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Frequent itemset mining presents one of the fundamental building blocks in data mining. However, despite the crucial recent advances that have been made in data mining literature, few of both standard and improved solutions scale. This is particularly the case when (1) the quantity of data tends to be very large and/or (2) the minimum support is very low. In this paper, we address the problem of parallel frequent itemset mining (PFIM) in very large databases and study the impact and effectiveness of using specific data placement strategies in a massively distributed environment. By offering a clever data placement and an optimal organization of the extraction algorithms, we show that the arrangement of both the data and the different processes can make the global job either completely inoperative or very effective. In this setting, we propose two different highly scalable, PFIM algorithms, namely P2S (parallel-2-steps) and PATD (parallel absolute top-down). P2S algorithm allows discovering itemsets from large databases in two simple, yet efficient parallel jobs, while PATD renders the mining process of very large databases more simple and compact. Its mining process is made up of only one parallel job, which dramatically reduces the running time, the communication cost and the energy power consumption overhead in a distributed computational platform. Our different proposed approaches have been extensively evaluated on massive real-world data sets. The experimental results confirm the effectiveness and scalability of our proposals by the important scale-up obtained with very low minimum supports compared to other alternatives. 相似文献
一种快速的频繁子图挖掘算法 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
提出了一种基于关联矩阵的频繁子图挖掘算法。该算法通过对关联矩阵的标准化,有效地降低了子图同构判断的代价。在此基础上,算法利用深度优先的思想,通过逐步扩展频繁边找出所有频繁子图。实验结果表明,该算法比其他同类算法具有更快的速度和更好的稳定性。 相似文献
Mohammad H. Nadimi-Shahraki Norwati Mustapha Md. Nasir Sulaiman Ali Mamat 《Expert systems with applications》2011,38(10):12654-12670
Over the past decade, an increasing number of efficient algorithms have been proposed to mine frequent patterns by satisfying the minimum support threshold. Generally, determining an appropriate value for minimum support threshold is extremely difficult. This is because the appropriate value depends on the type of application and expectation of the user. Moreover, in some real-time applications such as web mining and e-business, finding new correlations between patterns by changing the minimum support threshold is needed. Since rerunning mining algorithms from scratch is very costly and time-consuming, researchers have introduced interactive mining of frequent patterns. Recently, a few efficient interactive mining algorithms have been proposed, which are able to capture the content of transaction database to eliminate possibility of the database rescanning. In this paper, we propose a new method based on prime number and its characteristics mainly for interactive mining of frequent patterns. Our method isolates the mining model from the mining process such that once the mining model is constructed; it can be frequently used by mining process with various minimum support thresholds. During the mining process, the mining algorithm reduces the number of candidate patterns and comparisons by using a new candidate set called candidate head set and several efficient pruning techniques. The experimental results verify the efficiency of our method for interactive mining of frequent patterns. 相似文献
丁日强 《计算机工程与应用》2013,49(18):116-119
skyline计算在数据挖掘、多标准决策和数据库可视化等领域有着非常重要的作用,这些年已经得到了广泛的关注,以往对于skyline查询的研究大多集中在处理集中的数据集上,即集中式skyline查询,已经得到了很多的研究成果。然而,实际情况是:相关数据几乎分散在几个不同的服务器上,因此在分布式环境中的skyline查询计算需要从各个服务器收集大量的数据;现有的在分布式环境中的skyline查询方法有两个主要问题:一是skyline查询的处理时间较慢;二是在网络中服务器之间传输了很多不必要的重叠数据。提出了一种二分式多层网格法(DMLG),可以有效地处理在分布式环境中的skyline查询。该方法利用网格的方法,借鉴二分法,最大限度地减少了不必要的重叠数据传输,基于不同的数据集的实验表明,这种方法优于现有的方法。 相似文献
Aniello Castiglione Luigi Catuogno Aniello Del Sorbo Ugo Fiore Francesco Palmieri 《The Journal of supercomputing》2014,67(3):691-710
