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This paper is concerned with the adaptive disturbance attenuation control problem for a class of switched polynomial nonlinear systems. At first, a parameterized controller is designed to transform the switched polynomial nonlinear systems into switched Hamiltonian systems with polynomial structure. Then, combining with the solve‐parameter algorithm described in this paper, a mixed adaptive passivity and H2/H control method is devoted. Comparing with the existing results, the obtained adaptive disturbance attenuation controller has better performance. Finally, a numerical example is given to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed methods.  相似文献   

For a linear system with mismatched disturbance, a robust sliding mode control algorithm using only output feedback is developed in this paper. Although the system with intrinsic issues of unknown input and nonminimum phase is inherited, an improved reduced-order unknown input observer is to be presented in estimating the state of the system. The manipulation of H control theory along with the implementation of estimated system state can result in robust stabilization with disturbance attenuation when designing integral sliding surface of a system in the sliding mode. A controller is also designed to satisfy the reaching and sliding condition in line with the estimated system state. Finally, a numerical example is explained for showing the applicability of the proposed scheme.  相似文献   

This paper deals with model predictive control (MPC) with disturbance attenuation. By introducing a decomposition method for a quadratic objective function, an MPC law is obtained from a reduced order optimization problem. The effectiveness of the proposed MPC law is demonstrated by numerical simulation. IEEJ Trans 2010 DOI: 10.1002/tee.20613  相似文献   

In non‐iterative data‐driven controller tuning, a set of measured input/output data of the plant is used directly to identify the optimal controller that minimizes some control criterion. This approach allows the design of fixed‐order controllers, but leads to an identification problem where the input is affected by noise, and not the output as in standard identification problems. Several solutions that deal with the effect of measurement noise in this specific identification problem have been proposed in the literature. The consistency and statistical efficiency of these methods are discussed in this paper and the performance of the different methods is compared. The conclusions offer a guideline on how to solve the data‐driven controller tuning problem efficiently. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

交联悬垂控制系统是一个非线性、时变、强耦合多干扰的复杂控制系统,为提高悬垂控制系统的抗干扰能力和鲁棒性。提出一种基于自抗扰的悬垂控制策略。文中分别针对下牵引交流异步电机的速度环、电流环以及磁链还进行自抗扰控制器的设计,通过所设计的自抗扰控制器有效地提高了系统的悬垂控制精度。考虑到悬垂控制系统是一个非线性时延系统,时延的存在一定程度上降低了系统的控制性能。本文将史密斯预估技术引入到自抗扰控制器的设计中,设计了一种基于史密斯预估器的输出预估自抗扰控制器,有效地降低了时延的影响,提高了系统的鲁棒性和抗干扰性能。文中最后给出了仿真分析,仿真结果验证了所设计的复合控制器的有效性。  相似文献   

在实际并网现场,电网时常包含未知、时变的扰动,故LCL并网逆变器运行工况复杂、恶劣,经常面临频繁脱网的问题.基于此,首先针对LCL并网逆变器设计了结构简单的一阶自抗扰控制器;其次,针对自抗扰控制器参数难以整定的问题,构建了包含控制误差和系统调节时间在内的多目标优化函数,并结合粒子群优化算法实现了一阶自抗扰控制器的参数整定,提高了自抗扰控制器参数设计的效率和合理性;最后,在频域中对系统性能进行分析,并通过仿真和实验验证了所设计控制器的可行性及所设计参数的优越性.结果表明,相比传统带宽法所得控制参数,带所提方法所得控制参数的一阶自抗扰控制能够使LCL并网系统获得更好的跟踪性、抗扰性和入网电流质量,且能够保证LCL并网逆变器在复杂工况下不脱网.  相似文献   

针对变桨伺服系统非线性、多变量、数学模型难以建立的特性,在电流环和速度环设计了自抗扰控制器,有效解决了传统PI调节器的快速性与超调之间的矛盾。仿真结果表明,电动变桨伺服系统采用以上控制方法,可以保证伺服系统有较强的抗扰性能,同时实现了无超调、响应快,具有良好的动态控制性能。  相似文献   

