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The goal of our paper is to compare a number of algorithms for computing a large number of eigenvectors of the generalized symmetric eigenvalue problem arising from a modal analysis of elastic structures. The shift‐invert Lanczos algorithm has emerged as the workhorse for the solution of this generalized eigenvalue problem; however, a sparse direct factorization is required for the resulting set of linear equations. Instead, our paper considers the use of preconditioned iterative methods. We present a brief review of available preconditioned eigensolvers followed by a numerical comparison on three problems using a scalable algebraic multigrid (AMG) preconditioner. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A general numerical procedure is presented for the efficient computation of corner singularities, which appear in the case of non‐smooth domains in three‐dimensional linear elasticity. For obtaining the order and mode of singularity, a neighbourhood of the singular point is considered with only local boundary conditions. The weak formulation of the problem is approximated by a Galerkin–Petrov finite element method. A quadratic eigenvalue problem ( P +λ Q +λ2 R ) u = 0 is obtained, with explicitly analytically defined matrices P , Q , R . Moreover, the three matrices are found to have optimal structure, so that P , R are symmetric and Q is skew symmetric, which can serve as an advantage in the following solution process. On this foundation a powerful iterative solution technique based on the Arnoldi method is submitted. For not too large systems this technique needs only one direct factorization of the banded matrix P for finding all eigenvalues in the interval ?e(λ)∈(?0.5,1.0) (no eigenpairs can be ‘lost’) as well as the corresponding eigenvectors, which is a great improvement in comparison with the normally used determinant method. For large systems a variant of the algorithm with an incomplete factorization of P is implemented to avoid the appearance of too much fill‐in. To illustrate the effectiveness of the present method several new numerical results are presented. In general, they show the dependence of the singular exponent on different geometrical parameters and the material properties. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper four multiple scale methods are proposed. The meshless hierarchical partition of unity is used as a multiple scale basis. The multiple scale analysis with the introduction of a dilation parameter to perform multiresolution analysis is discussed. The multiple field based on a 1‐D gradient plasticity theory with material length scale is also proposed to remove the mesh dependency difficulty in softening/localization problems. A non‐local (smoothing) particle integration procedure with its multiple scale analysis are then developed. These techniques are described in the context of the reproducing kernel particle method. Results are presented for elastic‐plastic one‐dimensional problems and 2‐D large deformation strain localization problems to illustrate the effectiveness of these methods. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The computational bottleneck of topology optimization is the solution of a large number of linear systems arising in the finite element analysis. We propose fast iterative solvers for large three‐dimensional topology optimization problems to address this problem. Since the linear systems in the sequence of optimization steps change slowly from one step to the next, we can significantly reduce the number of iterations and the runtime of the linear solver by recycling selected search spaces from previous linear systems. In addition, we introduce a MINRES (minimum residual method) version with recycling (and a short‐term recurrence) to make recycling more efficient for symmetric problems. Furthermore, we discuss preconditioning to ensure fast convergence. We show that a proper rescaling of the linear systems reduces the huge condition numbers that typically occur in topology optimization to roughly those arising for a problem with constant density. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our solvers by solving a topology optimization problem with more than a million unknowns on a fast PC. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Time‐integration methods for semidiscrete equations emanating from parabolic differential equations are analysed in the frequency domain. The discrete‐time transfer functions of three popular methods are derived, and subsequently the forced response characteristics of single modes are studied in the frequency domain. To enable consistent comparison of the frequency responses of different algorithms, three characteristic numbers are identified. Frequency responses and L2‐norms of the phase and magnitude errors are compared for the three time‐integration algorithms. The examples demonstrate that frequency‐domain analysis provides substantial insight into the time‐domain properties of time‐integration algorithms. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Time‐integration methods for semidiscrete finite element equations of hyperbolic and parabolic– hyperbolic types are analysed in the frequency domain. The discrete‐time transfer functions of six popular methods are derived, and subsequently the forced response characteristics of single modes are studied in the frequency domain. Three characteristic numbers are derived which eliminate the parameter dependence of the frequency responses. Frequency responses and L2‐norms of the phase and magnitude errors are calculated, and comparisons are given of the methods. As shown; the frequency‐domain analysis explains all time‐domain properties of the methods, and gives more insight into the subject. