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Georg Zachmann   《Energy Economics》2008,30(4):1659-1671
This paper tests the hypothesis that the ongoing restructuring process in the European electricity sector has led to a common European market for electricity. Based on a Principal Component Analysis (PCA) of wholesale electricity prices in 2002–2006, we reject the assumption of full market integration. For several pairs of countries, the weaker hypothesis of (bilateral) convergence is accepted based on unit root tests (KPSS and ADF) and a convergence test based on filtered pairwise price relations. This indicates that the efforts to develop a single European market for electricity were so far only partially successful. We show that the daily auction prices of scarce cross-border transmission capacities are insufficient to explain the persistence of international price differentials. Empirically, our findings confirm the insufficiency of explicit capacity auctions as stated in the theoretical literature.  相似文献   

The European Union (EU) market integration is leading to increasingly monopolistic electricity market infrastructures, which has opened a debate on the regulation of these so-called power exchanges. In this paper, we start by stating that there are two types of power exchanges in Europe, i.e. “merchant” and “cost-of-service regulated” power exchanges. We then discuss how regulation can be used to better align their incentives with the main power exchange tasks. We conclude that adopting the cost-of-service regulated model for all power exchanges in Europe could be counterproductive in the current context, but that regulation can help ensure that the benefits of the EU market integration materialize. Promising regulatory actions include tempering the reinforced market power of power exchanges, and quality-of-service regulation for the ongoing cooperation among power exchanges to organize trade across borders.  相似文献   

We study systemic risk and dependence between oil and renewable energy markets using copulas to characterize the dependence structure and to compute the conditional value-at-risk as a measure of systemic risk. We found significant time-varying average and symmetric tail dependence between oil returns and several global and sectoral renewable energy indices. Our evidence on systemic risk indicates that oil price dynamics significantly contributes around 30% to downside and upside risk of renewable energy companies. These results have important implications for risk management and renewable energy policies.  相似文献   

The continuing increases in oil prices have renewed the argument over the real culprits behind these movements. The growth in demand for oil in international markets, especially from the United States and China, is often identified as the main source of consumption pressure on prices, and thus the upward trend in oil prices. This paper uses unit root tests with two endogenous breaks to analyze the characteristics of oil prices, production, and consumption for several countries. By taking into account structural breaks, we find that many countries’ oil consumption and oil prices are stationary, while other countries are not. We also perform causality tests to determine the direction of any possible relationship between oil price and oil consumption and production. Our statistical analysis reveals that production variables cause oil prices, while oil prices tend to cause consumption. As a result, we claim that the blame for the recent fluctuations in oil prices is more appropriately associated with supply factors, not consumption influences.  相似文献   

Extensive studies have used stock market information to forecast crude oil prices, and stock market can more easily derive high-frequency data than crude oil market due to no revisions, which raises a question that whether high-frequency stock market data can improve the forecast performance of crude oil prices. Therefore, this paper employs the MIDAS model and the high-frequency data of four stock market indices to forecast WTI and Brent crude oil prices at lower frequency. The results indicate that the high-frequency stock market indices have certain advantage over the lower-frequency data in forecasting monthly crude oil prices, and the MIDAS model using high-frequency data proves superior to the ordinary model.  相似文献   

This paper examines whether the time variation in the level of investor herding in the stock markets of major oil exporting nations relates to speculation and volatility in the global oil market. We find that speculative activities in the oil market, rather than oil price movements, are positively correlated with anti-herding in the stock markets of major exporters. We argue that traders take the speculative signals from the oil market as a sign of positive expectations and try to generate superior profits by going against the crowd in their local market. While this pattern largely holds during calm (low volatility) market periods, we also find that significant herd behavior takes place during high volatility (or crisis) periods. The findings suggest that policy makers who are concerned about stability in their stock markets should monitor measures of speculative activities in the energy market in order to model and monitor volatility and/or risk transmissions into their markets.  相似文献   

We examine the primary drivers of U.S. natural gas price volatility. To do so, we apply a structural heterogeneous autoregressive VAR (SHVAR) model, accommodating structural breaks in both the coefficient and volatility, to monthly time series data on natural gas supply, demand and price between January 1978 and July 2018. We detect several structural changes in coefficients and shock volatility in the natural gas market. Our findings indicate that the response of natural gas prices differs significantly depending on the regime and type of shock in the natural gas market. While demand shocks specific to the natural gas market are the primary drivers of natural gas price volatility, structural supply shocks also play a significant role in explaining movements in natural gas prices. Our results suggest that failure to consider structural breaks in the coefficient and volatility may result in biased estimates and distorted impulse responses of the impact of shocks on natural gas price volatility.  相似文献   

