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This paper describes an architecture and analyzes the performance of dynamic provisioning of lightpaths in an optical network. In dynamic provisioning, a lightpath is set up in real-time without rearranging the working and protection routes of existing lightpaths, and without the knowledge of future lightpath provisioning events. This paper develops a general model of the physical topology of the optical network, and outlines routing approaches for dynamic provisioning of lightpaths. It analyzes via simulations the performance of dynamically provisioned unprotected, 1+1 protected and mesh-restored lightpaths. The analysis of the efficiency of network utilization of dynamic provisioning focuses on the spare capacity needed for protection, and in particular focuses on the impact of sharing of wavelength channels for mesh-restored lightpaths. The main conclusion from the performance studies is that significant capacity gains are achieved with sharing of wavelength-channels for mesh-restored lightpaths with dynamic provisioning even for sparse topologies, and even at moderate loads  相似文献   

In an optical WDM mesh network, different protection schemes (such as dedicated or shared protection) can be used to improve the service availability against network failures. However, in order to satisfy a connections service-availability requirement in a cost-effective and resource-efficient manner, we need a systematic mechanism to select a proper protection scheme for each connection request while provisioning the connection. In this paper, we propose to use connection availability as a metric to provide differentiated protection services in a wavelength-convertible WDM mesh network. We develop a mathematical model to analyze the availabilities of connections with different protection modes (i.e., unprotected, dedicated protected, or shared protected). In the shared-protection case, we investigate how a connection's availability is affected by backup resource sharing. The sharing might cause backup resource contention between several connections when multiple simultaneous (or overlapping) failures occur in the network. Using a continuous-time Markov model, we derive the conditional probability for a connection to acquire backup resources in the presence of backup resource contention. Through this model, we show how the availability of a shared-protected connection can be quantitatively computed. Based on the analytical model, we develop provisioning strategies for a given set of connection demands in which an appropriate, possibly different, level of protection is provided to each connection according to its predefined availability requirement, e.g., 0.999, 0.997. We propose integer linear programming (ILP) and heuristic approaches to provision the connections cost effectively while satisfying the connections' availability requirements. The effectiveness of our provisioning approaches is demonstrated through numerical examples. The proposed provisioning strategies inherently facilitate the service differentiation in optical WDM mesh networks.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the problem of dynamic survivable lightpath provisioning against single-node/link failures in optical mesh networks employing wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM).We unify various forms of segment protection into generalized segment protection (GSP). In GSP, the working path of a lightpath is divided into multiple overlapping working segments, each of which is protected by a node-/link-disjoint backup segment. We design an efficient heuristic which, upon the arrival of a lightpath request, dynamically divides a judiciously selected working path into multiple overlapping working segments and computes a backup segment for each working segment while accommodating backup sharing. Compared to the widely considered shared-path protection scheme, GSP achieves much lower blocking probability and shorter protection-switching time for a small sacrifice in control and management overhead.On the basis of generalized segment protection, we present a new approach to provisioning lightpath requests according to their differentiated quality-of-protection (QoP) requirements. We focus on one of the most important QoP parameters—namely, protection-switching time—since lightpath requests may have differentiated protection-switching-time requirements. For example, lightpaths carrying voice traffic may require 50 ms protection-switching time while lightpaths carrying data traffic may have a wide range of protection-switching-time requirements. Numerical results show that our approach achieves significant performance gain which leads to a remarkable reduction in blocking probability.While our focus is on the optical WDM network, the basic ideas of our approaches can be applied to multi-protocol label switching (MPLS) networks with appropriate adjustments, e.g., differentiated bandwidth granularities.  相似文献   

Intelligent methods for automatic protection and restoration are critical in optical transport mesh networks. This paper discusses the problem of quality-of-service (QoS)-based protection in terms of the protection-switching time and availability for end-to-end lightpaths in a WDM mesh network. We analyze the backup lightpath-sharing problem in such networks and study the correlation of the working lightpaths and the impact of the correlation on the sharing of the backup lightpaths. We present a multi-protocol-label-switching (MPLS) control-based fully distributed algorithm to solve the protection problem. The proposed algorithm includes intelligent and automatic procedures to set up, take down, activate, restore, and manage backup lightpaths. It greatly reduces the required resources for protection by allowing the sharing of network resources by multiple backup lightpaths. At the same time, it guarantees, if possible, to satisfy the availability requirement even with resource sharing by taking the correlation of working lightpaths into consideration. A simple analysis of the proposed algorithm in terms of computation time and message complexity indicates that the implementation of the algorithm is practical. The illustrative studies that compare the performance of 1:1, unlimited sharing, and QoS-based backup sharing algorithms indicate that QoS-based sharing achieves comparable performance as unlimited sharing, which is much better than the 1:1 backup scheme in terms of connection blocking probability, average number of connections in the network for a given offered load, and network resource utilization.  相似文献   

