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Cyanobacteria, such as Synechocystis, have recently become attractive hosts for sustainable production of biofuels and bio-fixation of CO2 due to their genetic tractability and relatively fast growth. Cultivation of cyanobacteria requires shear stress, which is generated by mixing and air bubbling. In the present work, the impact of shear stress caused by stirring and air bubbling on the growth and pigment production of Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 is investigated. For this purpose, agitated and airlift bubble column photobioreactors were used. The results showed that the growth and yield production were improved by mixing the culture system. However, there is a limit to this improvement: In the case of air bubbling, increasing shear stress (by rising air bubbling flow rate) to more than 185 mPa did not show any significant growth enhancement, while increasing the shear stress from 40 to 185 mPa improved the yield production up to 85%. At the optimal stirring rate, the yield production in the stirred photobioreactors increased by about 60% as compared to that of unstirred culture. The measurements of chlorophylla and carotenoid showed a strong correlation between biomass production and total pigment content. The highest level of cellular pigment (pigment per cell) was detected at the early stages of culture growth when cells were preparing for the rapid exponential growth phase.  相似文献   

Cyanobacteria play an important role in several ecological environments, and they are widely accepted to be the ancestors of chloroplasts in modern plants and green algae. Cyanobacteria have become attractive models for metabolic engineering, with the goal of exploring them as microbial cell factories. However, the study of cyanobacterial lipids’ composition and variation, and the assessment of the lipids’ functional and structural roles have been largely overlooked. Here, we aimed at expanding the cyanobacterial lipidomic analytical pipeline by using an untargeted lipidomics approach. Thus, the lipid composition variation of the model cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 was investigated in response to both alternative cultivation setups and gene deletion. This approach allowed for detecting differences in total lipid content, alterations in fatty-acid unsaturation level, and adjustments of specific lipid species among the identified lipid classes. The employed method also revealed that the cultivation setup tested in this work induced a deeper alteration of the cyanobacterial cell lipidome than the deletion of a gene that results in a dramatic increase in the release of lipid-rich outer membrane vesicles. This study further highlights how growth conditions must be carefully selected when cyanobacteria are to be engineered and/or scaled-up for lipid or fatty acids production.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 has been used widely as a model system for the study of photosynthetic organisms and higher plants. The aim of this work was to integrate the genomic information, biochemistry and physiological information available for Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 to reconstruct a metabolic network for system biology investigations. RESULTS: A genome‐scale Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 metabolic network, including 633 genes, 704 metabolites and 831 metabolic reactions, was reconstructed for the study of optimal Synechocystis growth, network capacity and functions. Heterotrophic, photoautotrophic and mixotrophic growth conditions were simulated. The Synechocystis model was used for in silico predictions for the insertion of ethanol fermentation pathway, which is a novel approach for bioenergy and biofuels production developed in the authors' laboratory. Simulations of Synechocystis cell growth and ethanol production were compared with actual metabolic measurements which showed a satisfactory agreement. CONCLUSION: The Synechocystis metabolic network developed in this study is the first genome‐scale mathematical model for photosynthetic organisms. The model may be used not only in global understanding of cellular metabolism and photosynthesis, but also in designing metabolic engineering strategies for desirable bio‐products. Copyright © 2008 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

The gene slr1393 from Synechocystis sp. PCC6803 encodes a protein composed of three GAF domains, a PAS domain, and a histidine kinase domain. GAF3 is the sole domain able to bind phycocyanobilin (PCB) as chromophore and to accomplish photochemistry: switching between a red‐absorbing parental and a green‐absorbing photoproduct state (λmax=649 and 536 nm, respectively). Conversions in both directions were followed by time‐resolved absorption spectroscopy with the separately expressed GAF3 domain of Slr1393. Global fit analysis of the recorded absorbance changes yielded three lifetimes (3.2 μs, 390 μs, and 1.5 ms) for the red‐to‐green conversion, and 1.2 μs, 340 μs, and 1 ms for the green‐to‐red conversion. In addition to the wild‐type (WT) protein, 24 mutated proteins were studied spectroscopically. The design of these site‐directed mutations was based on sequence alignments with related proteins and by employing the crystal structure of AnPixJg2 (PDB ID: 3W2Z), a Slr1393 orthologous from Anabaena sp. PCC7120. The structure of AnPixJg2 was also used as template for model building, thus confirming the strong structural similarity between the proteins, and for identifying amino acids to target for mutagenesis. Only amino acids in close proximity to the chromophore were exchanged, as these were considered likely to have an impact on the spectral and dynamic properties. Three groups of mutants were found: some showed absorption features similar to the WT protein, a second group showed modified absorbance properties, and the third group had lost the ability to bind the chromophore. The most unexpected result was obtained for the exchange at residue 532 (N532Y). In vivo assembly yielded a red‐absorbing, WT‐like protein. Irradiation, however, not only converted it into the green‐absorbing form, but also produced a 660 nm, further‐red‐shifted absorbance band. This photoproduct was fully reversible to the parental form upon green light irradiation.  相似文献   

Cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 is a widely used model organism in basic research and biofuel biotechnology application. Here, we report the genomic sequence of chromosome and seven plasmids of a glucose-tolerant, non-motile strain originated from ATCC 27184, GT-G, in use at Guangzhou. Through high-throughput genome re-sequencing and verification by Sanger sequencing, eight novel variants were identified in its chromosome and plasmids. The eight novel variants, especially the five non-silent mutations might have interesting effects on the phenotype of GT-G strains, for example the truncated Sll1895 and Slr0322 protein. These resequencing data provide background information for further research and application based on the GT-G strain and also provide evidence to study the evolution and divergence of Synechocystis 6803 globally.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The capability of cyanobacteria to convert carbon dioxide into carbohydrates offers a promising carbon‐neutral energy solution. Unfortunately, the lifespan of cyanobacteria based photoelectrochemical cells is poor because discharge current drops to zero within days. The primary factor that limits lifespan was believed to be the toxicity of an artificial mediator that extracts electrons from cyanoacteria to electrode. It is critical to experimentally identify the true limiting factor such that we could prolong the lifespan for practical use. RESULTS: Systematic tests on cell physiology and current discharge were performed in autotrophic and heterotrophic conditions. Contrary to previous belief, results for cell viability, chlorophyll content and growth curve of Cyanobacterium Synechocystis PCC 6714 under continuous vitamin K3‐mediated current discharge did not exhibit any toxic effect. The role of glucose was then investigated. Surprisingly, discharge current dropped to zero although there was significant intracellular glycogen (2.5 × 10?10 mg cell?1). Further tests of current response to the addition of exogenous glucose suggest the regulatory role of glucose on cyanobacterial metabolism that is relevant to current generation. Furthermore, current generation in the light and dark conditions corroborates glucose as energy reserve. CONCLUSION: It is not mediator toxicity but the regulatory effect of glucose on the metabolism of cyanobacteria that limits the lifespan for current generation. Glucose functions in a dual role as energy reserve and regulatory molecule to modulate cyanobacterial metabolism related to current generation. Copyright © 2010 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

The retina and RPE cells are regularly exposed to chronic oxidative stress as a tissue with high metabolic demand and ROS generation. DJ-1 is a multifunctional protein in the retina and RPE that has been shown to protect cells from oxidative stress in several cell types robustly. Oxidation of DJ-1 cysteine (C) residues is important for its function under oxidative conditions. The present study was conducted to analyze the impact of DJ-1 expression changes and oxidation of its C residues on RPE function. Monolayers of the ARPE-19 cell line and primary human fetal RPE (hfRPE) cultures were infected with replication-deficient adenoviruses to investigate the effects of increased levels of DJ-1 in these monolayers. Adenoviruses carried the full-length human DJ-1 cDNA (hDJ) and mutant constructs of DJ-1, which had all or each of its three C residues individually mutated to serine (S). Alternatively, endogenous DJ-1 levels were decreased by transfection and transduction with shPARK7 lentivirus. These monolayers were then assayed under baseline and low oxidative stress conditions. The results were analyzed by immunofluorescence, Western blot, RT-PCR, mitochondrial membrane potential, and viability assays. We determined that decreased levels of endogenous DJ-1 levels resulted in increased levels of ROS. Furthermore, we observed morphological changes in the mitochondria structure of all the RPE monolayers transduced with all the DJ-1 constructs. The mitochondrial membrane potential of ARPE-19 monolayers overexpressing all DJ-1 constructs displayed a significant decrease, while hfRPE monolayers only displayed a significant decrease in their ΔΨm when overexpressing the C2S mutation. Viability significantly decreased in ARPE-19 cells transduced with the C53S construct. Our data suggest that the oxidation of C53 is crucial for regulating endogenous levels of ROS and viability in RPE cells.  相似文献   

