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Power microelectronics plays an important role in many of the consumer and industrial applications today. With increase in demand for energy savings and efficient systems, the requirements for rapid advancement in MOS controlled power semiconductor device concepts and technologies are becoming more crucial than ever before. This puts a considerable pressure on industries to be innovative and competitive at the device, technology, manufacturing, and marketing levels. Today manufacturing companies are faced with intensifying competition and a turbulent economic environment. To some extent technology is seen as a means by which firms can strive to adapt to the requirements of this difficult and uncertain environment. On the other hand, rapid rates of technological change and associated shorter product cycles are themselves part of the difficulty, as is the increased blurring of long-established industrial boundaries (Kodama's, 1985) process of "technological fusion". The growing complexity and increased pace of industrial technological change especially in power microelectronics are forcing firms to forge new alliances and to seek greater flexibility and efficiency in responding to market changes. The aim of this paper is to explore these aspects.  相似文献   

Restrictive factors of Chinese generating set equipment manufacturing industry innovation includes technical introduction restraint, system restraint, enterprise resources, ability restraint and resources disperser restraint. In the future, based on industrial innovation, generating set manufacture enterprise's strategic choice, strategies on industry innovation of Chinese generating set manufacturing industry are proposed. There are a lot of means can help, as well as developing many kinds of clean energies and realizing industrial reforming, extending service pattern, promoting industry innovation level, enhancing ability of enterprise's continuous development and accelerating industry's innovation.  相似文献   

本文通过对政府、制造业企业的调查研究和工业云联盟运营经验总结,提出了基于互联网+的新型工业生态体系构建策略,旨在探索以《中国制造2025》为指引的新型工业生态体系构建,助力工业产业转型升级.  相似文献   

Manufacturing systems changed towards higher degrees of automation in the 1980s. Today's manufacturing systems again face a fundamental change. One of the key matters of this change is going to be the modularity of tomorrow's manufacturing systems. This article analyzes the industrial and technological background of this change from the perspective of a large manufacturing company in the automotive, consumer goods and automation industry. A seminal definition of modularity for manufacturing systems is given. A new categorization of manufacturing systems based on the granularity of their modules is presented. Within this categorization manufacturing systems are divided into standard-machine-based production systems, cell-based production systems, workstation-based production systems, and unit-based production systems. Advantages and disadvantages of the different concepts are discussed with respect to future requirements. Finally, challenges and trends of the future manufacturing technology are outlined.  相似文献   

刘炜  张为 《光通信研究》2021,(2):7-13,58
边缘智能是人工智能(AI)技术与边缘计算的结合,能满足行业数字化在实时业务、数据优化和应用智能等方面的关键需求。文章开创性地提出了边缘智能2.0的概念,以此为基础设计并搭建了基于开源框架的工业互联网平台,并引入了云网融合、云边协同与边边协作的理念,达到云、网、边、端4位一体的协同。将边缘智能应用到表面贴装技术(SMT)生产线,通过数据建模与分析和优化制程参数,以实现制造企业的降本减存与提质增效。  相似文献   

宋罡  蒋乐天 《信息技术》2021,(3):73-76,83
针对海上无人值守的监测平台对功耗、实时性、识别率等方面的要求,设计并实现了基于人工智能技术的综合目标识别系统.该系统提出了目标框定预处理算法,大大降低了神经网络的输入数据量;通过神经网络模型优化降低了计算复杂度,并能适应不同尺寸的输入图片.该系统具有良好的性能功耗比,能较好地满足实际应用场景的需求.  相似文献   

移动智能终端作为移动互联网的发展载体,已经进入了快速发展期,移动智能终端引领的技术变革和产业模式创新已成为我国重要的历史性机遇。为推动我国移动智能终端产业实现跨越发展,文章对移动智能终端生态系统、操作系统、芯片、产业链四个要素进行研究,揭示其基本规律,并给出促进产业发展的若干建议。  相似文献   

