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The presented program package “ExTHERM” consists of three parts: (i) cETD, a simple interactive open data bank module covering all types of metal alloys (over 150 binary phases and some ternaries), (ii) cMod, a module for algebraic conversion among different representations of excess data, and (iii) cM3_(KMS/ EMF/HTC), three interactive evaluation units suitable for overall best fits of experimental investigations expandable to mass spectrometric (KMS), EMF, and calorimetric investigations (HTC). The concept is based upon the multi-component TAPS (Thermodynamically Adapted Power Series) concept of excess quantities covering all types of solutions, includingn liquid alloys showing short range ordering. The data bank is based upon the Hultgren data of binary systems and on new experimental data. Individual supplements may be performed easily. The conversion module employs a modular concept procedure which makes the conversions independent of the actual system data. For all software modules contact the author.  相似文献   

We present a new foreign-function interface for SML/NJ. It is based on the idea of data-level interoperability—the ability of ML programs to inspect as well as manipulate C data structures directly.The core component of this work is an encoding of the almost2 complete C type system in ML types. The encoding makes extensive use of a “folklore” typing trick, taking advantage of ML's polymorphism, its type constructors, its abstraction mechanisms, and even functors. A small low-level component which deals with C struct and union declarations as well as program linkage is hidden from the programmer's eye by a simple program-generator tool that translates C declarations to corresponding ML glue code.  相似文献   

An integrated learning object, a web-based inquiry environment “Young Scientist” for basic school level is introduced by applying the semiosphere conception for explaining learning processes. The study focused on the development of students’ (n = 30) awareness of the affordances of learning objects (LO) during the 3 inquiry tasks, and their ability of dynamically reconstructing meanings in the inquiry subtasks through exploiting these LO affordances in “Young Scientist”. The problem-solving data recorded by the inquiry system and the awareness questionnaire served as the data-collection methods.It was demonstrated that learners obtain complete awareness of the LO affordances in an integrated learning environment only after several problem-solving tasks. It was assumed that the perceived task-related properties and functions of LOs depend on students’ interrelations with LOs in specific learning contexts. Learners’ overall awareness of certain LO affordances, available in the inquiry system “Young Scientist”, developed with three kinds of patterns, describing the hierarchical development of the semiosphere model for learners. The better understanding of the LO affordances, characteristic to the formation of the functioning semiosphere, was significantly related to the advanced knowledge construction during these inquiry subtasks that presumed translation of information from one semiotic system to another. The implications of the research are discussed in the frames of the development of new contextual gateways for learning with virtual objects. It is assumed that effective LO-based learning has to be organized through pedagogically constrained gateways by manifesting certain LO affordances in the context in order to build up the dynamic semiosphere model for learners.  相似文献   

This study considers those questions posed by students during e-mail “tutorials” to elicit information from “guest lecturers” and the use of that information by students in their essays. The “tutorials” were conducted for students in the U.K. by a “guest lecturer” in France. The “guest lecturer” was accredited as a tutor on the module for which the students were enrolled, and participated in the module by the provision of lecture notes prior to the e-mail tutorials. Data for the study, drawn from a comparative education assignment set for undergraduate students enrolled on the module, comprised surveys of students' perceived IT capabilities and attitudes towards IT, analyses of students' questions and analyses of students' essays. The findings of the study indicate (1) that tutees tend to pose questions to elicit information or clarification rather than to elicit the viewpoint or opinions of the “guest lecturer” and (2) that two-thirds of tutees' essays cited information elicited from the “guest lecturer”.  相似文献   

The threat of cyber attacks motivates the need to monitor Internet traffic data for potentially abnormal behavior. Due to the enormous volumes of such data, statistical process monitoring tools, such as those traditionally used on data in the product manufacturing arena, are inadequate. “Exotic” data may indicate a potential attack; detecting such data requires a characterization of “typical” data. We devise some new graphical displays, including a “skyline plot,” that permit ready visual identification of unusual Internet traffic patterns in “streaming” data, and use appropriate statistical measures to help identify potential cyberattacks. These methods are illustrated on a moderate-sized data set (135,605 records) collected at George Mason University.  相似文献   

We show that the negative feedback interconnection of two causal, stable, linear time-invariant systems, with a “mixed” small gain and passivity property, is guaranteed to be finite-gain stable. This “mixed” small gain and passivity property refers to the characteristic that, at a particular frequency, systems in the feedback interconnection are either both “input and output strictly passive”; or both have “gain less than one”; or are both “input and output strictly passive” and simultaneously both have “gain less than one”. The “mixed” small gain and passivity property is described mathematically using the notion of dissipativity of systems, and finite-gain stability of the interconnection is proven via a stability result for dissipative interconnected systems.  相似文献   

This paper describes the information system used to search for a potential matrimonial partner. The search is based on comparison of the subject's record, which consists of his/her answers to about 400 items of a specially designed questionnaire, to the records of the potential partners. The basic principle of the system is representation of the set of candidates for the client with psychological warnings about potential “conflict zones” in relationships between client and candidate rather than a ranking of candidates based on hypothetical “psychological compatibility” indices.  相似文献   

