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Sustainable development of the new energy industry requires continuous input from professional talents. The new energy industry will continue to grow in importance, and the characteristics of the necessary cross-discipline talents that will promote its development are becoming more and more defined. This article puts forward an analysis model starting with the addition of talents carriers subdivided by specialties, and takes this subdivision as a starting point with the purpose of maximizing talents selection throughout the entire nation. First of all, we define each talent as a specific vector. Then a clustering algorithm is used to perform an analysis and the new energy talents database is created. Finally, we use an algorithm based on graph theory and discrete mathematics to calculate the essential value of the talents vector. This value provides a measurement of the importance of the talents. The current talents structure is analyzed in order to clarify understanding of the present situation so as to enable informed planning of targeted training needs and structural adjustments, thus meeting the sustainable development requirements for the new energy industry in China.  相似文献   

This study investigates the impact of energy efficiency measures installed through the Carbon Emission Reduction Target (CERT) and the Community Energy Saving Programme (CESP) on domestic gas and total energy consumptions. The recently released National Energy Efficiency Data-Framework (NEED) database is used to examine the changes in domestic gas and total energy consumptions for the dwellings in the sample relative to the changes in gas and total energy consumptions for a comparable control group in the year after installation. The results obtained from this difference-in-difference analysis confirm that observed energy consumption decreases significantly in dwellings following upgrades such as cavity wall insulation, loft insulation and a new efficient boiler. The single most effective energy efficiency measure when installed alone is found to be cavity wall insulation, reducing annual gas consumption by 10.5 % and annual total energy consumption by 8.0 % in the year following installation. Comparing bundles of different energy efficiency measures, we find that dwellings retrofitted with both cavity wall insulation and a new efficient boiler experience the largest reductions in annual gas and total energy consumptions of 13.3 and 13.5 %, respectively. This is followed by a mean annual reduction of 11.9 and 10.5 % in gas and total energy consumptions for dwellings with all three energy efficiency measures installed in the same year. Contrary to expectations, installing cavity wall insulation on its own is found to be more effective in reducing measured energy consumption than combining loft insulation and a new efficient boiler.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the cointegration and Granger causal relationship between economic growth and total energy consumption as well as disaggregate energy such as coal, coke, crude oil, petroleum products, natural gas and electricity in China for a period of 1995–2014. Different from limited existing provincial studies on China, we use a multivariate framework that considers per capita human capital on top of physical capital in the neoclassical production function and advanced panel econometric methodologies such as CupFM estimators and bootstrapped panel Granger causality tests that allow for cross-sectional dependence and provincial heterogeneity. Our results suggest that human capital exerts 2–3 times the effect of physical capital on the economy and energy also plays a significant role. Furthermore, the rich bootstrap panel Granger causality test results for both the panel and individual provinces provide substantial insights and suggest that it is important to examine the causal effects of both the total energy use and various disaggregate energy consumption before local governments make specific energy and economic policies.  相似文献   

The large-scale combined production of methanol and electricity from natural gas is simulated and evaluated from an economic point of view. Both capital and operating costs are considered. The proposed solution is based on steam methane reforming and consists of an once-through methanol synthesis followed by a power plant in which the unreacted gases are burned. Electricity is produced in a combined-cycle plant. It is supposed to add the energy production unit to an already existing methanol plant without decreasing the methanol production. The economic analysis shows that, given the low natural gas price in the Saudi Arabia context, the combined production ensures an increased annual revenue that allows a reasonable payout time for the added energy plant.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to investigate the short- and long-run links among urbanization, output (Gross Domestic Product, GDP), trade openness, and electricity consumption in China, using a rich dataset at the provincial level. The short-run Granger causality analysis discloses a unidirectional causal relationship running from electricity to output and weak feedback effects between trade and urbanization. The long-run Granger causality analysis shows output, urbanization, and trade trigger electricity consumption whereas trade, urbanization, and electricity cause output. The Group Mean and Lambda-Pearson causality tests reveal a large heterogeneity in the long-run effects which suggests there is no “one-size fits all” policy and each region should formulate a differentiated urbanization/growth strategy based on its own characteristics to control electricity utilization.  相似文献   

