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To provide fundamental decision support information for climate risk assessment in Hungary, an urban spatial development model of land cover change and population age structure dynamics was developed and applied to local integrated scenarios of climate change and stakeholder-derived socio-economic change. The four integrated scenarios for Hungary produced contrasting projections for urban patterns to 2100, but peri-urbanisation around Budapest was estimated to occur under all scenarios, together with a decline in working age population in the centres of the capital and major towns. This suggests that future urban planning needs to take into consideration the potential for underutilised urban infrastructure in the centre of the capital and pressures for social service provisioning in its outskirt. The integrated scenarios and model developed can be used in future studies to test the effectiveness of inter-sectoral policy responses in adapting urban planning to multiple climate and socio-economic challenges.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to describe the development and application of a web-based decision support tool (ViRTUE) for performing climate risk evaluations of water supply systems. The tool is designed for small-scale water utilities in the northeastern United States that may lack the resources for detailed climate change risk investigations. Development of this tool demonstrates a relatively new approach to web application development using the Shiny framework for the R programming language to create an interactive environment for stakeholders and water managers to explore climate vulnerabilities. Using a decision-scaling framework, the tool allows the user to perform a climate stress test to evaluate the performance and vulnerability to water supply shortfalls of local reservoir systems over a wide range of potential climate change scenarios using a generic systems model. Probabilities of future climate conditions derived from climate projections then help inform utility operators of impending risk.  相似文献   

Many developing countries in Asia are experiencing rapid urban expansion in climate hazard prone areas. To support climate resilient urban planning efforts, here we present an approach for simulating future urban land-use changes and evaluating potential flood exposure at a high spatial resolution (30 m) and national scale. As a case study, we applied this model to the Philippines – a country frequently affected by extreme rainfall events. Urban land-use changes were simulated to the year 2050 using a trend-based logistic regression cellular automata model, considering three different scenarios of urban expansion (assuming low/medium/high population growth). Flood exposure assessment was then conducted by overlaying the land-use simulation results onto a global floodplain map. We found that approximately 6040–13,850 ha of urban land conversion is likely to be located in flood prone regions between 2019 and 2050 (depending on the scenario), affecting approximately 2.5–5.8 million additional urban residents. In locations with high rates of future urban development in flood prone areas (Mindanao Island, in particular), climate resilient land-use plans should be developed/enforced, and flood mitigation infrastructure protected (in the case of “nature-based” infrastructure) or constructed. The data selected for our land-use change modeling and flood exposure assessment were all openly and (near-)globally available, with the intention that our methodology can potentially be applied in other countries where rapid urban expansion is occurring. The 2050 urban land-use maps generated in this study are available for download at https://www.iges.or.jp/en/pub/ph-urban2050/en to allow for their use in future works.  相似文献   

The feedback based integrated assessment model ANEMI_2 represents the society-biosphere-climate-economy-energy system of the earth and biosphere. The ANEMI_2 model is based on the system dynamics simulation approach that (a) allows for the understanding and modeling of complex global change and (b) assists in the investigation of possible policy options for mitigating, and/or adapting to changing global conditions within an integrated assessment modeling framework. This paper outlines the ANEMI_2 model and its nine system components: climate, carbon cycle, land-use, population, food production, hydrologic cycle, water demand, water quality, and energy-economy. To evaluate market and nonmarket costs and benefits of climate change, the ANEMI_2 model integrates an economic optimization approach, with a focus on the international energy stock and fuel price, climate interrelations and temperature change. The model takes into account all major greenhouse gases (GHG) influencing global temperature and sea-level variation. Results from several scenarios (a) compare well with other information available in the scientific literature, (b) present comprehensive response of the society-biosphere-climate-economy-energy system to the selected scenarios, and (c) confirm the support role of the ANEMI_2 model in the policy development and analyses.  相似文献   

Municipal water systems provide crucial services for human well-being, and will undergo a major transformation this century following global technological, socioeconomic and environmental changes. Future demand scenarios integrating these drivers over multi-decadal planning horizons are needed to develop effective adaptation strategies. This paper presents a new long-term scenario modeling framework that projects future daily municipal water demand at a 1/8° global spatial resolution. The methodology incorporates improved representations of important demand drivers such as urbanization and climate change. The framework is applied across multiple future socioeconomic and climate scenarios to explore municipal water demand uncertainties over the 21st century. The scenario analysis reveals that achieving a low-carbon development pathway can potentially reduce global municipal water demands in 2060 by 2–4%, although the timing and scale of impacts vary significantly with geographic location.  相似文献   