《IEEE network》2001,15(4):46-54
This article presents a broad overview of the architectural and algorithmic aspects involved in deploying an optical cross-connect mesh network, starting from the network design and capacity planning phase to the real-time network operation phase involving dynamic provisioning and restoration of lightpaths and online algorithms for route computation. Frameworks for offline design and capacity planning of optical networks based on projected future lightpath demands are discussed. The essential components of an IP-centric control architecture for dynamic provisioning and restoration of lightpaths in optical networks are outlined. These include neighbor discovery, topology discovery, route computation, lightpath establishment, and lightpath restoration. Online algorithms for route computation of unprotected, 1+1 protected and mesh-restored lightpaths are discussed in both the centralized and distributed scenarios  相似文献   

In transparent optical networks, physical layer impairments (PLIs) incurred by non-ideal optical transmission media accumulate along an optical path, and the overall effect determines the optical feasibility of the lightpaths. In addition, transparent optical networks suffer from inefficient wavelength utilization, as a connection request may be rejected because of non-availability of a common wavelength on all the links along the chosen route. To increase optical reach, resource utilization, and average call acceptance ratio (and hence revenues), network operators are resort to translucent optical networks. In these networks a limited number of regenerators are placed at a selected set of nodes. In this scenario development of an optical control plane which is aware of PLIs, location and number of regenerators, is of paramount importance for on-demand lightpath provisioning. In this paper, we propose a novel approach of constructing a reachability graph of the physical network considering PLIs and regenerators. If there is no transparent path in the physical network, we route the connections with multiple transparent segments on the reachability graph. We propose efficient mechanisms and corresponding GMPLS protocol extensions for impairment and regenerator aware routing and wavelength assignment (IRA-RWA) in translucent optical networks. The simulation results suggest that our proposed approach together with LSP stitching signaling mechanism is feasible to implement and close to deployment.  相似文献   

As the WDM technology matures and the demand for bandwidth increases, dynamic provisioning of lightpaths at the WDM layer becomes an important and challenging problem. In this paper, we consider the problem of dynamic routing and wavelength assignment in wavelength-routed optical networks. The conventional approach to this problem is to select a route from a set of candidate routes, which has a common wavelength available on all the links of the route. In this paper, we propose a distributed algorithm which selects a route based on the state of the network (called preferred link approach). In this approach, a route is selected link by link based on a preference value given to each of the links. We propose three different heuristic functions for calculating the preference of the links, depending on the cost and congestion on the links. We evaluate our routing algorithm in terms of call acceptance ratio, cost of the path, hop length, and call setup time. Our experimental results suggest that our algorithm not only out performs the existing methods with respect to average call acceptance ratio, but, also improves the fairness among different hop connections, which is an important result in the case of WDM optical networks.  相似文献   

We investigate reliable multipath provisioning of traffic in high-capacity backbone mesh networks, e.g., next-generation SONET/SDH networks supporting virtual concatenation (VCAT). VCAT enables a connection to be inversely multiplexed on to multiple paths, a feature that may lead to significantly improved performance over conventional single-path provisioning. Other mesh networks such as those employing optical wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) and multiprotocol label switching (MPLS) can also benefit from this multipath provisioning approach. We propose effective multipath bandwidth as the metric to provision a connection while satisfying its reliability requirements (measured in terms of availability). We demonstrate that effective multipath bandwidth provides more flexibility and lower blocking probability without the cost and the complexity associated with traditional protection schemes developed for optical WDM and MPLS networks. We also investigate the practical problem of provisioning effective multipath bandwidth with cost constraints. We analyze the tractability of the problem and present a heuristic which results in significantly reduced number of blocked connections due to cost constraints.  相似文献   

New and improved approaches for shared-path protection in WDM mesh networks   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
This paper investigates the problem of dynamic survivable lightpath provisioning in optical mesh networks employing wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM). In particular, we focus on shared-path protection because it is resource efficient due to the fact that backup paths can share wavelength links when their corresponding working paths are mutually diverse. Our main contributions are as follows. 1) First, we prove that the problem of finding an eligible pair of working and backup paths for a new lightpath request requiring shared-path protection under the current network state is NP-complete. 2) Then, we develop a heuristic, called CAFES, to compute a feasible solution with high probability. 3) Finally, we design another heuristic, called OPT, to optimize resource consumption for a given solution. The merits of our approaches are that they capture the essence of shared-path protection and approach to optimal solutions without enumerating paths. We evaluate the effectiveness of our heuristics and the results are found to be promising.  相似文献   