Online systems have come to be heavily used in education, particularly for online learning and collecting information not otherwise readily available. Most e-learning systems, including interactive learning systems, have been designed to “push” course materials to students but rarely to “collect” or “pull” ideas from them. The interactive mechanisms in proposed instructional design models, however, prevent many potential designers from improving course quality, even though some believe that the learning experience and the comments of students are important for enhancing course materials. As well, students could actually contribute to instructional design.This paper presents a course material enhancement process that elicits ideas from students by encouraging students to modify course materials. This process had been tested on different higher education programs, both graduate and undergraduate. It aims to understand which programs’ students have a higher willingness to participate in this work and if they can benefit from this process. To facilitate this research, an asynchronous interaction system, teacher digital assistant (TDA), was designed for teachers to receive responses, recommendations, and modified materials from students at any time. The major advantage of this process is that it could embed students’ thoughts into the course material to improve the curriculum, which can benefit future students.  相似文献   

This paper presents persistent Turing machines (PTMs), a new way of interpreting Turing-machine computation, based on dynamic stream semantics. A PTM is a Turing machine that performs an infinite sequence of “normal” Turing machine computations, where each such computation starts when the PTM reads an input from its input tape and ends when the PTM produces an output on its output tape. The PTM has an additional worktape, which retains its content from one computation to the next; this is what we mean by persistence.A number of results are presented for this model, including a proof that the class of PTMs is isomorphic to a general class of effective transition systems called interactive transition systems; and a proof that PTMs without persistence (amnesic PTMs) are less expressive than PTMs. As an analogue of the Church-Turing hypothesis which relates Turing machines to algorithmic computation, it is hypothesized that PTMs capture the intuitive notion of sequential interactive computation.  相似文献   

In this paper, we identify key challenges faced by computer-based assessment (CBA) in secondary education and we put forward a framework of design considerations: design with the students and teachers, select the most appropriate media platform and plan an evolution rather than a revolution of prior practices. We present the CBA application ‘MyTest’ which was developed using the participatory methodology We!Design, with the collaboration of 31 students and teachers. The application is targeted for the Tablet PC platform, provides “digital ink” capabilities and supports both closed-type and open questions, facilitating the transfer of traditional assessment practices to CBA. Both students and teachers were excited about the design sessions, and they asserted that they would rely more on educational software designed using this approach. The comparison of the ‘MyTest’ application with an assessment application developed with the same participatory methodology and the involvement of 40 undergraduate students revealed dissimilar expectations and needs of high school and undergraduate students that are often disguised or misinterpreted. A pilot evaluation of the application in real learning conditions was conducted with 31 students using Tablet PCs and with 37 students using traditional PCs. Interestingly, the Tablet PC platform rendered the ‘MyTest’ application more useful and usable to the students, validating our claims.  相似文献   

Sequential operators in computability logic   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Computability logic (CL) is a semantical platform and research program for redeveloping logic as a formal theory of computability, as opposed to the formal theory of truth which it has more traditionally been. Formulas in CL stand for (interactive) computational problems, understood as games between a machine and its environment; logical operators represent operations on such entities; and “truth” is understood as existence of an effective solution, i.e., of an algorithmic winning strategy.The formalism of CL is open-ended, and may undergo series of extensions as the study of the subject advances. The main groups of operators on which CL has been focused so far are the parallel, choice, branching, and blind operators, with the logical behaviors of the first three groups resembling those of the multiplicatives, additives and exponentials of linear logic, respectively. The present paper introduces a new important group of operators, called sequential. The latter come in the form of sequential conjunction and disjunction, sequential quantifiers, and sequential recurrences (“exponentials”). As the name may suggest, the algorithmic intuitions associated with this group are those of sequential computations, as opposed to the intuitions of parallel computations associated with the parallel group of operations. Specifically, while playing a parallel combination of games means playing all components of the combination simultaneously, playing a sequential combination means playing the components in a sequential fashion, one after one.The main technical result of the present paper is a sound and complete axiomatization of the propositional fragment of computability logic whose vocabulary, together with negation, includes all three — parallel, choice and sequential — sorts of conjunction and disjunction. An extension of this result to the first-order level is also outlined.  相似文献   

Programmable rewriting strategies provide a valuable tool for implementing traversal functionality in grammar-driven (or schema-driven) tools. The working Haskell programmer has access to programmable rewriting strategies via two similar options: (i) the Strafunski bundle for generic functional programming and language processing, and (ii) the “Scrap Your Boilerplate” approach to generic functional programming. Basic rewrite steps are encoded as monomorphic functions on datatypes. Rewriting strategies are polymorphic functions composed from appropriate basic strategy combinators.We will briefly review programmable rewriting strategies in Haskell. We will address the following questions:
• What are the merits of Haskellish strategies?
• What is the relation between strategic programming and generic programming?
• What are the challenges for future work on functional strategies?
Keywords: Rewrite startegies; programming languages; Haskell; functional programming  相似文献   