Urban bulk water systems supply water with high reliability and, in the event of extreme drought, must avoid catastrophic economic and social collapse. In view of the deep uncertainty about future climate change, it is vital that robust solutions be found that secure urban bulk water systems against extreme drought. To tackle this challenge an approach was developed integrating: 1) a stochastic model of multi-site streamflow conditioned on future climate change scenarios; 2) Monte Carlo simulation of the urban bulk water system incorporated into a robust optimization framework and solved using a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm; and 3) a comprehensive decision space including operating rules, investment in new sources and source substitution and a drought contingency plan with multiple actions with increasingly severe economic and social impact. A case study demonstrated the feasibility of this approach for a complex urban bulk water supply system. The primary objective was to minimize the expected present worth cost arising from infrastructure investment, system operation and the social cost of “normal” and emergency restrictions. By introducing a second objective which minimizes either the difference in present worth cost between the driest and wettest future climate change scenarios or the present worth cost for driest climate scenario, the trade-off between efficiency and robustness was identified. The results show that a significant change in investment and operating strategy can occur when the decision maker expresses a stronger preference for robustness and that this depends on the adopted robustness measure. Moreover, solutions are not only impacted by the degree of uncertainty about future climate change but also by the stress imposed on the system and the range of available options.  相似文献   

Although climate scientists explore the effects of climate change for 2100, it is a challenging time frame for urban modellers to foresee the future of cities. The question addressed in this paper is how to improve the existing methodologies in order to build scenarios to explore urban climate impacts in the long term and at a fine scale. This study provides a structural framework in six steps that combines narratives and model-based approaches. The results present seven scenarios of urban growth based on land use strategies and technological and socio-economic trends. These contrasted scenarios span the largest possible world of futures for the city under study. Urban maps for 2010, 2040 and 2100 were used to assess the impacts on the Urban Heat Island. The comparison of these scenarios and related outputs allowed some levers to be evaluated for their capacity to limit the increase of air temperature.  相似文献   

This study develops a framework to quantify the flood risk vulnerability in South Korea by considering climate change impacts. On the basis of the concept of exposure-sensitivity-adaptive capacity, 21 proxy variables are selected and screened, and their weights are determined for their objectivity by using the Delphi technique. The data from 16 provinces of South Korea and the weighting values of all proxy variables are fuzzified to consider uncertainty. In addition, the National Center for Atmosphere Research Community Climate System Model 3 (CCSM3) in conjunction with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Special Report on Emission Scenario (SRES) A1B, A2, B1, A1T, A1FI, and B2 are used for future climate data (2020s, 2050s, and 2080s). Therefore, 19 flood risk vulnerabilities of South Korea, including present conditions, are quantitatively evaluated and compared. Three Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) techniques – Weighted Sum Method (WSM), Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Situation (TOPSIS), and fuzzy TOPSIS – are used to quantify all spatial vulnerabilities. As a result, some fuzzy TOPSIS rankings are quite different to those of WSM and TOPSIS, and the ranking patterns of the 19 climate change scenarios are also derived in a dissimilar way. In addition, if the variances of the provinces’ rankings are considered, some provinces showing low values can plan their climate change adaptation strategies by taking into consideration their relatively certain rankings. In the end, the vulnerability assessment for climate change should consider not only various MCDM techniques but also the uncertainty of weighting values and proxy variable data.  相似文献   

High uncertainty about future urbanization and flood risk conditions limits the ability to increase resiliency in traditional scenario-based urban planning. While scenario planning integrating urban growth prediction modeling is becoming more common, these models have not been effectively linked with future flood plain changes due to sea level rise. This study advances scenario planning by integrating urban growth prediction models with flood risk scenarios. The Land Transformation Model, a land change prediction model using a GIS based artificial neural network, is used to predict future urban growth scenarios for Tampa, Florida, USA, and future flood risks are then delineated based on the current 100-year floodplain using NOAA level rise scenarios. A multi-level evaluation using three urban prediction scenarios (business as usual, growth as planned, and resilient growth) and three sea level rise scenarios (low, high, and extreme) is conducted to determine how prepared Tampa's current land use plan is in handling increasing resilient development in lieu of sea level rise. Results show that the current land use plan (growth as planned) decreases flood risk at the city scale but not always at the neighborhood scale, when compared to no growth regulations (business as usual). However, flood risk when growing according to the current plan is significantly higher when compared to all future growth residing outside of the 100-year floodplain (resilient growth). Understanding the potential effects of sea level rise depends on understanding the probabilities of future development options and extreme climate conditions.  相似文献   