We propose a comprehensive design methodology for control and data planes of wavelength-routed optical networks (WRONs) employing mixed-line-rate (MLR) transmission for cost-effective resource provisioning. The proposed approach attempts to minimize the maximum lightpath capacity demand in Gbps (representing the measure of lightpath congestion) in network for a given traffic matrix by using a mix of a heuristic scheme and linear programming (LP). In the first step of the proposed three-step design, some lightpaths are set up on a set of judiciously selected fiber links (with point-to-point lightpaths between neighboring nodes), on a specific wavelength throughout the network, and an appropriate fraction of the same set of lightpaths is utilized for carrying control information, forming therefore the control plane (CP) of the WRON. The remaining bandwidth of these lightpaths is utilized to carry the data traffic along with all other designed lightpaths of the WRON using appropriate algorithm, forming the overall data plane (DP) of the WRON. In the second step, traffic routing is carried out through LP to minimize lightpath congestion in the network. In the third step, we utilize the results of LP to assign rates to lightpaths, such that the cost (considering only the transceiver cost) of the network is minimized. This design leads to congestion-aware MLR network with due consideration to cost-effectiveness without compromising the network restoration response against link failures. We carry out simulation studies employing possible CPs using both symmetric (CP topology being same as the physical topology) as well as asymmetric (using fewer fiber links than the symmetric case) topology. The results of our simulations indicate that the proposed design of CP with symmetric/asymmetric topology and in-band transmission with sub-lightpath capacity can bring down network congestion and cost with respect to symmetric out-of-band transmission (using fully reserved lightpaths for CP), without any perceptible sacrifice in respect of the network restoration time. Failure can occur either in CP or DP, or in both the planes. We investigate the effect of design of CP with symmetric/asymmetric topology on network restoration time for single- and double-link failures. We further present DP design methodology with hybrid restoration scheme, i.e., combination of dedicated (1:1) path protection and path restoration. We analyze the effect of symmetric CP topology and degree of protection on the congestion of the network. Some lightpaths, that support more traffic, are protected against failures, while the others are left for path restoration in the event of failures. As more lightpaths are protected, the congestion and power consumption of network increase. We provide an analysis of the factors that come into play while altering the degree of protection and observe how the choice for the degree of protection in DP can be arrived at using an appropriate design methodology.  相似文献   

We assess the benefits of using statistical techniques to ascertain the shareability of protection channels when computing shared-mesh restored lightpaths in optical mesh networks. These optical networks support wavelength conversion everywhere as a byproduct of the electronic nature of the switching in the optical-electronic-optical optical cross connect used. Current deterministic approaches require a detailed level of information proportional to the number of active lightpaths. Although this is not an issue for good sized networks in the foreseeable future, these approaches are not practicable for distributed route computation involving larger networks. On the other hand, distributed approaches that do not make use of shareability information require a significant amount of additional capacity compared to a centralized approach with access to complete shareability information. With the proposed approach we show that even with less information, independent of the amount of traffic demand, it is possible to predict the shareability of protection channels with remarkable accuracy. In addition, we propose a local distributed channel assignment scheme that is used in conjunction with our distributed route computation proposal to assign shared channels when provisioning the backup path. This channel assignment scheme can also be used to further optimize capacity usage in individual links upon certain events or at regular intervals. Experiments are provided that demonstrate that our approach yields faster computation times with no significant penalty in terms of capacity usage than a centralized approach using complete information.  相似文献   

In wavelength‐division multiplexing (WDM) optical networks, the bandwidth request of a traffic stream can be much lower than the capacity of a lightpath. Efficiently grooming low‐speed connections onto high‐capacity lightpaths will improve the network throughput and reduce the network cost. In this paper, we propose and evaluate a new concept of traffic aggregation in WDM mesh networks that aims to eliminate both the bandwidth under‐utilization and scalability concerns that are typical in all‐optical wavelength routed networks. This approach relies on the multipoint‐to‐point lightpath concept. In order to assess the efficiency of our proposal, all underlying network costs are compared. To achieve this aim, we devise a new provisioning algorithm to map the multipoint‐to‐point lightpaths in the network. Our results show that the proposed aggregation technique can significantly improve the network throughput while reducing its cost. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper considers the on-line traffic grooming problem in WDM–TDM switched optical mesh networks without wavelength conversion capability. In such a network, provisioning of connection requests with fractional wavelength capacity requirements is achieved by dividing a wavelength into multiple time slots and multiplexing traffic on the wavelength. In this paper, we present an on-line traffic grooming algorithm for the concerned problem. The objective is to efficiently route connection requests with fractional wavelength capacity requirements onto high-capacity wavelengths and balance the load on the links in the network at the same time. To do so, we propose a cost function, which not only encourages grooming new connection requests onto the wavelengths that are being used by existing traffic, but also performs load balancing by intelligently increasing the cost of using wavelengths on links. The performance results obtained by experiments on a representative sized mesh network show that the proposed algorithm outperforms the other existing algorithms.  相似文献   

