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Posttransplant monitoring of anti-HLA antibodies with routine techniques gives unsatisfactory results due to a variety of technical limitations. We investigated how a new alternative technique correlates with posttransplant clinical events. A total of 313 nonselected serum samples from 136 patients were screened by an ELISA utilizing captured soluble HLA class I antigens. We observed the absence of anti-HLA antibody production in acute rejection cases responding to standard antirejection therapy. On the other hand, we showed a clear presence of these antibodies in acute rejection episodes not responding to standard therapy (P<0.0001) and in chronic rejection (P<0.001). We conclude that routine posttransplant monitoring by ELISA offers early risk assessment that is crucial for proper immunosuppression and for antirejection therapy choice.  相似文献   

Bilateral microphthalmia with blepharophimosis, linear lesions of dermal aplasia involving the face, and microcephaly were present in a newborn girl who died at age 9 months from cardiomyopathy resulting in ventricular fibrillation. Autopsy showed an atrial septum defect, persistent gross trabeculation of the left ventricle, and an arteria lusoria. This case represents a further example of a new entity for which we propose the term MIDAS syndrome. The acronym stands for microphthalmia, dermal aplasia, and sclerocornea. Our patient is the second with this syndrome to have a major congenital heart defect. Cytogenetic studies reported in previous cases indicate that the underlying gene defect can be assigned to Xp22.3. This new X-linked male-lethal trait should be distinguished from focal dermal hypoplasia that will be found to map elsewhere on the X-chromosome.  相似文献   

Dent disease, an X-linked familial renal tubular disorder, is a form of Fanconi syndrome associated with proteinuria, hypercalciuria, nephrocalcinosis, kidney stones, and eventual renal failure. We have previously used positional cloning to identify the 3' part of a novel kidney-specific gene (initially termed hClC-K2, but now referred to as CLCN5), which is deleted in patients from one pedigree segregating Dent disease. Mutations that disrupt this gene have been identified in other patients with this disorder. Here we describe the isolation and characterization of the complete open reading frame of the human CLCN5 gene, which is predicted to encode a protein of 746 amino acids, with significant homology to all known members of the ClC family of voltage-gated chloride channels. CLCN5 belongs to a distinct branch of this family, which also includes the recently identified genes CLCN3 and CLCN4. We have shown that the coding region of CLCN5 is organized into 12 exons, spanning 25-30 kb of genomic DNA, and have determined the sequence of each exon-intron boundary. The elucidation of the coding sequence and exon-intron organization of CLCN5 will both expedite the evaluation of structure/function relationships of these ion channels and facilitate the screening of other patients with renal tubular dysfunction for mutations at this locus.  相似文献   

orf186, a new member of the Nudix hydrolase family of genes, has been cloned and expressed, and the protein has been purified and identified as an enzyme highly specific for compounds of ADP. Its three major substrates are adenosine(5')triphospho(5')adenosine, ADP-ribose, and NADH, all implicated in a variety of cellular regulatory processes, supporting the notion that the function of the Nudix hydrolases is to monitor the concentrations of reactive nucleoside diphosphate derivatives and to help modulate their accumulation during cellular metabolism.  相似文献   

Lipoprotein(a) (Lp(a)) represents a class of plasma lipoproteins similar to low-density lipoprotein (LDL), but containing an unique apolipoprotein(a) with striking homology to plasminogen. Plasma Lp(a) is inherited as a quantitative genetic trait, with a continuous distribution in Caucasian populations (< 10-2000 mg/l), where high levels are associated with an increased risk of atherosclerotic disease. The physiological role of Lp(a) is unknown, and the metabolism is obscure. Plasma Lp(a) is apparently resistent to diets and drug therapy, and LDL-apheresis is currently the most effective way of reducing plasma Lp(a). However, clinical benefits of lowering plasma Lp(a) have not been demonstrated, and specific therapeutic goals cannot be recommended at present. The structural similarity between apo(a) and plasminogen has generated several experimental observations indicating a prothombogenic and proatherogenic role of Lp(a), but the exact pathophysiological mechanisms have not been determined.  相似文献   

