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创意城市是新兴起的城市学概念.它以城市文化作为切入点和基点.在此基础上寻求城市新的发展方向和发展模式。这种新的城市发展观点对我国正处于产业转型期的老工业城市具有启发意义。本文以我国老工业城市淄博市东部化工区搬迁改造工程为例.探讨利用城市再生和创意城市的理念将旧城工业区改造成为文化创意园区的可能性.并对老工业城市的创意城市发展战略进行思考。  相似文献   

In recent decades, the role of culture and history has often become a driving factor in the process of urban regeneration. The focus on culture and history as factors in regional transformation has been particularly extensive in response not only to competitiveness among cities but also to sustainability requirements in the cultural sector. In the same perspective of this approach, culture in its broadest sense assumes a decisive role in constructing a system of interventions where employment and social and sustainable development become the product of the integration of places, people, economies and traditions. Creative cities are currently working on how to improve the interaction between regeneration building, economic development and social renewal in order to achieve more comprehensive development of the city. Existing creative cities may be seen to revolve around the design, promotion and activation of urban areas established due to their particular local characteristics. Such areas become creative clusters as a result of economic and structural innovations, related to the realization of innovator projects achieved with the help of local development strategies based on the economies of excellence, culture and territorial quality. Starting from such premises, this article aims to show the main factors which condition creativity in cities – such as new policies, participation, history, place identity, cultural resources and sustainability – and an emblematic case study of creative regeneration. This concerns the HafenCity district in Hamburg, where the history has assumed an important role in re-constructing the maritime identity and for many choices of urban nature.  相似文献   

全球化提升了城市的竞争力,其中一种最成功的发展模式是创意城市。将创意作为城市发展的基本要素,需要重新界定城市的发展目标和重点,提出新的发展战略。从经济发展角度看,创意城市的发展需要依赖文化创意产业的系统化;从空间形态角度看,创意城市中包括文化特区和创意集群两种空间形态。从多伦多文化计划和加拿大圣凯瑟琳斯创新总体规划两个案例来看,创意城市规划应在战略或规划目标中突出体现"创意",以挖掘城市空间的新的增长潜力。  相似文献   

王静  黄骏  林燕 《华中建筑》2012,(10):88-91
文化中心作为一种新兴的重要公共建筑类型,已经出现在我国越来越多的城市里。文化中心不仅满足了城市公共日益增长的文化需求,而且还极大提升城市的文化生活品质,为城市带来巨大的发展机会。在四川省遂宁文化中心的方案设计中,设计在满足整体功能、交通与流线要求的基础上,从城市当地的山水格局与观音文化传统出发,在整体规划与单体设计两个层面中,运用暗喻、抽象等一系列手法探索一种将文化寓意与绿色概念相结合的公共建筑设计模式。  相似文献   

Problem: In the last two decades, urban economic development has shifted its focus from industrial recruitment to talent and human capital, including art and culture. Many have argued that talented people are drawn to artistic and cultural amenities, but few have examined art and culture as a production system and drawn meaningful insights for urban planning and economic development based on understanding its inner workings.

Purpose: This article looks closely at the mechanisms that structure and drive the cultural economy and suggests possible avenues for cultural economic development and policymaking based on these mechanisms. I focus on the ways cultural producers obtain jobs, advance their careers, gain value for their goods and services, and interact with each other.

Methods: I conducted 80 interviews with cultural producers, cultural gatekeepers, and owners and managers of entertainment venues these groups frequent.

Results and conclusions: I find that not only are artistic and cultural producers densely agglomerated, but that key social mechanisms structure and inform this clustered production system. These industries depend on unique kinds of social interaction, from nightlife to gallery openings, to thrive. This is more than just fun and games, and is critical to the operation of this economic sector.

Takeaway for practice: Cultural producers rely heavily on their social lives to advance their careers, obtain jobs, and generate value for their goods, so that the local arts social milieu is critical to the cultural economy. Cultural producers also tend to cross-fertilize, collaborating to create goods and services, review each other's products, and establish new careers, meaning the ability to live and work in close proximity to one another is important. Finally, a large concentration of creative people and an active cultural milieu has made New York culture a known brand. While New York is unique, the cultural life of other cities and regions can also be economic development assets. Places can strategically cultivate the social milieus that are most conducive to the production of art and culture.  相似文献   

文化创意产业作为新兴的"朝阳产业",近年来发展极为迅速,也越来越受到世界各国及各地区的高度重视。随着城市化的不断加深和城市竞争的日益激烈,城市品牌营销也受到了国内外各大城市的普遍关注。而文化创意作为城市品牌营销的核心要素和原创力时代的核心竞争力,在城市品牌营销中起着不可小觑的重要作用。无锡市具有"中国品牌经济城市"之称,近几年在经济转型的背景下对文化创意产业的发展非常重视,以此来增强城市品牌的竞争力。文章就无锡市如何通过文化创意产业的发展成功营销城市品牌提出了一些独到的见解。  相似文献   

