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Cinnamoyl-CoA Reductase (CCR, EC catalyses the first step of the lignin pathway. Two full-length cDNAs identified by sequence analysis as CCR-encoding cDNAs were isolated from a maize root cDNA library. These two cDNAs designated ZmCCR1 and ZmCCR2 exhibit 73% sequence conservation at the nucleotide level for their coding regions and are relatively divergent at their 5'- and 3'-untranslated regions. They both contain a common signature which is thought to be involved in the catalytic site of CCR. Northern blot analysis indicated that ZmCCR2 was expressed at very low levels in roots whereas ZmCCR1 was widely expressed in different organs. The high level of ZmCCR1 gene expression along the stalk suggests that the corresponding enzyme is probably involved in constitutive lignification.  相似文献   

Mycoplasma synoviae (MS) strain MS-H was used in three separate commercial flocks for large-scale evaluation of the safety and efficacy of the vaccine under commercial conditions. MS-H successfully colonized meat and layer-breeders vaccinated by eyedrop and persisted for up to 55 wk after vaccination. Restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis showed that MS-H was the only strain isolated from two vaccinated flocks. In a third flock, challenge with a wild-type MS occurred, and this strain was isolated from both vaccinated and unvaccinated birds. Vertical transmission of MS-H was investigated by culturing pipped embryos and testing broiler progeny for MS antibody at processing (56 days old). No evidence of vertical transmission was detected. Lateral transmission of MS-H strain from vaccinated to unvaccinated birds occurred in one of the commercial flocks. Forty-one of 50 isolates of MS-H obtained from vaccinated flocks maintained their temperature-sensitive phenotype, but nine isolates showed a nontemperature-sensitive phenotype.  相似文献   

Six isolates of Mycoplasma synoviae, identified as WVU 1853, K1968, K1858, 92D8034, F10-2AS, and FMT, were compared for pathogenicity in broiler chickens. Specific-pathogen-free chickens were inoculated, in two groups of 20, with each isolate by footpad or eyedrop inoculation at 1 day of age and were examined at necropsy 7, 14, 28, and 42 days postinoculation. Specimens were taken for histopathology, culture, polymerase chain reaction assay, and hemagglutination-inhibition serology. Isolates were grouped according to pathogenicity on the basis of differences in lesion development and tissue distribution in the respiratory system, other viscera, and the skeletal system. K1968 (pathogenic) induced lesions in all sites examined in both the footpad and eyedrop inoculation groups. It was detected in all sites following footpad inoculation and in all sites except viscera following eyedrop inoculation. WVU 1853, K1858, and 92D8034 (moderately pathogenic) induced lesions and were detected in all sites following footpad inoculation. With eyedrop inoculation, lesions were identified only in upper and lower respiratory sites, and organisms were detected only in upper respiratory sites. F10-2AS (moderately pathogenic) was similar; however, footpad inoculation failed to induce visceral lesions or permit organism detection in any site. F10-2AS was detected in upper and lower respiratory tissues following eyedrop inoculation. FMT (mildly pathogenic) induced only upper respiratory lesions when either footpad or eyedrop inoculation was used, and detection was restricted to upper respiratory sites following eyedrop inoculation. These results are useful in comparative evaluations of the virulence of other M. synoviae isolates and form a basis for characterization of virulence factors of M. synoviae.  相似文献   

Dengue virus, type 2, in viremic human sera and after passage in cell cultures produces mixtures of small and large plaques when assayed in LLC-MK2 cells. Clones of dengue virus type 2 obtained by plaque selection in primary green monkey kidney cell cultures were tested for temperature sensitivity in vitro and for virulence by intracerebral inoculation of suckling mice. Sublines of a small-plaque clone were found to have lower nonpermissive temperatures than the parent virus by both plaque formation and release of infectious virus into the culture media. Small-plaque sublines were significantly less virulent in suckling mice than was the parent virus. Sublines from a large-plaque clone were not temperature sensitive and closely resembled parent virus mixed-plaque morphology. When small-plaque sublines were serially passaged using undiluted inocula, reversion occurred as evidenced by the appearance of large plaques and return of mouse virulence. Small-plaque virus could be maintained through several serial passages without reversion by using low-input inocula. Desirable passage history as well as temperature-sensitive and attentuation characteristics of the S-1 small-plaque subline make it appear suitable as a vaccine candidate virus.  相似文献   