Multi-stream interactive systems can be seen as “hidden adversary” systems (HAS), where the observable behaviour on any interaction channel is affected by interactions happening on other channels. One way of modelling HAS is in the form of a multi-process I/O automata, where each interacting process appears as a token in a shared state space. Constraints in the state space specify how the dynamics of one process affects other processes. We define the “liveness criterion” of each process as the end objective to be achieved by the process. The problem now for each process is to achieve this objective in the face of unforeseen interferences from other processes. In an earlier paper, it was proposed that this uncertainty can be mitigated by collaboration among the disparate processes. Two types of collaboration philosophies were also suggested: altruistic collaboration and pragmatic collaboration. This paper addresses the HAS validation problem where processes collaborate altruistically.  相似文献   

This study aims at highlighting the collaborative activity of two high school students (age 14) in the cases of modeling the complex biological process of plant growth with two different tools: the ‘paper & pencil’ concept mapping technique and the computer-supported educational environment ‘ModelsCreator’. Students’ shared activity in both cases is carried out in the presence of a facilitator providing technical as well as cognitive support when necessary. The objective of the study is to highlight the ways in which the collaborating students are engaged in the plant growth modeling activity in the two cases and also identify the activity’s similar and different aspects in each one. Our analysis is carried out on two complementary axes, the first of which concerns the process of collaboratively creating a plant growth model with each different tool, while the second has to do with the students’ conceptualizations of the biological aspect of the modeling task in each case. A two-level analytic tool for the modeling process has been derived within the theoretical framework of ‘activity theory’ on the basis of the OCAF scheme for basic modeling operations and the scheme of Stratford et al. [Stratford, S. J., Krajcik, J., & Soloway, E. (1998). Secondary students’ dynamic modeling processes: analyzing, reasoning about, synthesizing, and testing models of stream ecosystems. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 7(3), 215–234.] for higher-order modeling actions. According to our results, four major modeling actions (analysis, synthesis, testing-interpreting, technical and cognitive support) performed through a plethora of modeling operations define the steps of the modeling process in both cases, while specific qualitative differences can be actually identified. Finally, the students’ conceptualizations of the biological aspect of the modeling task in the two-case activity is analyzed in regard with their capability of shifting reasoning between macro- and micro-levels, while educational implications are also discussed.  相似文献   

This paper considers certain practical aspects of the identification of nonlinear empirical models for chemical process dynamics. The primary focus is the identification of second-order Volterra models using input sequences that offer the following three advantages: (1) they are “plant friendly;” (2) they simplify the required computations; (3) they can emphasize certain model parameters over others. To provide a quantitative basis for discussing the first of these advantages, this paper defines a friendliness index f that relates to the number of changes that occur in the sequence. For convenience, this paper also considers an additional nonlinear model structure: the Volterra–Laguerre model. To illustrate the practical utility of the input sequences considered here, second-order Volterra and Volterra–Laguerre models are developed that approximate the dynamics of a first-principles model of methyl methacrylate polymerization.  相似文献   

Induction based fluidics (IBF), a new, simple patented approach for transporting liquids in the micro and the macro world, is discussed. Electric fields are shown to energize liquid/s in a container/s to execute an array of purposes. IBF is shown uniquely to energize N liquids in simple off the shelf devices, inductively. We discuss calibration and other issues, as we demonstrate how simple devices can dispense nanoliters and microliters with high precision and accuracy. Furthermore, we show preliminary single and eight channel data for the Zip Tip™ made by Millipore where the device transports liquids “electrically.” We briefly consider how such new devices, “electric” Zip Tips™, might automate desalting and the placement of digests for MALDI TOF analysis.  相似文献   

Cαml is a tool that turns a so-called “binding specification” into an Objective Caml compilation unit. A binding specification resembles an algebraic data type declaration, but also includes information about names and binding. Cαml is meant to help writers of interpreters, compilers, or other programs-that-manipulate-programs deal with α-conversion in a safe and concise style. This paper presents an overview of Cαml's binding specification language and of the code that Cαml produces.  相似文献   

The paper investigates the problem of identifying uncertainty models of causal, SISO, LTI, discrete-time, BIBO stable, unknown systems, using frequency domain measurements corrupted by Gaussian noise of known covariance. Additive uncertainty models are looked for, consisting of a nominal model and an additive dynamic perturbation accounting for the modeling error. The nominal model is chosen within a class of affinely parametrized models with transfer function of given (possibly low) order. An estimate of the parameters minimizing the H modeling error is obtained by minimizing an upper bound of the worst-case (with respect to the modeling error) second moment of the estimation error. Then, a bound in the frequency domain guaranteeing to include, with probability α, the frequency response error between the estimated nominal model and the unknown system is derived.  相似文献   

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