针对复杂工业过程中存在的一类模型不确定问题,提出了一种新的鲁棒比例积分微分(PID)控制器参数整定方法。通过对优化目标的分析,将鲁棒PID控制器的参数整定问题转化成一个求解最小-最大优化问题,并引入合作进化粒子群优化算法对该最小-最大优化问题进行求解。针对实例的仿真结果表明,利用该方法整定得到的鲁棒PID控制器具有良好的鲁棒性,提高了性能指标,当过程对象操作范围发生大的变化时,该控制器能获得满意的结果。  相似文献   

改进的PSO算法及其在PID控制器参数整定中的应用   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
粒子群优化算法(PSO)是一种新兴的随机优化技术,在许多领域得到了广泛应用。为了提高算法的计算精度,加快算法的收敛速度,提出了一种改进的粒子群优化算法,通过引入粒子运动过程中的最差位置信息,由最优个体和最差个体获取信息,有效地提高了算法的搜索能力和收敛速度。在实验研究中,采用改进的粒子群优化算法对PID控制器参数进行整定并用于啤酒发酵过程温度段控制,实验结果表明所提出的算法搜索能力及收敛速度显著提高,应用该方法得到的PID控制器综合性能优于常规方法所得的结果。  相似文献   

When a reusable launch vehicle (RLV) returns to earth, it flies just by gliding without thrust. In this phase, one of the most likely and important faults to occur in the airframe is a jamming of the elevon. To tolerate this failure, the flight control system must keep stability and performance during such a failure. One of the effective ways to overcome this problem is to switch the controllers based on the information of the detected failure in the plant. Generally speaking, the controller must have integrators so as to yield the zero steady‐state error for the controlled output even if there exist some perturbations in the plant dynamics. In this paper, the design of controller switching scenario is addressed especially focusing on the decision of the controller state at the instant of switching the controllers with integrator. Then, the proposed switching scenario is applied to the control of ALFLEX (Automatic Landing FLight EXperiment), which is the automatic landing experimental vehicle being developed for RLV, considering the occurrence of the jamming fault. Some simulations are shown to verify the usefulness of the proposed idea. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Electr Eng Jpn, 164(2): 80–90, 2008; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/eej.20356  相似文献   

针对目前自抗扰控制器多参数整定方法存在的不足,根据分离原则,提出对自抗扰控制器中的跟踪微分器根据需要的过渡过程进行参数整定,扩张状态观测器用改进的非支配排序遗传算法进行整定,最后用非线性最小二乘法对非线性反馈进行整定.仿真实例表明,通过该整定方法得到控制器的控制效果具有快速性、稳定性的特点,而且该方法也优于用遗传算法对自抗扰控制器参数的整定.  相似文献   

In many industrial applications, finding a model from physical laws that is both simple and reliable for control design is a hard and time‐consuming undertaking. When a set of input/output measurements is available, one can derive the controller directly from data, without relying on the knowledge of the physics. In the scientific literature, two main approaches have been proposed for control system design from data. In the ‘model‐based’ approach, a model of the system is first derived from data and then a controller is computed‐based on the model. In the ‘data‐driven’ approach, the controller is directly computed from data. In this work, the previous approaches are compared from a novel perspective. The main finding of the paper is that, although from the standard perspective of parameter variance analysis the model‐based approach is always statistically more efficient, the data‐driven controller might outperform the model‐based solution for what concerns the final control cost. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present robust adaptive controller design for SISO linear systems with zero relative degree under noisy output measurements. We formulate the robust adaptive control problem as a nonlinear H‐optimal control problem under imperfect state measurements, and then solve it using game theory. By using the a priori knowledge of the parameter vector, we apply a soft projection algorithm, which guarantees the robustness property of the closed‐loop system without any persistency of excitation assumption of the reference signal. Owing to our formulation in state space, we allow the true system to be uncontrollable, as long as the uncontrollable part is stable in the sense of Lyapunov, and the uncontrollable modes on the jω‐axis are uncontrollable from the exogenous disturbance input. This assumption allows the adaptive controller to asymptotically cancel out, at the output, the effect of exogenous sinusoidal disturbance inputs with unknown magnitude, phase, and frequency. These strong robustness properties are illustrated by a numerical example. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