Disaster events directly affect the physical topology of core networks and may lead to simultaneous failure of multiple lightpaths leading to massive service outages for network operators. To recover from such a failure scenario, the existing routing algorithms running on network nodes (routers or switches) typically attempt to reestablish the connections over new routes with shortest distances and hop count approach. However, this approach may result in congestion on some links, while other links may have the unutilized capacity. Hence, intelligent lightpath computing techniques are required to efficiently route network traffic over the new routes by considering traffic load of each link in addition to distance and hop count to minimize network congestion. In this paper, we have proposed a capacity‐constrained maximally spatial disjoint lightpath algorithm to tackle the provisioning and restoration of disrupted lightpaths in a postdisaster scenario in the context of elastic optical networking. This algorithm computes an alternate least loaded lightpath for disrupted primary lightpath using capacity‐constrained shortest lightpath. Alternate lightpath selection is based on a criteria parameter for a lightpath to be least loaded and constrained by either the length or the spatial distance between primary and alternate lightpaths. The spatial distance between lightpaths enables to reestablish the disrupted connection request away from disaster proximity. The performance of the proposed algorithm is evaluated through simulation for several parameters like blocking probability, network utilization, connection success rates, and minimum spatial distance.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider wavelength rerouting in wavelength routed wavelength division multiplexed (WDM) networks with circuit switching, wherein lightpaths between source-destination pairs are dynamically established and released in response to a random pattern of arriving connection requests and connection holding times. The wavelength continuity constraint imposed by WDM networks leads to poor blocking performance. Wavelength rerouting is a viable and cost effective mechanism that ran improve the blocking performance by rearranging certain existing lightpaths to accommodate a new request. Recently, a rerouting scheme called “parallel move-to-vacant wavelength retuning (MTV-WR)” with many attractive features such as shorter disruption period and simple switching control, and a polynomial time rerouting algorithm, for this scheme, to minimize the weighted number of rerouted lightpaths have been proposed. This paper presents a time optimal rerouting algorithm for wavelength-routed WDM networks with parallel MTV-WR rerouting scheme. The algorithm requires only O(N2W) time units to minimize the weighted number of existing lightpaths to be rerouted, where N is the number of nodes in the network and W is the number of wavelength channels available on a fiber link. Our algorithm is an improvement over the earlier algorithm proposed in that it requires O(N3W+N2W2) time units, which is not time optimal. The simulation results show that our algorithm improves the blocking performance considerably and only very few lightpaths are required to be rerouted per rerouting. It is also established through simulation that our algorithm is faster than the earlier rerouting algorithm by measuring the time required for processing connection requests for different networks  相似文献   

Restoration of all-optical mesh networks with path-based flooding   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The exponential growth of data traffic has led to substantial deployment of wavelength-division multiplexing networks. Reliability becomes increasingly important as the number of critical applications that depend on proper operation of these networks grows. Protection against failures of links or nodes can be achieved using a wide variety of approaches, which offer tradeoffs in terms of speed of recovery, cost of equipment, protection capacity, and management overhead. Optically transparent networks provide several advantages over optically opaque networks for supporting the growing communication demands, but suffer from several drawbacks that make direct application of the most capacity-efficient protection schemes difficult. In this paper, we introduce a flooding-based recovery scheme for optically transparent networks that provides 100% recovery from all single link and node failures in a capacity-efficient manner. In essence, this scheme applies the notion of active flooding of backup traffic introduced by generalized loopback to the problem of path protection. Our recovery scheme can achieve fast restoration (comparable to rings) with little data loss by using backup traffic flooding without the overhead of signaling and setup of intermediate cross-connects along the recovery path. We present simulation results for online provisioning of lightpaths with uniformly distributed traffic demands over optically transparent networks using our restoration scheme. The results show that the scheme offers an interesting tradeoff between capacity cost and recovery speed for all-optical networks. For five representative networks, the approach limits data loss to about 20 ms while using 14% less capacity relative to dedicated (1:1) mesh protection. Shared mesh protection (path protection) with a wavelength continuity constraint uses 19% less capacity with roughly 90 ms of data loss.  相似文献   

