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一种神经网络体视协同算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
描述一种多分辨率体视协同算法.该算法用二分正交小波作多分辨率分解,采取边匹配边重建,二者互相修正协同进行的策略,并以神经网络主要是Hopfield网络为其实现形式.实验结果表明.该算法是合理和有效的.  相似文献   

目前基于立体视觉信息的运动目标识别定位、跟踪及轨迹预测是机器视觉领域的研究热点.通过归纳整理相关文献,从双目立体视觉技术、运动目标检测技术、运动目标轨迹预测技术三个方面对基于立体视觉的运动目标检测及轨迹预测进行了概述,分别阐述了相机标定的常见方法、图像特征提取及立体匹配不同算法的适用场景、各运动目标检测方法的优缺点、常...  相似文献   

传统的立体匹配方法建立在Lambertian的漫反射模型之上,漫反射模型的立体匹配在一个图像中大部分是有效的,但是在处理图像中包含镜面反射部分时结果会产生严重的匹配错误.为了解决个问题,根据二色反射模型引入一种漫反射和镜面反射的分离方法,匹配图像中存在镜面反射部分时先滤除掉镜面反射再进行匹配,在镜面反射部分也能匹配得到正确的视差.实验结果证明该方法很有效.  相似文献   

Stereo matching is one of the fundamental problems in computer vision. It consists in identifying features in two or more stereo images that are generated by the same physical feature in the three-dimensional space. This paper presents an evolutionary approach with a multilevel searching strategy for matching edges extracted from two stereo images. The matching problem is turned into an optimization task, which is performed by means of a genetic algorithm with a new encoding scheme. For an effective exploitation of the genetic stereo matching algorithm for real-time obstacle detection, a multilevel searching strategy is proposed to match the edges at different levels by considering their gradient magnitudes. Experimental results and comparative analysis are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method for real-time obstacle detection in front of a moving vehicle using linear stereo vision.  相似文献   

图像均匀匹配是双目立体视觉领域研究的重点。本文用SIFT特征匹配算法处理立体匹配,并利用构造圆环形窗口以及12维向量表示一个特征点的方法,既保持SIFT算法的尺度不变性,又有效降低了算法的复杂度,提高了算法实时性。  相似文献   

A vision-based approach to unsupervised learning of the indoor environment for autonomous land vehicle (ALV) navigation is proposed. The ALV may, without human's involvement, self-navigate systematically in an unexplored closed environment, collect the information of the environment features, and then build a top-view map of the environment for later planned navigation or other applications. The learning system consists of three subsystems: a feature location subsystem, a model management subsystem, and an environment exploration subsystem. The feature location subsystem processes input images, and calculates the locations of the local features and the ALV by model matching techniques. To facilitate feature collection, two laser markers are mounted on the vehicle which project laser light on the corridor walls to form easily detectable line and corner features. The model management subsystem attaches the local model into a global one by merging matched corner pairs as well as line segment pairs. The environment exploration subsystem guides the ALV to explore the entire navigation environment by using the information of the learned model and the current ALV location. The guidance scheme is based on the use of a pushdown transducer derived from automata theory. A prototype learning system was implemented on a real vehicle, and simulations and experimental results in real environments show the feasibility of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

基于双目立体视觉的复杂背景下的牛体点云获取   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
提出一种基于双目立体视觉的复杂背景下的牛体点云获取方法。在点云获取过程中,针对牛不是保持不动的实际情况,采用基于被动视觉技术的双目立体视觉方法;在相机标定过程中,进行单目标定获取相机内部参数,统一标定获取相机外部参数,针对牛体毛色及所处环境复杂的情况,采用基于贝叶斯的皮肤检测算法提取牛体图像,采用基于SIFT的特征点提取和匹配方法实现特征点的匹配,利用计算机视觉中的极线几何原理,剔除误匹配点,通过相机的成像模型求取牛体的三维点云。实验验证了该方法能够在复杂背景下获取牛体点云,并得到较好的点云数据,较好解决了双目立体视觉中相机标定和立体匹配两个较关键和困难的问题。  相似文献   