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Wu‐Carlsson displacement‐based weight function method is extended to obtain the mode I and mode II weight functions for the edge‐ and centre‐cracked discs. Compared with Fett's direct adjustment weight functions for the edge‐cracked discs, the present weight functions are more accurate and are applicable for a wider range of crack lengths. Using the present weight functions, extensive and highly accurate mixed‐mode stress intensity factors are obtained for the cracked discs subjected to diametrically compressive forces. Assuming perfect contact and using Coulomb friction law and the present weight functions, the mode II stress intensity factors for the cracked discs with consideration of friction are obtained and widely compared with the corresponding results from finite element analyses.  相似文献   

Real‐time computational biomechanics for medicine usually uses explicit time integration, because of its efficiency and suitability for parallel implementation. Explicit time integration is only conditionally stable and therefore requires an estimation of the maximum stable time step that can be used. In this paper we develop a method of estimating the stable time step for mesh‐free particle methods for a specific case of mass lumping: the mass associated with an integration point is distributed equally to all nodes found in the support domain of that integration point. Two estimates of the stable time step for each integration point are developed: one that is very accurate but more costly to compute and one less accurate but easier to implement. The results are also valid for the FEM and beyond computational biomechanics for medicine. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Modal synthesis plays an important role in efficient dynamic analyses of large structural assemblies. However, the numerical accuracy and the computational efficiency which existing modal synthesis methods have achieved to date are not quite satisfactory. This paper presents a new generalized receptance‐based modal synthesis method which is numerically very accurate and computationally very efficient. The method employs receptance data computed at just few frequency values to formulate a derived equivalent eigensys tem from which required eigenvalues and eigenvectors of interest can be solved. It provides mathematical generalization for existing mode‐based modal synthesis methods since modal data are essentially those receptance data at resonant frequencies. A normalization procedure is also presented which can be used to mass normalize computed mode shapes which are often required in practice. Compensation for the contribution of higher uncomputed modes to receptance data at lower frequency of interest is made to improve analysis accuracy by using lower calculated modes and known system matrices. Numerical results are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We consider the numerical simulation of non‐linear multi‐body contact problems in elasticity on complex three‐dimensional geometries. In the case of warped contact boundaries and non‐matching finite element meshes, particular emphasis has to be put on the discretization of the transmission of forces and the non‐penetration conditions at the contact interface. We enforce the discrete contact constraints by means of a non‐conforming domain decomposition method, which allows for optimal error estimates. Here, we develop an efficient method to assemble the discrete coupling operator by computing the triangulated intersection of opposite element faces in a locally adjusted projection plane but carrying out the required quadrature on the faces directly. Our new element‐based algorithm does not use any boundary parameterizations and is also suitable for isoparametric elements. The emerging non‐linear system is solved by a monotone multigrid method of optimal complexity. Several numerical examples in 3D illustrate the effectiveness of our approach. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A new class of fitted operator finite difference methods are constructed via non‐standard finite difference methods ((NSFDM)s) for the numerical solution of singularly perturbed differential difference equations having both delay and advance arguments. The main idea behind the construction of our method(s) is to replace the denominator function of the classical second‐order derivative with a positive function derived systematically in such a way that it captures significant properties of the governing differential equation and thus provides the reliable numerical results. Unlike other FOFDMs constructed in standard ways, the methods that we present in this paper are fairly simple to construct (and thus enrich the class of fitted operator methods by adding these new methods). These methods are shown to be ε‐uniformly convergent with order two which is the highest possible order of convergence obtained via any fitted operator method for the problems under consideration. This paper further clarifies several doubts, e.g. why a particular scheme is not suitable for the whole range of values of the associated parameters and what could be the possible remedies. Finally, we provide some numerical examples which illustrate the theoretical findings. