−100 mV) vs temperature measurements is equal to the activation energy extracted from the total dark current (Vd=−100 mV) vs temperature measurements. For different dark current mechanisms, the excess low frequency noise varies with temperature and also with area within statistical accuracy in the same manner as the total dark current through the detector. At 78K, the Tobin14 expression holds in the general sense for equal area detectors dominated by different current mechanisms and also for detectors with a wide range of implant dimensions (Aimp=3.85×10−7 cm2 to Aimp=6.25×10−4 cm2). Following measurements, the detectors were stripped of the passivation and overlaying metal layers and dressed by a defect etch to reveal defects in each detector. A correlation among noise, leakage current and defect type has been determined for each detector.  相似文献   

Very long wavelength infrared (VLWIR; 15 to 17 μm) detectors are required for remote sensing sounding applications. Infrared sounders provide temperature, pressure and moisture profiles of the atmosphere used in weather prediction models that track storms, predict levels of precipitation etc. Traditionally, photoconductive VLWIR (λc >15 μm) detectors have been used for sounding applications. However, photoconductive detectors suffer from performance issues, such as non-linearity that is 10X – 100X that of photovoltaic detectors. Radiometric calibration for remote sensing interferometry requires detectors with low non-linearity. Photoconductive detectors also suffer from non-uniform spatial optical response. Advances in molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) growth of mercury cadmium telluride (HgCdTe) and detector architectures have resulted in high performance detectors fabricated in the 15 μm to 17 μmm spectral range. Recently, VLWIR (λc ∼ 17 μm at 78 K) photovoltaic large (1000 μm diameter) detectors have been fabricated and measured at flux values targeting remote sensing interferometry applications. The operating temperature is near 78 K, permitting the use of passive radiators in spacecraft to cool the detectors. Detector non-AR coated quantum efficiency >60% was measured in these large detectors. A linear response was measured, while varying the spot size incident on the 1000 μm detectors. This excellent response uniformity, measured as a function of spot size, implies that low frequency spatial response variations are absent. The 1000 μm diameter, λc ∼ 17 μm at 78 K detectors have dark currents ∼160 μA at a −100 mV bias and at 78 K. Interfacing with the low (comparable to the contact and series resistance) junction impedance detectors is not feasible. Therefore a custom pre-amplifier was designed to interface with the large VLWIR detectors operating in reverse bias. A breadboard was fabricated incorporating the custom designed preamplifier interfacing with the 1000 μm diameter VLWIR detectors. Response versus flux measurements were made on the large VLWIR detectors and non-linearity <0.15% was measured at high flux values in the 2.5×1017 to 3.5×1017 ph-cm−2sec−1 range. This non-linearity is an order of magnitude better than for photoconductive detectors.  相似文献   

The valence band offset (Λ) between HgTe and CdTe has been determined by means of an optical investigation of (112)B oriented HgTe/Hg1−xCdxTe superlattices. Based on the fact that the difference in energy between the first heavy hole and the first light hole subband is to a good approximation due primarily to Λ, it has been shown that Λ=580±40 meV at 5K. In addition Λ has a significant temperature dependence with a linear coefficient of −0.34±0.02 meV/K, i.e., Λ is 480±40 meV at room temperature.  相似文献   

P型长波Hg1—xCdxTe材料MBE生长技术研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
用分子束外延的方法GaAs衬底上研制了P型长波HgCdTe材料,及32×32小规模长波混成红外焦平面列阵,其材料的均匀性以及生长材料的参数的可重复性良好,在适当的热处理条件,材料P型电学参数达到了较高水平,并具有良好的可重复性。  相似文献   

报道了用MBE的方法,在ZnCdTe衬底上制备Hg1-xCdxTe薄膜的位错密度的研究结果.研究发现Hg1-xCdxTe材料的位错密度与ZnCdTe衬底的表面晶体损伤、Hg1-xCdxTe生长条件以及材料组分密切相关.通过衬底制备以及生长条件的优化,在ZnCdTe衬底上生长的长波Hg1-xCdxTe材料EPD平均值达到4.2×105cm-2,标准差为3.5×105cm-2,接近ZnCdTe衬底的位错极限.可重复性良好,材料位错合格率为73.7%,可满足高性能Hg1-xCdxTe焦平面探测器对材料位错密度的要求.  相似文献   

A study on preparation of Cd0.96Zn0.04Te(211)B substrates for growth of Hg1−xCdxTe epitaxial layers by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) was investigated. The objective was to investigate the impact of starting substrate surface quality on surface defects such as voids and hillocks commonly observed on MBE Hg1−xCdxTe layers. The results of this study indicate that, when the Cd0.96Zn0.04Te(211)B substrates are properly prepared, surface defects on the resulting MBE Hg1−xCdxTe films are reduced to minimum (size, ∼0.1 m and density ∼500/cm2) so that these MBE Hg1−xCdx Te films have surface quality as good as that of liquid phase epitaxial (LPE) Hg1−xCdxTe films currently in production in this laboratory.  相似文献   

High contact resistance of the order of 10−3 Ω cm2 observed in p-type HgCdTe is one of the practical problems in the production of fine pitch high operating temperature and avalanche photodiode detector array. Electrical and compositional measurements on Au/p-HgCdTe are reported to understand the difficulties in reducing the contact resistance in HgCdTe detectors. Characterization of Au contacts on p-type Hg1−xCdxTe (x=0.3) formed by electrode-less (electroless) process and current transport mechanism are discussed. SIMS depth profiling of interfacial layer formed by the reaction of gold chloride with HgCdTe have been analyzed. Extent of the interfacial layer containing Au, Te, O and Cl is found to increase with increasing deposition time. Effect of annealing on the migration of Au across the contact region and electrical characteristics are presented. Heavily doped HgCdTe region with NA=1017 cm−3 is produced beneath the contact regions after annealing at 80 °C leading to an order of magnitude improvement in the specific contact resistance. These results are useful for the creation of Au/p-HgCdTe contacts in a controlled and reproducible manner.  相似文献   

非掺杂p型MBE—Hg1—xCdxTe材料的受主性质   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对经250℃P型热处理获得的Hg1-xCdxTeMBE材料进行变温霍耳测量和理论拟合计算,由此得到HgCdTe-MBE材料的受主浓度为2-3×10^16cm^-3,残余施主浓度为5×10^15cm^-3左右,两才相比显示材料的补偿度较低,拟合得到的汞空位受主能级为15-18meVdisplay structure  相似文献   

Hg1—xCdxTe重力分离研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
通过实验证实了Hg_(1-x)Cd_xTe熔体中存在HgTe与CdTe之间的重力分离。理论分析表明,Hg_(1-x)Cd_xTe熔体中的HgTe粒子服从玻尔兹曼分布律,HgTe粒子的质量为4.07×10~(-18)g(在835℃)。  相似文献   

Absolute values of lattice parameters in Hg1−xCdxTe epilayers were precisely measured by high-resolution x-ray diffraction (Bond method), and then compared with those calculated using Cd contents, x, which were derived from Fourier transform infrared transmission spectra. A part of the samples revealed significant discrepancies between measured and calculated lattice parameters, the differences being both of positive and negative signs. The obtained results are discussed in the framework of clusters of the point defects that were visualized by high-resolution scanning electron microscopy.  相似文献   

根据半导体光学常数间的关系,通过测量Hg_(1-x)Cd_xTe晶片不同厚度时的透射比,求得了Hg_(1-x)Cd_xTe的光学常数。本文采用迭代法精确求解有关方程组,避免了计算过程引入的误差,提高了测量结果的精度。这种方法也适用于其他半导体光学常数的测量。  相似文献   

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