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Understanding how citizens interact with transportation system is a key to solving a variety of urban issues in general and traffic congestion in particular. Recently, scholars have put efforts on the pertinent work ranging from developing traffic predictors to understanding human mobility and activity patterns. Multiple types of data have been used, of which crowdsourced data (e.g. social media data) plays an essential role. Due to the limitation of traffic information extraction from social media data raised in the existing work, this paper aims to develop an approach which allows us to explore the potential influence of human activities on daily traffic congestions through linking human activities derived from geotagged tweets to the daily traffic conditions. The result of a case study of Toronto, Canada exhibits that entertainment related activities are more likely to appear during evening peak hours, while it seems that morning rush hours are less sensitive to human activities. In addition, it is learned that the activities involved in international events tend to have a long-term impact on urban traffic. This work provides a new tool for urban planners and policy makers to deal with complex urban issues effectively using low-cost social media data and sheds light on the research on analyzing urban traffic and urban dynamics based on crowdsourced data.  相似文献   

李婧  邱建  程昕 《中国园林》2023,39(5):126-131
科学认识生态系统服务价值是构建城市生态格局的 基础性工作。针对自然生态系统空间场景,等效因子法基于 1个国家甚至全球平均水平的价值当量开展评估,是国内外较 为公认的生态系统服务价值评估方法。城市人类活动集中,生 态系统服务的时间动态性和空间异质性特征明显,但适应城市 场景的生态空间服务价值评价的研究成果相对较少,更未形成 统一的定量测算方法。根据天府新区规划建设实践需求,通过 文献调查,结合专家访谈,在等效因子法的基础上,开展了基 于城市场景的生态系统服务价值理论和实践研究,主要包括确 定了5个自然地理和3个社会经济因素修正系数,对基础当量 表进行时间动态性、空间异质性的价值修正,结合各类生态系 统的面积Aj及1标准当量的价格D值,建立了同时受自然地理 和社会经济两方面突出影响的城市地区生态空间服务价值动态 评价模型。研究结果为天府新区基于生态空间服务价值量化评 价的规划选址及空间布局提供了科学依据,以期为城市生态空 间绩效评估、生态价值转化、生态空间格局优化提供理论支 撑,助力生态文明建设国家战略的实施。  相似文献   

商谦  朱文一 《建筑创作》2012,(7):190-195
地下公共空间是城市中重要的公共空间。近十几年间,高密度区的增加导致城市问题严重,城市景观的要求带来城市对地下空间的需要。在这些因素的作用下,北京的大型地下公共空间有了较大的发展。其在空间分布上趋向双轴双环的布局结构,在功能类型上分为综合、文化、体育和休闲等多种类型。本文探讨北京大型地下公共空间的分布,并针对其不同的空间类型展开研究。并在此基础上展望了未来地下北京城的发展方向。  相似文献   

With China’s rapid urbanisation driving its growing economy, the enlarging socio-spatial inequalities in the cities have received wide attention. Rather than following the largely studied residential spaces, this paper focuses on socio-spatial differentiation based on the spaces of one’s out-of-home activities. Using data of 1006 individuals collected by door to door questionnaires, this paper sets up the spatial and temporal autocorrelation GT coefficient to examine the spatial heterogeneity characteristics of high- and low income groups’ out-of-home activities in a continuous spatiotemporal framework. The factors and different mechanisms influencing the clustering of the activities are discussed to better understand social diversity in post-reform urban China. The results suggest that there is obvious spatial and temporal variation in high- and low income groups’ out-of-home activities, indicating that differing social spaces are not just limited to the macro-static residence-based living space, but also exist in the individual’s daily-activities space. Both high- and low income people have drastically different activity spaces and they may not interact much with each other. This is socially very significant because it means that there is considerable social isolation or segregation for both groups. The results also show that within the same income group there exists a divisive cluster with different formation mechanisms, including the job–housing relationship, the correlation of activity opportunities with those surrounding residential areas and the individual’s ability to access activities (that is, space–time accessibility). Structural transition can also impact on activities choices of various social groups.  相似文献   

