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Most of the amino acid residues which interact with thiamine pyrophosphate are highly conserved among enzymes which use this cofactor. The possible roles of several such residues in cofactor binding, catalysis, and/or substrate binding were examined for human transketolase. Mutations in H110 resulted in dramatic reductions to 2% or less of the normal activity. No alterations were found in the K(m)app's for the cofactor or for the donor and acceptor substrates. Alterations in Q428 resulted in a less severe loss of activity and also no changes in the K(m)app's. On the basis of the results, H110, an invariant residue, is proposed to function as a base which abstracts a proton from the protonated 4'-iminopyrimidine ring. The deprotonated 4'-imino moiety is required for generation of the C2-thiazolium carbanion which attacks the donor substrate. Interestingly, the function in the human enzyme of this invariant histidine is distinct from its role in yeast transketolase in which it aids in binding donor substrate and in subsequent catalytic events. Q428 is suggested to play a supportive role by stabilizing and orientating a water molecule which mediates the interaction between the 4'-amino group and H110. In other TPP-utilizing enzymes, the equivalent residue of Q428 is a histidine and is thought to deprotonate the 4'-amino group.  相似文献   

Metaphyseal chondrodysplasia type Schmid (MCDS) is caused by mutations in COL10A1 that are clustered in the carboxyl-terminal non-collagenous (NC1) encoding domain. This domain is responsible for initiating trimerization of type X collagen during biosynthesis. We have built a molecular model of the NC1 domain trimer based on the crystal structure coordinates of the highly homologous trimeric domain of ACRP30 (adipocyte complement-related protein of 30 kDa or AdipoQ). Mapping of the MCDS mutations onto the structure reveals two specific clusters of residues as follows: one on the surface of the monomer which forms a tunnel through the center of the assembled trimer and the other on a patch exposed to solvent on the exterior surface of each monomeric unit within the assembled trimer. Biochemical studies on recombinant trimeric NC1 domain show that the trimer has an unusually high stability not exhibited by the closely related ACRP30. The high thermal stability of the trimeric NC1 domain, in comparison with ACRP30, appears to be the result of a number of factors including the 17% greater total buried solvent-accessible surface and the increased numbers of hydrophobic contacts formed upon trimerization. The 27 amino acid sequence present at the amino terminus of the NC1 domain, which has no counterpart in ACRP30, also contributes to the stability of the trimer. We have also shown that NC1 domains containing the MCDS mutations Y598D and S600P retain the ability to homotrimerize and heterotrimerize with wild type NC1 domain, although the trimeric complexes formed are less stable than those of the wild type molecule. These studies suggest strongly that the predominant mechanism causing MCDS involves a dominant interference of mutant chains on wild type chain assembly.  相似文献   

The 26 S proteasome is a multisubunit proteolytic complex responsible for degrading eukaryotic proteins targeted by ubiquitin modification. Substrate recognition by the complex is presumed to be mediated by one or more common receptor(s) with affinity for multiubiquitin chains, especially those internally linked through lysine 48. We have identified previously a candidate for one such receptor from diverse species, designated here as Mcb1 for Multiubiquitin chain-binding protein, based on its ability to bind Lys48-linked multiubiquitin chains and its location within the 26 S proteasome complex. Even though Mcb1 is likely not the only receptor in yeast, it is necessary for conferring resistance to amino acid analogs and for degrading a subset of ubiquitin pathway substrates such as ubiquitin-Pro-beta-galactosidase (Ub-Pro-beta-gal) (van Nocker, S., Sadis, S., Rubin, D.M., Glickman, M., Fu, H., Coux, O., Wefes, I., Finley, D., and Vierstra, R. D. (1996) Mol. Cell. Biol. 16, 6020-28). To further define the role of Mcb1 in substrate recognition by the 26 S proteasome, a structure/function analysis of various deletion and site-directed mutants of yeast and Arabidopsis Mcb1 was performed. From these studies, we identified a single stretch of conserved hydrophobic amino acids (LAM/LALRL/V (ScMcb1 228-234 and At-Mcb1 226-232)) within the C-terminal half of each polypeptide that is necessary for interaction with Lys48-linked multiubiquitin chains. Unexpectedly, this domain was not essential for either Ub-Pro-beta-gal degradation or conferring resistance to amino acid analogs. The domain responsible for these two activities was mapped to a conserved region near the N terminus. Yeast and Arabidopsis Mcb1 derivatives containing an intact multiubiquitin-binding site but missing the N-terminal region failed to promote Ub-Pro-beta-gal degradation and even accentuated the sensitivity of the yeast delta mcb1 strain to amino acid analogs. This hypersensitivity was not caused by a gross defect in 26 S proteasome assembly as mutants missing either the N-terminal domain or the multiubiquitin chain-binding site could still associate with 26 S proteasome and generate a complex indistinguishable in size from that present in wild-type yeast. Together, these data indicate that residues near the N terminus, and not the multiubiquitin chain-binding site, are most critical for Mcb1 function in vivo.  相似文献   