This paper investigates empirical marginal effects of uncertainty measured by conditional variance of the stock and crude oil prices on their returns using stock index prices for U.S., Japan, Korea, and Hong Kong over the period 1996–2015. A time-varying parameter model with a dynamic conditional correlation (DCC) bivariate GARCH-in-Mean specification is considered to investigate time-varying marginal effects of uncertainty on the stock and crude oil returns. The empirical findings show that there exist significant negative time-varying effects of uncertainty on the returns over some sub-periods.  相似文献   

Electricity is a non-storable commodity frequently traded in complex markets characterized by oligopolistic structures and uniform-price auctions. Electricity prices have idiosyncratic patterns not addressed by the usual commodity pricing literature. This paper develops an electricity market model that allows for oligopoly, vertical integration, and a uniform-price auction mechanism. It derives a linear equilibrium relationship between spot prices and state variables affecting firms' costs and demand. It then applies a two-factor forward pricing model over the equilibrium spot price process, and shows that forward prices can be positively affected by spot market power. An empirical estimation of the model follows, using NZEM data.  相似文献   

The green electricity market is rapidly developing on an international scale, with an ever-increasing concentration of trade at the EU level. In this article Geert Palmers, of 3E NV in Belgium presents his viewpoint on the market mechanisms necessary to prepare for this international trade, while maintaining the subsidiarity at the demand side of the market, and maintaining the ambitions of a recent EU White Paper on this subject.  相似文献   

The increased wind energy supplied to many electricity markets around the world has to be balanced by reliably ramping units or other complementary measures when wind conditions are low. At the same time wind energy impacts both, the utilization of thermal power plants and the market prices. While the market prices tend to decrease, the impact on the utilization of different plant types is at the outset unclear. To analyze the incentives to invest in thermal power plants under increased wind energy supply, we develop a computational model which includes ramping restrictions and costs and apply it to the German case. We find that due to current wind supply the market prices are reduced by more than five percent, and the incentives to invest in natural gas fired units are largely reduced. An increased wind supply erodes their attractiveness further. Consequently, a gap between the need for and the incentive to provide flexibility can be expected.  相似文献   

The California electricity market reform promised to deliver reliable service at low and stable prices. Frequent capacity shortages and the ensuing rolling black-outs, price spikes, and large price volatility since Summer 2000 raise a simple but substantive question: what went wrong? The answer to this question will help countries contemplating electricity market reform not to commit similar mistakes. We find the answer by identifying the major factors that have turned the California dream into a nightmare. Such factors include poor market design, market power, sustained demand growth not matched by new capacity, rising marginal cost, and financial insolvency. Proposed remedies include an alternative market settlement process, long-term contract, fast licensing and siting process for new generation and transmission, conservation and energy-efficiency, distributed resources, rate options, and debt restructuring. The California experience suggests that a reversible regulatory reform is a safe alternative to an irreversible market reform.  相似文献   

Promoting competition among electricity producers is primarily targeted at ensuring fair electricity prices for consumers. Producers could, however, withhold part of production facilities (i.e., apply a capacity cutting strategy) and thereby push more expensive production facilities to satisfy demand for electricity. This behavior could lead to a higher price determined through a uniform price auction. Using the case of the England and Wales wholesale electricity market we empirically analyze whether producers indeed did apply a capacity cutting strategy. For this purpose we examine the bidding behavior of producers during high- and low-demand trading periods within a trading day. We find statistical evidence for the presence of capacity cutting by several producers, which is consistent with the regulatory authority's reports.  相似文献   

With the integration and financialization of world economy, massive hot money has frequently flowed between crude oil and stock markets, and has brought significant extreme risks and their spillover. For this reason, this paper develops the ARCH-Expectile model with embedded Conditional AutoRegressive structure (namely CAR-ARCHE model) and expectile-based VaR (EVaR) approach, and investigates the time-varying risk spillover between WTI futures market and US, UK, Japanese and global stock markets, respectively. The results indicate that, for one thing, the EVaR approach based on CAR-ARCHE model is more adequate than the conventional quantile-based VaR (QVaR) approach based on GED-GARCH for WTI and stock markets, which is due to the evident advantages of expectile compared to quantile. For another, the unidirectional downside risk spillover effects from WTI to the four stock markets and vice-versa are only remarkable during major events and present variations with jumps, but the bidirectional downside risk spillover effects between them are significant for each time point during the in-sample period, which indicate that the simultaneous risk spillover between WTI and stock markets are fairly pronounced.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the inter-connectedness between WTI oil price returns and the returns of listed firms in the US energy sector. Specifically, we focus on the issue of whether firm-level idiosyncratic information matters. A generalised dynamic factor model is used to separate common components from idiosyncratic components in these energy stocks. Systemic connectedness is then estimated following Diebold and Yilmaz (2014). Our empirical results demonstrate the important role of industrial-level common information in understanding the oil–stock relationship. A number of interesting points include: the US energy sector is the net contributor to WTI price changes, but the effect is mainly driven by industrial-level common information; the oil and gas industry dominates other industries in the energy sector; the dynamic analysis shows that although idiosyncratic information is mostly independent of oil shocks, individual energy stock returns do respond to WTI price movements.  相似文献   

