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Simpson RE Fons P Kolobov AV Fukaya T Krbal M Yagi T Tominaga J 《Nature nanotechnology》2011,6(8):501-505
Phase-change memory technology relies on the electrical and optical properties of certain materials changing substantially when the atomic structure of the material is altered by heating or some other excitation process. For example, switching the composite Ge(2)Sb(2)Te(5) (GST) alloy from its covalently bonded amorphous phase to its resonantly bonded metastable cubic crystalline phase decreases the resistivity by three orders of magnitude, and also increases reflectivity across the visible spectrum. Moreover, phase-change memory based on GST is scalable, and is therefore a candidate to replace Flash memory for non-volatile data storage applications. The energy needed to switch between the two phases depends on the intrinsic properties of the phase-change material and the device architecture; this energy is usually supplied by laser or electrical pulses. The switching energy for GST can be reduced by limiting the movement of the atoms to a single dimension, thus substantially reducing the entropic losses associated with the phase-change process. In particular, aligning the c-axis of a hexagonal Sb(2)Te(3) layer and the 〈111〉 direction of a cubic GeTe layer in a superlattice structure creates a material in which Ge atoms can switch between octahedral sites and lower-coordination sites at the interface of the superlattice layers. Here we demonstrate GeTe/Sb(2)Te(3) interfacial phase-change memory (IPCM) data storage devices with reduced switching energies, improved write-erase cycle lifetimes and faster switching speeds. 相似文献
The search for a universal memory storage device that combines rapid read and write speeds, high storage density and non-volatility is driving the exploration of new materials in nanostructured form. Phase-change materials, which can be reversibly switched between amorphous and crystalline states, are promising in this respect, but top-down processing of these materials into nanostructures often damages their useful properties. Self-assembled nanowire-based phase-change material memory devices offer an attractive solution owing to their sub-lithographic sizes and unique geometry, coupled with the facile etch-free processes with which they can be fabricated. Here, we explore the effects of nanoscaling on the memory-storage capability of self-assembled Ge2Sb2Te5 nanowires, an important phase-change material. Our measurements of write-current amplitude, switching speed, endurance and data retention time in these devices show that such nanowires are promising building blocks for non-volatile scalable memory and may represent the ultimate size limit in exploring current-induced phase transition in nanoscale systems. 相似文献
相变储能材料的制备与研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
选择了几种脂肪酸,依据二元低共熔原理,制备出适合建筑材料使用的二元有机相变储能材料。通过DSC分析了复合储能材料的相变温度、相变焓等热性能,结果表明:当CA∶LA;CA∶MA;CA∶PA的质量比分别为53.45∶46.55∶60.2∶39.8∶61.6∶38.4时,其相变焓和相变温度分别为CA-LA:120.7J/g;20.82℃,CA-MA:120.3J/g;19.15℃,CA-PA:142.9J/g;22.05℃,适合于民用建筑对相变材料的要求。通过SEM分析检测了珍珠岩吸附相变材料后的表面微观变化,结果表明:有机羧酸均匀吸附在多孔基体中,此种材料可以应用于夹心节能建筑围护结构中。 相似文献
Synthesis and device characteristics of highly scalable antimony selenide nanowire-based phase transition memory are reported. Antimony selenide nanowires prepared using the metal-catalyst-free approach are single-crystalline and of high-purity. The nanowire memory can be repeatedly switched between high-resistance (approximately 10 Momega) and low-resistance (approximately 1 komega) states which are attributed to amorphous and crystalline states, respectively. 相似文献
AbstractPhase-change materials are suitable for data storage because they exhibit reversible transitions between crystalline and amorphous states that have distinguishable electrical and optical properties. Consequently, these materials find applications in diverse memory devices ranging from conventional optical discs to emerging nanophotonic devices. Current research efforts are mostly devoted to phase-change random access memory, whereas the applications of phase-change materials in other types of memory devices are rarely reported. Here we review the physical principles of phase-change materials and devices aiming to help researchers understand the concept of phase-change memory. We classify phase-change memory devices into phase-change optical disc, phase-change scanning probe memory, phase-change random access memory, and phase-change nanophotonic device, according to their locations in memory hierarchy. For each device type we discuss the physical principles in conjunction with merits and weakness for data storage applications. We also outline state-of-the-art technologies and future prospects. 相似文献