The N-terminal sequences of malate dehydrogenases from 10 bacterial strains, representing seven genera of Proteobacteria, were determined. Of these, the enzyme sequences of species classified in the genus Brevundimonas clearly resembled those malate dehydrogenases with greatest similarity to lactate dehydrogenases. Additional evidence from subunit molecular weights, peptide mapping, and enzyme mobilities suggested that malate dehydrogenases from species of the genus Brevundimonas were structurally distinct from others in the study.  相似文献   

During the process of lymphocyte recirculation, lymphocytes bind via L-selectin to sulfated sialyl-Lewisx (sLex)-containing carbohydrate ligands expressed on the surface of high endothelial venules (HEV). We have examined the expression of sLex on HEV using a panel of mAbs specific for sLex and sLex-related structures, and have examined the function of different sLex-bearing structures using an in vitro assay of lymphocyte rolling on HEV. We report that three sLex mAbs, 2F3, 2H5, and CSLEX-1, previously noted to bind with high affinity to glycolipid-linked sLex, vary in their ability to stain HEV in different lymphoid tissues and bind differentially to O-linked versus N-linked sLex on glycoproteins. Treatment of tissue sections with neuraminidase abolished staining with all three mAbs but slightly increased staining with MECA-79, a mAb to a sulfation-dependent HEV-associated carbohydrate determinant. Treatment of tissue sections with O-sialoglycoprotease under conditions that removed the vast majority of MECA-79 staining, only partially reduced staining with the 2F3 and 2H5 mAbs. Using a novel rolling assay in which cells bind under flow to HEV of frozen tissue sections, we demonstrate that a pool of O-sialoglycoprotease-resistant molecules is present on HEV that is sufficient for attachment and rolling of lymphocytes via L-selectin. This interaction is not inhibited by the mAb MECA-79. Furthermore, MECA-79 mAb blocks binding to untreated sections by only 30%, whereas the sLex mAb 2H5 blocks binding by approximately 60% and a combination of MECA-79 and 2H5 mAb blocks binding by 75%. We conclude that a pool of O-glycoprotease-resistant sLex-like L-selectin ligands exist on human HEV that is distinct from the mucin-associated moieties recognized by MECA-79 mAb. We postulate that these ligands may participate in lymphocyte binding to HEV.  相似文献   