The multidrug resistance protein 5 (MRP5/ABCC5) has been recently identified as cellular export pump for cyclic nucleotides with 3',5'-cyclic GMP (cGMP) as a high-affinity substrate. In view of the important role of cGMP for cardiovascular function, expression of this transport protein in human heart is of relevance. We analyzed the expression and localization of MRP5 in human heart [21 auricular (AS) and 15 left ventricular samples (LV) including 5 samples of dilated and ischemic cardiomyopathy]. Quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction normalized to beta-actin revealed expression of the MRP5 gene in all samples (LV, 38.5 +/- 12.9; AS, 12.7 +/- 5.6; P < 0.001). An MRP5-specific polyclonal antibody detected a glycoprotein of approximately 190 kd in crude cell membrane fractions from these samples. Immunohistochemistry with the affinity-purified antibody revealed localization of MRP5 in cardiomyocytes as well as in cardiovascular endothelial and smooth muscle cells. Furthermore, we could detect MRP5 and ATP-dependent transport of [(3)H]cGMP in sarcolemma vesicles of human heart. Quantitative analysis of the immunoblots indicated an interindividual variability with a higher expression of MRP5 in the ischemic (104 +/- 38% of recombinant MRP5 standard) compared to normal ventricular samples (53 +/- 36%, P < 0.05). In addition, we screened genomic DNA from our samples for 20 single-nucleotide polymorphisms in the MRP5 gene. These results indicate that MRP5 is localized in cardiac and cardiovascular myocytes as well as endothelial cells with increased expression in ischemic cardiomyopathy. Therefore, MRP5-mediated cellular export may represent a novel, disease-dependent pathway for cGMP removal from cardiac cells.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To retrospectively examine the optic disc photographs of a glaucoma population for optic disc haemorrhages, vascular occlusions and vascular abnormalities. METHODS: The optic disc photographs of 906 eyes of glaucoma and suspect glaucoma patients were examined. Optic disc photographs were taken annually, where possible, with the follow-up period varying between 1 and 14 years duration (mean, 2.89). Glaucoma patients are regularly reviewed every 4-6 months and glaucoma suspects every 1-2 years, depending on the ophthalmologist. Low-tension glaucoma patients were reviewed more frequently (mean, every 2.6 months). The results of the findings were compared to a control group of 39 subjects with a mean follow-up period of 7 years, using Fisher's exact test. RESULTS: It was found that during the period under review, 7.4% (n = 67) of eyes had optic disc haemorrhages. The highest frequency of optic disc haemorrhages (37.5%) was found in the low tension glaucoma group (P = 0.0001) followed by 11% of primary open-angle glaucoma eyes (P = 0.03). In the normal group there were three eyes with optic disc haemorrhages and one with a disc collateral, which constitutes 5.1% vascular changes in this sub-group. Of the study eyes 2.8% had central retinal vein occlusions, 1.3% branch vein occlusion, 1.2% disc vessel abnormalities (loops) and 1.1% disc collaterals. Discrete nerve fibre layer haemorrhages and microaneurysms were found in 0.8% and 1.8% of eyes, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: A total of 16.8% of the eyes observed in this study had either disc haemorrhages or vascular changes. The underlying trend of vascular and haemorrhagic changes in glaucoma are demonstrated in this sample, which is in general agreement with previous studies. The high percentage of optic disc haemorrhages in low tension glaucoma is highlighted. The presence of microaneurysms and nerve fibre layer haemorrhages is interesting but of unknown significance.  相似文献   

Most anticardiolipin antibodies (ACA) associated with antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) are directed against epitopes expressed on beta2-glycoprotein I (beta2GPI). Despite a good correlation between standard ACA assays and those using purified human beta2GPI as the sole antigen, some sera from APS patients only react in the latter. This is indicative of heterogeneity in anti-beta2GPI antibodies. To characterize their reactivity profiles, human and bovine beta2GPI were immobilized on gamma-irradiated plates (beta2GPI-ELISA), plain polystyrene precoated with increasing cardiolipin concentrations (CL/beta2GPI-ELISA), and affinity columns. Fluid-phase inhibition experiments were also carried out with both proteins. Of 56 selected sera, restricted recognition of bovine or human beta2GPI occurred respectively in 10/29 IgA-positive and 9/22 IgM-positive samples, and most of the latter (8/9) were missed by the standard ACA assay, as expected from a previous study. Based on species specificity and ACA results, IgG-positive samples (53/56) were categorized into three groups: antibodies reactive to bovine beta2GPI only (group I) or to bovine and human beta2GPI, group II being ACA-negative, and group III being ACA-positive. The most important group, group III (n = 33) was characterized by (i) binding when beta2GPI was immobilized on gamma-irradiated polystyrene or cardiolipin at sufficient concentration (regardless of beta2GPI density, as assessed using 125I-beta2GPI); (ii) and low avidity binding to fluid-phase beta2GPI (Kd in the range 10(-5) M). In contrast, all six group II samples showed (i) ability to bind human and bovine beta2GPI immobilized on non-irradiated plates; (ii) concentration-dependent blockade of binding by cardiolipin, suggesting epitope location in the vicinity of the phospholipid binding site on native beta2GPI; (iii) and relative avidities approximately 100-fold higher than in group III. Group I patients were heterogeneous with respect to CL/beta2GPI-ELISA and ACA results (6/14 scored negative), possibly reflecting antibody differences in terms of avidity and epitope specificity. Affinity fractionation of 23 sera showed the existence, in individual patients, of various combinations of antibody subsets solely reactive to human or bovine beta2GPI, together with cross-species reactive subsets present in all samples with dual reactivity namely groups III and II, although the latter antibodies were poorly purified on either column. Therefore, the mode of presentation of beta2GPI greatly influences its recognition by anti-beta2GPI antibodies with marked inter-individual heterogeneity, in relation to ACA quantitation and, possibly, disease presentation and pathogenesis.  相似文献   

