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为了研究基于半导体可饱和吸收镜的被动锁模光纤激光器的输出特性,采用1480nm的半导体激光器作为抽运源,利用掺铒光纤作为增益介质,以及光纤环行器、偏振控制器、波分复用器和耦合器等构成了环形腔结构的被动锁模光纤激光器。实验中获得了峰值波长1586nm、光谱宽度4.8nm、重复频率11.2MHz、最大平均输出功率8.4mW的稳定锁模激光脉冲输出。结果表明,调整光纤偏振控制器会使光纤激光器输出脉冲的时域波形略微发生变化,在实际应用中需要注意偏振态变化对锁模光纤激光器输出脉冲时域特性的影响。这一结果对于半导体可饱和吸收镜在被动锁模光纤激光器中的应用及其特性具有一定帮助。 相似文献
被动锁模光纤激光器的研究进展 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
被动锁模光纤激光器以其结构简单和紧凑而倍受关注,是未来时分复用(OTDM)光通信系统、光传感和光探测等的理想光源.介绍了当前被动锁模光纤激光器的研究进展,分析了其工作原理、锁模方法、特点及关键技术,最后对其应用前景作了展望. 相似文献
78 fs被动锁模掺Er3+光纤激光器 总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7
用性能稳定的976 nm激光二极管(LD)作为抽运光源,利用非线性偏振旋转(NPR)作为可饱和吸收体,实现了环形腔结构的被动锁模掺Er3 光纤激光器.在抽运功率为57 mW时,通过调节与波长无关的全光纤在线偏振控制器,获得了谱线宽度为40.8 nm,中心波长1544.0 nm,脉冲宽度为78 fs的稳定飞秒脉冲激光,其重复频率为11.18 MHz,平均输出光功率为5.4 mW,单个脉冲能量为0.5 nJ,峰值功率为6200 W. 相似文献
正色散腔被动锁模掺铒光纤激光器的理论分析 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
对观察到的正色散腔被动锁模掺铒光纤激光器的实验现象进行了理论分析.采用Master方程对被动锁模脉冲的静态特性进行数值模拟,结果显示正色散腔可以满足稳定性条件,能够获得稳定的被动锁模脉冲,并且正色散腔内的脉冲具有很强的啁啾特性.根据耦合非线性薛定谔方程,对正色散腔内稳定脉冲的动态形成过程进行模拟,初始的宽时域小信号经过在腔内多次运转后逐渐被放大并压窄,最终形成稳定的锁模脉冲.对在该腔内观察到的多脉冲共存现象进行分析,结果表明多脉冲共存是由于脉冲峰值功率的增加受到腔内功率透过率的限制所致,并对多脉冲在腔内的演变过程进行数值模拟,其结果与实验相吻合. 相似文献
通过对泵浦光源半导体激光器(LD)的驱动电源进行正弦调制,实现了掺铒光纤激光器(EDFL)的同步泵浦锁模。在相应于谐波锁模、有理数谐波锁模条件下得到了稳定的脉冲输出。对重复频率544.431。kHz的二次谐波锁模脉冲序列,脉冲宽度为420.4ns,占空比为1.0:4.4,峰值功率为3.34mW;实验中还观察到了自调Q现象,脉冲序列的重复频率为18.25MHz,脉冲半宽度为8ns,占空比为1.0:6.9,峰值功率为2.3mW。 相似文献
Dissipative solitons in the passively mode-locked fiber lasers based on the gain medium of erbium-doped (Er-doped) fiber have attracted a lot of interest in recent years. In this paper, we study the influences of finite gain bandwidth on dissipative solitons in passively mode-locked Er-doped fiber laser. We investigate the influences of the finite gain bandwidth on pulse duration, pulse peak power and single pulse energy of dissipative solitons. The results show that gain bandwidth of the gain medium has influence on dissipative soliton characteristics in passively mode-locked Er-doped fiber laser. The research in this paper has important theoretical and practical significance. 相似文献
In this paper, the characteristics of soliton in a passively mode-locked Er-doped fiber laser modeled by a non-distributed model are numerically investigated with the split-step Fourier method. Based on the analysis and model, sech2-shaped soliton is obtained by controlling the group velocity dispersion (GVD) and small-signal gain of the gain fiber. The law that the dispersion influences the characteristics of soliton in the mode-locked fiber laser is researched in net-cavity averaged anomalous dispersion regime. 相似文献