Cyanobacteria, the only known prokaryotes that perform oxygen-evolving photosynthesis, are receiving strong attention in basic and applied research. In using solar energy, water, CO2 and mineral salts to produce a large amount of biomass for the food chain, cyanobacteria constitute the first biological barrier against the entry of toxics into the food chain. In addition, cyanobacteria have the potential for the solar-driven carbon-neutral production of biofuels. However, cyanobacteria are often challenged by toxic reactive oxygen species generated under intense illumination, i.e., when their production of photosynthetic electrons exceeds what they need for the assimilation of inorganic nutrients. Furthermore, in requiring high amounts of various metals for growth, cyanobacteria are also frequently affected by drastic changes in metal availabilities. They are often challenged by heavy metals, which are increasingly spread out in the environment through human activities, and constitute persistent pollutants because they cannot be degraded. Consequently, it is important to analyze the protection against oxidative and metal stresses in cyanobacteria because these ancient organisms have developed most of these processes, a large number of which have been conserved during evolution. This review summarizes what is known regarding these mechanisms, emphasizing on their crosstalk.  相似文献   

Although engineered cyanobacteria for the production of lipids and fatty acids (FAs) are intelligently used as sustainable biofuel resources, intracellularly overproduced FAs disturb cellular homeostasis and eventually generate lethal toxicity. In order to improve their production by enhancing FFAs secretion into a medium, we constructed three engineered Synechocystis 6803 strains including KA (a mutant lacking the aas gene), KAOL (KA overexpressing lipA, encoding lipase A in membrane lipid hydrolysis), and KAOGR (KA overexpressing quadruple glpD/rbcLXS, related to the CBB cycle). Certain contents of intracellular lipids and secreted FFAs of all engineered strains were higher than those of the wild type. Remarkably, the KAOL strain attained the highest level of secreted FFAs by about 21.9%w/DCW at day 5 of normal BG11 cultivation, with a higher growth rate and shorter doubling time. TEM images provided crucial evidence on the morphological changes of the KAOL strain, which accumulated abundant droplets on regions of thylakoid membranes throughout the cell when compared with wild type. On the other hand, BG11-N condition significantly induced contents of both intracellular lipids and secreted FFAs of the KAOL strain up to 37.2 and 24.5%w/DCW, respectively, within 5 days. Then, for the first time, we shone a spotlight onto the overexpression of lipA in the aas mutant of Synechocystis as another potential strategy to achieve higher FFAs secretion with sustainable growth.  相似文献   

Tau is a widespread neuroprotein that regulates the cytoskeleton assembly. In some neurological disorders, known as tauopathies, tau is dissociated from the microtubule and forms insoluble neurofibrillary tangles. Tau comprises four pseudorepeats (R1–R4), containing one (R1, R2, R4) or two (R3) histidines, that potentially act as metal binding sites. Moreover, Cys291 and Cys322 in R2 and R3, respectively, might have an important role in protein aggregation, through possible disulfide bond formation, and/or affecting the binding and reactivity of redox-active metal ions, as copper. We, therefore, compare the interaction of copper with octadeca-R3-peptide (R3C) and with the mutant containing an alanine residue (R3A) to assess the role of thiol group. Spectrophotometric titrations allow to calculate the formation constant of the copper(I) complexes, showing a remarkable stronger interaction in the case of R3C (log Kf = 13.4 and 10.5 for copper(I)-R3C and copper(I)-R3A, respectively). We also evaluate the oxidative reactivity associated to these copper complexes in the presence of dopamine and ascorbate. Both R3A and R3C peptides increase the capability of copper to oxidize catechols, but copper-R3C displays a peculiar mechanism due to the presence of cysteine. HPLC-MS analysis shows that cysteine can form disulfide bonds and dopamine-Cys covalent adducts, with potential implication in tau aggregation process.  相似文献   

The identification of a 36 kb welwitindolinone (wel) biosynthetic gene cluster in Hapalosiphon welwitschii UTEX B1830 is reported. Characterization of the enzymes responsible for assembling the early biosynthetic intermediates geranyl pyrophosphate and 3‐((Z)‐2′‐isocyanoethenyl)indole as well as a dedicated N‐methyltransferase in the maturation of N‐methylwelwitindolinone C isothiocyanate solidified the link between the wel pathway and welwitindolinone biosynthesis. Comparative analysis of the ambiguine and welwitindolinone biosynthetic pathways in two different organisms provided insights into the origins of diverse structures within hapalindole‐type molecules.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that raising high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) levels could improve the risk for cardiovascular disease (CVD) is facing challenges. There is multitudinous clear clinical evidence that the latest failures of HDL-C-raising drugs show no clear association with risks for CVD. At the genetic level, recent research indicates that steady-state HDL-C concentrations may provide limited information regarding the potential antiatherogenic functions of HDL. It is evident that the newer strategies may replace therapeutic approaches to simply raise plasma HDL-C levels. There is an urgent need to identify an efficient biomarker that accurately predicts the increased risk of atherosclerosis (AS) in patients and that may be used for exploring newer therapeutic targets. Studies from recent decades show that the composition, structure and function of circulating HDL are closely associated with high cardiovascular risk. A vast amount of data demonstrates that the most important mechanism through which HDL antagonizes AS involves the reverse cholesterol transport (RCT) process. Clinical trials of drugs that specifically target HDL have so far proven disappointing, so it is necessary to carry out review on the HDL therapeutics.  相似文献   