秉承"哲学为基础、科学理论为依据、技术为手段"的评价等级体系,在自然内在价值与外在价值共存的生态价值认知范式下,以生态学理论为依据构建以内、外绩效为主体的城市生态空间绩效评价体系和内、外绩效协调度模型,以及绩效发展强度模型,并在GIS技术支撑下实现量化结果的空间化表达。实例证明可得到城市生态空间绩效与协调性的数量结构特征与时空变化特点,可识别高效的生态空间格局、定位低效空间,能从数量分布与空间分布方面更全面地了解城市生态空间的质量,协助判断城市发展的趋势。以期为城市评价工作提供新的视角,为城市生态空间质量的监督、监测提供一种可更新、可视化的时空量化方法。  相似文献   

随着现代信息与通信技术(ICT)的快速发展,人类活动—移动模式正在经历着深刻的变革,这些变革可能会给人们的日常生活以及人类的空间组织带来重大影响。时间地理学提供了一个非常有用的理论研究框架,它不仅可以表达连续时空背景下人类活动受到的各种制约条件,而且能够解析物质空间和虚拟空间中人类活动与互动的复杂时空关系。然而,经典的时间地理学方法并不支持ICT影响下的人类活动与互动行为研究。基于此,本文首先对经典时间地理学中的相关概念进行扩展,使其能够满足物质—虚拟混合空间(AHybrid Physical-virtual Space)中人类活动与互动的研究需要。然后,本文发展了一套时空地理信息系统(Space-time GIS)体系结构,它能支持在时空背景下将复杂的人类活动与互动数据作为连续的时空过程进行组织与管理,同时它还为研究人员提供了一个有益的分析环境,从时空一体化的角度研究现代社会动态发展过程中的人类活动—移动模式与交通需求模式及其相互影响。  相似文献   

城市生态绿地构建对于营建城市生态系统及提高公众福祉具有促进作用。探讨、厘清影响城市绿地生态审美的关键因素,对于健康、稳定的绿地生态景观营造及公众生态价值观引导具有重要意义。通过探讨生态审美的概念和内涵,总结符合生态审美的绿地特征,提出符合生态审美的城市生态绿地构建原则与对策:基于城市绿地生态系统服务功能、绿地基础条件及人类活动干扰程度,将城市绿地划分为生态保育型、生态功能型及生态景观型3类生态绿地,构建生态绿地网络;基于绿地植物群落物种构成、空间布局及绿地功能需求,提出6类自然式植物群落配植模式。旨在为营建高生态效益、高景观质量的绿地景观提供规划依据。  相似文献   

空间形态大数据在空间上具有静态、精细等特征,是研究城市静态规律的基本;手机信令大数据具有时间上的动态性、个体定位的精准性,是研究城市动态规律的重要工具。广州上下九商业区,是中国传统商业中心区的代表。以广州上下九商业区为例,一方面,利用空间形态大数据,进行高度,强度,密度的静态空间刻画;另一方面,利用手机信令大数据,从出行距离、时长、时段等多个视角,刻画上下九地区人群活动动态结构,以及动态时空出行行为关系,总结上下九人群时空分布规律以及与外界的时空行为联系特征。综上所述,从动静两个维度,总结出上下九商业中心区空间的活动特征和变化规律,为传统城市商业中心区的空间活力规律研究提供了实证支持。  相似文献   

精细化治理空气污染正成为改善城 市品质的重点方向,对城市多尺度PM 2.5 时 空格局与影响要素的梳理有助于从研究和 实践层面加强规划设计对公共健康的积极 影响。本文从全国、城市、社区层面较全面 地阐述了不同时空尺度下PM 2.5 的时空格局 特征,总结了土地格局、交通网络、建成环 境、蓝绿空间等不同影响因素与城市空气中 PM 2.5 的相互关联耦合作用。同时,本文分析了不同的研究方法在精细化污染治理中的应用,指出人工智能方法在高精度尺度下的时空复 杂特征融合分析中的优势。最后,结合现有的城市PM 2.5 治理经验,对精细化目标下分时分区 的城市规划提出展望:基于提升精确度的新技术方法,优化城市空间结构,构建精细化分时 分区管理策略。  相似文献   