In this paper we use monthly data (over the period from January 1976 to December 2012) and a structural VAR model to disentangle demand and supply shocks in the global crude oil market and investigate their effects on the real price of natural gas in the United States. We identify the model by assuming that innovations to the real price of crude oil are predetermined with respect to the natural gas market and show that close to 45% of the variation in the real price of natural gas can be attributed to structural supply and demand shocks in the global crude oil market.  相似文献   

This study documents the return and volatility spillover effect between the stock prices of Chinese new energy and fossil fuel companies using the asymmetric BEKK model. Based on daily samples taken from August 30, 2006 to September 11, 2012, the dynamics of new energy/fossil fuel stock spillover are found to be significant and asymmetric. Compared with positive news, negative news about new energy and fossil fuel stock returns leads to larger return changes in their counter assets. News about both new energy and fossil fuel stock returns spills over into variances of their counter assets, and the volatility spillovers depend complexly on the respective signs of the return shocks of each asset. The empirical results demonstrate that new energy and fossil fuel stocks are generally viewed as competing assets, that positive news about new energy stocks could affect the attractiveness of fossil fuel stocks and that new energy stock investment is more speculative and riskier than fossil fuel stock investment. These results have potential implications for asset allocation, financial risk management and energy policymaking.  相似文献   

This paper tests the idea that petrol prices respond more quickly to price increases than to decreases. We show that the results previously documented in the literature for Australia are spurious due to failure to establish the stationarity property of the price series, and the co-integration relationship between retail and wholesale prices when neglecting to account for a regime shift in the data. Using a robust approach involving a threshold error correction model, we find little evidence to support the contention that retail petrol price reverts asymmetrically to long-run equilibrium. Asymmetric adjustments in retail prices are found only in four of the twenty-eight retail gas stations in Queensland. These results cast doubt on the previously reported pervasiveness of this asymmetric price response phenomenon in Australia. We further caution on erroneous inference with the use of weekly rather than daily data, and when failing to account for a regime shift in the data.  相似文献   

The shale gas boom of the early 2000s saw the highest and most volatile natural gas prices and production in history. Advances in horizontal drilling, 3-D seismic imaging, and hydraulic fracturing made it highly profitable for firms to produce large quantities of shale gas. This period was also characterized by a shift in market structure. The U.S. natural gas market was historically defined by large firms, but a large number of small firms began entering the market after 2000. While small firms made a negligible contribution to natural gas production during the shale gas boom, their entry may signal overcapitalization, productivity growth, and increased responsiveness of natural gas markets to exogenous shocks. We develop a real options model of market entry and exit and use data on natural gas drilling activity to test three potential explanations for small firm entry during the boom: 1. technological advances, 2. land lease speculation, and 3. regime change in natural gas prices. Our analysis provides mixed support for the first explanation but strong support for the last two.  相似文献   

We carry out a detailed computable general equilibrium (CGE) analysis of the EU Decarbonisation Roadmap 2050 on a macroeconomic and on a sectoral level. Herein, we study a Reference scenario that implements existing EU policies as well as 3 unilateral and 3 global climate action scenarios. We identify global climate action with international emissions trading and the full equalisation of CO2 prices across all (EU) sectors as an economically reasonable policy option to avoid additional costs of the Decarbonisation Roadmap to a large extent. This policy option may include CDM (Clean Development Mechanism in the sense of ‘where’-flexibility) in an extended form if there are countries without emissions caps. Moreover, we identify diverse sectoral effects in terms of output, investment, emissions and international competitiveness. We conclude that the successful realisation of the EU Decarbonisation Roadmap probably requires a wise and joint consideration of technology, policy design and sectoral aspects.  相似文献   

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