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We studied the changes of frontal and parietal somatosensory evoked potentials (SEPs) in the awake state versus different stages of sleep in 10 normal adult subjects. Frontal and parietal SEP components were affected differentially as sleep stages progressed. In general, the amplitudes of frontal components, notably P22, were increased in sleep, whereas the amplitudes of parietal components were decreased in sleep. A sensitive waveform change from the awake state to sleep was present in the frontal response, where a subtle notched negativity, termed "N40," was present only in the awake state and quickly dissipated in all stages of sleep, including stage 1. The amplitude changes from the awake state to stage 3/4 sleep were neither linear nor parallel among SEP components. The most discordant changes occurred in stage 3/4. The amplitudes for the frontal N18-P22-N30 complex and parietal N20-P26-N32 complex increased from stage 2 to stage 3/4, while those for frontal N30-fP40 and parietal N32-pP40 decreased. In contrast to these divergent amplitude changes, the latencies of all components except P14 and frontal N18 showed progressive prolongation from the awake state to slow-wave sleep. The SEP waveforms and latencies in REM sleep approximated those in the awake state, although amplitudes for frontal peaks still remained slightly higher and amplitudes for parietal peaks slightly lower. We postulate that interactions of excitatory and inhibitory phenomena are responsible for the component-dependent and sleep-stage-dependent amplitude enhancement or depression in sleep.  相似文献   

This experiment was designed to quantify the relationships between feed chemistry and the proportions of rumen volatile fatty acids (VFA) across a wide range of feedstuffs. In an experiment using 11 rumencannulated sheep, 16 test feeds were fed at three different inclusion rates in rations that were based on grass silage. The 17 periods of the experiment were each 14 d long. Eight rumen samples were taken every 24 h on d 13 and 14 of each period from which the mean daily proportions of VFA were derived. The effects of an increase in the proportion of test feed in the total feed on proportions of VFA were significant. The observed proportions of VFA were related to the chemical composition of the total feed by principal component regression. The inclusion of the amount of feed offered and the ratio of test feed to total feed in these regressions did not improve their precision; these terms were not significant. The significant terms in the regressions were crude protein, starch, sugar, and cellulose (calculated by difference). The R2 values achieved for the regressions between acetate, propionate, and butyrate (molar proportions) and feed composition were 77.5, 68.0, and 87.3%, respectively. These regressions provided an apparently robust basis for predicting molar proportions of VFA from feed chemistry in feeds based on grass silage.  相似文献   

Tissue factor (TF) is an initiation cofactor of the extrinsic pathway of coagulation. Although the overexpression of TF antigen and mRNA have been previously demonstrated in atherosclerotic lesions using both immunohistochemical and in situ hybridization techniques, it still remains unclear as to whether TF activity is overexpressed in atherosclerotic plaque in vivo. In thoracic aortas obtained from cholesterol-fed rabbits for 10-20 weeks, the TF-mediated activation of factor X was quantitatively assessed on the intimal surface of the aortas ex vivo using a chromogenic substrate S-2222 and the findings were then compared with the immunohistochemical distribution of TF antigen. Non-atherosclerotic intimas showed only a weak amount of TF activity, while the adventitia contained a significantly high amount of activity. In the atherosclerotic intimas where TF antigen was overexpressed by foamy and non-foamy macrophages and smooth muscle cells but not by endothelial cells, TF activity was apparently enhanced to a level similar to that in the adventitia. Scanning electron microscopy revealed a perturbation of the intimal surface of the atherosclerotic aorta. These findings suggest that TF activity is apparently enhanced in subendothelial atherosclerotic lesions and, therefore, endothelial denudation, which results in the exposure of active TF to flowing blood, leads to thrombosis and its sequelae in atherosclerotic lesions.  相似文献   