Polypeptide import into the yeast endoplasmic reticulum (ER) requires two hsp70s, Ssa1p in the cytosol and BiP (Kar2p) in the ER lumen. After import, aberrant polypeptides may be exported to the cytoplasm for degradation by the proteasome, and defects in the ER chaperone calnexin (Cne1p) compromise their degradation. Both import and export require BiP and the Sec61p translocation complex, suggesting that import and export may be mechanistically related. We now show that the cne1Delta and two kar2 mutant alleles exhibit a synthetic interaction and that the export and degradation of pro-alpha factor is defective in kar2 mutant microsomes. Pulse-chase analysis indicates that A1PiZ, another substrate for degradation, is stabilized in the kar2 strains at the restrictive temperature. Because two of the kar2 mutants examined are proficient for polypeptide import, the roles of BiP during ER protein export and import differ, indicating that these processes must be mechanistically distinct. To examine whether Ssa1p drives polypeptides from the ER and is also required for degradation, we assembled reactions using strains either containing a mutation in SSA1 or in which the level of Ssa1p could be regulated. We found that pro-alpha factor and A1PiZ were degraded normally, indicating further that import and export are distinct and that other cytosolic factors may pull polypeptides from the ER.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that injection of the inflammatory irritant and small-fiber excitant mustard oil (MO) into the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) region can reflexively induce a prolonged increase in the activity of both digastric and masseter muscles in rats. It is possible that peripheral excitatory amino acid (EAA) receptors play a role in this effect, because MO-evoked increases in jaw muscle activity are attenuated by preapplication of the noncompetitive NMDA receptor antagonist MK-801 into the TMJ region. In the present study the EAA receptor agonists glutamate, NMDA, kainate, and AMPA were applied locally to the TMJ region. Jaw muscle responses similar to those evoked by MO application to the TMJ region were achieved with glutamate, NMDA, AMPA, and kainate. Repeated application of glutamate, NMDA, or AMPA at intervals of 30 min evoked responses in the ipsilateral jaw muscles that were of comparable magnitude. Co-application of the NMDA receptor antagonist DL-2-amino-5-phosphonovalerate (0.5 micromol) significantly reduced the magnitude of the glutamate- and NMDA-evoked ipsilateral jaw muscle responses without affecting responses evoked by AMPA. In contrast, co-application of the non-NMDA receptor antagonist 6-cyano-7-nitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione (1 nmol) significantly reduced the magnitude of the glutamate- and AMPA-evoked ipsilateral jaw muscle responses without affecting responses evoked by NMDA. This evidence suggests that both NMDA and non-NMDA EAA receptor types are located within the TMJ region and may contribute to jaw muscle activity that can be reflexively evoked from the TMJ region.  相似文献   

The fyuA-irp gene cluster contributes to the virulence of highly pathogenic Yersinia (Yersinia pestis, Yersinia pseudotuberculosis, and Yersinia enterocolitica 1B). The cluster encodes an iron uptake system mediated by the siderophore yersiniabactin and reveals features of a pathogenicity island. Two evolutionary lineages of this "high pathogenicity island" (HPI) can be distinguished on the basis of DNA sequence comparison: a Y. pestis group and a Y. enterocolitica group. In this study we demonstrate that the HPI of the Y. pestis evolutionary group is disseminated among species of the family Enterobacteriaceae which are pathogenic to humans. It prevails in enteroaggregative Escherichia coli and in E. coli blood culture isolates (93 and 80%, respectively), but is rarely found in enteropathogenic E. coli, enteroinvasive E. coli, and enterotoxigenic E. coli isolates. In contrast, the HPI was absent from enterohemorrhagic E. coli, Shigella, and Salmonella enterica strains investigated. Polypeptides encoded by the fyuA, irp1, and irp2 genes located on the HPI could be detected in E. coli strains pathogenic to humans. However, these E. coli strains showed a reduced sensitivity to the bacteriocin pesticin, whose uptake is mediated by the FyuA receptor. Escherichia strains do not possess the hms gene locus thought to be a part of the HPI of Y. pestis. Deletions of the juA-irp gene cluster affecting solely the fyuA part of the HPI were identified in 3% of the E. coli strains tested. These results suggest horizontal transfer of the HPI between Y. pestis and some pathogenic E. coli strains.  相似文献   

Myosin in adult murine skeletal muscle is composed primarily of three adult fast myosin heavy chain (MyHC) isoforms. These isoforms, MyHC-IIa, -IId, and -IIb, are >93% identical at the amino acid level and are broadly expressed in numerous muscles, and their genes are tightly linked. Mice with a null mutation in the MyHC-IId gene have phenotypes that include growth inhibition, muscle weakness, histological abnormalities, kyphosis (spinal curvature), and aberrant kinetics of muscle contraction and relaxation. Despite the lack of MyHC-IId, IId null mice have normal amounts of myosin in their muscles because of compensation by the MyHC-IIa gene. In each muscle examined from IId null mice, there was an increase in MyHC-IIa- containing fibers. MyHC-IIb content was unaffected in all muscles except the masseter, where its expression was extinguished in the IId null mice. Cross-sectional fiber areas, total muscle cross-sectional area, and total fiber number were affected in ways particular to each muscle. Developmental expression of adult MyHC genes remained unchanged in IId null mice. Despite this universal compensation of MyHC-IIa expression, IId null mice have severe phenotypes. We conclude that despite the similarity in sequence, MyHC-IIa and -IId have unique roles in the development and function of skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

