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Wireless Personal Communications - A workflow consists of a set of tasks that are dependent on each other and scheduling these dependent tasks to the virtual machines is one of the complex problems... 相似文献
一种云计算环境下任务调度策略 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
文章提出的问题是在云计算环境下任务调度策略。该策略的目标是将任务分配到计算单元上达到任务完成总时间最少和资源充分利用。基于此目标文章提出利用遗传算法对任务完成时间进行优化,并为处于空闲状态计算单元动态调整任务分配以改善资源利用率。利用CloudSim仿真平台验证该方法的有效性。 相似文献
云计算环境下调度算法的趋势分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
云资源管理是云计算成败的关键,而调度作为云资源管理的重要手段,直接影响到云计算的效果.但是,云计算的异构性与动态性,导致云计算环境下的调度研究复杂和困难.因此,在传统并行分布调度工作的基础上,文中采用五要素刻画调度问题的本质,并且给出每个要素的具体表现形式.通过分析云调度的现有研究成果,结合云计算存在的困难和挑战,指出云计算中调度算法的发展趋势,为将来的云调度研究指明方向和思路. 相似文献
Wireless Personal Communications - With the increasing and elastic demand for cloud resources, finding an optimal task scheduling mechanism become a challenge for cloud service providers. Due to... 相似文献
云环境下,因数据局部性或是任务对资源的特殊偏好,一个作业所包含的任务往往需要在不同的数据中心局点上运行,此类作业称为跨域作业.跨域作业的完成时间取决于最慢任务的执行效率,即存在木桶效应.针对各域资源能力异构条件下不合理的调度策略导致跨域作业执行时间跨度过长的问题,本文提出一种面向跨域作业的启发式调度方法MIN-Max-Min,优先选择期望完成时间最短的作业执行.通过实验表明,与先来先服务的策略相比,该方法能将跨域作业平均执行时间跨度减少40%以上. 相似文献
Cloud computing is becoming a hot topic of the information industry in recent years. Many companies provide the cloud services, such as Google Apps and Apple multimedia services. In general, by applying the virtualization technologies, the data center is built for cloud computing to provide users with the computing and storage resources, as well as the software environment. Thus, the quality of service (QoS) must be considered to satisfy users’ requirements. This paper proposes a high efficiency scheduling scheme for supporting cloud computing. The virtual machine migration technique has been applied to the proposed scheduling scheme for improving the resources utilization and satisfying the QoS requirement of users. The experimental results show that in addition to satisfying the QoS requirement of users, the proposed scheme can improve the resources utilization effectively. 相似文献
Cloud computing is becoming a hot topic of the information industry in recent years. Many companies provide the cloud services, such as Google Apps and Apple multimedia services. In general, by applying the virtualization technologies, the data center is built for cloud computing to provide users with the computing and storage resources, as well as the software environment. Thus, the quality of service (QoS) must be considered to satisfy users' requirements. This paper proposes a high efficiency scheduling scheme for supporting cloud computing. The virtual machine migration technique has been applied to the proposed scheduling scheme for improving the resources utilization and satisfying the QoS requirement of users. The experimental results show that in addition to satisfying the QoS requirement of users, the proposed scheme can improve the resources utilization effectively. 相似文献
移动运营商拥有海量网络数据源,如:Mc、Abis、Gb、Gn、IuPs、C、D等接口数据;BOSS数据;日常网络维护中大量的测试数据、终端用户感知数据等。这些数据中都包含了很多重要信息,有很大的应用价值。特别是Mc、Gb、IuPs等接口数据包含了对业务支撑和网络发展重要的海量信息,这些海量数据的获取与网络设备无关,不受网络设备厂家的约束,也不会对网络设备产生影响。在不影响网络运行的情况下,通过对海量数据的采集,基于云计算技术的多接口综合信令业务支撑平台能够提供跨接网络和市场的具有BI功能,能嵌入运营商业务的智能系统,能够提供网络拓扑管理、热点分析、业务质量监控、用户行为分析、精细化运营、增值业务、异常告警等功能,能为新业务发展提供数据支持和网络支撑。 相似文献
云计算环境下传统独立任务调度算法容易导致较高资源能耗或较大任务时间跨度.针对该问题,文中提出了两种能量感知的任务调度算法,并利用遗传算法并行化搜索合理调度方案.两种算法在搜索过程中,分别通过能耗时间归一和能耗时间双适应度方法定义适应度函数并进行个体选择.仿真结果表明,与单独考虑时间或能耗相比,这两种算法能够更有效地缩短任务执行时间跨度,降低资源能耗. 相似文献
云计算:从概念到平台 总被引:29,自引:4,他引:29
云计算是以虚拟化技术为基础,以网络为载体提供基础架构、平台、软件等服务为形式,整合大规模可扩展的计算、存储、数据、应用等分布式计算资源进行协同工作的超级计算模式.作为一种全新的互联网应用模式,云计算将成为未来人们获取服务和信息的主导方式.针对当前云计算概念混杂的现状,提出了一个较综合的参考性定义,并分析了云计算与分布式计算、网格计算、并行计算、效用计算等相关计算形式的联系与区别.对目前主流的云计算平台实例进行了概括性介绍,从云平台的层次更深刻地剖析云计算的本质. 相似文献
随着云计算技术的不断完善,云计算已成为IT行业最新的发展趋势。与传统的本地测试相比,基于云平台下的应用软件的测试将为我们提供一个新型的测试方案。本文将商飞大客机工业项目管理系统SuperEPlP作为一个切入点,探索一种在云计算平台下运行的、相关工业软件的测试策略和方法,为云计算测试标准的建立提供必要的实践经验。 相似文献
Malarvizhi N. Priyatharsini G. Soniya Koteeswaran S. 《Wireless Personal Communications》2020,115(1):27-42
Wireless Personal Communications - Cloud computing is a facility that provides access to services. Management of massive amount of information in cloud computing is achieved by using VM... 相似文献
Mobile cloud computing combines wireless access service and cloud computing to improve the performance of mobile applications. Mobile cloud computing can balance the application distribution between the mobile device and the cloud, in order to achieve faster interactions, battery savings and better resource utilization. To support mobile cloud computing, the paper proposes a phased scheduling model of mobile cloud such that mobile device’s users experience lower interaction times and extended battery life. The phased scheduling optimization is solved by two subproblems: mobile device’s batch application optimization and mobile device’s job level optimization. At the first stage, the mobile cloud global scheduling optimization implements the allocation of the cloud resources to the mobile device’s batch applications. At the second stage, mobile device’s job level optimization adjusts the cloud resource usages to optimize the utility of single mobile device’s application. In the simulations, compared with other algorithm, our proposed mobile cloud phased scheduling algorithms achieve the better performance with acceptable overhead. 相似文献
云计算和虚拟化是目前计算机领域向前发展的趋势。越来越多的厂商不断推出各种技术来建造虚拟化环境,鼓励人们走入云服务,以此来推动能源和硬件方面的节约。云计算的出现在某种意义上剥离了软件与硬件之间的联系。传统的管理员既需要维护服务器的硬件,同时又需要管理软件的应用,这使得企业为此付出了极大的成本。而云计算则不限制应用程序与硬件之间的必然联系,即透过平行运算的方式,一个应用程序可以在不同的硬件上执行,全面解除应用服务与硬件资源间的固定对应关系。 相似文献