Sexual satisfaction, marital quality, and marital instability have been studied over the life course of couples in many previous studies, but less in relation to each other. On the basis of the longitudinal data from 283 married couples, the authors used autoregressive models in this study to examine the causal sequences among these 3 constructs for husbands and wives separately. Results of cross-lagged models, for both husbands and wives, provided support for the causal sequences that proceed from sexual satisfaction to marital quality, from sexual satisfaction to marital instability, and from marital quality to marital instability. Initially higher levels of sexual satisfaction resulted in an increase in marital quality, which in turn led to a decrease in marital instability over time. Effects of sexual satisfaction on marital instability appear to have been mediated through marital quality. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Eighteen multiparous Holstein cows in midlactation were used in a switchback design trial to evaluate the effect of chop length (3 or 30 mm) of timothy grass silage, containing less than 30% ADF and treated with formic acid, on DMI and cow performance. Within chop length, addition of NaHCO3 (2% of DMI) or the replacement of 30% of silage DM with juice-extracted grass pellets was also evaluated. Cows were fed a TMR composed of 90% silage and 10% concentrate. Silage preservation characteristics were not different between chop lengths. The DMI and apparent digestibility were similar among treatments. Yields of 4% FCM (24.9 vs. 22.7 kg/d), fat (1.03 vs. .93 kg/d), and protein (.83 vs .77 kg/d) were higher with the short chopped silage. Milk protein, milk NPN content, and serum urea were higher for cows fed long chopped silage. Yields of milk and milk constituents were not affected by the addition of juice-extracted grass pellets or NaHCO3. Fat percentage and fatty acid composition of milk remained unchanged by treatments. Reduction of particle size, from 30 to 3 mm, of timothy grass, treated with formic acid at harvest and using compaction at ensiling in bag silos, did not affect silage conservation characteristics but did improve milk, fat, and protein yields when cows were fed high silage diets.  相似文献   

Twenty-four multiparous Holstein cows averaging 104 d of lactation were used in a trial with a split-plot design to evaluate the nutritive value of two silages, timothy grass or alfalfa, both treated with formic acid and stored in plastic bag silos. Silages were offered for ad libitum intake either alone or with 17 or 34% (dry matter basis) dry-rolled barley. Both silages contained similar amounts of acid detergent fiber (ADF) (27.5 and 26.7% for timothy grass and alfalfa, respectively). After 110 d of storage, alfalfa silage contained higher amounts of organic acids and NH3 N but had lower soluble N. Total dry matter intake (DMI) and silage DMI were similar between cows fed both silages. Increased barley proportion decreased silage DMI (19.2 to 14.2 kg/d). Apparent total tract digestibility of dry matter was unaffected by treatment. The digestibility of neutral detergent fiber and ADF was higher for the timothy grass silage than for alfalfa silage and was unaffected by the barley percentage added to either silage. Milk yield was lower (23.9 to 22.6 kg/d) for cows fed the highest proportion of barley. The 4% fat-corrected milk yield was unaffected by treatment. Percentages of fat, protein, and total solids in milk were higher for cows fed diets with the higher barley content. Milk fat and protein yields were similar among treatments. Urea in blood was lower for cows fed timothy grass silage than for cows fed alfalfa silage (4.68 vs. 6.23 mg/100 ml). These results suggest that timothy grass silage and alfalfa silage, when stored at a similar ADF content, have comparable nutritive value for midlactation cows.  相似文献   

利用纯二氧化锰在微酸性条件下对异化金属还原菌进行驯化,二氧化锰的颜色由黑色逐渐变浅至白色,X射线衍射分析表明微生物可有效还原二氧化锰成为碳酸锰;以发酵制氢废液为还原底物,利用异化金属还原菌在不同酸性条件下直接浸出低品位软锰矿,通过单因素实验研究厌氧条件、pH值对锰浸出率的影响,并对制氢废液化学需氧量(COD)的去除率及浸出机理进行研究.结果表明,异化金属还原菌利用发酵制氢废液还原软锰矿,厌氧浸出优于好氧浸出,最佳pH值为3.0~3.5,浸出时间为3 d时,最大浸出率达到98%;用软锰矿对发酵制氢废液在微酸性条件下进行降解,COD质量浓度为2612 mg·L-1时最大去除率达到84%,COD去除率随软锰矿量的增加而增大.  相似文献   

Thirty-two Holstein cows (8 primiparous) were assigned to negative control or to one of three treatments to assess three forage harvesting and conservation techniques. Forage was harvested as low moisture silage by either a cylinder-type forage harvester, a self-loading forage harvester, or a round baler. Treatment diets were fed from wk 4 to 15 of lactation and consisted of silages harvested by the respective methods supplemented with concentrate at 1.1% of BW. Unsupplemented silage harvested by a cylinder-type forage harvester was used as a control. Daily DMI was higher for cows fed supplemented heap silage cut with either a cylinder-type forage harvester (23.7 kg) or a self-loading forage harvester (22.6 kg) than for cows fed the control (20.0 kg) or supplemented round bale silage (20.1 kg). Milk yield was highest for cows fed supplemented heap silage cut with a cylinder-type forage harvester (26.6 kg/d) and lower for those fed supplemented heap silage cut with a self-loading forage harvester (22.7 kg/d) or the control (20.8 kg/d). Milk composition and digestibilities of DM, N, ADF, and energy were similar among treatments. Postfeeding NEFA concentration decreased more for control cows than for those fed supplemented silage, which was related to greater BW loss. The high milk yield for cows fed supplemented heap silage cut with a cylinder-type forage harvester could be related to a high DMI and low BW gain.  相似文献   