通过自行开发的公众参与地理信息系统(PPGIS)微信程序获取哈尔滨冬春交季时段居民绿地体力活动的空间定位信息,结合以百度开放地图、脉策数据网等渠道获取的哈尔滨绿地类型、规模、形态等规划特征,和住宅小区、交通路网、商娱设施等建成环境特征信息,利用叠图可视化分析法,在明晰绿地体力活动空间分布规律的基础上,识别影响体力活动的绿地建成环境特征。研究发现,哈尔滨冬春交季时段居民绿地体力活动的空间范围覆盖面广但分布集中;绿地的环线区位、类型、规模和形态等规划特征和其周边住宅小区、交通路网、公交站点、商娱设施及附带商业开发的风景名胜资源等这些所在地的建成环境特征对体力活动影响显著。以上结论从居民日益增长的体力活动需求视角出发,为城市绿地及建成环境更新提供理论依据,致力于通过提升绿地服务效率来提高体力活动到访率,从而提升全民健康体质,将"健康中国"理念落地为绿地空间规划实践。  相似文献   

The meteorological big data in Beijing area are typical multi-dimensional big data containing spatiotemporal characteristics,which have important research value for researches related to urban human settlement environment.With the help of computer programming and software processing,big data crawling,integration,extraction and multi-dimensional information fusion can be realized quickly and effectively,so as to obtain the data set needed for research and realize the target of visualization.Through big data analysis of wind environment,thermal environment and total atmospheric suspended particulate pollutants in Beijing area,it was found that the average wind speed in Beijing area decreased significantly in recent 40 years,while the surface temperature increased significantly;urban heat island effect was significant,and the phenomenon of atmospheric suspended particulate pollution was relatively common.The spatial distribution of the three climatic and environmental data was not balanced and had significant regularity and correlation.Improving urban ventilation corridors and improving urban ventilation capacity is a feasible way to improve urban heat island effect and reduce urban climate issues such as atmospheric particulate pollution.  相似文献   

城市公园是主要的室外公共空间,其大气颗粒物污染的时空分布与居民健康密切相关。在秋季晴朗微风天气,在郑州人民公园5类园林空间(露天广场、草坪、半室内空间、林下空间、滨水空间),监测不同空间中颗粒物(PM_1、PM_(2.5)、PM_(10))浓度和环境因子(风速、温度、湿度、天空可视因子、叶面积指数),探究城市公园中不同空间颗粒物浓度时空分布差异及与环境因子的关系。结果表明,草坪在8:00—14:00与其他空间PM_1、PM_(2.5)浓度有显著差异(P0.05);不同空间颗粒物浓度日均变化趋势相同,部分时段间存在显著差异(P 0.05),峰谷均在14:00—16:00,因而在颗粒物浓度较低的14:00—16:00更合适户外活动;相同空间3种颗粒物浓度均与空气温度显著负相关,与相对湿度显著正相关;空间内下垫面类型、人群的活动方式、周边植物群落结构等对颗粒物浓度均有影响。研究结果为公共健康视角下公园规划设计及居民对公园的使用提供依据和建议。  相似文献   

王静文  毛其智  党安荣 《华中建筑》2007,25(11):166-169
空间句法作为理解城市空间的社会逻辑语言,深刻揭示了人类社会活动与空间形态的互动关联,并可定量而精确地描述空间结构形态,为公共空间的社会性研究提供了一种新的方法与视角.该文借助于空间句法对北京传统胡同空间形态进行定量分析,释义这些街巷空间何以成为居民社会生活多样性的支持系统,以及何以成为人们乐意聚集的交往场所空间.对今后居住区公共空间的设计具有很好的借鉴意义与参考价值.  相似文献   

城市化进程的不断加快影响了城市绿色空间的生境质量,城市生物多样性受到极大威胁。构建城市范围内的多物种综合生境网络能够整合现有的城市绿色空间格局,促进生物多样性保护与发育。以北京市丰台区为例,面向生物多样性保护与城市绿色空间发展提出了基于In VEST-MCR复合模型的城市绿色空间生境网络格局构建方法体系:即以生境类型为导向选取区域内生物多样性保护的焦点物种,通过大数据选取焦点物种的栖息源地,基于In VEST模型生境质量模块选取潜在栖息地(汇)并生成生境网络构建阻力面,采用最小累计阻力模型(MCR)构建丰台区城市绿色空间生境网络。研究结果明确了丰台区的生境质量现状与未来生境网络发展脉络,为城市绿色空间生境网络构建提供了新方法,为丰台区绿地空间格局规划与生物多样性保护提供了参考框架。  相似文献   