全球化和信息化双重冲击给中国城市地域文化和历史特征延续造成巨大危机。对地方文化基因的重新认知、提炼、抽象和组织重构,并对新城市文化进行储存、流传和创造性表达将是重建地方独特价值的关键。天河路商圈整体城市设计从复兴广州“千年商都”文化的视角出发,提出“六大文化特色片区”架构,结合开放空间设计和公共服务设施规划引导城市发展,并通过在核心节点创造“城市事件”场所和景观凸显新商都文化精神和城市艺术氛围。  相似文献   

历史文化名城建设的再思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李雄飞 《规划师》2005,21(8):59-62
历史文化名城体系的确立给我国城市建设的发展方式开辟了一条新的途径,明确和丰富了以文化内涵为中心的建设概念。历史文化名城建设应从研究城市历史文化深层次内涵出发,形成以名城研究为主的学者群,并使之参与决策;建立城市主题文化体系;审慎地研究城市发展的每个步骤,体现规划的预见性。  相似文献   

何晓裕 《福建建筑》2014,(1):97-100
"文创产业园"作为一种相关文化科技创意设计产业聚集的载体,它的崛起是一个国家产业竞争力提升、经济繁荣的重要表现。本文在概述厦门文创产业发展现状后,以厦门市两岸文化创意产业示范区规划设计为例,归纳设计过程中有关项目设计功能定位、总体布局、服务设施、流线组织、开放空间、开发模式和环境营造等问题,总结本次设计时所采用的规划策略,提出设计者对文创产业园规划设计的几点看法,以期为其他文创产业园区的规划设计提供借鉴。  相似文献   

我国是一个农业大国,农业产品经历了由数量到质量的发展过程,但在今天后现代消费语境下,农业产品的消费不再局限于"品种"、"品质"、"品牌"的追求,更重视实用功能以外的文化和审美体验。通过"文创"与农业产品的结合是实现农产品消费后现代化的必要途径,也可实现农产品品牌的高端化,对提高农产品的文化价值和附加值都有重要意义。本文主要以"乡土感"、"故事感"、"设计感"三个核心概念来探索文创农产品设计与开发模式,对文创农产品的具体设计与开发具有指导意义。  相似文献   

Creative industries are often regarded as avenues for urban regeneration, economic development and job creation. The growth of creative industries is linked to post-Fordist economic restructuring in cities. As a result, the economic base of cities has moved away from manufacturing to knowledge-intensive and service-based industries. While countries in the Global South generally contribute marginally to the global economy, some countries are seeking to enhance their competitiveness in the global environment and gain from opportunities presented by the creative economy. Policymakers in the Global South have therefore adopted creative industry policies, and often link these to social development outcomes. However, this presents various challenges. The literature indicates that creative industries can exacerbate existing inequalities and marginalise working class residents. Furthermore, the benefits of creative urban renewal do not necessarily reach poor communities. This paper contributes to debates regarding the role of creative industries in the urban economies of cities in the Global South. This reflects on the impacts of creative urban renewal, and the implications for social development and policy. It also considers recent development and challenges around creative industry promotion in Cape Town, with specific reference to the city-fringe neighbourhood of Woodstock.  相似文献   

郭展志  徐峰  盛强 《华中建筑》2013,(10):12-15
融合创意产业的旧工业建筑汇集了地域文化与创意文化的精髓,见证了城市的发展历程,是城市历史文化积淀的重要组成部分.该文以传播学理论为基础,系统分析了工业元素创意化表达的传播者、传播内容、受传者等相关因素,归纳总结了各要素的逻辑关系及其传播模式,并提出表达原则以及具体的设计策略,以期对旧工业建筑改造设计提供有益的参考,以利于社会、文化、经济效益更大程度的提升.  相似文献   

What is the role of culture in contemporary urban life? Can culture function as an urban planning tool for individual and social well-being? Two elements are of special relevance in this regard: cultural vibrancy in terms of level of initiative in policies, use of facilities and activities, and individual and social propensities towards the participation in, and consumption of, cultural activities and goods. This paper takes the recent path of research on the impact of cultural participation on the social and economic sustainability of urban processes, with a specific focus on the individual subjective well-being dimension. Two Italian cities, one endowed with a high stock of cultural facilities, activities, and access (Bolzano/Bozen) and the other with a comparatively much lower stock in all respects (Siracusa), are examined. Comparative analysis suggests that the impact of culture on subjective well-being in a context of high cultural supply and substantial cultural participation is much more relevant with respect to low-endowment and low-participation cases, thus suggesting the possibility of a culture/well-being positive feedback dynamics leading to urban ‘cultural poverty traps’. On the basis of these results, we draw some implications for cultural policy design in urban contexts.  相似文献   