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The aim of this contribution is the extension of a small strain and small deformation formulation of gradient enhanced damage to the geometrically non‐linear case. To this end, Non‐local Stored Energy densities, (NSE) are introduced as primary variables. Fluxes conjugated to the gradients of the NSE are then computed from balance laws which in the small strain limit correspond to the averaging equation well known in the literature [1–3]. The principal task is then to establish constitutive laws for these newly introduced NSE‐fluxes. Thereby, four different options are investigated which are motivated from Lagrange and Euler averaging procedures together with changes of the metric tensors. Issues of the corresponding FE‐formulation and its linearization within a Newton–Raphson procedure are addressed in detail. Finally, the four different formulations are compared for the example of a bar in tension whereby large strains are truly envisioned. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Quasi‐static elastoplastic contact problems are ubiquitous in many industrial processes and other contexts, and their numerical simulation is consequently of great interest in accurately describing and optimizing production processes. The key component in these simulations is the solution of a single load step of a time iteration. From a mathematical perspective, the problems to be solved in each time step are characterized by the difficulties of variational inequalities for both the plastic behavior and the contact problem. Computationally, they also often lead to very large problems. In this paper, we present and evaluate a complete set of methods that are (1) designed to work well together and (2) allow for the efficient solution of such problems. In particular, we use adaptive finite element meshes with linear and quadratic elements, a Newton linearization of the plasticity, active set methods for the contact problem, and multigrid‐preconditioned linear solvers. Through a sequence of numerical experiments, we show the performance of these methods. This includes highly accurate solutions of a three‐dimensional benchmark problem and scaling our methods in parallel to 1024 cores and more than a billion unknowns. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An anchored analysis of variance (ANOVA) method is proposed in this paper to decompose the statistical moments. Compared to the standard ANOVA with mutually orthogonal component functions, the anchored ANOVA, with an arbitrary choice of the anchor point, loses the orthogonality if employing the same measure. However, an advantage of the anchored ANOVA consists in the considerably reduced number of deterministic solver's computations, which renders the uncertainty quantification of real engineering problems much easier. Different from existing methods, the covariance decomposition of the output variance is used in this work to take account of the interactions between non‐orthogonal components, yielding an exact variance expansion and thus, with a suitable numerical integration method, provides a strategy that converges. This convergence is verified by studying academic tests. In particular, the sensitivity problem of existing methods to the choice of anchor point is analyzed via the Ishigami case, and we point out that covariance decomposition survives from this issue. Also, with a truncated anchored ANOVA expansion, numerical results prove that the proposed approach is less sensitive to the anchor point. The covariance‐based sensitivity indices (SI) are also used, compared to the variance‐based SI. Furthermore, we emphasize that the covariance decomposition can be generalized in a straightforward way to decompose higher‐order moments. For academic problems, results show the method converges to exact solution regarding both the skewness and kurtosis. Finally, the proposed method is applied on a realistic case, that is, estimating the chemical reactions uncertainties in a hypersonic flow around a space vehicle during an atmospheric reentry. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In the interest of computational efficiency this paper describes the implementation of a coupled thermo‐damage constitutive model into a coupled time‐stepping analysis using fractional step methods. To begin it is demonstrated that a thermo‐damage model can be presented in a thermodynamic framework with the evolution equations satisfying the first and second laws of thermodynamics. The equations of evolution are partitioned in two ways, thus defining two fractional step methods: an isothermal method and an isentropic method. When implemented into a time‐stepping algorithm the isentropic method maintains a precise energy balance for the entire analysis where as the isothermal method can only provide an energy balance at the end of each thermal time step. In addition, a stability analysis shows that the isentropic analysis is unconditionally stable while a isothermal analysis is at best conditionally stable. Simulations of thermal fracture in a restrained specimen under heat show stable growth of damage to failure. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We propose a novel finite‐element method for polygonal meshes. The resulting scheme is hp‐adaptive, where h and p are a measure of, respectively, the size and the number of degrees of freedom of each polygon. Moreover, it is locally meshfree, since it is possible to arbitrarily choose the locations of the degrees of freedom inside each polygon. Our construction is based on nodal kernel functions, whose support consists of all polygons that contain a given node. This ensures a significantly higher sparsity compared to standard meshfree approximations. In this work, we choose axis‐aligned quadrilaterals as polygonal primitives and maximum entropy approximants as kernels. However, any other convex approximation scheme and convex polygons can be employed. We study the optimal placement of nodes for regular elements, ie, those that are not intersected by the boundary, and propose a method to generate a suitable mesh. Finally, we show via numerical experiments that the proposed approach provides good accuracy without undermining the sparsity of the resulting matrices.  相似文献   