In this century, China started facing five major challenges in the energy field: energy supply, shortage of liquid fuel, environmental pollution, green house gas (GHG) emission, and energy supply in rural areas. In this paper, the Chinese energy development strategy and general technical scheme (including energy conservation, utilization of coal, alternative fuel and renewable energy) are discussed, and some key scientific problems in the fundamental research of energy are put forward.  相似文献   

Conserving energy is one of the most important factors in efforts to be independent of oil shocks and embargos. An understanding of the process of transforming an extravagant user of energy into a very prudent user of energy is very essential in planning our strategies to achieve the targeted goal of conservation. This paper deals with the process analysis of that transformation to commit oneself to conserving energy. The technique of path analysis has been used in the present study. The prime factor studied in this paper is “awareness of need for energy conservation” as a promotional factor.  相似文献   

Facing the energy crisis and the requirement of green power, China is making great efforts to fulfill the international cooperation on renewable energy electricity aimed at protecting the security of electricity supply and economy development. This paper firstly utilizes the tool of SWOT strategy analysis to make a research on internal and external environment of international cooperation on renewable energy electricity in China. Secondly discusses the current situation and existing problems of international cooperation from four dimensions of strength, weakness, opportunity and threat. Then, gives a propose of four different kinds of international cooperation strategies based on the combination analysis of SWOT matrix. Finally puts forward the detailed implementation strategies of the policy recommendations for international cooperation on renewable energy electricity.  相似文献   

China is now a major consumer and importer of energy, and its choices and policies will increasingly affect the rest of the world. This paper analyses the key features of China’s energy policy as it faces the prospect of possible challenges to its energy security given the increasing reliance on fuel imports and the need to transform its energy to meet the requirements of a modern, fast-growing economy. The paper examines whether the current energy mix is appropriate and sustainable, and considers the China’s policymakers new emphasis on energy efficiency, conservation, renewable energy and the shift to natural gas the primary energy source. It examines the internal and external constraints on China’s energy policy and considers the strategic dilemmas arising from China’s increasing involvement in international energy markets. It concludes that both the domestic and international implications of China’s search for energy security will confront policymakers with hard choices that will affect not only energy policy, but also China’s geopolitical grand strategy.  相似文献   

European iron and steel producers are working towards increased energy efficiency to meet requirements set by European policies such as the Energy Efficiency Directive. In this study, we show that the specific energy consumption (SEC), representing the iron and steel sector in the Odyssee energy efficiency index (ODEX)—the tool for policy evaluation recommended by the European Commission—is insufficient for capturing energy efficiency trends of European iron and steel production. European producers focus on niche markets, diversifying and specialising their set of products well beyond crude steel, which is the benchmark product for deriving the SEC. We compare the SEC with the more comprehensive Malmquist productivity index (MPI) methodology, which is calculated using data envelopment analysis (DEA) techniques. An evaluation of energy efficiency trends during 2000–2010 showed that the SEC overestimated energy efficiency improvements for European steel industries, while underestimating the improvements achieved by Swedish steel industries. A comparison between the SEC, the MPI/DEA approach, and energy intensity based on value added in the Swedish case provides further insight to the methodological differences between the approaches. We conclude that the approaches highlight different aspects of energy efficiency analyses and that the SEC is not sufficient for capturing the energy efficiency of steel industries.  相似文献   

At present, researches about energy conservation are focused on prediction. But there are few researches focused on the estimation of effective input and energy conservation potential, and there has been even no research on energy conservation of thermal power industry of China. This paper will try to fill in such a blank. Panel data on Chinese thermal power industry over 2005–2010 are established, and we adopt the stochastic frontier analysis approach to estimate the energy saving potential of thermal power industry. The results are as follows: (1) the average efficiency of energy inputs in China′s thermal power industry over 2005–2010 was about 0.85, and cumulative energy saving potential equals to 551.04 (Mtce); (2) by improving the non-efficiency factors, the relatively backward inland cities could achieve higher energy saving in thermal power industry; (3) the energy input efficiency of Eastern China Grid is shown to be the highest; (4) in order to realize the energy-saving goal of thermal power industry, one important policy method the government should adopt is to conduct a market-oriented reform in power industry and break the state-owned monopoly to provide incentives for private and foreign direct investment in thermal power sector.  相似文献   