A lyophilised chlamydial vaccine was prepared from the 1B temperature-sensitive strain of ovine Chlamydia psittaci. Ewes inoculated with a low titre of the live vaccine four weeks before artificial insemination were challenged on day 70 of gestation with five UK field isolates of C psittaci, including strains A22 and S26/3 previously incorporated into a commercial inactivated vaccine. There was a significantly lower chlamydial abortion rate after challenge in the vaccinated group (7.1 per cent) than in the unvaccinated group (80 per cent). All the lambs born to the vaccinated ewes were viable and of good quality. The vaccine also reduced the number of infected ewes in the group and the severity of the infection. The compatibility of the chlamydial vaccine and a toxoplasma vaccine was also tested. The abortion rate of ewes vaccinated with the two vaccines at separate injection sites (16 per cent) was less than that of ewes vaccinated with both vaccines at one site (32 per cent).  相似文献   

Subsequent to use of a live Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG) vaccination program, the F strain of MG had been circulating on a commercial layer farm since 1981. In 1994, the ts-11 strain was introduced on the farm; each new placement flock was vaccinated by eyedrop with ts-11 for one production cycle, and then all subsequent placement flocks were left unvaccinated. Birds were monitored by culture and serology before and after vaccination. MG isolates were characterized by random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD). MG was isolated from ts-11-vaccinated flocks up to 100 wk of age; all such isolates tested by RAPD were ts-11 type. After ts-11 vaccination was discontinued, no MG was detected in nonvaccinated birds. After the last vaccinated flock was marketed, no MG was detected on the farm. These results indicate a potential use for ts-11 in an MG eradication program.  相似文献   

Sera from 5325 chickens representing 71 commercial poultry flocks were tested for Mycoplasma synoviae (MS) using standard National Poultry Improvement Program (NPIP) testing guidelines. Based on the NPIP guidelines, only sera (N = 195) from flocks that test positive by specific plate agglutination (SPA) were submitted for additional confirmatory tests. Flocks from three multihouse farms were identified as seropositive for MS and confirmed by culture and polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Serum samples (N = 195) from these seropositive flocks were compared by SPA, enzyme-linked immunoassay (ELISA), and hemagglutination-inhibition (HI). Of the 195 sera tested for MS from these flocks, 145 (74%) sera were positive by SPA. Of the 145 SPA-positive sera, the HI test was positive for 127 samples (90.2%), whereas the ELISA was positive for 141 samples (98.6%). This difference between the two tests was significant (P = 0.0006). Significant differences (P = 0.0002) in titer were obtained from paired serum samples that were submitted to three different laboratories for HI analysis. Both the SPA and HI tests failed to detect early infection in newly introduced flocks following depopulation of MS-positive facilities. Both ELISA and PCR detected new infections on these farms. In the MS outbreak described in this study, SPA was not adequate as the sole screening test and HI was not adequate for confirmation of flock infection status. Continued reliance on the same or a similar type of testing could result in missed infections. Confirmation of infection by PCR was preferable to HI and also may be used in place of culture. The findings of this study suggest that ELISA should be considered as a serologic screen in lieu of SPA, screening with SPA may miss MS-infected flocks, and PCR should be considered as a confirmatory test.  相似文献   