Animal intracellular Proteobacteria of the alpha subclass without plasmids and containing one or more chromosomes are phylogenetically entwined with opportunistic, plant-associated, chemoautotrophic and photosynthetic alpha Proteobacteria possessing one or more chromosomes and plasmids. Local variations in open environments, such as soil, water, manure, gut systems and the external surfaces of plants and animals, may have selected alpha Proteobacteria with extensive metabolic alternatives, broad genetic diversity, and more flexible and larger genomes with ability for horizontal gene flux. On the contrary, the constant and isolated animal cellular milieu selected heterotrophic alpha Proteobacteria with smaller genomes without plasmids and reduced genetic diversity as compared to their plant-associated and phototrophic relatives. The characteristics and genome sizes in the extant species suggest that a second chromosome could have evolved from megaplasmids which acquired housekeeping genes. Consequently, the genomes of the animal cell-associated Proteobacteria evolved through reductions of the larger genomes of chemoautotrophic ancestors and became rich in adenosine and thymidine, as compared to the genomes of their ancestors. Genome organisation and phylogenetic ancestor-descendent relationships between extant bacteria of closely related genera and within the same monophyletic genus and species suggest that some strains have undergone transition from two chromosomes to a single replicon. It is proposed that as long as the essential information is correctly expressed, the presence of one or more chromosomes within the same genus or species is the result of contingency. Genetic drift in clonal bacteria, such as animal cell-associated alpha Proteobacteria, would depend almost exclusively on mutation and internal genetic rearrangement processes. Alternatively, genomic variations in reticulate bacteria, such as many intestinal and plant cell-associated Proteobacteria, will depend not only on these processes, but also on their genetic interactions with other bacterial strains. Common pathogenic domains necessary for the invasion and survival in association with cells have been preserved in the chromosomes of the animal and plant-associated alpha Proteobacteria. These pathogenic domains have been maintained by vertical inherence, extensively ameliorated to match the chromosome G + C content and evolved within chromosomes of alpha Proteobacteria.  相似文献   

Thrombin, a multifunctional serine protease, recognizes multiple macromolecular substrates and plays a key role in both procoagulant and anticoagulant functions. The substrate specificity of thrombin involves two electropositive surfaces, the fibrinogen-recognition and heparin-binding exosites. The SELEX process is a powerful combinatorial methodology for identifying high-affinity oligonucleotide ligands to any desired target. The SELEX process has been used to isolate single-stranded DNA ligands to human thrombin. Here, a 29-nucleotide single-stranded DNA ligand to human thrombin, designated 60-18[29], with a Kd of approximately 0.5 nM is described. DNA 60-18[29] inhibits thrombin-catalyzed fibrin clot formation in vitro. Previously described DNA ligands bind the fibrinogen-recognition exosite, while competition and photocrosslinking experiments indicate that the DNA ligand 60-18[29] binds the heparin-binding exosite. DNA 60-18[29] is a quadruplex/duplex with a 15-nucleotide "core" sequence that has striking similarity to previously described DNA ligands to thrombin, but binds with 20 to 50-fold higher affinity. The 15-nucleotide core sequence has eight highly conserved guanine residues and forms a G-quadruplex structure. A single nucleotide within the G-quadruplex structure can direct the DNA to a distinct epitope. Additional sequence information in the duplex regions of ligand 60-18[29] contribute to greater stability and affinity of binding to thrombin. A low-resolution model for the interaction of DNA 60-18[29] to human thrombin has been proposed.  相似文献   

The Mcm2-7 proteins are a family of conserved proteins whose functions are essential for the initiation of DNA synthesis in all eukaryotes. These patients are constitutively present in high abundance in actively proliferating cells. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the intracellular concentrations of Mcms are between 100 and 500 times the number of replication origins. However, these proteins are limiting for the initiation of DNA synthesis at replication origins. Our studies indicate that only a small fraction of Mcm2 and Mcm3 tightly associates with chromatin, from late M phase to the beginning of the S phase. The rest of the Mcm2 and Mcm3 proteins are disturbed to both the cytoplasm and nucleoplasm in relatively constant levels throughout the cell cycle. We also show that S. cerevisiae Mcm3 is a phosphoprotein that exists in multiple isoforms and that distinct isoforms of Mcm2 and Mcm3 can be detected at specific stages of the cell cycle. These results suggest that the localization and function of the Mcm proteins are regulated by posttranslational phosphorylation in a manner that is consistent with a role for the Mcm proteins in restricting DNA replication to once per cell cycle.  相似文献   