The Binalood region in Iran enjoys an average wind speed of 6.82 m/s at 40 m elevation and an average daily solar radiation of 4.79 kWh/m2/day. Within this perspective, a remote rural village in Binalood region, called Sheikh Abolhassan, can readily be expected to have more than enough potential for its load demand to be supplied with a stand-alone hybrid renewable energy system. Yet the local state-run electrical service provider extended the utility grid to the village in 2006 to boost the already present diesel generator. This study aims, firstly, to explore how economical it would have been to keep supplying the electricity of the village by the diesel generator and add renewable energy generators to increase the renewable fraction of the system. On a second stage, we tried to investigate how renewable energy sources (RESs) can still be added to the current utility grid power supply in Sheikh Abolhassan to achieve a more economical and environmentally friendly system. The software HOMER is used in this study to evaluate the feasibility of various hybrid diesel-RES and grid-RES energy systems. Findings indicated that the addition of renewable power generators to the system both before and after the grid extension could and still can result in a more economical power system, which is obviously cleaner and more climate-benign.  相似文献   

Conventional benefit–cost analysis incorporates the normally reasonable assumption that the policy or project under examination is marginal. Among the assumptions this entails is that the policy or project is small, so the underlying growth rate of the economy does not change. However, this assumption may be inappropriate in some important circumstances, including in climate-change and energy policy. One example is global targets for carbon emissions, while another is a large renewable energy project in a small economy, such as a hydropower dam. This paper develops some theory on the evaluation of non-marginal projects, with empirical applications to climate change and energy. We examine the conditions under which evaluation of a non-marginal project using marginal methods may be wrong, and in our empirical examples we show that both qualitative and large quantitative errors are plausible.  相似文献   

This paper separates data extending from 1971 to 2002 into the energy crisis period (1971–1980) and the post-energy crisis period (1981–2000) for 82 countries. The cross-sectional data (yearly averages) in these two periods are used to investigate the nonlinear relationships between energy consumption growth and economic growth when threshold variables are used. If threshold variables are higher than certain optimal threshold levels, there is either no significant relationship or else a significant negative relationship between energy consumption and economic growth. However, when these threshold variables are lower than certain optimal levels, there is a significant positive relationship between the two. In 48 out of the 82 countries studied, none of the four threshold variables is found to be higher than the optimal levels. It is inferred that these 48 countries should adopt a more aggressive energy policy. As for the other 34 countries, at least one threshold variable is higher than the optimal threshold level and thus these countries should adopt energy policies with varying degrees of conservation based on the number of threshold variables that are higher than the optimal threshold levels.  相似文献   

Hot Summer and Cold Winter (HSCW) region plays an important role in China's building energy conservation task due to its high consumption in recent years for both climate and social reasons. National and local building energy standards according to which the buildings are built and operated can affect the building energy consumption to a great extent. This study investigated the energy saving potential in Hot Summer and Cold Winter Zone under different level of energy efficiency standards (China local, China national, and UK standard). Chongqing was taken as an example, and the commercial energy simulation tool eQuest was applied to analyze the building end-use energy. With the existing situation as a baseline, the building energy saving for residential section could achieve 31.5% if the Chinese national standard were satisfied, and the value would further increase to 45.0% and 53.4% when the Chongqing local and UK standard were met. For public buildings, the corresponding energy saving potentials were 62.8%, 67.4% and 75.9%. Parameter sensitivity analysis was conducted. The analysis was able to provide suggestions on energy saving implementation priorities for residential and public buildings. Indications to improve building energy standards and their implementation were also discussed.  相似文献   

Biomass is considered one of the most important options in the transition to a sustainable energy system with reduced greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and increased security of enegry supply. In order to facilitate this transition with targeted policies and implementation strategies, it is of vital importance to understand the economic benefits, uncertainties and risks of this transition. This article presents a quantification of the economic impacts on value added, employment shares and the trade balance as well as required biomass and avoided primary energy and greenhouse gases related to large scale biomass deployment on a country level (the Netherlands) for different future scenarios to 2030. This is done by using the macro-economic computable general equilibrium (CGE) model LEITAP, capable of quantifying direct and indirect effects of a bio-based economy combined with a spread sheet tool to address underlying technological details. Although the combined approach has limitations, the results of the projections show that substitution of fossil energy carriers by biomass, could have positive economic effects, as well as reducing GHG emissions and fossil energy requirement. Key factors to achieve these targets are enhanced technological development and the import of sustainable biomass resources to the Netherlands.  相似文献   