Phase-change materials can rapidly and reversibly be switched between an amorphous and a crystalline phase. Since both phases are characterized by very different optical and electrical properties, these materials can be employed for rewritable optical and electrical data storage. Hence, there are considerable efforts to identify suitable materials, and to optimize them with respect to specific applications. Design rules that can explain why the materials identified so far enable phase-change based devices would hence be very beneficial. This article describes materials that have been successfully employed and dicusses common features regarding both typical structures and bonding mechanisms. It is shown that typical structural motifs and electronic properties can be found in the crystalline state that are indicative for resonant bonding, from which the employed contrast originates. The occurence of resonance is linked to the composition, thus providing a design rule for phase-change materials. This understanding helps to unravel characteristic properties such as electrical and thermal conductivity which are discussed in the subsequent section. Then, turning to the transition kinetics between the phases, the current understanding and modeling of the processes of amorphization and crystallization are discussed. Finally, present approaches for improved high-capacity optical discs and fast non-volatile electrical memories, that hold the potential to succeed present-day's Flash memory, are presented. 相似文献
We report the synthesis and characterization of Sb-doped Te-rich nanotubes, and study their memory switching properties under the application of electrical pulses. Te-rich nanotubes display significantly low writing currents due to their small cross-sectional areas, which is desirable for power-efficient memory operation. The nanotube devices show limited resistance ratio and cyclic switching capability owing to the intrinsic properties of Te. The observed memory switching properties of this new class of nanostructured memory elements are discussed in terms of fundamental materials properties and extrinsic geometrical effects. 相似文献
The size scaling of the threshold voltage required for the amorphous-to-crystalline transition in phase-change memory (PCM) is investigated using planar devices incorporating individual GeTe and Sb2Te3 nanowires. We show that the scaling law governing threshold switching changes from constant field to constant voltage scaling as the amorphous domain length falls below 10 nm. This crossover is a consequence of the energetic requirement for carrier multiplication through inelastic scattering processes and indicates that the size of PCM bits can be miniaturized to the true nanometer scale. 相似文献
The coupled transport of heat and electrical current, or thermoelectric phenomena, can strongly influence the temperature distribution and figures of merit for phase-change memory (PCM). This paper simulates PCM devices with careful attention to thermoelectric transport and the resulting impact on programming current during the reset operation. The electrothermal simulations consider Thomson heating within the phase-change material and Peltier heating at the electrode interface. Using representative values for the Thomson and Seebeck coefficients extracted from our past measurements of these properties, we predict a cell temperature increase of 44% and a decrease in the programming current of 16%. Scaling arguments indicate that the impact of thermoelectric phenomena becomes greater with smaller dimensions due to enhanced thermal confinement. This work estimates the scaling of this reduction in programming current as electrode contact areas are reduced down to 10 nm × 10 nm. Precise understanding of thermoelectric phenomena and their impact on device performance is a critical part of PCM design strategies. 相似文献
We describe the application of partial-response (PR) signaling in rewritable phase-change optical data storage. No electronic filter is necessary to shape the readout signal to a certain PR target. A PR-like waveform at the output of the read channel is directly achieved by optical recording. A genetic algorithm is used to optimize the parameters for writing and therefore to minimize the difference between the actual readout signal and the ideal PR waveform. With a laser wavelength of 0.66 microm and an objective lens with a numerical aperture of 0.6, four linear densities were examined: 0.4, 0.3, 0.25, and 0.2 microm/bit (without modulation). Results showed that the linear density of 0.25 microm/bit can be realized on a rewritable digital-versatile disk. 相似文献
Chang CC Kao KF Tsai MJ Yew TR Chin TS 《Journal of nanoscience and nanotechnology》2011,11(12):10654-10658
Performance of phase-change materials based on Ga-Te-Sb was found getting better with decreasing Te content in our earlier studies. We concerned much properties of Te-free, Sb-rich binary Ga-Sb, which has been known to possess extremely fast crystallization behavior. Non-isothermal and isothermal crystallization kinetics of amorphous Sb-rich Ga-Sb films were explored by temperature dependent electrical resistance measurements. The crystallization temperature (183 to 261 degrees C) increases with decreasing Sb content (91 to 77 at%). The activation energy and rate-factor vary with Sb contents and reach the maximum at Ga19Sb81. The kinetic exponent is smaller than 1.5 at Sb < 85 at% denoting that the mechanism is one-dimensional crystal-growth from nuclei. The temperature corresponding to 10-year data-retention, evaluated from films, is 180 degrees C (Ga19Sb81) and 137 degrees C (Ga13Sb87), respectively. We verified memory performance using test-devices made of Ga16Sb84 working at voltages with 100 ns pulse-width. 相似文献