基于双焦的单目立体成像系统分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘昕鑫  王元庆 《计算机测量与控制》2008,16(9):1316-1318,1321
讨论了基于双焦的单目立体成像模型,分析了在共轴模型下CCD成像离散性而导致的深度计算误差与镜头焦距及物点空间位置的关系,当镜头焦距增加时,可精确恢复深度增大,当物点距镜头光轴距离较远,即物点位于视场边缘时,深度计算误差较小;并根据双焦成像特点提出了相应的特征匹配方法,即采用与两焦距倍数相关的特征提取算子,并对匹配结果进行相应的深度计算及插值;文章最后给出了理想双焦图像对的相应实验结果,并探讨了实验误差的形成原因。  相似文献   

复杂环境下的夜间视频车辆检测*   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
分析了夜间复杂交通场景的特点,提出了应用于夜间交通信息采集的HLEPT(headlight extraction,pai-ring and tracking)算法。该算法包含车灯提取算法和配对跟踪规则,并结合先配对车灯后跟踪其轨迹和先跟踪车灯后配对其轨迹两种方法,对车流量、车速等交通信息进行统计。实验表明,HLEPT算法复杂度低,具有良好的实时性、鲁棒性,良好环境下其检测率达到96%以上;即使在雨夜路面有车灯倒影的交通拥挤路段,也能达到88%的检测率。  相似文献   

给出一种双目立体视觉结合SURF(Speeded Up Robust Features)算法的小型煤堆的体积测量方法,首先,简要介绍了双目视觉的原理和基于SURF算法的立体匹配,其次,给出了煤堆的三维重建和体积计算方法,讨论了影响计算精度的主要因素及解决方法,实现了煤堆体积的非接触测量,最后,实验结果证明了该方法具有可行性,有一定的实用价值.  相似文献   

对双目立体视觉技术的实现过程作了分析,介绍了摄像机标定、特征点提取和立体匹配的实现方法及应用弊端,特别是给出了一种实用而有效的三维重建方法,并对双目体视技术的应用和发展做了分析与展望。  相似文献   

设计了应用于户外智能车环境感知的立体视觉系统,并提出了两种立体匹配算法,分别实现不同的功能.基于多特征提取的稀疏匹配算法首先通过图像局部增强处理减弱光照和场景变化的影响,然后在对极线引导和连续性约束下提取立体图像的角点特征和边缘特征进行匹配,能够实时探测环境的三维概貌,并突出环境中的障碍物信息,实现辅助车辆自主导航的功能;基于特征引导的稠密匹配算法采用了最小割/最大流算法,并利用多特征匹配的结果来剔除稠密匹配中的成块误匹配,能够重建出未知环境详细的三维信息,实现三维可视化功能.最后通过试验验证了两种算法的有效性.  相似文献   

针对在低功耗、低成本硬件平台快速准确检测老人跌倒高危行为的问题,提出了一种基于AlphaPose优化模型的老人异常行为检测算法.首先,对行人目标检测模型和姿态估计模型进行优化,以加快人体目标检测和姿态关节点推理;然后,通过优化的AlphaPose模型快速计算得到人体姿态关节点图像坐标数据;最后,计算人体跌倒瞬间头部关节...  相似文献   

The recovery of 3-D shape information (depth) using stereo vision analysis is one of the major areas in computer vision and has given rise to a great deal of literature in the recent past. The widely known stereo vision methods are the passive stereo vision approaches that use two cameras. Obtaining 3-D information involves the identification of the corresponding 2-D points between left and right images. Most existing methods tackle this matching task from singular points, i.e. finding points in both image planes with more or less the same neighborhood characteristics. One key problem we have to solve is that we are on the first instance unable to know a priori whether a point in the first image has a correspondence or not due to surface occlusion or simply because it has been projected out of the scope of the second camera. This makes the matching process very difficult and imposes a need of an a posteriori stage to remove false matching.In this paper we are concerned with the active stereo vision systems which offer an alternative to the passive stereo vision systems. In our system, a light projector that illuminates objects to be analyzed by a pyramid-shaped laser beam replaces one of the two cameras. The projections of laser rays on the objects are detected as spots in the image. In this particular case, only one image needs to be treated, and the stereo matching problem boils down to associating the laser rays and their corresponding real spots in the 2-D image. We have expressed this problem as a minimization of a global function that we propose to perform using Genetic Algorithms (GAs). We have implemented two different algorithms: in the first, GAs are performed after a deterministic search. In the second, data is partitioned into clusters and GAs are independently applied in each cluster. In our second contribution in this paper, we have described an efficient system calibration method. Experimental results are presented to illustrate the feasibility of our approach. The proposed method yields high accuracy 3-D reconstruction even for complex objects. We conclude that GAs can effectively be applied to this matching problem.  相似文献   