Witkin's differentiation hypothesis served as a basis for the investigation of 3 propositions: (1) field-dependent supervisors will show the highest "esteem for the least preferred co-worker," (2) field-dependent supervisors will be more "considerate," and (3) field-independent supervisors will be more "structure" oriented. Witkin's Embedded Figures Test (EFT), Fiedler's Esteem for the Least Preferred Co-worker (LPC) instrument, and Fleishman's Leadership Opinion Questionnaire were administered to 73 civil service supervisors. The results establish the existence of significant curvilinear relationships between EFT and LPC (p  相似文献   

Clarifies the relationships among models of salary equity, including H. F. Gollob's (see record 1985-08151-001) difference index, from the point of view of M. H. Birnbaum's (1979, 1981) mediated models of salaries. The difference index has properties that make it unattractive as a measure of group bias. Situations in which the models reach the same conclusion or disagree are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Because intercorrelations between 5 criteria of job performance were low, "overall performance" seems to be of less value than previously thought. Ss were 975 individuals in 27 units of a delivery service firm. The 5 measures of job performance were: overall effectiveness, productivity, chargeable accidents, unexcused accidents, and errors. "Measurement and use of job performance criterion variables will remain at a primitive and empirical level until there is created some complex theory of job performance which takes into account systems of causal and conditioning variables." (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

就我国地价、房价和股价间影响关系问题,通过实证分析后认为:我国土地市场与股票市场间存在正相关关系,土地价格上涨引起股票价格上涨;地价上涨并未导致房价上涨.  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationships among previous experiences of student alienation and the various aspects of self concept. A total of 351 undergraduate students were administered the Student Alienation and Trauma Survey-Revised (SATS-R) and the Tennessee Self Concept Scale: Second Edition (TSCS:2). Students were asked to report on their worst experience in school, symptoms they had following this worst experience, and overall feelings about themselves. Results indicated a moderate negative correlation between self concept and student alienation. A stepwise multiple regression analysis indicated that among the subtests of the SATS-R, Hopelessness, and General Maladjustment scores best predicted poor student self concept. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Conducted a study concerned with relationships among 3 different methods of evaluating psychotherapy outcome: final status scores, pretreatment to posttreatment difference scores, and direct ratings of global improvement. 50 outpatients with acute stress reaction were seen by 7 therapists for approximately 6 wks of brief crisis-oriented treatment. Pre- and posttherapy status measures consisted of the Symptom Check List, filled out by the S, and the Psychiatric Evaluation Form and the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale filled out by a research psychiatrist. These measures were oriented primarily toward symptomatology and daily functioning as deemed appropriate for a brief-treatment service. Ratings of global improvement were also available from the therapist and the S. Generally, final status measures correlated highly with each other and also with the direct improvement ratings. Global improvement ratings were not related to initial scores. Use of difference scores tended to obscure convergence of posttreatment measures. Similarities and differences among these relationships and those previously reported in the literature are discussed, and inferences are drawn concerning optimal methods of evaluation. (32 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A model of relationships among 4 cognitive components (working memory, representation, metacognition, and performance) implicated in the acquisition and transfer of Logo was developed and tested. Two implementations of mediated instruction, one of which involved a macrocontext (Cognition and Technology Group at Vanderbilt, 1990), also were compared with respect to these 4 components and to measures of transfer. Few reliable differences were found between instructional conditions, indicating that the systematic mediation of Logo learning was equally effective whether presented with or without the larger framework of a macrocontext. Path analysis of correlations among the 4 cognitive components and a series of transfer tasks indicated that transfer was regulated by a system of relationships among the cognitive components. The respective contribution of each cognitive component varied with the type of transfer task. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Examined the relationships between various measures of fear for snake phobic Ss. 107 female undergraduates reporting high degrees of fear for snakes were given the Fear Survey Schedule, the Bendig Emotionality Scale, the MA scale, the Lang Snake Questionnaire, the Endler Stimulus Situation-Response Inventory of Anxiousness, Nawas' Behavioral Avoidance Test, and the Walk Fear Thermometer. 25 Ss who were unable to touch the snake also completed Welsh's A scale. 2 factors were extracted which accounted for 61% of the total variance: (a) generalized and pervasive anxiety, and (b) specific fears. A correlation matrix of results is presented. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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