激光制造的短流程优势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
左铁钏  王旭葆 《中国激光》2008,35(11):1660-1663
通过对激光切割取代冲孔和修边模具,车身总装过程中激光焊接取代电阻点焊,以及车身不同部位不同厚度覆盖件的激光焊接的研究,展示了激光制造技术在汽车制造领域中的优势.介绍了激光宽带熔覆技术,与传统粉末冶金烧结工艺相对比,该激光制造短流程工艺不仅能够提高生产率、缩短制造工艺流程,而且能够降低成本、节约能源.  相似文献   

冯梅  张磊  廖敏  李军锋  杨虹  王斌 《微电子学》2020,50(6):868-874
集成电路(IC)产业是信息技术产业的核心,也是重庆以“芯屏器核网”为核心的电子信息支柱产业。重庆市以创新为引领加速产业转型,聚焦IC产业的创新发展,迫切需要产业链与创新链的高效协同。文章将IC产业链分为IC设计、芯片制造、芯片封装、成品测试四个核心环节,围绕科技人才、科研机构、研发平台、科技成果、科技企业、科研项目六个创新链关键要素进行了系统性分析。在重庆市IC产业现状的基础上,提炼了创新链中仍然面临的问题,提出了进一步强化产业创新链的建议。  相似文献   

微电子技术快速发展,已成为“互联网+智能”时代的技术基石;从制造业视角看,在全球范围内,微电子产业逐渐成为创新价值链的核心,这种趋势带动了全球制造业的智能化重构。文章分析了我国微电子产业发展的现状,指出了制造业智能重构是我国制造业迭代升级、变轨超车的重要机遇。基于安徽芜湖市的区位和产业状况,认为位于长三角区域的芜湖,已初步具备了完整的智能汽车制造基础,形成了一定的产业特色,但距离形成有全球竞争力的智能制造创新价值链基地还有较大差距,建立微电子产业公共研发服务平台是芜湖市实现智能制造重构、微电子产业变轨超车的重要步骤,该平台的建设对于芜湖市成为中国第三代半导体研发和生产基地具有战略意义。  相似文献   

We measure and compare externalities of IT and R&D capital stocks in different Korean industry sectors using inter‐industry input‐output tables of 1985, 1990, 1995 and 2000. We also compute the multiplier effects that relate to the directions of future economic effects. The key findings are as follows. First, we observed continuous capital deepening in all nine industries over the period of 1985 to 2000. Second, the backward multipliers of IT capital were the highest in the manufacturing industry. As for inter‐industry externalities, the indirect backward multipliers, which exclude intra‐industry backward multiplier effects within the industry, were also the highest in the manufacturing industry. Third, the forward multiplier effects of IT capital stock were the most substantial in the construction industry during the 1980s and in the manufacturing industry thereafter. Finally, using the transition multiplier matrix reflecting the backward effects of the two capitals in the past, the economic backward effects, especially the external economic effects, are predicted to increase through 2010 among all industries. The above findings suggest that, in order to maximize the forward and backward effects of the ever‐increasing IT capital, we need to formulate an industry policy reducing the cost of capital accumulation in the manufacturing industry through improvement in productivity of the IT industry.  相似文献   

因为现阶段中国的工业进程正在慢慢向现代智能化的方向进步,中国目前为止的机械设计制造行业主要是把机械制造设计技术与数字化智能化结合到一起进行总体发展,除此以外,中国的机械制造工作人员也被要求进一步的发展数字化智能化.我国的工业产业要想得到长足的发展,就必须利用一切力量去达成机械设计技术数字化智能化的目标.  相似文献   

以提高生产成品率为目标,利用神经网络的非线性和容错性,对半导体芯片生产过程进行了分析和优化,具体内容如下:(1)使用神经网络方法建立模型,确定生产线上工艺参数和成品率之间的映射关系,构造以工艺参数为输入,成品率为输出的多维函数曲面.(2)对上述多维函数曲面进行搜索,搜索成品率最高的最优点,以该最优点的工艺参数值为依据确定工艺参数的规范值.(3)对工艺参数规范进行优化,在实际生产工艺中反复实践,直至达到提高成品率的目的.生产实践证明,神经网络的分析结果是合理的.根据神经网络分析提出的优化建议,有效地提高了工  相似文献   