Distributed cryptographic file systems enable file sharing among their users and need the adoption of a key management scheme for the distribution of the cryptographic keys to authorized users according to their specific degree of trust. In this paper we describe the architecture of a basic secure file sharing facility relying on a multi-party threshold-based key-sharing scheme that can be overlaid on top of the existing stackable networked file systems, and discuss its application to the implementation of distributed cryptographic file systems. It provides flexible access control policies supporting multiple combination of roles and trust profiles. A proof of concept prototype implementation within the Linux operating system framework demonstrated its effectiveness in terms of performance and security robustness. 相似文献
Mining maximal frequent patterns (MFPs) is an approach that limits the number of frequent patterns (FPs) to help intelligent systems operate efficiently. Many approaches have been proposed for mining MFPs, but the complexity of the problem is enormous. Therefore, the run time and memory usage are still large. Recently, the N-list structure has been proposed and verified to be very effective for mining FPs, frequent closed patterns, and top-rank-k FPs. Therefore, this paper uses the N-list structure for mining MFPs. A pruning technique is also proposed to prune branches to reduce the search space. This technique is applied to an algorithm called INLA-MFP (improved N-list-based algorithm for mining maximal frequent patterns) for mining MFPs. Experiments were conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. The experimental results show that INLA-MFP outperforms two state-of-the-art algorithms for mining MFPs. 相似文献
在文献[1]中提出的基于互关联后继树(IRST)的时间序列特征模式挖掘方法的基础上,加入了时间窗口的概念,以弥补IRST这种原本应用于文本检索中的索引模型在时间序列应用中的不足.对IRST以及挖掘算法做出了改进,弥补了其只能挖掘出紧密衔接特征模式的缺陷.实验结果表明,该方法可以挖掘出更多更具应用价值的特征模式. 相似文献
利用元学习技术提出了一种分布式挖掘频繁闭合模式算法;为适应不同的分布式环境,还给出了该算法的一个变种;最后通过实验讨论了不同分布式下选取算法的策略。算法具有挖掘效率高、通信量少、可靠性高的特点,适合分布式挖掘。 相似文献
在分析研究具有代表性的关联知识挖掘算法的基础上,提出了挖掘频繁模式的一个新的数据库存储结构AFP-树,并在此结构上设计了一个频繁模式挖掘算法。理论研究已经阐明了AFP-树的有效性和相关算法的高效性。 相似文献
Mining frequent itemsets has emerged as a fundamental problem in data mining and plays an essential role in many important data mining tasks.In this paper,we propose a novel vertical data representation called N-list,which originates from an FP-tree-like coding prefix tree called PPC-tree that stores crucial information about frequent itemsets.Based on the N-list data structure,we develop an efficient mining algorithm,PrePost,for mining all frequent itemsets.Efficiency of PrePost is achieved by the following three reasons.First,N-list is compact since transactions with common prefixes share the same nodes of the PPC-tree.Second,the counting of itemsets’ supports is transformed into the intersection of N-lists and the complexity of intersecting two N-lists can be reduced to O(m + n) by an efficient strategy,where m and n are the cardinalities of the two N-lists respectively.Third,PrePost can directly find frequent itemsets without generating candidate itemsets in some cases by making use of the single path property of N-list.We have experimentally evaluated PrePost against four state-of-the-art algorithms for mining frequent itemsets on a variety of real and synthetic datasets.The experimental results show that the PrePost algorithm is the fastest in most cases.Even though the algorithm consumes more memory when the datasets are sparse,it is still the fastest one. 相似文献
Otey M.E. Parthasarathy S. Chao Wang Veloso A. Meira W. Jr. 《IEEE transactions on systems, man, and cybernetics. Part B, Cybernetics》2004,34(6):2439-2450
Traditional methods for data mining typically make the assumption that the data is centralized, memory-resident, and static. This assumption is no longer tenable. Such methods waste computational and input/output (I/O) resources when data is dynamic, and they impose excessive communication overhead when data is distributed. Efficient implementation of incremental data mining methods is, thus, becoming crucial for ensuring system scalability and facilitating knowledge discovery when data is dynamic and distributed. In this paper, we address this issue in the context of the important task of frequent itemset mining. We first present an efficient algorithm which dynamically maintains the required information even in the presence of data updates without examining the entire dataset. We then show how to parallelize this incremental algorithm. We also propose a distributed asynchronous algorithm, which imposes minimal communication overhead for mining distributed dynamic datasets. Our distributed approach is capable of generating local models (in which each site has a summary of its own database) as well as the global model of frequent itemsets (in which all sites have a summary of the entire database). This ability permits our approach not only to generate frequent itemsets, but also to generate high-contrast frequent itemsets, which allows one to examine how the data is skewed over different sites. 相似文献