多机系统励磁的非线性L2增益干扰抑制控制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对多机电力系统,基于严格耗散理论,提出了一种新的能够实现干扰抑制的励磁鲁棒非线性控制策略,在实现过程中不需要任何线性化方法。对三机系统的仿真结果表明,提出的励磁控制策略可提高电力系统暂态稳定性。  相似文献   

基于迭代学习控制的交流伺服系统PI参数自整定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对交流伺服控制器PI参数自整定方法中,忽略了整定过程的周期性和所需的自学习能力,造成整定过程效率低、重复操作次数多、整定时间长问题,依据迭代学习控制,提出了一种交流伺服系统速度控制器PI参数自整定控制方案,使控制器能够进行仿人操作,根据历史控制经验不断地改进学习增益。仿真和实验结果均验证了方案的有效性,且结构简单,易于实现。  相似文献   

In real control systems, certain constraints are placed on the input, state, and output values. If such constraints are violated, the system may become unstable, in a worst‐case scenario. One of the promising approaches to solving this problem is to switch the controller according to the state of the closed‐loop system. No useful design strategy for each controller, however, has yet been developed. In addition, the determination of the controller state at the instant of controller switching has not been investigated. First, this paper presents a new design methodology which merges the switching control and H controller design into one design algorithm. Second, this paper presents a way of determining the controller state at the instant of controller switching. Finally, the proposed method is applied to force control of a one‐DOF manipulator in order to demonstrate the usefulness of the proposed method. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Electr Eng Jpn, 142(2): 68–75, 2003; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/eej.10082  相似文献   

Software PID controllers have become a standard component of automation with PLCs (programmable logic controllers) and work together with classical sequential function charts in the same processing units. However, traditional methods for the computer‐aided design of control systems often involve high mathematical effort and are usually implemented on additional PCs that are only connected for commissioning purposes. Therefore a new, very simple concept for self‐tuning PID controllers will be presented, which is implemented together with the controller on the PLC and which enables automatic tuning without prior knowledge of the process. The concept is designed specifically for temperature control, but can also be used for other control loops in the process industry which show stable time‐lag dynamics and allow sufficient setpoint steps. For users, the most important advantage is the drastic reduction of commissioning time and effort. If, for example, there are 10 temperature loops in one machine, the successive tuning of all 10 controllers used to require several days. With the new concept, there is no longer any need for dedicated tuning. The self‐tuning of all control loops is performed automatically and simultaneously on machine startup. Control performance is better than it is with the traditionally designed PID controllers, particularly for slow temperature processes. The concept is based on a systematic startup sequence to explore process dynamics, a modified inflection point method for process identification and a separation of setpoint and disturbance control. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Antidisturbance control and estimation problem are introduced for a class of nonlinear system subject to multisource disturbances. The uncertain multisource disturbances consist of not only a single harmonic or constant disturbance but also another unexpected nonlinear signal described as a nonlinear function. The composite adaptive disturbance observers are constructed separately from the controller design to estimate the disturbance with partial known information. By integrating disturbance observer‐based controller with robust adaptive control, a novel type of composite adaptive disturbance observer‐based control scheme is presented for a class of nonlinear system with multisource disturbances. Simulations for a flight control system are given to demonstrate the effectiveness of the results compared with the previous schemes. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

提出了一种带有解耦干扰补偿器的离散变结构控制方法.通过设计解耦干扰补偿器将离散变结构控制系统的控制项和系统的不确定项分别控制,在设计过程中采用了变速趋近律的离散变结构控制方法,并分别对调节和跟踪系统进行讨论.实现了离散变结构控制系统的控制项和不确定项的解耦鲁棒跟踪控制.仿真结果表明了该方法的有效性.  相似文献   

免疫调节增益的单神经元PID控制器   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对单神经元PID控制中学习速度较慢,动态响应时间长等问题,提出了免疫调节增益的单神经元PID控制器.将T细胞免疫调节机理与单神经元PID控制算法相结合,以提高单神经元PID控制器的学习速度,缩短动态响应时间,改善单神经元PID控制器的性能.仿真研究了免疫调节增益的单神经元PID控制器的定值跟踪性能和抗干扰性能以及直流电机伺服控制性能.仿真实验结果表明,这种新的控制算法学习速度快,动态响应时间短,具有较强的自适应性和鲁棒性,其控制性能优于单神经元PID控制.  相似文献   

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