Sealing of surfaces and land use change induced by population change puts pressure on urban water networks. Changes in paved areas can also increase the risk of pluvial flooding at places that have not been endangered before. For an anticipatory planning and adaptation of the existing water infrastructure to a dynamic and evolving system like a growing or shrinking city, a comprehensive urban development scenario analysis is essential. This work presents an urban development model designed especially for simplistic simulation of multiple predefined population and spatial scenarios and allowing for an integration with successive urban water network models.Results show that an analysis of different development scenarios can help to increase a city's resilience to unexpected changes. Hence it is crucial to simulate a variety of scenarios to cover as many future outcomes of city development as possible for a systematic and rigorous inquiry for problematic situations in the future.  相似文献   

This paper presents a multi-agent model system to characterize land-use change dynamics. The replicable parameterization process should be useful to the development of simulation frameworks, important to environmental policy makers to analyze different scenarios during decision making process. The methodological two-fold approach intends to form a solid backbone based on: (i) the systematic and structured empirical characterization of the model; and (ii) the conceptual structure definition according to the agent-based model documentation protocol – Overview, Design concepts and Details. A multi-agent system for land-use change simulation was developed to validate the model, which is illustrated with a case study of the Brazilian Cerrado using LANDSAT ETM images. The simulation results prove the model importance with a figure of merit greater than 50%, what means the amount of correctly predicted change is larger than the sum of any type of error. The results are very good compared with nine popular peer-reviewed land change models.  相似文献   

Downscaling techniques are used to obtain high-resolution climate projections for assessing the impacts of climate change at a regional scale. This study presents a statistical downscaling tool, SCADS, based on stepwise cluster analysis method. The SCADS uses a cluster tree to represent the complex relationship between large-scale atmospheric variables (namely predictors) and local surface variables (namely predictands). It can effectively deal with continuous and discrete variables, as well as nonlinear relations between predictors and predictands. By integrating ancillary functional modules of missing data detecting, correlation analysis, model calibration and graphing of cluster trees, the SCADS is capable of performing rapid development of downscaling scenarios for local weather variables under current and future climate forcing. An application of SCADS is demonstrated to obtain 10 km daily mean temperature and monthly precipitation projections for Toronto, Canada in 2070–2099. The contemporary reanalysis data derived from NARR is used for model calibration (1981–1990) and validation (1991–2000). The validated cluster trees are then applied for generating future climate projections.  相似文献   

The impact of climate change on hydrologic design and management of hydrosystems could be one of the important challenges faced by future practicing hydrologists and water resources managers. Many water resources managers currently rely on the historical hydrological data and adaptive real-time operations without consideration of the impact of climate change on major inputs influencing the behavior of hydrologic systems and the operating rules. Issues such as risk, reliability and robustness of water resources systems under different climate change scenarios were addressed in the past. However, water resources management with the decision maker’s preferences attached to climate change has never been dealt with. This short paper discusses issues related to impacts of climate change on water resources management and application of a soft-computing approach, fuzzy set theory, for climate-sensitive management of hydrosystems. A real-life case study example is presented to illustrate the applicability of a soft-computing approach for handling the decision maker’s preferences in accepting or rejecting the magnitude and direction of climate change.  相似文献   

In arid and semiarid areas of northern China, one of the most vulnerable regional environments, water resources are a key constraint on socioeconomic development. We constructed a simulation model for land-use patterns under a drought transition (i.e., the increased frequency and duration of drought since the late 1970s in the Yongding River Basin study area) to account for the complexity of both the driving factors behind land-use change and the micro-level changes in land-use patterns. This model was a combination of the “top-down” system dynamics model, the “bottom-up” cellular automaton model, and the artificial neural network model. In this model, we considered the socioeconomic development and water resource restrictions, as well as the balance between the land-use requirements and the land supply. We then verified the model through a case study. The results demonstrated the value of constructing a simulation model driven by water resource constraints under the influence of drought. The spatial distribution of land uses in future scenarios will help support decision-making for sustainable regional development.  相似文献   

Usangu Catchment, in Tanzania, is vital for its rice production in which more than 30% of Tanzanian rice is grown. The catchment is a part of the Southern Agricultural Corridor of Tanzania where major agricultural intensification is expected to take place. Given the role of this catchment, it is important to investigate the effect of agricultural intensification, land-use/land-cover (LULC) change and climate variability on water balance in the catchment. Thus, the objective of the study was to simulate Usangu Catchment’s LULC of 2020 based on LULC of 2000, 2006 and 2013 using Markov Chain and Cellular Automata Analysis.Social, edaphic, climatic and landscape geomorphology factors governing the LULC change and distribution were used to prepare LULC suitability maps in geographical information system.The relative importance of LULC change factors was determined using the analytic hierarchy process and aggregated using weighted linear combination under multi-criteria evaluation approach. The model was validated using simulated and observed LULC 2013. The standard kappa coefficient (κ-standard) and overall agreements of the model were 0.6776 and 0.9125, respectively. The error due to quantity is 0.0243 while error due to allocation is 0.0667. The simulated LULC 2020 scenario shows the increase in urban area by 8.2% and a major decrease in forestland and shrubs by 20.6% and 6.9%, respectively. About 19.6% grassland and 8.5% of agricultural land in 2013 will be converted to urban land by 2020. On the other hand, about 372.0 km2 (10.4%) of wetlands and 368.2 km2 (10.3%) of woodlands will be converted to agricultural land. The 2020 LULC simulation model of Usangu developed in this study provide some useful information for future LULC scenarios and data for water balance models and preparation of future ecological conservation plans.  相似文献   