研究了新试剂2-(5-溴-4-甲基-2-吡啶偶氮)-5-二甲氨基苯胺(5-Br-4-CH3-PADMA)与镍的显色反应,建立了分光光度法测定镍的新方法。结果表明,在 pH 值为 4.2~6.0 的 HAc-NaAc 缓冲溶液中,在阴离子表面活性剂十二烷基硫酸钠(SDS)存在下,镍与 5-Br-4-CH3-PADMA 形成稳定的组成比为1∶2的紫色配合物,其最大吸收波长位于 567 nm 处。镍的质量浓度在0~0.40 μg/mL范围内遵守比尔定律,校准曲线的线性相关系数r=0.999 2,表观摩尔吸光系数ε=1.22×105 L·mol-1·cm-1。以硫脲和氟化铵做掩蔽剂可消除Cu2+、Fe3+ 和Pd2+等离子的干扰。方法用于铝合金中微量镍的测定,结果的相对标准偏差(RSD, n=6)为0.58%~0.98%,并与火焰原子吸收光谱法测定值一致。  相似文献   

Bacteriophage lambda lacking its Red recombination functions requires either its own gene product, Orf, or the product of Escherichia coli's recO, recR and recF genes (RecORF) for efficient recombination in recBC sbcB sbcC mutant cells (the RecF pathway). Phage crosses under conditions of a partial block to DNA replication have revealed the following: (1) In the presence of Orf, RecF pathway recombination is similar to lambda Red recombination; (2) Orf is necessary for focusing recombination toward the right end of the chromosome as lambda is conventionally drawn; (3) RecORF-mediated RecF pathway recombination is not focused toward the right end of the chromosome, which may indicate that RecORF travels along the DNA; (4) both Orf- and RecORF-mediated RecF pathway recombination are stimulated by DNA replication; and (5) low level recombination in the simultaneous absence of Orf and RecORF may occur by a break-copy mechanism that is not initiated by a double strand break. Models for the roles of Orf and RecO, RecR and RecF in recombination are presented.  相似文献   

Hepatitis B virus capsid protein comprises a 149 residue "assembly" domain that polymerizes into icosahedral particles, and a 34 residue RNA-binding "protamine" domain. Recently, the capsid structure has been studied to resolutions below 10 A by cryo-electron microscopy, revealing much of its alpha-helical substructure and that it appears to have a novel fold for a capsid protein; however, the resolution is still too low for chain-tracing by conventional criteria. Aiming to establish a fiducial marker to aid in the process of chain-tracing, we have used cryo-microscopy to pinpoint the binding site of a monoclonal antibody that recognizes the peptide from residues 78 to 83. This epitope resides on the outer rim of the 30 A long spikes that protrude from the capsid shell. These spikes are four-helix bundles formed by the pairing of helix-turn-helix motifs from two subunits; by means of a tilting experiment, we have determined that this bundle is right-handed. Variants of the same protein present two clinically important and non-crossreactive antigens: core antigen (HBcAg), which appears early in infection as assembled capsids; and the sentinel e-antigen (HBeAg), a non-particulate form. Knowledge of the binding site of our anti-HBcAg antibody bears on the molecular basis of the distinction between the two antigens, which appears to reflect conformational differences between the assembled and unassembled states of the capsid protein dimer, in addition to epitope masking in capsids.  相似文献   

We present the clinical features and growth and development of a child with a 45,XX,der(5)t(5;18) (p15;q11.2),-18 karyotype. She had microcephaly, prominent, posteriorly rotated ears, short palpebral fissures with an upward slant, a wide nasal bridge, a thin upper lip, and a short neck. In addition, she had complex congenital heart disease. Although there has been delay in growth and development, she has shown progress in both areas.  相似文献   

Tested a young female Indian elephant to determine sensitivity and frequency-discrimination and sound-localization thresholds. S was found to have an audibility curve similar to that of other mammals but one that was more sensitive to low frequencies and less sensitive to high frequencies than any other mammalian audiogram, including human's. S's sensitivity to frequency differences at low frequencies equaled that of humans. S was accurate at localizing sounds in the azimuthal plane, with thresholds around 1° for broadband noise. S's ability to localize pure tones suggested that it could use both binaural time- and intensity-difference cues to localize sound. (62 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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