Isozyme variation among 54 isolates of Microsporum canis, 18 Microsporum cookei isolates and two Diheterospora isolates were studied using starch gel electrophoresis. Of eight enzymes examined, four were polymorphic (EST, G6P, MDH and PEP), having from two to four electrophoretic forms. Within each species, consistent and reproducible isozyme patterns of the eight enzyme systems were obtained. Phenotypic diversity (H) in M. canis was higher than in M. cookei (H = 0.459 and H = 0.408 respectively), but phenotypic differentiation of M. canis isolates from different geographical regions (Auckland, Wellington and Palmerston North, New Zealand) was low, with a proportion of total diversity (Gst) of 0.151 found among the localities. The results suggest that the isolates of M. canis from different geographical regions are closely related, supporting the theory of a common lineage.  相似文献   

DESIGN: Infection of the human promyelocytic cell line HL-60 with NL4-3, a molecularly cloned HIV-1 strain that productively infects T cells, results in adaptation of the virus and production of a variant, NL4-3(M). Unlike NL4-3, NL4-3(M) has a rapid cytopathic effect in HL-60 and other myeloid cell lines. OBJECTIVE: To demonstrate that the tropism of NL4-3(M) is extended to primary monocyte-derived macrophages (MDM), and to determine whether the envelope gene, env, of NL4-3(M) is responsible for cytopathicity in HL-60 cells and replication in MDM. METHODS: A chimeric virus (NL4-3envA) containing the majority of env of NL4-3(M) was generated, and tested for virus replication and cytopathic effect in H9 and HL-60 cells, as well as for virus replication in primary MDM. To assess virus replication, the cultures were analyzed for expression of viral envelope glycoproteins on the infected cells and production of extracellular HIV-1 p24 antigen. Cytopathic effect on HL-60 cells was evaluated by monitoring the viabilities of the cultures. In addition, the majority of env of NL4-3envA was sequenced. RESULTS: The biological phenotypes of NL4-3, NL4-3(M), and NL4-3envA are distinctly different. Although both NL4-3(M) and NL4-3envA replicate in MDM, only NL4-3(M) is rapidly cytopathic in HL-60 cells. Nine amino-acid changes were identified within the envelope glycoproteins of NL4-3envA compared with NL4-3. CONCLUSIONS: The viral determinants of NL4-3(M) sufficient to extend the tropism of this virus to MDM reside, in part, in env. These genetic determinants are distinct from the viral determinants that control the cytopathic phenotype of this virus in HL-60 cells.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To present our experience with the results of three different methods of treatment of idiopathic varicoceles. METHODS: A total of 301 patients with 417 varicoceles were retrospectively assigned into three groups according to the method of treatment. Group 1 included 94 patients with 131 varicoceles treated by open surgery. Group 2 consisted of 120 patients with 163 varicoceles treated by percutaneous retrograde sclerotherapy, and in group 3, 87 patients with 123 varicoceles were treated by laparoscopic varicocelectomy. Of all patients, 222 (73.8%) were closely followed up with clinical and Doppler ultrasound examinations 6 and 12 months after the treatment. Seminal analysis was carried out before treatment and repeated in 172 patients with subfertility or infertility 4 to 6 months after treatment. RESULTS: Patients in the three treatment groups were balanced regarding the different variables. The mean operative time was significantly shorter among patients with open surgery. The cost of sclerotherapy is one fourth to one fifth that of surgery and the cost of laparoscopy is double. Sclerotherapy was successful in 96 (82.8%) of 116 left varicoceles and in only 24 (51%) of 47 right varicoceles. The recurrence rate at follow-up was not significantly different among the three groups. The recurrence rate increased progressively with the increase of varicocele size from grade I to grade III in all groups. The overall incidence of postoperative complications was significantly higher among patients with open surgery. Postoperative spermiogram showed a significant increase in the density and motility and a significant reduction in the percentage of abnormal forms in all groups. The pregnancy rate was approximately similar in all groups. CONCLUSIONS: First, sclerotherapy is best used for isolated left-sided varicoceles. Second, laparoscopy is the treatment of choice for bilateral varicoceles. Finally, open surgery still has a role in isolated right-sided varicoceles and in left-sided cases with failed sclerotherapy.  相似文献   