杨滔 《城市规划》2008,(6):61-64
采用"空间句法"的研究方法,分析了北京、伦敦市区以及东伦敦区中形态各异的城市空间构成,发现城市空间网络在统计上具有分形特征,而其中的偏差又形成空间网络中的等级秩序与聚集效应。根据人们感知城市空间的不同角度,某种秩序从另一种秩序中的混乱中突现出来。  相似文献   

随着城市化进程的发展,北京市中心城建设用地不断扩张,大量城市边缘区绿色空间被侵占,对城市生态环境造成极大影响。以北京市中心城1992和2016年的遥感数据作为基础数据,对其用地转换以及空间分布变化进行分析,运用In VEST模型评估土地利用变化对中心城生境的影响,获取北京中心城生境质量和生境退化的空间分布格局。研究表明:1992—2016年北京市中心城绿色空间用地绝大多数转变为建设用地,除草地面积增加外,其他绿色空间用地均有所减少;中心城高度生境和中度生境面积均缩小,一般生境面积显著增加,到2016年轻度退化生境占总面积的80.5%。在"留白增绿"的政策背景下,生境评价的结果为北京中心城绿色空间规划及城市森林建设提供了重要的参考依据。  相似文献   

商业空间布局与人的时空行为不匹配导致出现大量使用效率低下甚至空置的商业空间,研究通过手机信令数据、微博签到数据以及POI兴趣点分析等多源数据相结合的方式,分析商业空间布局与人的行为特征,针对南京市雨花台区城市商业空间高供给低需求、低供给高需求,提出商业空间中心体系与时空行为热度相匹配、商业空间布局与时空行为强度相匹配、商业空间布局与时空行为强度相匹配的规划对策,优化商业空间布局与业态。  相似文献   

This research examines the impact of in-between space configuration on users' social practices. The effects of different degrees of permeability of these spaces on the social interactions of the inhabitants are also analyzed. This research is based on a comparative approach using space syntax analysis and snapshot observations on four mass housing neighborhoods in Setif, Algeria. The neighborhoods are selected according to their degree of permeability, location in the city, realization period, and syntax measures from integrated to segregated. The activity patterns of two-week days for each study case are observed and recorded. Correlation results of observed social activities and syntactic measures demonstrate that spatial configuration affects people's use of in-between spaces. Moreover, connectivity and clustering coefficients are revealed to be important indicators of social activities. Previous urban studies argued that integrated spaces are mostly used by people. However, social interaction in the studied cases increases in the least connected areas, adjoining spaces to the buildings, and most closed spaces. This research finds that social activities are dependent on the degree of permeability, which when low, gives rise to increased social interaction and activities.  相似文献   

杨舒雅  李刚 《南方建筑》2020,(6):96-103
我国半城市化地区形成的介于城乡之间、半城半乡的独特空间现象,成为地理学、城乡规划学两个学科共同关注的焦点。基于现有主要研究成果,辨析出我国半城市化空间研究的两大视角。其一主要关注于半城市化地区独特的土地利用特征,基于产权理论、政体理论、制度变迁理论构建理论框架、解析形成机制。其二主要关注于城乡空间结构与乡村空间形态的特征与模式、演变与机制,基于类型学等研究方法提取空间模式、把握演变规律,以及半城市化空间更新改造的模式与策略。最后提出有进一步探究可能的方面。  相似文献   


The present paper investigates the location patterns and the effects co-working spaces generate on the urban context, issues that have been neglected by the existing literature. The focus is on Milan, the core of the Italian knowledge-based, creative, digital, and sharing economy, and the city hosting the largest number of co-working spaces in Italy. The paper addresses three main questions: (1) Where are the main locations of co-working spaces in Milan? (2) Are there any transformative effects of co-working spaces, respectively at the urban scale and at the very local scale? (3) What are their impacts in terms of spatial transformation and in terms of innovation in practices (for instance, work, leisure, or culture)? Desk research showed that location patterns of co-working spaces resemble those of service industries in urban areas, with a propinquity to the so-called “creative clusters.” Field research shed light on urban effects, such as the participation of workers in co-working spaces in local community initiatives, their contribution to urban revitalization trends, and micro-scale physical transformations. The paper, therefore, helps to fill the gap in the literature about the location patterns of these new working spaces and their urban effects at different scales, both in terms of urban spaces and practices.  相似文献   

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