During the growth cycle of lilies, assimilates undergo a process of accumulation, consumption and reaccumulation in bulbs and are transported and allocated between aboveground and underground organs and tissues. The sink–source relationship changes with the allocation of assimilates, affecting the vegetative growth and morphological establishment of lilies. In this study, the carbohydrate contents in different tissues of five critical stages during lily development were measured to observe the assimilates allocation. The results showed bulbs acted as the main source to provide energy before the budding stage (S3); after the flowering stage (S4), bulbs began to accumulate assimilates as a sink organ again. During the period when the plant height was 30cm with leaf-spread (S2), leaves mainly accumulated assimilates from bulbs through the symplastic pathway, while when leaves were fully expanded, it transformed to export carbohydrates. At the S4 stage, flowers became a new active sink with assimilates influx. To further understand the allocation of assimilates, 16 genes related to sugar transport and metabolism (ST genes) were identified and categorized into different subfamilies based on the phylogenetic analysis, and their protein physicochemical properties were also predicted. Tissue-specific analysis showed that most of the genes were highly expressed in stems and petals, and it was mainly the MST (monosaccharide transporter) genes that were obviously expressed in petals during the S4 stage, suggesting that they may be associated with the accumulation of carbohydrates in flowers and thus affect flower development process. LoSWEET14 (the Sugar will eventually be exported transporters) was significantly correlated with starch in scales and with soluble sugar in leaves. Sugar transporters LoHXT6 and LoSUT1 were significantly correlated with soluble sugar and sucrose in leaves, suggesting that these genes may play key roles in the accumulation and transportation of assimilates in lilies. In addition, we analyzed the expression patterns of ST genes under different abiotic stresses, and the results showed that all genes were significantly upregulated. This study lays a solid foundation for further research on molecular mechanism of sink–source change and response to abiotic stresses in lilies.  相似文献   

Hydrochloric acid activates the oxidative iodination of aromatic compounds with the iodine‐ hydrogen peroxide system through the formation of an iodine(I) compound as the iodinating reagent. Activation with hydrochloric acid is more powerful than that with sulfuric acid. The formation of dichloroiodic(I) acid (HICl2) with various forms of hydrogen peroxide was followed using UV spectroscopy. The HICl2 was used as the iodinating reagent. In the preparative oxidative iodinaton of various aromatic compounds, hydrochloric acid was used in a catalytic amount and the iodine(I) reagent was formed in situ with 0.5 equiv. hydrogen peroxide and 0.5 equiv. molecular iodine. Two types of reactivity were observed in oxidative iodination with iodine(I) species catalyzed by hydrochloric acid: in the iodination of anisole 1a better yields of iodination were observed with a smaller amount of hydrochloric acid, while on the contrary 4‐tert‐butyltoluene 1b gave better yields of iodination upon increasing the amount of hydrochloric acid. Reactivity was further manipulated by the choice of the solvent (MeCN, trifluoroethanol, hexafluoro‐2‐propanol).  相似文献   