Inoculation with hemagglutination-positive (HA+) cultures of Mycoplasma synoviae AAY-4 induced acute synovitis significantly more frequently (P = 0.001) in chicken tibiotarsal-tarsometatarsal joints than did inoculation with HA-negative (HA-) cultures derived from the same clone of AAY-4. Immunoblotting analyses showed that HA+ cultures abundantly expressed two phase-variable hemadherence-associated surface membrane proteins of 53 kDa and 48 to 50 kDa defined by monoclonal antibodies. HA- cultures lacked the 53-kDa proteins and synthesized truncated 27- to 30-kDa forms of the 48- to 50-kDa proteins. Inoculation of cyclosporin A (CsA) into infected joints significantly decreased the frequency of acute synovitis (P = 0.001). Moreover, repeated intra-articular inoculation of CsA (three doses of 1 mg at 2-day intervals) significantly reduced the local antibody response to M. synoviae in the joints treated with CsA.  相似文献   

The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was evaluated to detect mycoplasma contamination of avian live virus vaccines. The specificity of the primers showed that 34 strains belonging to nine species of avian mycoplasma DNA could be detected. The sensitivity of PCR to detect mycoplasma DNA was 10(0.2) colony forming units (cfu) of Mycoplasma synoviae and 10(0.7) cfu of Mycoplasma gallisepticum. When M. synoviae and M. gallisepticum were spiked into several avian live virus vaccines, PCR gave a positive reaction except for the avian pox and the avian encephalomyelitis vaccines which were prepared from organ homogenates. Short-term incubation of avian encephalomyelitis vaccines improved the sensitivity of PCR to detect both M. synoviae and M. gallisepticum. Therefore, PCR, combined with the short-term incubation, were shown to be most effective in detecting mycoplasma contamination in all of avian live virus vaccines.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the efficacy of a commercially available temperature-sensitive modified-live bovine herpesvirus type-1 (BHV-1) vaccine against BHV-1 challenge-induced abortion and stillbirth. DESIGN: Prospective randomized control trial. ANIMALS: 20 cycling, nonpregnant, BHV-1 seronegative heifers of various breeds and weights, 12 to 15 months old. PROCEDURE: Heifers were randomly assigned to a vaccinate (n = 10) or nonvaccinate control (n = 10) group. Seventeen to 26 days after members of the vaccinate group received a second dose of vaccine, all heifers were artificially inseminated. Heifers were challenged intravenously with Cooper strain BHV-1 between days 177 and 187 of gestation. Aborted fetuses and stillborn calves were necropsied, and tissues collected for histologic examination and virus isolation. Heifers, calves, and fetuses were tested for BHV-1 antibody throughout the study. RESULTS: The difference in number of abortions or stillbirths between vaccinated heifers (1/10) and control heifers (10/10) was significant (P < 0.003). Seven of 10 control heifers had a virus neutralization antibody titer to BHV-1 at abortion or stillbirth that declined or remained unchanged from their titer at a previous serologic evaluation (7 to 66 days earlier). CLINICAL IMPLICATIONS: Prebreeding vaccination of replacement heifers with modified-live BHV-1 vaccine provides fetal protection at 6 months of gestation (7 months after vaccination) and appears to be a reasonable precaution to control economic losses associated with BHV-1 infection. Abortions induced by BHV-1 are not necessarily associated with rising or markedly high virus neutralization antibody titers. These titers should be used cautiously when assessing the role of BHV-1 in bovine abortion and stillbirth.  相似文献   

The effect of live oral polio virus vaccination on chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) patients was examined in a double-blind study. CFS patients were allocated randomly to placebo (N = 7) or vaccine (N = 7) conditions. All controls subjects received the vaccine (9). Vaccine administration was not associated with clinical exacerbation of CFS. However, objective responses to the vaccine revealed differences between patients and controls: increased poliovirus isolation, earlier peak proliferative responses, lower T-cell subsets on certain days post vaccination and a trend for reduced gamma-interferon in the CFS-vaccine group. Polio vaccination was not found to be clinically contraindicated in CFS patients, however, there was evidence of altered immune reactivity and virus clearance.  相似文献   