Optical soliton communication is the frontier research topic of optical fiber communication. In this paper, we study optical solitons generated by passively mode-locked Erbium-doped (Er-doped) fiber (EDF) laser. We analyze the variation of nonlinear equilibrium point parameter N of the passively mode-locked EDF laser in the role of group-velocity dispersion (GVD) and small-signal gain, and adjusting system parameter N is as close as to possible to 1. The ground state first-order optical soliton which generated through system parameter optimization of the passively mode-locked EDF laser will improve the efficiency and stability of optical soliton communication system. The research of this paper will have provided the theoretical foundation of parameter optimization in a passively mode-locked EDF laser. And it will be possible for the passively mode-locked fiber laser in optical fiber communication system to be applied from the laboratory stage to the practical application. 相似文献
The noise-like pulses(NLPs)with tunable fraction of the pedestal height in the whole intensity autocorrelation(AC)trace are numerically demonstrated in the designed erbium-doped fiber(EDF)mode-locked laser,which contains the saturable absorber(SA)with nonlinear polarization rotation(NPR),sinusoidal-shaped or Gaussian-shaped filter,two segments of EDFs,and two pieces of single-mode fibers(SMFs)with normal dispersion and anomalous dispersion,re-spectively.The pedestal ratio of the intensity AC trace can be tuned by changing the gain saturation energies of EDFs.The results show that when the net cavity dispersion is 1.06 ps2,the tuning range of the pedestal ratio for the NLPs can reach its maximum values,which are 0.51-0.89 and 0.58-0.88 for the sinusoidal-shaped and Gaussian-shaped fil-ters,respectively.In addition,an appropriate choice of filter bandwidth is also conducive to obtain a wide range of the tuning pedestal ratio for the intensity AC trace. 相似文献
This paper is devoted to research the characteristics of the dissipative solitons formed in a passively mode-locked Yb-doped fiber (YDF) laser under limitation of the gain saturation energy. The parabolic shape dissipative solitons with linear chirps are observed in the fiber laser. The influences of the gain saturation energy on pulse duration, peak power and single pulse energy of the dissipative solitons are investigated in-depth. 相似文献
In this paper, we study the chaotic dynamics of the mode-locked fiber laser by numerical simulation. The structures of the passively mode-locked fiber laser and the actively mode-locked fiber laser are studied by modeling and analysis. By appropriately adjusting the small signal gain of the optical fiber amplifier, we observe the period-doubling bifurcations and route to chaos in the passively mode-locked fiber laser based on nonlinear polarization rotation effect. Chaos in the actively mode-locked erbium-doped fiber laser is obtained by adjusting the elliptic modulus parameter of the active modulator and the intra-cavity length. Simulation results have theoretical significance for the practical application of chaotic soliton communication. 相似文献
非线性偏振旋转(NPR)锁模光纤激光器以其结构简单紧凑而备受关注,是光通信系统、光传感和光探测等的理想光源。介绍了非线性偏振旋转锁模激光器的研究进展,分析了其工作原理、锁模方法及关键技术,并按其腔内净色散的不同进行分类,分析其各自特点以及通过色散管理获得高能量超短脉冲的方法。 相似文献
报道了一种全光纤超宽带光谱的类噪声脉冲锁模光纤激光器。为了加宽锁模光谱,利用腔内色散管理和非线性技术,使在58m腔内具有小的反常色散,平均色散系数为0.12 ps/nm/km。实验获得了超过1300nm--1750nm超宽带光谱锁模类噪声脉冲,光谱20-dB带宽达到362nm,3-dB带宽达到102nm。类噪声脉冲的光谱宽度远超过掺铒光纤的增益带宽。 相似文献