The aim of this research was to study whether and to what extent Chinese cagA-positive Helicobacter pylori isolates differ from those in The Netherlands. Analysis of random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD)-PCR-assessed DNA fingerprints of chromosomal DNA of 24 cagA-positive H. pylori isolates from Dutch (n = 12) and Chinese (n = 10) patients yielded the absence of clustering. Based on comparison of the sequence of a 243-nucleotide part of cagA, the Dutch (group I) and Chinese (group II) H. pylori isolates formed two separate branches with high confidence limits in the phylogenetic tree. These two clusters were not observed when the sequence of a 240-bp part of glmM was used in the comparison. The number of nonsynonymous substitutions was much higher in cagA than in glmM, indicating positive selection. The average levels of divergence of cagA at the nucleotide and protein levels between group I and II isolates were found to be high, 13.3 and 17.9%, respectively. Possibly, the pathogenicity island (PAI) that has been integrated into the chromosome of the ancestor of H. pylori now circulating in China contained a different cagA than the PAI that has been integrated into the chromosome of the ancestor of H. pylori now circulating in The Netherlands. We conclude that in China and The Netherlands, two distinct cagA-positive H. pylori populations are circulating.  相似文献   

We have investigated the regulation and localization of mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) and mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase (MAPKK) in both cytosolic and nuclear fractions of glomerular mesangial cells. p42 MAPK was localized by both immunoblot and kinase activity in both cytosol and nucleus and was rapidly activated, in both fractions, by fetal bovine serum and TPA. Downregulation of protein kinase C (PKC) by TPA inhibited stimulation of cytosolic p42 MAPK, but unexpectedly had no effect on stimulated p42 MAPK in the nucleus. Next we studied the upstream kinase p45 MAPKK by indirect immunofluorescence microscopy, Western blot analysis, and kinase specific activity. Unlike MAPK, p45 MAPKK is almost exclusively cytosolic in resting cells and kinase activity stimulated by TPA is restricted to the cytosol. Interestingly, PKC downregulation for 24 h with TPA dramatically enhanced nuclear MAPKK as assessed by all three techniques. Cytosolic stimulated MAPKK was attenuated in PKC downregulation. Collectively these results show that in mesangial cells: (i) p42 MAPK and p45 MAPKK localize in both the cytosol and the nucleus, and (ii) PKC exerts a negative effect on nuclear MAPKK activity as documented by PKC downregulation, which augments p45 MAPPK nuclear mass and activity. These results indicate that the dual regulation of these two kinases is under differential control in the cytosol and the nucleus.  相似文献   

Experimental allergic orchitis (EAO), the principle animal model of noninfectious testicular inflammatory disease, is a genetically determined phenotype. Classical EAO, induced by inoculation with testicular homogenate and the appropriate adjuvants, is characterized by inflammatory infiltrates in the testis (orchitis), epididymis (epididymitis), and vas deferens (vasitis). In this study, the genetic control of susceptibility and resistance to these three lesions was analyzed in the mouse. The results obtained with independent inbred strains and H2 congenic mice show that the genetic control of all three lesions is complex and involves both H2 and non-H2-linked genes. Whole-genome exclusion mapping was performed on a backcross population segregating for all three phenotypes. Permutation-derived thresholds provided experimentwise, chromosomewise, comparisonwise, and marker-specific chromosomewise thresholds for declaration of significant regions linked to marker loci. Unique loci were identified on chromosome 8 for orchitis, chromosome 16 for epididymitis, and chromosome 1 for vasitis and have been designated as Orch6, Epd1, and Vas1, respectively. These results show that autoimmune orchitis, epididymitis, and vasitis are immunogenetically distinct lesions.  相似文献   

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