张杰 《城市规划》2012,36(7):53-59
随着创意产业的兴起,城市遗产与文化创意结合成为了遗产保护新类型。本文针对全国掀起的创意园区"造园"热潮所引发的一系列问题,结合上海田子坊创意园区的调研,揭示了引发尴尬的根源:一,对新兴创意产业及其相关理论认识上的偏误;二,对"经济利益"的过度追逐;三,常态的保护规划与新兴的创意产业之间的不合辙。据此,提出了突破"尴尬"的方法,即寻找文化的新坐标,探寻遗产保护与创意产业联姻发展的规划创新制度。  相似文献   

Creative communities that arise in a cultural milieu of place-based social relationships are being targeted for cultural economy strategies to revitalize cities in Asia. The dominance of a small number of family owned conglomerates, chaebol, in the economy and politics of South Korea represents an extreme case of the corporatization of citymaking that drives cultural economy policies. The experience of the historic district of Insadong, Seoul, illustrates the resulting loss of vernacular heritage, gentrification and commodification of creative community life-spaces under the cultural economy banner. At the same time, democratization and the rise of civil society have provided openings for grassroots organizations to seek to protect and support local cultural spaces as sites for creative engagements in urban life. Recent success of grassroots mobilizations in countering corporatization by electing an activist as mayor of Seoul points to the need to give greater attention to role of the local state in sustaining creative communities.  相似文献   

创意产业与北京城市发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
柯焕章 《规划师》2008,24(1):15-17
创意产业的发展促进了北京产业结构和产业布局的优化,增强了城市经济实力;活跃了文化市场,提升了城市文化素质.为实现创意产业较好的发展,北京市加强规划和政策支持,引导创意产业与城市建设协调发展.  相似文献   

当代社会,知识与创意正在替代传统自然资源和有形劳动成为城市经济增长的主要源泉,而创意型人才则自然而然成为城市可持续发展的决定性力量.创意阶层作为工人阶层、服务阶层之外兴起的又一个新的社会阶层,是培育基于学习、革新和时尚生活方式的新城市经济动力.从地理上看,创意阶层具有独特的区位偏好,创意阶层往往集中在那些能够提供宽松的社会氛围和各种就业机会的多样化城市和区域,创意阶层的密集度与地方多样性呈正相关.从城市发展来看,创意阶层的相对密度与地方经济增长呈正相关,一个城市和地区对于移民、艺术家、同性恋、波希米亚风以及社会经济和种族融合的开放程度与其经济质量的高低有着密切的关系,而创意阶层的集中程度与地方创新和高科技产业生长也有一定的相关性,创意阶层集中的城市往往也是创新和高科技产业发达的创意中心.  相似文献   

周建军  朱嵘 《规划师》2008,24(1):29-32
创意产业自产生至今,正日益显现出对城市发展的巨大推动作用.在中国部分发达城市产业发展规划中,创意产业逐渐被视为城市经济发展的新增长点,以实现推动城市建设、历史文化和社会经济和谐进步的目标.中国2010年上海世博会园区的后续利用分析研究从区域功能定位、物质空间改造和城市系统优化三个方面,力求实现"城市文化创意空间塑造"的发展目标.  相似文献   

创意城市是当今全球的热点议题之一,学术界从产业经济与社会角度进行了广泛的探讨与研究。西方国家一些城市以促进经济持续繁荣为目标,致力于构建创意城市并取得了一些进展。本文首先从空间角度阐述对创意城市涵义的理解,认为其核心特征是创意产业在城市中生根强盛并与城市空间的发展变化紧密结合,提出当前其空间构建的主要途径是发展创意产业基地;进而通过对西方国家创意城市空间构建案例的介绍分析,发现其成功经验是强调空间资源整合与用地功能的混合发展以及注重提升生活品质的设施建设,同时在一些具体发展模式上仍然存在尚待解决的问题。  相似文献   

Culture and creativity: A case study from the West of Ireland   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Taking the dynamics of second tier city of Galway as a case study, this paper sets out to answer two simple and related questions: How important has culture been to the city’s economic and social development, and how integral is culture in maintaining the city’s economic and social sustainability? In order to provide answers, we look at the city’s development in relation to an emerging body of literature concerning creative cities. We focus on production of culture and gauge its assimilation into the economic life of the city by looking at various facets of the city’s economic structure, including the technology sector.The aim of this paper is to look at cultural policy in Ireland under three interrelated domains: Technology; Institutions; and Spatial Culture (encompassing the place of public performance in urban morphology). The case study of a second tier city provides interesting insights for policy and practice as well as cultural/creative activity arising out of place specific circumstances. The paper explores the changing role of culture and concludes by drawing attention to the tensions surrounding the perceptions of ownership of culture and questions to what impact this will have regarding the city’s sustainability into the future.  相似文献   

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