The green revolution represents one of the greatest environmental changes in India over the last century. The Upper Ganges (UG) basin is experiencing rapid rates of change of land cover and irrigation practices. In this study, we investigated the historical rate of change and created future scenario projections by means of 30 m-resolution multi-temporal Landsat 5 Thematic Mapper and Landsat 7 Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus data of the UG basin. Post-classification change analysis methods were applied to Landsat images in order to detect and quantify land-cover changes in the UG basin. Subsequently, Markov chain analysis was applied to project future scenarios of land-cover change. Fifteen different scenarios were generated based on historic land-cover change. These scenarios diverged in terms of future projections, highlighting the dynamic nature of the changes. This study has shown that between the years 1984 and 2010 the main land-cover change trends are conversion from shrubs to forest (+4.7%), urbanization (+5.8%), agricultural expansion (+1.3%), and loss of barren land (–9.5%). The land-cover change patterns in the UG basin were mapped and quantified, showing the capability of Landsat data in providing accurate land-cover maps. These results, in combination with those derived from the Markov model, provide the necessary evidence base to support regional land-use planning and develop future-proof water resource management strategies.  相似文献   

To support the implementation of the European Water Framework Directive (WFD), and as part of a tiered approach to prioritise detailed modelling, a high-level screening methodology has been developed to assess the vulnerability of water-related ecosystem services (ES) to future change. The approach incorporates a range of spatially distributed scenarios of land use and climate, which are used as inputs to a qualitative risk assessment model underpinned by expert opinion. The method makes use of widely available datasets and provides a structured way of capturing and “codifying” expert knowledge, as well as for assessing the degree of consensus between different expert groups. The range of model output reflects uncertainty in both the expert-derived assumptions and the climate & land use simulations considered. The approach has been developed in collaboration with the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) and applied in Scotland to support the second cycle of River Basin Management Planning.  相似文献   

Shrinking cities are characterized by a huge oversupply of dwellings and resulting residential vacancies. Discussions among urban planners and policymakers in Europe have focused on the consequences of urban shrinkage following demographic transition, fertility decline and individualization. In this study, the shrinking city of Leipzig in Eastern Germany is singled out as a case basis for the study of residential mobility and land use change using agent-based modeling techniques, in which social scientists developed a concept of household types based on empirical data that form a unique base; these techniques were used to construct a data-driven, agent-based model. The spatially explicit simulation model RESMOBcity presented here ‘translates’ these empirical data via behavioral rules of households. It computes spatially explicit household patterns, housing demands and residential vacancies. Based on three scenarios, population growth, stagnation and shrinkage, we show that population might stabilize within the coming years. The number of households is expected to further increase. We demonstrate that a selective demolition of vacant housing stock can counteract the enormous oversupply of dwellings and better balance housing demand and the number of available flats. Scenario simulation shows that the model can reproduce observed patterns of population, inner-urban migration and residential vacancy in a spatially explicit manner and thus can be applied to the analysis of scenarios of demographic change in urban regions. The presented model acts as a tool supporting the testing of hypotheses in social science research and allowing the quantification of land-use scenarios in urban regions based on household choices.  相似文献   

Land use, land use change and forestry (LULUCF) can play a positive role in mitigating global warming by sequestering carbon from the atmosphere into vegetation and soils. Local entities (e.g. local government, community, stockholders) have been making great efforts in enhancing carbon sequestration (CS) of local forests for mitigating global climate change and participating in international carbon-trade promoted by the Kyoto Protocol. Approaches and tools are needed to assess the enhancement of CS through land use changes and proper policy decisions. This paper presents an integrated assessment framework and a spatial decision support system (IA-SDSS) as a tool to support land-use planning and local forestry development with consideration of CS. The IA-SDSS integrates two process-based carbon models, a spatial decision (EMDS) module, a spatial cost-benefit analysis (CBA) module, and the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) module. It can provide spatially explicit CS information as well as CS-induced economic benefits under various scenarios of the carbon credit market. A case study conducted in Liping County, Guizhou Province, China demonstrated that the IA-SDSS developed in this study is applicable in supporting decision-making on ‘where’ and ‘how’ to adopt forestry land use options in favor of CS.  相似文献   

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