Endometriosis (EMS) is a gynecological disease characterized by inflammation, oxidative stress, and apoptosis dysregulation. This study aims to evaluate the effect of Boswellia serrata gum resin extract (BS) on the endometriotic lesions in a rat model of endometriosis. We divided female rats into three groups, including Sham, EMS, EMS + BS. In the EMS and EMS + BS groups, pathology was induced and after 7 days by the abdominal high-frequency ultrasound (hfUS) analysis the presence of the endometriotic lesions was confirmed. Subsequently, the EMS + BS group was administered with BS (100 mg/Kg) daily for another 7 days. At the end of the experiment, the hfUS analysis was repeated and the animals were sacrificed to evaluate the size and histoarchitecture of the endometriotic implants. Pelvic ultrasound showed increased size of the endometriotic lesions in the Endo group, while BS administration reduced the lesion size. The macroscopic analysis confirmed the reduced area and volume of the endometriotic lesions of the EMS + BS group. The histological analysis showed reduced characteristic of ectopic stroma and glands in the animals treated with BS. Western blot analyses were conducted to evaluate the nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2 (Nrf2) pathway. BS increases the expression of Nfr2 in the nucleus and the expression of its downstream antioxidant proteins NQO-1 and HO-1. Moreover, it reduced lipid peroxidation and increased glutathione (GSH) levels, and glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activities. BS administration also restored the impaired apoptotic pathway in the lesions by reducing Bcl-2 expression and increasing Bax and cleaved caspase 9 levels. The BS apoptotic effect was also confirmed by the cleavage of PARP, another specific marker of apoptosis, and by the TUNEL assay. Our results show that BS administration resulted in an effective and coordinated suppression of Endo owing to its antioxidant and antiapoptotic activities.  相似文献   

Jatrorrhizine (JAT) is one of the major bioactive protoberberine alkaloids found in rhizoma coptidis, which has hypoglycemic and hypolipidemic potential. This study aimed to evaluate the vasoprotective effects of JAT in diabetes and obesity and the underlying mechanism involved. Mouse aortas, carotid arteries and human umbilical cord vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) were treated with risk factors (high glucose or tunicamycin) with and without JAT ex vivo and in vitro. Furthermore, aortas were obtained from mice with chronic treatment: (1) control; (2) diet-induced obese (DIO) mice fed a high-fat diet (45% kcal% fat) for 15 weeks; and (3) DIO mice orally administered JAT at 50 mg/kg/day for the last 5 weeks. High glucose or endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress inducer tunicamycin impaired acetylcholine-induced endothelium-dependent relaxations (EDRs) in mouse aortas, induced oxidative stress in carotid arteries and HUVECs, downregulated phosphorylations of Akt at Ser473 and eNOS at Ser1177 and enhanced ER stress in mouse aortas and HUVECs, and these impairments were reversed by cotreatment with JAT. JAT increased NO release in high-glucose-treated mouse aortas and HUVECs. In addition, chronic JAT treatment restored endothelial function with EDRs comparable to the control, increased Akt/eNOS phosphorylation, and attenuated ER stress and oxidative stress in aortas from DIO mice. Blood pressure, glucose sensitivity, fatty liver and its morphological change, as well as plasma levels of aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and plasma lipid profile, were also normalized by JAT treatment. Collectively, our data may be the first to reveal the vasoprotective effect of JAT that ameliorates endothelial dysfunction in diabetes and obesity through enhancement of the Akt/eNOS pathway and NO bioavailability, as well as suppression of ER stress and oxidative stress.  相似文献   

Oxidative folding in the mitochondrial intermembrane space (IMS) is a key cellular event associated with the folding and import of a large and still undetermined number of proteins. This process is catalyzed by an oxidoreductase, Mia40 that is able to recognize substrates with apparently little or no homology. Following substrate oxidation, Mia40 is reduced and must be reoxidized by Erv1/Alr1 that consequently transfers the electrons to the mitochondrial respiratory chain. Although our understanding of the physiological relevance of this process is still limited, an increasing number of pathologies are being associated with the impairment of this pathway; especially because oxidative folding is fundamental for several of the proteins involved in defense against oxidative stress. Here we review these aspects and discuss recent findings suggesting that oxidative folding in the IMS is modulated by the redox state of the cell.  相似文献   

Reactive oxygen species are formed as by-products of normal cell metabolism. They are needed to maintain cell homeostasis and signaling, which is possible due to defense systems. Disruption of this balance leads to oxidative stress that can induce cancer. Redox regulation by miRNAs may be a potential therapeutic target. The aim of the study was to assess the activity of genes associated with oxidative stress in endometrial cancer and to determine their relationship with miRNAs. The study included 45 patients with endometrioid endometrial cancer and 45 without neoplastic changes. The expression profile of genes associated with oxidative stress was determined with mRNA microarrays, RT-qPCR and ELISA. The miRNA prediction was performed based on the miRNA microarray experiment and the mirDB tool. PRDX2 and AQP1 showed overexpression that was probably not related to miRNA activity. A high level of PKD2 may be the result of a decrease in the activity of miR-195-3p, miR-20a, miR-134. A SOD3 level reduction can be caused by miR-328, miR-363. In addition, miR-363 can also regulate KLF2 expression. In the course of endometrial cancer, the phenomenon of oxidative stress is observed, the regulation of which may be influenced by miRNAs.  相似文献   

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