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As in the case of two‐dimensional topology design optimization, numerical instability problems similar to the formation of two‐dimensional checkerboard patterns occur if the standard eight‐node conforming brick element is used. Motivated by the recent success of the two‐dimensional non‐conforming elements in completely eliminating checkerboard patterns, we aim at investigating the performance of three‐dimensional non‐conforming elements in controlling the patterns that are estimated overly stiff by the brick elements. To this end, we will investigate how accurately the non‐conforming elements estimate the stiffness of the patterns. The stiffness estimation is based on the homogenization method by assuming the periodicity of the patterns. To verify the superior performance of the elements, we consider three‐dimensional compliance minimization and compliant mechanism design problems and compare the results by the non‐conforming element and the standard 8‐node conforming brick element. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, a novel finite element approach is presented to solve three‐dimensional problems using trimmed hexahedral elements generated by cutting a simple block consisting of regular hexahedral elements with a computer‐aided design (CAD) surface. Trimmed hexahedral elements, which are polyhedral elements with curved faces, are placed at the boundaries of finite element models, and regular hexahedral elements remain in the interior regions. Shape functions for trimmed hexahedral elements are developed by using moving least square approximation with harmonic weight functions based on an extension of Wachspress coordinates to curved faces. A subdivision of polyhedral domains into tetrahedral sub‐domains is performed to construct shape functions for trimmed hexahedral elements, and numerical integration of the weak form can be carried out consistently over the tetrahedral sub‐domains. Trimmed hexahedral elements have similar properties to conventional finite elements regarding the continuity, the completeness, the node–element connectivity, and the inter‐element compatibility. Numerical examples for three‐dimensional linear elastic problems with complex geometries show the efficiency and effectiveness of the present method. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents improvements to three‐dimensional crack propagation simulation capabilities of the generalized finite element method. In particular, it presents new update algorithms suitable for explicit crack surface representations and simulations in which the initial crack surfaces grow significantly in size (one order of magnitude or more). These simulations pose problems in regard to robust crack surface/front representation throughout the propagation analysis. The proposed techniques are appropriate for propagation of highly non‐convex crack fronts and simulations involving significantly different crack front speeds. Furthermore, the algorithms are able to handle computational difficulties arising from the coalescence of non‐planar crack surfaces and their interactions with domain boundaries. An approach based on moving least squares approximations is developed to handle highly non‐convex crack fronts after crack surface coalescence. Several numerical examples are provided, which illustrate the robustness and capabilities of the proposed approaches and some of its potential engineering applications. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Variational principles with relaxed inter‐element continuity requirement for non‐conforming element methods in linear and non‐linear analyses are developed. Based on the principles, any non‐conforming element displacement can be used directly to derive the explicit expressions of non‐conforming displacement function, which can ensure the passage of the patch test C for the requirement of convergence Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The node‐based or edge‐based smoothed finite element method is extended to develop polyhedral elements that are allowed to have an arbitrary number of nodes or faces, and so retain a good geometric adaptability. The strain smoothing technique and implicit shape functions based on the linear point interpolation make the element formulation simple and straightforward. The resulting polyhedral elements are free from the excessive zero‐energy modes and yield a robust solution very much insensitive to mesh distortion. Several numerical examples within the framework of linear elasticity demonstrate the accuracy and convergence behavior. The smoothed finite element method‐based polyhedral elements in general yield solutions of better accuracy and faster convergence rate than those of the conventional finite element methods. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An extended finite element method (X‐FEM) for three‐dimensional crack modelling is described. A discontinuous function and the two‐dimensional asymptotic crack‐tip displacement fields are added to the finite element approximation to account for the crack using the notion of partition of unity. This enables the domain to be modelled by finite elements with no explicit meshing of the crack surfaces. Computational geometry issues associated with the representation of the crack and the enrichment of the finite element approximation are discussed. Stress intensity factors (SIFs) for planar three‐dimensional cracks are presented, which are found to be in good agreement with benchmark solutions. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In gradient elasticity strain gradient terms appear in the expression of virtual work, leading to the need for C1 continuous interpolation in finite element discretizations of the displacement field only. Employing such interpolation is generally avoided in favour of the alternative methods that interpolate other quantities as well as displacement, due to the scarcity of C1 finite elements and their perceived computational cost. In this context, the lack of three‐dimensional C1 elements is of particular concern. In this paper we present a new C1 hexahedral element which, to the best of our knowledge, is the first three‐dimensional C1 element ever constructed. It is shown to pass the single element and patch tests, and to give excellent rates of convergence in benchmark boundary value problems of gradient elasticity. It is further shown that C1 elements are not necessarily more computationally expensive than alternative approaches, and it is argued that they may be more efficient in providing good‐quality solutions. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study is to show that the numerical instability characterized by checkerboard patterns can be completely controlled when non‐conforming four‐node finite elements are employed. Since the convergence of the non‐conforming finite element is independent of the Lamé parameters, the stiffness of the non‐conforming element exhibits correct limiting behaviour, which is desirable in prohibiting the unwanted formation of checkerboards in topology optimization. We employ the homogenization method to show the checkerboard‐free property of the non‐conforming element in topology optimization problems and verify it with three typical optimization examples. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This article proposes a new three‐dimensional contact finite element which employs continuous and weakly coupled pressure interpolations on each of the interacting boundaries. The resulting formulation circumvents the geometric bias of one‐pass methods, as well as the surface locking of traditional two‐pass node‐on‐surface methods. A Lagrange multiplier implementation of the proposed element is validated for frictionless quasi‐static contact by a series of numerical simulations. Published in 2001 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A non‐iterative, finite element‐based inverse method for estimating surface heat flux histories on thermally conducting bodies is developed. The technique, which accommodates both linear and non‐linear problems, and which sequentially minimizes the least squares error norm between corresponding sets of measured and computed temperatures, takes advantage of the linearity between computed temperatures and the instantaneous surface heat flux distribution. Explicit minimization of the instantaneous error norm thus leads to a linear system, i.e. a matrix normal equation, in the current set of nodal surface fluxes. The technique is first validated against a simple analytical quenching model. Simulated low‐noise measurements, generated using the analytical model, lead to heat transfer coefficient estimates that are within 1% of actual values. Simulated high‐noise measurements lead to h estimates that oscillate about the low‐noise solution. Extensions of the present method, designed to smooth oscillatory solutions, and based on future time steps or regularization, are briefly described. The method's ability to resolve highly transient, early‐time heat transfer is also examined; it is found that time resolution decreases linearly with distance to the nearest subsurface measurement site. Once validated, the technique is used to investigate surface heat transfer during experimental quenching of cylinders. Comparison with an earlier inverse analysis of a similar experiment shows that the present method provides solutions that are fully consistent with the earlier results. Although the technique is illustrated using a simple one‐dimensional example, the method can be readily extended to multidimensional problems. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A flexible computational procedure for solving 3D linear elastic structural mechanics problems is presented that currently uses three forms of approximation function (natural neighbour, moving least squares—using a new nearest neighbour weight function—and Lagrange polynomial) and three types of integration grids to reproduce the natural element method and the finite element method. The addition of more approximation functions, which is not difficult given the structure of the code, will allow reproduction of other popular meshless methods. Results are presented that demonstrate the ability of the first‐order meshless approximations to capture solutions more accurately than first‐order finite elements. Also, the quality of integration for the three types of integration grids is compared. The concept of a region is introduced, which allows the splitting of a domain into different sections, each with its own type of approximation function and spatial integration scheme. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper an integrated procedure for three‐dimensional (3D) structural analyses with the finite cover method (FCM) is introduced. In the pre‐process of this procedure, the geometry of a structure is modelled by 3D‐CAD, followed by digitization to have the corresponding voxel model, and then the structure is covered by a union of mathematical covers, namely a mathematical mesh independently generated for approximation purposes. Since the mesh topology in the FCM does not need to conform to the physical boundaries of the structure, the mesh can be regular and structured. Thus, the numerical analysis procedure is free from the difficulties mesh generation typically poses and, in this sense, enables us to realize the mesh‐free analysis. After formulating the FCM with interface elements for the static equilibrium state of a structure, we detail the procedure of the finite cover modelling, including the geometry modelling with 3D‐CAD and the identification of the geometry covered by a regular mesh for numerical integration. Prior to full 3D modelling and analysis, we present a simple numerical example to confirm the equivalence of the performance of the FCM and that of the standard finite element method (FEM). Finally, representative numerical examples are presented to demonstrate the capabilities of the proposed analysis procedure. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The aim of the paper is to study the capabilities of the extended finite element method (XFEM) to achieve accurate computations in non‐smooth situations such as crack problems. Although the XFEM method ensures a weaker error than classical finite element methods, the rate of convergence is not improved when the mesh parameter h is going to zero because of the presence of a singularity. The difficulty can be overcome by modifying the enrichment of the finite element basis with the asymptotic crack tip displacement solutions as well as with the Heaviside function. Numerical simulations show that the modified XFEM method achieves an optimal rate of convergence (i.e. like in a standard finite element method for a smooth problem). Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We investigate the dispersive properties of a non‐conforming finite element method to solve the two‐dimensional Helmholtz and elastodynamics equations. The study is performed by deriving and analysing the dispersion relations and by evaluating the derived quantities, such as the dimensionless phase and group velocities. Also the phase difference between exact and numerical solutions is investigated. The studied method, which yields a linear spatial approximation, is shown to be less dispersive than a conforming bilinear finite element method in the two cases shown herein. Moreover, it almost halves the number of points per wavelength necessary to reach a given accuracy when calculating the mentioned velocities in both cases here presented. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this work, the extended finite element method (XFEM) is for the first time coupled with face‐based strain‐smoothing technique to solve three‐dimensional fracture problems. This proposed method, which is called face‐based smoothed XFEM here, is expected to combine both the advantages of XFEM and strain‐smoothing technique. In XFEM, arbitrary crack geometry can be modeled and crack advance can be simulated without remeshing. Strain‐smoothing technique can eliminate the integration of singular term over the volume around the crack front, thanks to the transformation of volume integration into area integration. Special smoothing scheme is implemented in the crack front smoothing domain. Three examples are presented to test the accuracy, efficiency, and convergence rate of the face‐based smoothed XFEM. From the results, it is clear that smoothing technique can improve the performance of XFEM for three‐dimensional fracture problems. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An Erratum has been published for this article in International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 2005, 63(8): 1228. We present a new formulation and a numerical procedure for the quasi‐static analysis of three‐dimensional crack propagation in brittle and quasi‐brittle solids. The extended finite element method (XFEM) is combined with linear tetrahedral elements. A viscosity‐regularized continuum damage constitutive model is used and coupled with the XFEM formulation resulting in a regularized ‘crack‐band’ version of XFEM. The evolving discontinuity surface is discretized through a C0 surface formed by the union of the triangles and quadrilaterals that separate each cracked element in two. The element's properties allow a closed form integration and a particularly efficient implementation allowing large‐scale 3D problems to be studied. Several examples of crack propagation are shown, illustrating the good results that can be achieved. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper is devoted to the analysis of elastodynamic problems in 3D‐layered systems which are unbounded in the horizontal direction. For this purpose, a finite element model of the near field is coupled to a scaled boundary finite element model (SBFEM) of the far field. The SBFEM is originally based on describing the geometry of a half‐space or full‐space domain by scaling the geometry of the near field / far field interface using a radial coordinate. A modified form of the SBFEM for waves in a 2D layer is also available. None of these existing formulations can be used to describe a 3D‐layered medium. In this paper, a modified SBFEM for the analysis of 3D‐layered continua is derived. Based on the use of a scaling line instead of a scaling centre, a suitable scaled boundary transformation is proposed. The derivation of the corresponding scaled boundary finite element (SBFE) equations in displacement and stiffness is presented in detail. The latter is a nonlinear differential equation with respect to the radial coordinate, which has to be solved numerically for each excitation frequency considered in the analysis. Various numerical examples demonstrate the accuracy of the new method and its correct implementation. These include rigid circular and square foundations embedded in or resting on the surface of layered homogeneous or inhomogeneous 3D soil deposits over rigid bedrock. Hysteretic damping is assumed in some cases. The dynamic stiffness coefficients calculated using the proposed method are compared with analytical solutions or existing highly accurate numerical results. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In standard finite element simulations of groundwater flow the correspondence between hydraulic head gradients and groundwater fluxes is represented by the stiffness matrix. In two‐dimensional problems the use of linear triangular elements on Delaunay triangulations guarantees a stiffness matrix of type M. This implies that the local numerical fluxes are physically consistent with Darcy's law. This condition is fundamental to avoid the occurrence of local maxima or minima, and is of crucial importance when the calculated flow field is used in contaminant transport simulations or pathline evaluation. In three spatial dimensions, the linear Galerkin approach on tetrahedra does not lead to M‐matrices even on Delaunay meshes. By interpretation of the Galerkin approach as a subdomain collocation scheme, we develop a new approach (OSC, orthogonal subdomain collocation) that is shown to produce M‐matrices in three‐dimensional Delaunay triangulations. In case of heterogeneous and anisotropic coefficients, extra mesh properties required for M‐stiffness matrices will also be discussed. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Higher utilization of structural materials leads to a need for accurate numerical tools for reliable predictions of structural response. In some instances, both material and geometrical non‐linearities are allowed for, typically in assessments of structural collapse or residual strength in damaged conditions. The present study addresses the performance of surface‐cracked inelastic shells with out‐of‐plane displacements not negligible compared to shell thickness. This situation leads to non‐linear membrane force effects in the shell. Hence, a cracked part of the shell will be subjected to a non‐proportional history of bending moment and membrane force. An important point in the discretization of the problem is whether a two‐dimensional model describes the structural performance sufficiently, or a three‐dimensional model is required. Herein, the two‐dimensional modelling is performed by means of a Mindlin shell finite element. The cracked parts are accounted for by means of inelastic line spring elements. The three‐dimensional models employ eight‐noded solid elements. These models also account for ductile crack growth due to void coalescence by means of a modified Gurson–Tvergaard constitutive model, hence providing detailed solutions that the two‐dimensional simulations can be tested against. Using this, the accuracy of the two‐dimensional approach is checked thoroughly. The analyses show that the two‐dimensional modelling is sufficient as long as the cracks do not grow. Hence, using fracture initiation as a capacity criterion, shell elements and line springs provide acceptable predictions. If significant ductile tearing occurs before final failure, the line spring ligaments have to be updated due to crack growth.  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel face‐based smoothed finite element method (FS‐FEM) to improve the accuracy of the finite element method (FEM) for three‐dimensional (3D) problems. The FS‐FEM uses 4‐node tetrahedral elements that can be generated automatically for complicated domains. In the FS‐FEM, the system stiffness matrix is computed using strains smoothed over the smoothing domains associated with the faces of the tetrahedral elements. The results demonstrated that the FS‐FEM is significantly more accurate than the FEM using tetrahedral elements for both linear and geometrically non‐linear solid mechanics problems. In addition, a novel domain‐based selective scheme is proposed leading to a combined FS/NS‐FEM model that is immune from volumetric locking and hence works well for nearly incompressible materials. The implementation of the FS‐FEM is straightforward and no penalty parameters or additional degrees of freedom are used. The computational efficiency of the FS‐FEM is found better than that of the FEM. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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