Manufacturing founds a major pillar of the national economy. The international community generally agrees that the core of the new wave of manufacturing upgrade is to achieve intelligent manufacturing. For this reason, the concepts of “Industrial Internet” and “Industry 4.0” was proposed by united state, Germany and other technologied, and formulated manufacturing development strategies suited to their national conditions. “Made in China 2025” was proposed by China which determines the development direction based on intelligent manufacturing in the level of national development strategy. Based on the status quo and technological advantages of China's industrial intelligent manufacturing, and aiming to help large, medium and small-sized production enterprises achieve industrial intelligence in a flexible, smooth and cost-controllable manner, the concept of “industrial intelligent network” was proposed to integrate the conditions and advantages in aspects of China's information infrastructure construction, cognitive identification, artificial intelligence, etc., to build an industrial intelligent network, to provide industrial intelligent services to large, medium and small-sized enterprises, so that production enterprises within a broader scale can benefit from intelligent manufacturing with lower costs.  相似文献   

现代工业进程不断推进,世界工业已经进入4.0时代.智能化、信息化等技术不断被运用到工业生产中去,大大提升了机械制造的效益.自动化技术的不断革新,使得机械制造与生产的流程更加完善,能实现一体化流水生产,降低了人力管理成本,提升了工业生产的效率.而柔性制造体系就是一种比较先进的工业设备生产体系,已经被广泛应用到多种机械加工生产中.  相似文献   

The direct and indirect effect of ICT on energy conservation and emission reduction is described. The energy consumption per unit GDP in the ICT industry is lower than that in other industries. The application of ICT in such fi elds as industrial design, manufacturing, management, logistics, sales and service can be helpful for energy conservation and emission reduction in the industrial and transportations industry; however, the issue of energy waste and environmental pollution caused by voluminous deploym...  相似文献   

In China, the gradual disappearance of the demographic dividend has forced the traditional construction industry to transform into the industrialization and standardization of modernization. However, 75% of the workers in the construction industry are migrant workers, and the low human capital is the bottleneck in the transformation of the construction industry. Only by transforming the traditional migrant workers into industrial workers, can the construction industry further optimize the labor structure, accelerate the deepening of reform and promote industrial upgrading. The paper analyzes the complexity and emergent properties of the evolution problem that the migrant workers become industrial workers in construction industry, and interprets seven indicators of the compatibility between migrant workers to be industrial workers and CAS theory in construction industry. On this basis, CAS theory is used to analyze the construction of industrial workers in the construction of industrial workers, and put forward suggestions based on the application of agent based computer simulation technology.  相似文献   

彭海英 《电子测试》2014,(11):120-122
随着科学技术不断发展,数控技术作为较高科技性能的技术也在不断进步之中,将数控技术应用到机械制造行业中,是提高我国工业化技术含量的手段之一。现阶段,我国机械制造行业的规模在世界上占据着较大份额,但是产品的质量却不能达到国际标准,技术含量不过关,所以我们应加强数控技术在机械制造行业的有效应用,提升机械制造产品的性能及质量。本文简单分析了我国机械制造行业的现状,数控技术的特点以及数控技术在机械制造行业中的应用,最后对我国机械制造行业中数控技术的发展趋势做了阐述。  相似文献   

苗子宁 《移动信息》2023,45(3):198-200
近年来,我国在工业生产领域取得了较大的进步,在诸多领域与行业中,均普遍采用现代化的机械设备,不仅彻底转变了传统的人工生产模式,同时也为企业的发展提供了新动能。正是由于上述情况的存在,使得机械制造业有了良好的发展前景。为保证机械制造业能够获得顺利、快速的发展与进步,目前我国已经开始推广机电一体化数控技术。为此,文中对机电一体化数控技术在机械制造中的应用情况进行了论述。  相似文献   

Over past decades industrial IT evolved separately in the field automation and office automation domains. Nowadays increasing complexity of manufacturing requires more advanced control, which can be achieved only by integrating these, formerly separated, areas. This article focuses on two aspects of such integration: communication-related, interconnecting networks of different kinds, and functional, establishing a link between business and manufacturing processes.   相似文献   

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