Computation of compressible steady‐state flows using a high‐order discontinuous Galerkin finite element method is presented in this paper. An accurate representation of the boundary normals based on the definition of the geometries is used for imposing solid wall boundary conditions for curved geometries. Particular attention is given to the impact and importance of slope limiters on the solution accuracy for flows with strong discontinuities. A physics‐based shock detector is introduced to effectively make a distinction between a smooth extremum and a shock wave. A recently developed, fast, low‐storage p‐multigrid method is used for solving the governing compressible Euler equations to obtain steady‐state solutions. The method is applied to compute a variety of compressible flow problems on unstructured grids. Numerical experiments for a wide range of flow conditions in both 2D and 3D configurations are presented to demonstrate the accuracy of the developed discontinuous Galerkin method for computing compressible steady‐state flows. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

As parallel and distributed computing gradually becomes the computing standard for large scale problems, the domain decomposition method (DD) has received growing attention since it provides a natural basis for splitting a large problem into many small problems, which can be submitted to individual computing nodes and processed in a parallel fashion. This approach not only provides a method to solve large scale problems that are not solvable on a single computer by using direct sparse solvers but also gives a flexible solution to deal with large scale problems with localized non‐linearities. When some parts of the structure are modified, only the corresponding subdomains and the interface equation that connects all the subdomains need to be recomputed. In this paper, the dual–primal finite element tearing and interconnecting method (FETI‐DP) is carefully investigated, and a reduced back‐substitution (RBS) algorithm is proposed to accelerate the time‐consuming preconditioned conjugate gradient (PCG) iterations involved in the interface problems. Linear–non‐linear analysis (LNA) is also adopted for large scale problems with localized non‐linearities based on subdomain linear–non‐linear identification criteria. This combined approach is named as the FETI‐DP‐RBS‐LNA algorithm and demonstrated on the mechanical analyses of a welding problem. Serial CPU costs of this algorithm are measured at each solution stage and compared with that from the IBM Watson direct sparse solver and the FETI‐DP method. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed computational approach for simulating welding problems, which is representative of a large class of three‐dimensional large scale problems with localized non‐linearities. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An investigation of characteristics‐based (CB) schemes for solving the incompressible Navier–Stokes equations in conjunction with the artificial‐compressibility approach, is presented. Both non‐conservative and conservative CB numerical reconstructions are derived and their accuracy and convergence properties are assessed analytically and numerically. We demonstrate by means of eigenvalue analysis that there are differences in the spectral characteristics of these formulations that result in different convergence properties. Numerical tests for two‐ and three‐dimensional flows reveal that the two formulations provide similar accuracy but the non‐conservative formulation converges faster. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We present in this paper an efficient and accurate low‐order solid‐shell element formulation for analyses of large deformable multilayer shell structures with non‐linear materials. The element has only displacement degrees of freedom (dofs), and an optimal number of enhancing assumed strain (EAS) parameters to pass the patch tests (both membrane and out‐of‐plane bending) and to remedy volumetric locking. Based on the mixed Fraeijs de Veubeke‐Hu‐Washizu (FHW) variational principle, the in‐plane and out‐of‐plane bending behaviours are improved and the locking associated with (nearly) incompressible materials is avoided via a new efficient enhancement of strain tensor. Shear locking and curvature thickness locking are resolved effectively by using the assumed natural strain (ANS) method. Two non‐linear 3‐D constitutive models (Mooney–Rivlin material and hyperelastoplastic material at finite strain) are applied directly without requiring the enforcement of the plane‐stress assumption. In particular, we give a simple derivation for the hyperelastoplastic model using spectral representations. In addition, the present element has a well‐defined lumped mass matrix, and provides double‐side contact surfaces for shell contact problems. With the dynamics referred to a fixed inertial frame, the present element can be used to analyse multilayer shell structures undergoing large overall motion. Numerical examples involving static analyses and implicit/explicit dynamic analyses of multilayer shell structures with both material and geometric non‐linearities are presented, and compared with existing results obtained from other shell elements and from a meshless method. It is shown that elements that did not pass the out‐of‐plane bending patch test could not provide accurate results, as compared to the present element formulation, which passed the out‐of‐plane bending patch test. The present element proves to be versatile and efficient in the modelling and analyses of general non‐linear composite multilayer shell structures. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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