The need for on‐demand provisioning of wavelength‐routed channels with service‐differentiated offerings within the transport layer has become more essential because of the recent emergence of high bit rate Internet protocol (IP) network applications. Diverse optical transport network architectures have been proposed to achieve the above requirements. This approach is determined by fundamental advances in wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) technologies. Because of the availability of ultra long‐reach transport and all‐optical switching, the deployment of all‐optical networks has been made possible. The concurrent transmission of multiple streams of data with the assistance of special properties of fiber optics is called WDM. The WDM network provides the capability of transferring huge amounts of data at high speeds by the users over large distances. There are several network applications that require the support of QoS multicast, such as multimedia conferencing systems, video‐on‐demand systems, real‐time control systems, etc. In a WDM network, the route decision and wavelength assignment of lightpath connections are based mainly on the routing and wavelength assignment (RWA). The multicast RWA's task is to maximize the number of multicast groups admitted or minimize the call‐blocking probability. The dynamic traffic‐grooming problem in wavelength‐routed networks is generally a two‐layered routing problem in which traffic connections are routed over lightpaths in the virtual topology layer and lightpaths are routed over physical links in the physical topology layer. In this paper, a multicast RWA protocol for capacity improvement in WDM networks is designed. In the wavelength assignment technique, paths from the source node to each of the destination nodes and the potential paths are divided into fragments by the junction nodes and these junction nodes have the wavelength conversion capability. By using the concept of fragmentation and grouping, the proposed scheme can be generally applied for the wavelength assignment of multicast in WDM networks. An optimized dynamic traffic grooming algorithm is also developed to address the traffic grooming problem in mesh networks in the multicast scenario for maximizing the resource utilization and minimizing the blocking probability. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A summary of research on survivable IP networks overlaid over WDM networks is presented. The WDM networks are part of optical transport service providers, who lease lightpath services to institutions with IP networks. The lightpath services realize IP links for IP networks, and they have different protection grades such as unprotected and protected. The research included considering new network survivability requirements and incorporating them into network design problems. The cost of survivable IP over WDM networks is compared over three scenarios. Each succeeding scenario has the WDM network provide more flexible services, and the IP and WDM networks become more integrated. We consider the problem of setting up lightpaths for an IP network so that the network will remain connected after a fiber link fault. Algorithms to find the lightpaths and minimize cost are given. The network costs under the three scenarios are compared by simulations.  相似文献   

The problem of lightpath topology design (LTD) and traffic routing over the lightpaths for wavelength-routed optical backbone networks has been investigated extensively in the past using heuristic as well as linear-programming based approaches. Sensitivity of such long-haul backbones to physical-layer impairments is required to be adequately addressed during LTD phase to improve overall performance. For optical communication using wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) over a long-haul fiber backbone, four-wave mixing (FWM) may become one of the significant transmission impairments. Intrinsically, for a WDM-based wavelength-routed network with wavelengths assigned using equally-spaced channels, the generated FWM components are found to remain more crowded at the center of the fiber transmission window. Using this observation, we propose an LTD scheme employing a unique wavelength assignment (WA) technique, wherein long lightpaths (traversing through a larger number of fiber links) are allocated wavelengths at the either edges of the fiber transmission window whereas short lightpaths (consisting of fewer fiber links) are placed in the middle of the transmission window, thereby reducing the FWM crosstalk for long lightpaths. Since long lightpaths comprise of large numbers of fiber links and intermediate nodes, they experience large amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) noise and switch crosstalk. Therefore, by using the proposed WA technique, long lightpaths while suffering from more ASE noise and switch crosstalk get subjected to lesser FWM crosstalk leading to a more uniform distribution of overall optical signal-to-noise ratio for all the lightpaths across the network. Analysis of our results indicates that the proposed FWM-aware LTD scheme with the novel WA technique can achieve similar congestion levels (of lightpaths) and bandwidth utilization efficiency without any need of additional network resources as compared with the existing FWM-unaware LTD schemes.  相似文献   

考虑功率限制的WDM光网有效设计   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
提出了一种基于禁忌搜索技术的启发式算法有效波长与路由分配(RWA-TS-P)来解决考虑功率限制的WDM光网的优化设计。该算法建立在局部搜索贪婪算法RWA-greedy之上,引入了功率验证过程来保证建立光路的功率有效性。通过环网和网状网的设计实例验证了算法的性能。数值结果表明,该算法能够在保证网络中建立的所有光路功率有效性的前提下最优地配置网络资源,同时具有可以控制的计算复杂性。  相似文献   

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