Ju Yong  Kyoung Mu  Sang Uk   《Pattern recognition》2007,40(12):3705-3713
In this paper, we propose a new stereo matching algorithm using an iterated graph cuts and mean shift filtering technique. Our algorithm estimates the disparity map progressively through the following two steps. In the first step, with a previously estimated RDM (reliable disparity map) that consists of sparse ground control points, an updated dense disparity map is constructed through a RDM constrained energy minimization framework that can cope with occlusion. The graph cuts technique is employed for the solution of the proposed energy model. In the second step, more accurate and denser RDM is estimated through the disparity crosschecking technique and the mean shift filtering in the CSD (color–spatial–disparity) space. The proposed algorithm expands the reliable disparities in RDM repeatedly through the above two steps until it converges. Experimental results on the standard data set demonstrate that the proposed algorithm achieves comparable performance to the state-of-the-arts, and gives excellent results especially in the areas such as the disparity discontinuous boundaries and occluded regions, where the conventional methods usually suffer.  相似文献   

针对产业化的汽车仪表指针人工视觉检测效果差、检测速度慢和实时性低等问题,本文提出了一种改进的Faster R-CNN汽车仪表指针实时检测算法。通过改进原始的RoI网络层结构,实现小目标高低层特征之间的完整传递;采用双线性内插算法替代两次量化操作,使得特征聚集变成连续的过程,能够有效减少计算时间;最后将工业机采集的视频数据,预处理成VOC格式数据集进行训练,调整超参数得到改进汽车仪表指针检测模型。实验结果表明:所提出的方法能够快速、准确地实现汽车仪表指针检测,单张图片的平均检测时间为0.197 s,平均检测精度可达92.7%。在不同类别仪表指针的迁移实验中,展示了良好的泛化性能。  相似文献   

Many robotic and machine-vision applications rely on the accurate results of stereo correspondence algorithms. However, difficult environmental conditions, such as differentiations in illumination depending on the viewpoint, heavily affect the stereo algorithms’ performance. This work proposes a new illumination-invariant dissimilarity measure in order to substitute the established intensity-based ones. The proposed measure can be adopted by almost any of the existing stereo algorithms, enhancing it with its robust features. The performance of the dissimilarity measure is validated through experimentation with a new adaptive support weight (ASW) stereo correspondence algorithm. Experimental results for a variety of lighting conditions are gathered and compared to those of intensity-based algorithms. The algorithm using the proposed dissimilarity measure outperforms all the other examined algorithms, exhibiting tolerance to illumination differentiations and robust behavior.  相似文献   

非参量变换在彩色图像立体匹配中的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着彩色摄像机广泛使用,对彩色图像的视差匹配研究越来越普遍。研究显示,使用彩色图像匹配比灰度图像匹配精确度增加20%~25%。根据非参量变换原理,提出了基于非参量变换的彩色图像立体匹配算法,将Rank变换应用到彩色图像的区域匹配方法中,并采用census变换后的汉明码距离作为新的约束条件。实验表明提高了原来方法的抗噪性和匹配准确性。  相似文献   

多目立体视觉在工业测量中的应用研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
以双目立体视觉系统为基础,提出了一种多目立体视觉测量的方法。该方法利用摄像机旋转来获取多幅图像,利用这些立体图像对中对应特征点的视差得到物体的深度信息,达到多目测量的目的,通过实验并与双目立体视觉相比较,验证了其在摄像机标定和提高测量结果精度方面的优越性。  相似文献   

One difficult problem in stereo vision is how to establish correspondence between features extracted from a pair of images. The difficulty is due to ambiguities or inconsistencies of available information on images. In this paper, we invetigate stereo correspondence problem in the framework of color stereo vision. We propose the use of a matching consistence (MC) constraint in RGB color space and the generalized epipolar geometry to develop an automatic feature matching algorithm.  相似文献   

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