We evaluated the safety and immunogenicity of attenuated Shigella flexneri 2a vaccine candidate CVD 1203, which harbors precise deletions in the plasmid gene virG and in the chromosomal gene aroA. CVD 1203 invades epithelial cells but undergoes minimal intracellular proliferation and cell-to-cell spread. Fasting healthy volunteers, aged 18 to 40 years, were randomly allocated (double-blind design) to receive either CVD 1203 vaccine or placebo, along with sodium bicarbonate buffer, on days 0 and 14, as follows. At the time of the first inoculation, 10 subjects received placebo (group 1) and 22 subjects received either 1.5 x 10(8) (group 2; 11 subjects) or 1.5 x 10(9) (group 3; 11 subjects) CFU of CVD 1203. Fourteen days later, subjects from group 1 received 1.2 x 10(6) CFU of CVD 1203 and subjects from groups 2 and 3 received 1.2 x 10(8) vaccine organisms. Clinical tolerance was dose dependent. After a single dose of CVD 1203 at 10(6), 10(8), or 10(9) CFU, self-limited (<48-h duration) objective reactogenicity (fever, diarrhea, or dysentery) developed in 0, 18, and 72% of subjects, respectively, and in no placebo recipients. CVD 1203 induced immunoglobulin G seroconversion to S. flexneri 2a lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in 30, 45, and 36% of subjects from groups 1, 2, and 3, respectively, and stimulated immunoglobulin A-producing anti-LPS antibody-secreting cells in 60, 91, and 100% of subjects, respectively. After vaccination, significant rises in tumor necrosis factor alpha concentration in serum (groups 1, 2, and 3) and stool (group 2) samples were observed. We conclude that engineered deletions in virG and aroA markedly attenuate wild-type S. flexneri but preserve immunogenicity; however, less reactogenic vaccines are needed.  相似文献   

Three groups of dairy cows were immunized by subcutaneous (s.c.) administration of a preparation of live Streptococcus uberis (strain 0140J) and an intramammary infusion of a soluble surface extract derived from same the bacteria. Animals in Groups 1 and 2 received two s.c. vaccinations plus an intramammary inoculation. Animals in Group 3 received two s.c. vaccinations but did not receive the intramammary infusion. In addition to the vaccinated animals, each group also contained two non-vaccinated (control) animals. All animals were challenged experimentally by intramammary infusion (in two quarters per animal) of ca 100 c.f.u. of S. uberis (strain 0140J or C221) and monitored for clinical signs of disease, bacterial numbers in milk, somatic cell count in milk, and daily milk yield for the following 10 days. Animals in Group I were challenged with strain 0140J. Only one out of six challenged quarters of three vaccinated cows developed clinical disease compared to all (four out of four) quarters of non-vaccinated cows. Animals in Group 2 were challenged with strain C221. All challenged quarters of three vaccinated (six out of six) and two non-vaccinated (four out of four) cows developed clinical mastitis. Animals in Group 3 were challenged with strain 0140J. Five out of eight quarters on four vaccinated cows developed clinical mastitis but the onset was delayed in comparison with that in both non-vaccinated cows in which four out of four challenged quarters developed clinical mastitis. These results indicated that vaccination with live S. uberis protects against challenge with the homologous strain but was less effective against a heterologous strain. Reduced protection was also seen when the intramammary booster was omitted.  相似文献   

Macromolecular conjugates of Gd3+-diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid with dextran were synthesized from dextran 40 (about 40 kg/mol). Diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA) was coupled to aminated dextran by means of a watersoluble carbodiimide and macromolecular conjugates containing DTPA ratios as high as 1.25 mmol/g of polymer were obtained. First, it was found that the polymer had a favourable influence on relaxivity, as at 20 MHz, the r1 longitudinal relaxivity of the Gd3+-complexed macromolecular conjugates was 2 to 4 times as great as that of free GdDTPA2-, depending on the DTPA content. Second, r1 greatly increased with the increase in the conjugate DTPA content, from 7.4 to 15.9 mM-1s-1 for an increase in the DTPA content from 0.36 to 0.96 mmol/g. Further increase in the ligand content had no more effect on relaxivity.  相似文献   