China’s economic transformation and new growth pattern have significant implications for energy demand and greenhouse gas emissions. Using an extended version of a large computable general equilibrium model of China, we explore alternative futures for the Chinese economy and its energy needs over the period from 2015 to 2030. The simulation results show that encouraging household consumption and accelerating economic transition from investment-led to service-led growth will boost China’s economic growth. Capping coal consumption will improve China’s energy consumption structure and reduce greenhouse gas emissions significantly. The simulation exercises imply that, with a well-designed policy, the Chinese government can meet the challenges of strong economic growth, lower carbon emissions, environmental benefits, and energy security. Moreover, the Chinese government’s goal of peaking carbon emissions at 2030 is achievable.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to analyse the changes in final energy consumption in Andalusia through logarithmic mean Divisia index (LMDI) decomposition analysis during the period 2003–2012. The results lead us to conclude that a reduction of final energy (FE) consumption of 1 % took place as a result of a diminishing in structural effect by 11 % and an increase in the activity effect and intensity effect by 7.4 and 3.5 %, respectively. Chain-linked LMDI decomposition shows the existence of two sub-periods, with a turning point in 2008. The first period, coinciding to a great extent with the Andalusian Energy Plan 2003–2006 (PLEAN), showed an increase in final energy consumption, mostly due to the activity effect but also to the intensity effect. The second period, coinciding with the implementation of the Andalusian Sustainable Energy Plan 2007–2013 (PASENER), shows a reduction in the activity, structure and intensity effects. The results allow us to conclude that many of the energy efficiency measures, implemented through the PASENER, are related to sectors that experienced a decline in energy consumption due to the intensity effect, such as transport, primary and service sectors. Additionally, although they were included in PASENER, more policy attention should be given to the energy transformation, residential and industrial sectors which increased the demand for energy due to the intensity effect during this period. Finally, the energy-saving behaviour of economic agents due to the economic downturn should also be considered as an explanation for the diminishing in energy consumption during this sub-period.  相似文献   

《Biomass & bioenergy》1999,16(2):155-170
In this paper, environmental benefits of the cultivation of perennial energy crops in Sweden, which have been identified and quantified in an earlier paper, are evaluated economically. Several different benefits, ranging from global to site-specific, could be achieved by replacing annual food crops with perennial energy crops. The economic value of these environmental benefits, including reductions in costs to farmers (direct costs) and to society as a whole (external costs), has been estimated to be from US$ 0.1 up to US$ 5/GJ biomass. For comparison, the production costs (excluding transport) of Salix and reed canary grass are about 4.4 and US$ 5.0/GJ, respectively. Purification of waste water in energy crop cultivation has the highest economic value, followed by reduced nutrient leaching through riparian buffer strips, recirculation of sewage sludge, and reduced wind erosion through shelter belts consisting of Salix. The value of other environmental benefits is estimated to be less than US$ 0.7/GJ. If 200,000 ha of Sweden’s totally available arable land of 2.8 Mha were available for energy crop cultivation, around 45 PJ biomass could theoretically be produced per year, at an average cost of about US$ 0.7/GJ, including the value of environmental benefits. It is assumed that priority is given to cultivations with the highest total value, as several different environmental effects could be achieved on the same cultivation site. If 800,000 ha were to be available, the corresponding cost of some 150 GJ biomass per year would be around US$ 2.8/GJ.  相似文献   

The gap in demand and supply of energy can be met by optimal allocation of energy resources. In developing countries like India, demand for energy is constantly rising. Conventional energy supply options have failed to cope up with this increase. Therefore, it is required to plan the allocation at micro-level also. A micro-level energy planning thus becomes pragmatic for sustainable development. Micro-level energy planning aims at optimal resource allocation thereby reducing dependence on commercial energy and reducing associated environmental hazards, and opening new avenues for employment generation.This paper considers energy consumption patterns in northern part of Rajasthan, India to arrive at micro-level plan using multi-objective goal programming approach. Optimal energy resource allocation for various end-uses has been deduced. In conventional micro-level energy planning the region is defined as village or taluk or district. Inter-village energy mix have been attempted to define region for energy planning in the present text. The results of inter-village mix show that the energy mix of two villages at micro-level results in better utilization of available energy sources compared to an individual village. The methodology suggested gives the flexibility of defining a region to the energy planner.  相似文献   

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