Sheng Zhong 《Information Sciences》2007,177(2):490-503
Standard algorithms for association rule mining are based on identification of frequent itemsets. In this paper, we study how to maintain privacy in distributed mining of frequent itemsets. That is, we study how two (or more) parties can find frequent itemsets in a distributed database without revealing each party’s portion of the data to the other. The existing solution for vertically partitioned data leaks a significant amount of information, while the existing solution for horizontally partitioned data only works for three parties or more. In this paper, we design algorithms for both vertically and horizontally partitioned data, with cryptographically strong privacy. We give two algorithms for vertically partitioned data; one of them reveals only the support count and the other reveals nothing. Both of them have computational overheads linear in the number of transactions. Our algorithm for horizontally partitioned data works for two parties and above and is more efficient than the existing solution. 相似文献
Computing the minimum-support for mining frequent patterns 总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0
Shichao Zhang Xindong Wu Chengqi Zhang Jingli Lu 《Knowledge and Information Systems》2008,15(2):233-257
Frequent pattern mining is based on the assumption that users can specify the minimum-support for mining their databases.
It has been recognized that setting the minimum-support is a difficult task to users. This can hinder the widespread applications
of these algorithms. In this paper we propose a computational strategy for identifying frequent itemsets, consisting of polynomial
approximation and fuzzy estimation. More specifically, our algorithms (polynomial approximation and fuzzy estimation) automatically
generate actual minimum-supports (appropriate to a database to be mined) according to users’ mining requirements. We experimentally
examine the algorithms using different datasets, and demonstrate that our fuzzy estimation algorithm fittingly approximates
actual minimum-supports from the commonly-used requirements.
This work is partially supported by Australian ARC grants for discovery projects (DP0449535, DP0559536 and DP0667060), a China
NSF Major Research Program (60496327), a China NSF grant (60463003), an Overseas Outstanding Talent Research Program of the
Chinese Academy of Sciences (06S3011S01), and an Overseas-Returning High-level Talent Research Program of China Human-Resource
A preliminary and shortened version of this paper has been published in the Proceedings of the 8th Pacific Rim International
Conference on Artificial Intelligence (PRICAI ’04). 相似文献
FP-growth算法是挖掘频繁项集的经典算法,它利用FP-树这种紧凑的数据结构存储事务数据库与频繁项集挖掘相关的全部信息,但对于挖掘加权频繁项集并不合适。分析了现有加权频繁项集挖掘算法中存在的问题,并对FP-树进行改进,构造新的加权FP-树,提出了有效挖掘加权频繁项集的算法。最后举例说明了算法的挖掘过程,并通过实验验证了算法的有效性。 相似文献
Ledmi Makhlouf Zidat Samir Hamdi-Cherif Aboubekeur 《Knowledge and Information Systems》2021,63(7):1873-1908
Knowledge and Information Systems - Mining itemsets for association rule generation is a fundamental data mining task originally stemming from the traditional market basket analysis problem.... 相似文献
This paper proposes an efficient method, the frequent items ultrametric trees (FIUT), for mining frequent itemsets in a database. FIUT uses a special frequent items ultrametric tree (FIU-tree) structure to enhance its efficiency in obtaining frequent itemsets. Compared to related work, FIUT has four major advantages. First, it minimizes I/O overhead by scanning the database only twice. Second, the FIU-tree is an improved way to partition a database, which results from clustering transactions, and significantly reduces the search space. Third, only frequent items in each transaction are inserted as nodes into the FIU-tree for compressed storage. Finally, all frequent itemsets are generated by checking the leaves of each FIU-tree, without traversing the tree recursively, which significantly reduces computing time. FIUT was compared with FP-growth, a well-known and widely used algorithm, and the simulation results showed that the FIUT outperforms the FP-growth. In addition, further extensions of this approach and their implications are discussed. 相似文献