STUDY DESIGN: A case report and literature review of thoracic hyperkyphosis deformity secondary to glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis in Cushing's disease. OBJECTIVES: To identify the pathophysiology of glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis and to outline the diagnosis and treatment options for a patient with severe spinal deformity secondary to unrecognized excess glucocorticoid activity. SUMMARY OF BACKGROUND DATA: Glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis is seen in patients exposed to supraphysiologic levels of endogenous or exogenously administered glucocorticoids. In these patients, glucocorticoids act to suppress bone formation and increase bone resorption by indirect and direct effects. These patients have a high prevalence of trabecular bone loss, resulting in much higher rates of vertebral body collapse and pathologic fracture and thus causing an increased propensity toward kyphotic spinal malalignment. METHODS: The literature was reviewed and case reports studied. This case report highlights the pathophysiology of the disease process that caused the spinal deformity and the surgical intervention used to correct the kyphotic deformity after the metabolic problem was resolved. RESULTS: This patient has responded well to treatment and surgical intervention to correct a thoracic hyperkyphotic deformity without complication. CONCLUSIONS: Unrecognized endogenous production of glucocorticoids in Cushing's disease should be considered in young adult patients with progressive osteoporotic spinal deformities.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Influenza vaccine is recommended for heart transplant recipients, but its administration is often deferred because of anecdotal reports of rejection associated with the vaccine. We evaluated the safety of influenza vaccine in a group of stable heart transplant recipients over a 2-year period. METHODS: During the 1993 to 1994 influenza season, stable heart transplant recipients who had undergone transplantation a minimum of 1 year before study entry were randomized to vaccination with a single dose of influenza vaccine versus no vaccination. Routine endomyocardial biopsies and postvaccination influenza serologic studies were performed between 2 and 6 weeks after enrollment/immunization. During the 1994 to 1995 season, patients were given 2 doses of influenza vaccine, separated by 3 weeks; endomyocardial biopsies and serologic studies were performed between 2 and 6 weeks after the second immunization or enrollment (if control subject). Biopsy results were evaluated with respect to vaccine response, immunosuppressive regimens, and patient demographics. RESULTS: Eighteen patients were enrolled in the single vaccine trial and 10 in the booster vaccine trial. Four of 14 vaccine recipients had biopsy specimens consistent with International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation grades 2 to 3A as compared with 1 of 14 control subjects (grade 2) (p = .326). All episodes of rejection in the vaccine recipients were asymptomatic and responded to a single course of treatment. Rejection was unrelated to the time from transplantation, doses of immunosuppression, age, or number of doses of or response to vaccine. CONCLUSIONS: Influenza vaccine can be safely administered to most heart transplant recipients but may be associated with low-level histologic rejection.  相似文献   

Aeromonas salmonicida is the etiological agent of furunculosis in salmonid fish. The disease is responsible for severe economic losses in intensively cultured salmon and trout. Bacterin vaccines provide inadequate protection against infection. We have constructed an aromatic-dependent mutant of A. salmonicida in order to investigate the possibility of an effective live-attenuated vaccine. The aroA gene of A. salmonicida was cloned in Escherichia coli, and the nucleotide sequence was determined. The codon usage pattern of aroA was found to be quite distinct from that of the vapA gene coding for the surface array protein layer (A layer). The aroA gene was inactivated by inserting a fragment expressing kanamycin resistance within the coding sequence. The aroA::Kar mutation was introduced into the chromosome of virulent A. salmonicida 644Rb and 640V2 by allele replacement by using a suicide plasmid delivery system. The aroA mutation did not revert at a detectable frequency (< 10(-11). The mutation resulted in attenuation when bacteria were injected intramuscularly into Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.). Introduction of the wild-type aroA gene into the A. salmonicida mutants on a broad-host-range plasmid restored virulence. A. salmonicida mutant 644Rb aroA::Kar persisted in the kidney of brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) for 12 days at 10 degrees C. Vaccination of brown trout with 10(7) CFU of A. salmonicida 644Rb aroA by intraperitoneal injection resulted in a 253-fold increase in the 50% lethal dose (LD50) compared with unvaccinated controls challenged with a virulent clinical isolate 9 weeks later. A second vaccination after 6 weeks increased the LD50 by a further 16-fold.  相似文献   

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