We describe the application of partial-response (PR) maximum-likelihood (ML) detection in rewritable phase-change optical data storage. The input to this detector, which is simulated in software, is the actual signal (without any equalization), reproduced from reading of the recorded sequence on an optical disk. The detection algorithm involves the extraction of the impulse response from the readout signal, PR equalization, the adjustment of gain and recovery of clock, ML sequence estimation with the Viterbi algorithm, and analysis of PRML performance. With a laser wavelength of 0.69 mum and an objective lens with a numerical aperture of 0.6, three linear densities are examined: 0.35 and 0.31 mum/bit without modulation code and 0.2 mum/bit with the (1, 7) modulation code. The equalized signal exhibits good eye patterns, especially at the densities of 0.35 and 0.31 mum/bit. Analyses of noise and bit-error rate indicate that jitter, rather than noise, is the main obstacle to realizing ultrahigh density in phase-change media with PRML detection. We also briefly discuss the problem of the inherent nonlinear effect in phase-change readout. 相似文献
Ultrafast switching in nanoscale phase-change random access memory with superlattice-like structures 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Phase-change random access memory cells with superlattice-like (SLL) GeTe/Sb(2)Te(3) were demonstrated to have excellent scaling performance in terms of switching speed and operating voltage. In this study, the correlations between the cell size, switching speed and operating voltage of the SLL cells were identified and investigated. We found that small SLL cells can achieve faster switching speed and lower operating voltage compared to the large SLL cells. Fast amorphization and crystallization of 300 ps and 1 ns were achieved in the 40 nm SLL cells, respectively, both significantly faster than those observed in the Ge(2)Sb(2)Te(5) (GST) cells of the same cell size. 40 nm SLL cells were found to switch with low amorphization voltage of 0.9 V when pulse-widths of 5 ns were employed, which is much lower than the 1.6 V required by the GST cells of the same cell size. These effects can be attributed to the fast heterogeneous crystallization, low thermal conductivity and high resistivity of the SLL structures. Nanoscale PCRAM with SLL structure promises applications in high speed and low power memory devices. 相似文献
随着人们生活水平的提高,人们对冬季室内环境的舒适性也要求越来越高。相对于传统的采暖模式,地板辐射采暖逐渐以其舒适性和安全性为大家所接受。本文主要讨论了地暖的系统形式、相变蓄热材料以及管道的铺设方式等。 相似文献
Phase-transition temperature of GeSbTe (GST) chalcogenide film was drastically increased from 159 to 236 °C by cerium (Ce) doping (up to 8.6 at.%) without altering the resistivity property of GST. Grain refinement via the solid-solution mechanism and the amplification of p-type semiconducting behavior in Ce-doped GST were observed. They were correlated with the enhancement of thermal stability and data retention property of GST as revealed by exothermal and isothermal analyses. Phase-change memory (PCM) device characterized at various temperatures revealed an effective thermal stability improvement on the threshold voltage of PCM device by Ce doping. 相似文献
Ge-Sb-Te materials are used in optical DVDs and non-volatile electronic memories (phase-change random-access memory). In both, data storage is effected by fast, reversible phase changes between crystalline and amorphous states. Despite much experimental and theoretical effort to understand the phase-change mechanism, the detailed atomistic changes involved are still unknown. Here, we describe for the first time how the entire write/erase cycle for the Ge(2)Sb(2)Te(5) composition can be reproduced using ab initio molecular-dynamics simulations. Deep insight is gained into the phase-change process; very high densities of connected square rings, characteristic of the metastable rocksalt structure, form during melt cooling and are also quenched into the amorphous phase. Their presence strongly facilitates the homogeneous crystal nucleation of Ge(2)Sb(2)Te(5). As this simulation procedure is general, the microscopic insight provided on crystal nucleation should open up new ways to develop superior phase-change memory materials, for example, faster nucleation, different compositions, doping levels and so on. 相似文献
Using a two-laser static tester, we measured the crystallization temperature and the thermal conductivity of a phase-change alloy thin film used in write-once-read-many media of optical data storage. The experimental technique, in general, and the calibration procedures, in particular, are described. The measurement results are used as entry points into numerical calculations that ultimately yield estimates of the material parameters. Valuable information about the dynamics of mark formation (i.e., localized crystallization) in amorphous phase-change alloy films is obtained from the observed variations of the sample reflectance under short-pulse and long-pulse recording conditions. The dependence of these reflectance variations on the laser pulse power has also been investigated. 相似文献